The Trumpening?

Bill looks like he has AIDS or some other debilitating sexually transmitted disease. This would make logical sense too as he's been reported to have slept with countless women and is said to have never used protection. In addition, I'd wager a good number of which were prostitutes while others were simply low-class skanks.

Bill might be terminally ill. If he can make it past Election Day, I doubt he'd survive another potential 8 years in the White House.
Thanks for that in-depth overview Thrashmaster! I always enjoy your posts & insights. :)

The Donald has been blessed with a beautiful family, high intelligence, foresight, vision, tenacity & boatloads of charisma. No 'true' American (of the 1.0 mold) would ever even consider a vote for the likes of Shillary ClinTAX....or Bolshevik Bernie. I honestly believe that 90% + of the "poll" numbers that show Broom Hildabeast anywhere near Trump are either greatly exaggerated (fudged) or totally contrived. No real man would vote for a commie, misandrist (closeted) dyke for POTUS in a million years...& that's a fact.
Sadly Dixie there are a lot of effeminate and emasculated white males who will be supporting the hildabeast. Incredible what a lot of white American males have become. Truly disappointing.
Bill looks like he has AIDS or some other debilitating sexually transmitted disease. Bill might be terminally ill. If he can make it past Election Day, I doubt he'd survive another potential 8 years in the White House.
From a top-of-the-pyramid perspective, Bill is a serious threat to the success of NWO-backed Hillary and her run for the White House. If he dies before the November election, or if it comes out that he has a terminal condition, then Trump wouldn't be able to attack him as a "rapist" or "sex offender" like he did so effectively (as shown by her tanking poll numbers shortly after he did that) a few months ago when Hillary was calling Trump a "womanizer" and "misogynist". Trump would come off as "disrespectful" and "insensitive" if he did that and it would hurt him in the polls. Also, the death of Bill would garner a ton of sympathy for the Clintons. The mainstream media coverage of it would ensure that, and help her in the polls.

The Clintons have a lot of skeletons in their closet that could be made known if Trump becomes president. Both the Clintons and the NWO will do everything in their power to stop that from happening, including taking out Bill...or, at least not letting him live, if that would help their cause.

When Jimmy Carter was diagnosed with advanced cancer all over his body a year or so ago, at his very advanced age, I didn't think he'd last another six months. Now he's cancer-free. I find that highly suspect. Whatever is wrong with Bill, I think "they" could cure as well, but they have no motivation to do so and would actually benefit more with his death. The NWO has no problem with sacrifices, they do it every day, and Bill would most likely be just another (big) one if it means holding on to their power.
Trump made a major foreign policy speech today and if you did not hear any of it be prepared to be amazed. To hear a major political figure saying the things he is saying is nothing short of stunning. This guy is not just moving the window of political ideas but he is taking a sledge hammer to the house and punching out a picture window onto a better future.

Some samples:
America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism.

Americans must know that we are putting the American people first again. On trade, on immigration, on foreign policy – the jobs, incomes and security of the American worker will always be my first priority.

The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down, and will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs.

Under a Trump Administration, no American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries

He even talked about Christian persecution in the Middle East!

Is that great stuff or what? Has any politician in the last 30 years said things like this?
Full text:
Outstanding quotes!
I hope we can look back one day and say we saw the beginnings of a restoration of a great nation from nearly the ash heap of history. Maybe we can, if he is even allowed to win, and even allowed to live.
With a plan like his, the elitst Jews who pull the strings currrently must lust for his blood more than ever...
This is Trump's foreign policy speech below. Talking like this is what has made him the enemy guest to many of these anonymous money men that have been toying with social and economic change for decades.

I saw Lyin' Ted's new "Vice President," the irrelevant Carly Fiorina, during an interview with Faux News yesterday and, boy oh boy, that woman is either very confused or a chronic liar. She said that: "Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are indistinguishable from one another." She said also said that: "Trump and Clinton ARE the establishment and have been for decades." Then she graciously informed us that: "Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same coin." Contrast Hillary's victory speech on Tuesday evening with Trump's and they are, quite literally, exact polar opposites. The Hildabeast was focused on LGBT, women, non-whites, immigrants, tolerance, diversity, equality, open borders for Mexicans and Muslims, abortions, government-sponsored healthcare, free college, and numerous other hardcore Marxism-flavored topics. Trump's speech was exclusively centered around helping the normal, everyday, white working class.

Lest we forget what "Irrelevant Carly" said about Lyin' Ted in the past...

They're all so fake, controlled, scripted, disingenuous, self-seeking, and bought-and-paid-for. Trump is the inverse and the Ivory Tower Dwellers have the audacity to wonder why normal white people love the guy. It's "Trump VS. the World" and the most ironic aspect of his campaign is that America doesn't deserve a winner like Donald Trump to be the president of this nation of weaklings.


CAPTION: Cowardly Lyin' Ted
My opinion is that Ted Cruz is a psychopath. Good hell what a slimeball. He's been mathematically eliminated yet he announces a running mate in a bizarre maneuver to pander and monkey wrench Trump's campaign.

The last couple month's shenanigans reminds me of Don King and Jose Sulemain scheming to deny Buster Douglas the championship after Buster knocked out Tyson.

I was right to bail on the Repuglicans a few years ago.
Cruz is contemptible. He doesn't care at all about the will of the voters. A candidate with a sense of honor would recognize the will of the voters and accept however many candidates he wins in a given primary according to his share of the vote. But Cruz's first reaction, as shown in Louisiana and other places, is to scurry in as soon as the voting is done and try to weasel as many of the delegates as possible according to what is "legal" according to the "rules". He is such a slimy lawyer; no sense of honor or morality. He knows he is mathematically eliminated and the voters obviously prefer Trump to him. No matter to Lyin' Ted. He will gladly try to play the spoiler and try to sleazily steal the nomination on a second or third ballot. It's like him and Kasich are holding onto Trumps' ankles for dear life and trying to keep him from crossing the finish line within a certain period of time. What a POS. I wouldn't be surprised at all if those rumors of him being involved with all those prostitutes is true.
During the speech in which Lyin' Rafael introduced “Irrelevant Carly” as his VP, there was a strategically-placed white woman wearing a light blue t-shirt that read: "I stand with Israel," which is a phrase that L' T frequently employs in nearly every one of his carbon copied, Israel First-themed speeches. Dear God, has there ever been a more nauseating, neurotic, obstinate Zionist Christian to ever run for POTUS than this Lyin' Lowlife? Check out the lady in blue to the left of LT...

Lyin Ted.jpg
CAPTION: Lyin' Zion' Ted

At this point, no matter how well Trump does, I can't see a scenario in which Cruz or Kasich will ever drop out. Someone with deep pockets is paying them good money to humiliate themselves and play the role of Trump's human punching bags. These two Establishment dolts have been helpful to Donald's ascendancy in that they've stolen votes from each other (from the "Never Trump" NeoCon cuckholds) and provided a perfect contrast illuminating just how boring and impotent The System's candidates are when compared to a man who speaks freely because he isnt answering to anyone who sits behind a bigger desk.
People it seems are starting to get turned off by Cruz and Kasich. A day or two after they signed their Hitler-Stalin pact Trump had his sweep in the five Northeastern states. At this point they are both such obvious losers compared to Trump that they actually might be helping Donald.
People it seems are starting to get turned off by Cruz and Kasich. A day or two after they signed their Hitler-Stalin pact Trump had his sweep in the five Northeastern states. At this point they are both such obvious losers compared to Trump that they actually might be helping Donald.

I agree; they both have made themselves hideous to republicans.
Indiana is supposedly the "Alamo" for Cruz chance at blocking Trump from a first ballot nomination. I don't believe it. The media likes the attention the race draws so they are going to stretch it out as long as possible. Trump got a yuge endorsement from Bobby Knight, still a popular and respected presence in Indiana. It may have wrapped it up for him.

Bobby Knight Endorses Trump: He Will Go Down as One of the Best Presidents in US History

I really think Trump will get the necessary delegates to be nominated on the first ballot.
Indiana is supposedly the "Alamo" for Cruz chance at blocking Trump from a first ballot nomination. I don't believe it. The media likes the attention the race draws so they are going to stretch it out as long as possible. Trump got a yuge endorsement from Bobby Knight, still a popular and respected presence in Indiana. It may have wrapped it up for him.

I'm not sure what to believe in Indiana, as the polling is all over the place.

Yesterday, Lyin' Ted and his Losin' Mate, Carly Fiorina, had a comically-bad turnout for his rally at the Grand Wayne Convention Center. The facility holds 2,250 people and wasn't even half full...

Inside the center, about a 1,000 supporters came to see Cruz. Many people thought the turnout was underwhelming.

“I was surprised how few people there were,” Joseph Romary said.

Valerie Reynolds said she was surprised half the room was empty. It holds about 2,250 people.

“I mean it’s a big room,” she said.

Elsewhere in the world, Trump drew 31,000 people (thousands turned away) at the "OC Fair & Event Center" in Costa Mesa, CA. Violent protestors assaulted Trump supporters, blocked the highway, and smashed police cars following the event...


Yes, SoCal aka Mexico North is an extremely dangerous place. It's full of violent Hispanic gangs that are just getting more and more hostile. At this point, it's going to take an army to get them out.

And to think, California was once one of the most beautiful places in the world. Full of prosperous, safe and clean White communities. It's hell on earth now. Very sad.
The Mask Comes Off: Putrefaction Most Foul

by Fred Reed

I love it: Donald Trump’s campaign reveals the establishment for what it is, a swamp of corruption as fetid as those of Latin America. It is better entertainment than Vaudeville. The frantic scramble to rig the primaries, change the rules, and thwart the voters–anything to defend their cozy entanglement of political tapeworms–makes absurd any pretense of democracy.

This morning in the Drudge Report: “Trump Highest Number of Republican Voters in History.” Who do the Republicans want to get rid of? Trump.

On the same page a poll reports Trump tied with Hillary nationally. Who do the Republicans want to get rid of? Guess.

It’s wonderful. The GOP is looking for someone that Hillary can beat. She would squash Kasich or Cruz like stepping on bugs. Trump might actually win. This the Republicans strive to avoid. What could make more sense?

But it does make sense. The Republicans try desperately to ditch the only Republican candidate who could win the Presidency because…Hillary is one of them. Because, as every sentient being has by now noticed, the Republicans and Democrats are members of the same corrupt club of blood-sucking parasites, the action arm of the corporations, Wall Street, the Israeli lobby, and those who want the US to control the world at any cost–except, of course, to them. They are panicked at the rise of someone who might put first the interests of America. Better Hillary, a fellow parasite, than Trump, who isn’t.

The latest skulduggery is the Virginia governor’s allowing convicted felons to vote. The obvious intention is to increase the black vote for Hillary. In Chicago, the dead vote. In Virginia, the killers. This sort of thing of course explains the support for Trump.

Will the two parties succeed in blocking the Donald? Might they even resort to the Martin Luther King solution? My powers of political prognostication would be under zero if they could figure out how to get there. If the felony vote and delegate-tampering bring Trump to the convention with only 1236 delegates, and the Republicans broker-in some sad-sack compliant loser, well, the mask will be definitively, openly, for all time off. Welcome to Paraguay.

Which would be only another step in the country’s race toward the Third World.

What would the public do if Trump were robbed of the nomination? Whatcould the public do? There might be protests, mass demonstrations in the streets, but so what? The Insiders’ Club would just wait them out. Once a society realizes that it has no power over its rulers, it lapses into resignation. Republicans do not loot malls or burn cities, and would soon go home. But all the world would see that the Americans have no recourse, that the Insiders do as they please. Welcome to China.

But the mask would be forever off. Very, very off.

If the Republicans deep-six Trump, and Hillary runs against Kasich, or or Cruz, or some other derelict, what then? Our choices will be not to vote, which will make no difference, to vote for either of the party candidates, which will make no difference, or to vote for Trump if he runs as a third party, which will make no difference. But at least we will have seen under the log, the squishy pale creatures scurrying. They will keep their grip on the country, but the world will know them for what they are.

And America for what it is: Corrupt to the roots of its teeth. The corruption is adroitly hidden, yes, or disguised as something else. Yet it is there. Consider the subprime disaster. To believe that it was an accident, or a cyclical downturn, or other artifact of econobabble, one has to believe that bankers, realtors, and Wall Street do not understand mortgages, credit, or defaults. You have to believe that officials of the Treasury, who slide back and forth between Wall Street and government like the motion of the tides, had no idea what was going on.

At the top, America is as corrupt as Mexico but American corruption is far more efficient. Among the white middle class, the rot is less. But within the clubhouse of insiders, at the level of the anointed, of the Adelsons and Epsteins and Clintons and Bushes, there is putrefaction most foul.

It is cleverly done, and seldom involves anything so sordid as open bribery. Yet the results are everywhere. Men who knew exactly what they were doing engineered the student-loan bubble. Yet it is legal, like so many scams. Huge military contracts for things not needed, the near-control of Mid-Eastern policy by Israel, poor medical care at high prices, the deliberate gutting of American industry so that corporations can enrich themselves in China–all of this is legal. You pay Congress and it makes legal anything you want.

Credit cards, which intentionally lure people into going deeply in debt and paying usurious interest rates, are legal. Big Pharma paid Congress to rule that Medicare cannot negotiate the price of drugs, opening a sluice to the Treasury. Corruption, but legal.

Under the rule of the Insiders Club, medical care is a fecund source of legal graft. Example: I once needed eye drops from Bausch and Lomb called Muro, which amounted to hypertonic salt water. A bottle of 1.8 (I think it was) ounces cost $23 in Washington, $19 in Winchester, Virginia. Exactlythe same product in Mexico, $6. Price-fixing, but where and by whom? What Congressmen were paid to make it legal, or not look into it too closely, or at all?

Welcome to Guatemala.

Corruption has come to be the purpose of government, and the Club battens on it. You want to see the political equivalent of a public latrine in Uganda? Try HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development. I promise that you will be horrified by the diversion of funds and lining of pockets.

You ask, Fred, why do you say this? Are you a student of HUD? No. I know nothing of HUD. I know much of government. HUD is an outfit with over thirty billion a year to spend, completely unwatched. Have you ever seen a newspaper story about HUD? I guarantee that it is dominated by the sacred ethnic groups who milk it like a prize Guernsey, and by big companies getting sweetheart contracts.

Or try Commerce, or Education, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or Congress.

It is to preserve these overflowing rice bowls that we have elections without substance between candidates without a difference. Hillary is just Jeb Bush in a dress, Biden a universally applicable cipher, Cruz a compliant applicant for membership in the club. Since the parties collude in avoiding issues that people care about, the contest becomes a popularity contest of the sort found in middle school. Whoever wins, the Insiders win.

Of course Trump also is a billionaire,but he is a turncoat, a class traitor, the Benedict Arnold of billionaires. He addresses the issues that the Insiders want to remain unaddressed. He is indeed dangerous. He threatens the endless (immensely profitable) wars, the endless (immensely profitable) shipping of American jobs to China, the endless (immensely profitable) importation of cheap Mexican labor. He threatens the sacred rice bowls.

It is why he must be stopped.
At Last, America First!

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America.

The old order in this capital city is on the way out, America is crossing a great divide, and there is no going back.

Donald Trump’s triumphant march to the nomination in Cleveland, virtually assured by his five-state sweep Tuesday, confirms it, as does his foreign policy address of Wednesday.

Two minutes into his speech before the Center for the National Interest, Trump declared that the “major and overriding theme” of his administration will be — “America first.” Right down the smokestack!

Gutsy and brazen it was to use that phrase, considering the demonization of the great anti-war movement of 1940-41, which was backed by the young patriots John F. Kennedy and his brother Joe, Gerald Ford and Sargent Shriver, and President Hoover and Alice Roosevelt.

Whether the issue is trade, immigration or foreign policy, says Trump, “we are putting the American people first again.” U.S. policy will be dictated by U.S. national interests.

By what he castigated, and what he promised, Trump is repudiating both the fruits of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy, and the legacy of Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism.

When Ronald Reagan went home, says Trump, “our foreign policy began to make less and less sense. Logic was replaced with foolishness and arrogance, which ended in one foreign policy disaster after another.”

He lists the results of 15 years of Bush-Obama wars in the Middle East: civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans killed, trillions of dollars lost, a vacuum created that ISIS has filled.

Is he wrong here? How have all of these wars availed us? Where is the “New World Order” of which Bush I rhapsodized at the U.N.?

Can anyone argue that our interventions to overthrow regimes and erect democratic states in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen have succeeded and been worth the price we have paid in blood and treasure, and the devastation we have left in our wake?

George W. Bush declared that America’s goal would become “to end tyranny in our world.” An utterly utopian delusion, to which Trump retorts by recalling John Quincy Adams’ views on America: “She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”

To the neocons’ worldwide crusade for democracy, Trump’s retort is that it was always a “dangerous idea” to think “we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming Western democracies.”

We are “overextended,” he declared, “We must rebuild our military.” Our NATO allies have been freeloading for half a century.

NAFTA was a lousy deal. In running up $4 trillion in trade surpluses since Bush I, the Chinese have been eating our lunch.

This may be rankest heresy to America’s elites, but Trump outlines a foreign policy past generations would have recognized as common sense: Look out for your own country and your own people first.

Instead of calling President Putin names, Trump says he would talk to the Russians to “end the cycle of hostility,” if he can.

“Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave,” sputtered Sen. Lindsey Graham, who quit the race to avoid a thrashing by the Donald in his home state of South Carolina.

But this writer served in Reagan’s White House, and the Gipper was always seeking a way to get the Russians to negotiate. He leapt at the chance for a summit with Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva and Reykjavik.

“Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war,” says Trump, “unlike other candidates, war and aggression will not be my first instinct.”

Is that not an old and good Republican tradition?

Dwight Eisenhower ended the war in Korea and kept us out of any other. Richard Nixon ended the war in Vietnam, negotiated arms agreements with Moscow, and made an historic journey to open up Mao’s China.

Reagan used force three times in eight years. He put Marines in Lebanon, liberated Grenada and sent FB-111s over Tripoli to pay Col. Gadhafi back for bombing a Berlin discotheque full of U.S. troops.

Reagan later believed putting those Marines in Lebanon, where 241 were massacred, to be the worst mistake of his presidency.

Military intervention for reasons of ideology or nation building is not an Eisenhower or Nixon or Reagan tradition. It is not a Republican tradition. It is a Bush II-neocon deformity, an aberration that proved disastrous for the United States and the Middle East.

The New York Times headline declared that Trump’s speech was full of “Paradoxes,” adding, “Calls to Fortify Military and to Use It Less.”

But isn’t that what Reagan did? Conduct the greatest military buildup since Ike, then, from a position of strength, negotiate with Moscow a radical reduction in nuclear arms?

“We’re getting out of the nation-building business,” says Trump.

“The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.” No more surrenders of sovereignty on the altars of “globalism.”

Is that not a definition of a patriotism that too many among our arrogant elites believe belongs to yesterday?

Yes, SoCal aka Mexico North is an extremely dangerous place. It's full of violent Hispanic gangs that are just getting more and more hostile. At this point, it's going to take an army to get them out.

And to think, California was once one of the most beautiful places in the world. Full of prosperous, safe and clean White communities. It's hell on earth now. Very sad.
Freethinker, I live there. There still huge areas that are White dominated and safe. Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley come to mind. I live in one of those locations. Those two areas area are just north west of the Los Angeles, which is on its way to an implosion like Detroit. The only difference instead of blacks causing the majority of mayhem and crime its scum from mexico and south america.

Yes, SoCal aka Mexico North is an extremely dangerous place. It's full of violent Hispanic gangs that are just getting more and more hostile. At this point, it's going to take an army to get them out.

And to think, California was once one of the most beautiful places in the world. Full of prosperous, safe and clean White communities. It's hell on earth now. Very sad.

Yes, SoCal aka Mexico North is an extremely dangerous place. It's full of violent Hispanic gangs that are just getting more and more hostile. At this point, it's going to take an army to get them out.

And to think, California was once one of the most beautiful places in the world. Full of prosperous, safe and clean White communities. It's hell on earth now. Very sad.

Last it was like that Hollywood was still shooting black and white films. It's so bad in S. Cal now with so many hostile people I won't even bother going there anything anymore.
American Freedom News