The Trumpening?

Freethinker, I live there. There still huge areas that are White dominated and safe. Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley come to mind. I live in one of those locations. Those two areas area are just north west of the Los Angeles, which is on its way to an implosion like Detroit. The only difference instead of blacks causing the majority of mayhem and crime its scum from mexico and south america.

Yes, but I'll still take Manhattan over L.A.:D
Yes, but I'll still take Manhattan over L.A.:D
Yes, Ambrose, I have friends in Manhattan. Still a great place to live and visit. However, you will be surrounded by hyper misguided liberals of all colors. Great bars and food. I visit every other year, especially West Village area.
Freethinker, I live there. There still huge areas that are White dominated and safe. Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley come to mind. I live in one of those locations. Those two areas area are just north west of the Los Angeles, which is on its way to an implosion like Detroit. The only difference instead of blacks causing the majority of mayhem and crime its scum from mexico and south america.
Hey Westside. I know there are still some really nice places and I'm sure you live in one of them. I'm just mad that those places are becoming fewer and fewer. I'm thinking back to the 50s and early 60s when every place was beautiful and mostly White. Of course this same thing could be said of many other part of the USSA.
I voted for Trump in MD!!
Donald allegedly leads Lyin' Ted by 15% in Indiana, but I've seen polls with a much slimmer margin…


No matter what happens in Indiana, Rafael (Alias "Ted") Cruz has not plans to leave the race. He's such a masochist...

“I agree that Indiana is incredibly important. Regardless of what happens in Indiana, Donald Trump is not getting to 1,237 (delegates for the nomination). No one’s getting to 1,237. We are heading to a contested convention.”






At this point, the shameless duo, Kasich and Cruz, will probably both run as Independents in November to destroy Trump, haha.
I saw some Fox snooze at the gym today and they were full on pro-Cruz and anti-Trump. Surprised me somewhat as I thought at this point they would be able to read the cards. However they may be hoping to prolong the process as that is good for ratings and Trump clinching is not. Doesn't make a difference, anyone that is on the fence in Indiana is not going to care what Fox News has to say about things.

Cruz has really gone full cuck, pulling out every liberal style insult he can hurl at Trump. Trumps a racist, a sexist, a liberal, he's a bully, he's inspiring the violence against him at his rallies. Pretty obnoxious stuff.

Both Cruz and Fox spent a lot of time trying to get some mileage from Trump mentioning that Mike Tyson had endorsed him. Tyson, is now, to conservative Republicans, a rapist. He's also a bully and a coward. Mike Tyson is or at least was a thug but I don't think calling the former heavyweight champ a coward scores many points. That whole rape thing seemed to stink at the time but Tyson was deserving of whatever he got. Now though, Tyson has morphed into a semi-popular celebrity, he's in movies and as we know here he is the last guy most Americans can name as a heavyweight champ, so this line of attack is going to probably turn out as well as adding Fiorina to the "ticket".
Various Hollywood "celebrity" types have vowed to "move to Canada" if Trump is elected. Say it ain't so! Don't do us any favors! I hope they like taxes...


Der Donald was asked about this impending "threat" of losing these delicate geniuses to our socialist northern neighbors and reacted in his typical witty and hilarious fashion (at 7:30 mark)...

TRUMP: "We'll get rid of Rosie? I love it. Now I have to get elected because I'll be doing a great service to our country. Now it's much more important. In fact, I'll immediately get off this call and start campaigning!"

Can't wait to watch Lyin' Ted and Irrelevant Carly tonight after Donald puts the nail in their Zionist coffin.
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Ok so Trump is the Republican nominee. I am in full support. I hope he can take it to that c*nt hillary. A lot of the pundits say that Trump will be shellacked. I don't believe it. I sense she will be easier than Cruz. Especially if the FBI recommends charges against the rancid hildabeast.
Ok so Trump is the Republican nominee. I am in full support. I hope he can take it to that c*nt hillary. A lot of the pundits say that Trump will be shellacked. I don't believe it. I sense she will be easier than Cruz. Especially if the FBI recommends charges against the rancid hildabeast.

She's going to get shelled. Can't wait to finally be rid of the Clinton's, Bushes, and Soddom Hussein Obama!
In the end, the nomination of a major American political party was awarded to a man with no background in politics, a man who’s never run for/held public office, a man who endured the Establishment’s ultra-crooked caucus/convention/delegate nomination process, a man who outlasted countless protesters and provocateurs endlessly attempting to ruin his public rallies, a man who suffered through boycotts of his brand/products by major corporations (ESPN, Macy’s, etc), a man who defeated many career politicians (governors and senators), a man who was burdened by tremendously hostile resistance/sabotage from the Republican party, and a man who survived countless “national controversies” manufactured by and nurtured by the professionally-offended Marxists who’ve permeated every institution in Western Society. What happened last night may never occur again in the Western politics. It took a very special person, with a very extraordinary personality, in a very specific political climate, to defy the odds.

After 10 months of being a strong-willed, unyielding, unflinching, unflappable, unapologetic tough guy in direct defiance of the totalitarian liberal hate machine, Trump finally showed a sliver of his softer side during last night’s victory speech. With a tear in his eye, the very first “outsider” in the history of American politics to infiltrate the One Party System mentioned his deceased parents “looking down on him,” thanked all those helped him, congratulated Senator Cruz for his efforts, and articulated an overwhelmingly positive message for America’s future. The eyes of his family, too, were laced with tears, undoubtedly realizing the gravity of what Trump had accomplished, mostly by the power of charisma, testicular fortitude, and an iron will.

Something that I’ve come to realize is that in running for POTUS, Donald Trump had everything to lose (his businesses, millions of dollars to fund his own campaign, his reputation, his business partners, etc.) and nothing to gain. After watching this man operate for many months, I genuinely believe he’s doing all this for the good of the country and its (white) people. Anything so pure must be suffocated at all costs...

The Trump story is amazing and has no historical precedent. A person that has never been in government (including the military) has never been elected president. Perhaps never been a major party candidate for the office. But there may also never be a better candidate, he owes no one anything and he is well accustomed to huge projects and deals.

I spent some time scanning the anti-Trump sites, Beck, RedState, Hot Air. What great schadenfreude! Those loser cuckservatives are falling apart. Reading the comments was very enjoyable. But they are such weak pussies that I predict in a couple of months they will be on the Trump train.
I'm sure Trump knows what shady pieces of **** most politicians are. I don't know that you could call what they do accomplishments. Coming from the private sector he knows the difference between it and the public sector. Huge waste and inefficiency in the latter as compared to the former. The last thing those pieces of **** want is a tough hardnosed bottom line business type looking under and behind things. God I hope he does some housecleaning if he gets in (and I can see him stomping Hellery in the general election hope hope hope).

Smart of him to get as many photo ops as possible surrounded by the females in his posse as I do believe he has hurt himself with the womenfolk. Winning over the likes of crying Glenn Cuck (the transition zone between the male and female mental and emotional) is a move in that direction. Trump can charm, while Hellery comes across as someone who treats the help like crap and women don't like that and I suspect her either.

And I'm not even sure what Trump is really about but he does seem to hold promise of some kind of return to normalcy.
Various Hollywood "celebrity" types have vowed to "move to Canada" if Trump is elected. Say it ain't so! Don't do us any favors! I hope they like taxes...


Der Donald was asked about this impending "threat" of losing these delicate geniuses to our socialist northern neighbors and reacted in his typical witty and hilarious fashion (at 7:30 mark)...

TRUMP: "We'll get rid of Rosie? I love it. Now I have to get elected because I'll be doing a great service to our country. Now it's much more important. In fact, I'll immediately get off this call and start campaigning!"

Can't wait to watch Lyin' Ted and Irrelevant Carly tonight after Donald puts the nail in their Zionist coffin.

The Hock brought it up first, but so true, these phoneys show their true emigrating colors which are El Gran Blanco Norte/La Canada, not their precious Brown Burrito Brothers just down the road in Taco Land. Whoopie, how come you not goin back to the mudderland? The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia are calling you. General Butt Naked is looking for another nappy headed Ho to add to his wives.
I'm sure Trump knows what shady pieces of **** most politicians are. I don't know that you could call what they do accomplishments. Coming from the private sector he knows the difference between it and the public sector. Huge waste and inefficiency in the latter as compared to the former. The last thing those pieces of **** want is a tough hardnosed bottom line business type looking under and behind things. God I hope he does some housecleaning if he gets in (and I can see him stomping Hellery in the general election hope hope hope).

Smart of him to get as many photo ops as possible surrounded by the females in his posse as I do believe he has hurt himself with the womenfolk. Winning over the likes of crying Glenn Cuck (the transition zone between the male and female mental and emotional) is a move in that direction. Trump can charm, while Hellery comes across as someone who treats the help like crap and women don't like that and I suspect her either.

And I'm not even sure what Trump is really about but he does seem to hold promise of some kind of return to normalcy.
Oh Wodin !!!...please no slimy Glenn slithering into Trumps camp. That creepy geek needs to be exposed along with Levin for the grasping paid off shekelites they are. Trump must resist the siren calls of loser insiders who suddenly will have a change of heart and say "No hard feelings, all is fair in love and war." If they couldn't beat him, they'll try to suck him into their in-holy cabal.
Various Hollywood "celebrity" types have vowed to "move to Canada" if Trump is elected. Say it ain't so! Don't do us any favors! I hope they like taxes...

Man-hating lesbian/dyke, White hating Black Supremacist, White Gentile hating Jewish Supremacist, horrible old racist Black woman, White-hating Jewish Supremacist, White-hating Black, queer old hag with a man-hating dyke daughter.

We don't need such hateful people in Canada.
American Freedom News