In the end, the nomination of a major American political party was awarded to a man with no background in politics, a man who’s never run for/held public office, a man who endured the Establishment’s ultra-crooked caucus/convention/delegate nomination process, a man who outlasted countless protesters and provocateurs endlessly attempting to ruin his public rallies, a man who suffered through boycotts of his brand/products by major corporations (ESPN, Macy’s, etc), a man who defeated many career politicians (governors and senators), a man who was burdened by tremendously hostile resistance/sabotage from the Republican party, and a man who survived countless “national controversies” manufactured by and nurtured by the professionally-offended Marxists who’ve permeated every institution in Western Society. What happened last night may never occur again in the Western politics. It took a very special person, with a very extraordinary personality, in a very specific political climate, to defy the odds.
After 10 months of being a strong-willed, unyielding, unflinching, unflappable, unapologetic tough guy in direct defiance of the totalitarian liberal hate machine, Trump finally showed a sliver of his softer side during last night’s victory speech. With a tear in his eye, the very first “outsider” in the history of American politics to infiltrate the One Party System mentioned his deceased parents “looking down on him,” thanked all those helped him, congratulated Senator Cruz for his efforts, and articulated an overwhelmingly positive message for America’s future. The eyes of his family, too, were laced with tears, undoubtedly realizing the gravity of what Trump had accomplished, mostly by the power of charisma, testicular fortitude, and an iron will.
Something that I’ve come to realize is that in running for POTUS, Donald Trump had everything to lose (his businesses, millions of dollars to fund his own campaign, his reputation, his business partners, etc.) and nothing to gain. After watching this man operate for many months, I genuinely believe he’s doing all this for the good of the country and its (white) people. Anything so pure must be suffocated at all costs...