The Trumpening?

Maybe his comments on transsexuals were taken out of context.

My guess is that, being a high roller in NY, he's probably had gay and transsexual employees and friends over the years. I feel the same way, I've worked with a lot of gay guys over the years and they are great guys. I have no issue with gays per se.

Its just the leftist idea of gender equality, gay rights, and political correctness that I have a problem with. Also it becomes distasteful when Marxists try to shove this behaviour down your throat as being "normal" which it is not. Trump probably sees it the same way.
Agreed those aware of the situation is a small segment of the population. However there's no doubt the Alt Right movement has gained considerable support compared to say 5 years ago.

It's nice to see it grow and gain some attention. But it won't be a serious movement until it leaves the safety of the internet and engages in real life activism. They need to start swapping results and strategies that worked and didn't work, instead of endless theorizing and purity tests, and criticizing of Conservatism, Inc., which of course is richly deserving of all the scorn it receives and lots more.
It's nice to see it grow and gain some attention. But it won't be a serious movement until it leaves the safety of the internet and engages in real life activism.

You mean like going to a political convention?
I mean going to a political convention as delegates, which means they would have participated in the nuts and bolts process of becoming a Trump delegate. I mean running for office, helping associates who run for office, being part of the Trump movement, being part of nationalist political organizations and third parties, being involved in their communities, passing out literature, attending meetings of nationalist groups, joining such groups, helping them out financially. Participating in the real world rather than just from the comfort of a computer, means learning how to not just criticize those in power but to begin the actual process of replacing them, because that is the only way they're going to be replaced by people favorable to us.
I agree with all that. But I think in this case being part of the Republican convention even as a bystander/observer this year is going to be important in that the more Trump support that is there then the more it will appear there is grass roots support for him. There is going to be a tremendous media presence there, it will be a chance to make a statement as much as getting involved in other activities.
We'll see as it gets closer. Only delegates and GOP honchos are going to be allowed inside the convention hall. Outside, there will be a mind-boggling police state presence -- one that dwarfs what took place in Chicago in '68 -- so it's hard at this point to know if there can even be a potential army of grassroots Trump supporters allowed anywhere near the convention, or if it will be dispersed everywhere so that it doesn't grow into the size of a "mob."
We'll see as it gets closer. Only delegates and GOP honchos are going to be allowed inside the convention hall. Outside, there will be a mind-boggling police state presence -- one that dwarfs what took place in Chicago in '68 -- so it's hard at this point to know if there can even be a potential army of grassroots Trump supporters allowed anywhere near the convention, or if it will be dispersed everywhere so that it doesn't grow into the size of a "mob."

So true. Trump supporters will be kept outside the city walls on the other side of the mountain!:D
My Experience at a Donald Trump Rally

Aside from a handful of white nationalist events, I’ve never been to a political rally, debate, town hall meeting, or gathering of any sort. Last night, my wife and I left the kids with her parents and made the long drive to attend a Donald Trump rally in the wake of the critical Pennsylvania Primary. Based upon the incessant wave of negative media coverage, I anticipated militant left-wing white protestors, Zionist Christians demonstrating for Lyin’ Ted, Black Liver Matter goons, disenfranchised Mexicans and Muslims, violence, hatred, chaos, divisiveness, carnage, an endless cavalcade of bottom-feeding provocateurs interrupting The Donald’s speech every 5 minutes, lamestream media cretins cherry-picking various people for interviews, etc. Here’s what really happened…

We were 2.5 hours early and there were already several thousand people standing in line outside the arena. Every single person waiting was white, and of those whites, there was not a single “undesirable” to be found in the bunch. No tattooed/pierced/blue-haired freaks, no scantily-clad sluts, no wiggers, no open homosexuals/lesbians, no interracial couples, no open feminists, no metrosexual wimps, no goths, no druggie burnouts, no tailgating drunkards, and none of the archetypal vermin that one might encounter at a concert, sporting event, amusement park, etc. I suppose my only “complaint” were the quantity of overweight people, but it wasn’t too bad. The multitudes that waited in line were polite, quiet, respectful to one another (for instance, I saw many people walk away from the crowd to smoke), and very orderly. No shouting, loud music, cell phones ringing, or any variety of raucous or obnoxious behavior was observed whatsoever. Something I noticed is that a decent portion of the whites wore their local police, local EMS, local fire department shirts. Many others were wearing Trump merchandise (red hats, buttons, t-shirts) and some wore comical anti-Hillary garb such as…



The line moved efficiently and soon enough, we were inside the arena, which allegedly seats around 12,000 people at maximum capacity. Once inside, we walked around the lobby and large concourse area, gazing around the arena on a quest to find a single non-white person. I did observe a handful of Indians (of the dothead variety), 5-6 young Negro males with Trump gear, and 3-4 white-looking Hispanics. In a crowd of 12,000…that was it. I concluded that a Trump rally is the white middle class’ version an opera, ballet, or country club. The place was filled to the rafters, with every single seat occupied and all standing room utilized. Again, the crowd inside the arena was ultra-civilized, with many thousands of people waiting patiently for The Donald. Something I noticed about the white people in attendance was the sheer quantity of attractive young white women (ages 18-30) and women in general, many of whom were wearing pink colored “Make America Great Again” hats and painted “TRUMP” on their faces. The white men in attendance were a mixed bag…old men, middle aged men, college-aged “jocks,” teenage boys, Carhartt-sporting country men, hunting/fishing types wearing camouflage clothing, 2nd Amendment-loving men with “NRA” hats, and well-dressed, suburbanite-looking men.

PA’s best state representative, the great Lou Barletta, “warmed up” the crowd with a fantastic speech in which he talked about his hatred of illegal immigration, political correctness, and the lack of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. For those unaware, Barletta is the former mayor of the vile city of Hazelton; a once-white blue collar PA town turned into an abominable, ultra-dangerous ghetto warzone thanks exclusively to the ignoble presence of Hispanic “immigrants,” both legal and illegal. Barletta was in hot water with the ACLU in 2006 and his magnificent “Illegal Immigration Relief Act” was ruled “unconstitutional” by a Marxist Demoncrap judge a year later…

In 2006, Barletta made headlines for his efforts opposing illegal immigration in Hazleton vowing to make the city “one of the toughest places in the United States” for illegal immigrants.[7] Barletta introduced and the city council approved the Illegal Immigration Relief Act.[8] The ordinance allowed the city to deny a business permit to employers who hired illegal immigrants and gave the city authority to fine landlords up to $1,000 for leasing to illegal immigrants.[7][9] The act also made English the official language of Hazleton, prohibiting city employees from translating documents into any language without official authorization.[10] In response, the ACLU and Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund sued in Federal District Court to block the ordinance.[10] In July 2007, District Court Judge James M. Munley ruled that the act was unconstitutional for interfering with Federal immigration laws and violating the due process of individuals, employers and landlords.[7] The ruling was upheld on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals on September 9, 2010.[11] In a public statement shortly after the decision, Barletta vowed to appeal.[12]

Lou’s my favorite PA politician…


After Barletta’s fantastic speech, Trump emerged several minutes later and the reaction was indescribable. I gazed around the room as the electrifying real estate mogul entered the premises and every single person was smiling, clapping, whistling, and waving cardboard “TRUMP” signs and flags. Despite his ridiculously-busy schedule earlier that day, The Donald (nearly 70 years old) was highly energetic, charismatic, witty, and hilarious. From my vantage point, I could see the backside of the podium very well…no script, no notes, no teleprompter, no nothing. Just an hour and ten minutes of off-the-cuff public speaking without a single mistake or fumbled word. I swear, there is nobody on this planet that can “work a room” the way that Trump does. He hit all the typical talking points: the border wall, jobs, taxes for corporations that leave, destroying ISIS in a few weeks, the bane of undocumented Muslim/Mexican immigration, his business acumen, his poll numbers, the dishonest press, the infinite subjugation of the middle class, Obamacare, the IRS, Common Core, how he’s self-funding and nobody else is, and dozens of other topics. He said “Lyin Ted” about 20 different times and mercilessly poked fun at John “1 for 38” Kasich, saying that by the time he’s awarded the nomination instead of Trump at the convention, he’ll be John “1 for 50” Kasich, haha. He told a very funny story about Obama not being greeted after stepping off of Air Force 1 by the leaders of Cuba and Saudi Arabia, saying he’s a wimp and they don’t respect him.

Something else that I noticed during the event was that every single person in the arena (who had seating available) were standing for the entire speech. I’ve never been the type to cheer, boo, or clap at events, but I couldn’t help but join in. As Trump closed out his speech, the place erupted with another lengthy standing ovation as Donald exited the stage, signing autographs and shaking hands on the way out. As we left the arena and walked to the parking lot, the emotions of the people I saw ranged from happy, to excited, to euphoric. Leaving any large event in a car is usually a nightmare, but not this time…every motorist is saw was extremely civil, waving people in, and leaving in an orderly manner.

This morning, I read an anti-Trump news article that said that approximately 6,000 additional people were turning away at the door after maximum capacity was reached. Therefore, Trump drew almost 20,000 people to an event that was only confirmed and advertised a little more than 24 hours before the event was to take place! My wife voted for Trump (and his committed delegates in our district) at 7:00 am this morning and I’ll be doing the same later today!

I have a lot going on right now with spring upon us, but I’m really glad that I went and I’d love to see him again if the nomination is stolen from him. As long as I live, I’ll never forget last night. Here's the speech...

Great report Thrashen. You'd have made a good journalist. Nice to see a first hand report.

You say the event was on only 24 hours notice? That's not enough time for Soros to send some disruption freaks. No wonder it came off well.
Fantastic write up Thrashen. Thanks for sharing your experience at the Trump rally.

PA has been one of the hardest hit states over the past 50 or so years with Coal, Steel and textile mills all disappearing and wiping out once thriving towns. As a Pennsylvanian myself I have witnessed first hand how the economic downturn has really ravaged many great proud towns and it legitimately pains me to my core. Pennsylvania would be a great place for tech and manufacturing jobs. The cost of living in many of the small towns is manageable. I know it's a pipe dream but wouldn't it be great to see companies such as Apple and Google actually setup their factories where they make all their products do so in Pa or any state for that matter rather than China. Instead of exporting call centers to India why not set them up in A US state. I truly hope a social and economic revolution is begining in this country starting with Trump.

It was great to read in your experience the very different backgrounds that all of these decent white people came from to join together and how civil they were. I am sure in the 40s and 50s your experience at a large event like that would of been commonplace. Trump has truly struck a chord that has resonated with so many fed up Americans. I really hope this is just the begining of a long movement for the silent majority that has been taken advantage of for so long in this country.
Trump with the clean sweep tonight! Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Over 60% of the vote in most. The news stations are reporting record turnout in many locations. Great news.

The Donald is expected to speak around 9EST.
Indiana is Cruz's Alamo. Its do or die. If he wins most likely a contested convention. If he loses, a concession speech in a day or two afterwards. The coronation for Trum could come next week.
Trump made so many very clear points to the press tonight, and his arguments for being the candidate are irrefutable, but the most obvious point seems to elude him or he won't say it:

Why does the number 1237 only apply to him and not to Cruz and Kascish? As it is impossible for those two to get the 1237, why is the contest still going on????? The other two don't have to concede victory, they have already lost -because they cannot attain that number! Trump has already won by default!
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One thing I enjoy about watching Trump victory speeches and press conferences, in addition to listening to the man himself, is to watch the ridiculously attractive Nordic women he's always surrounded with, whether they are his family members or those of his various associates, all part of a sea of white faces:


Contrast this to the garbage that accompanies Hillary speeches, a carefully chosen assortment of negroes, hijab-wearing muslim vermin, hideous looking dykes, Latinos, Indians, and all sorts of other mystery meats. That's the constituency of the Democrat party, and that's how they want the re-make America. Members of the historic American nation (normal, middle class, heterosexual whites) are not part of the future of this country.

Big wins tonight, let's hope this all but clinches the nomination for Trump.
Not only did Trump win every single state last night (MD, CT, PA, DE, RI) in highly dominant fashion, but he also won EVERY SINGLE COUNTY AND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT IN ALL 5 STATES!

In certain counties in PA, around 78% of Republican voters cast their ballot for Der Donald. He won by a total of 550,000 votes. Unreal...


In his fantastic victory speech last night, Donald said: "I was at an arena in Pennsylvania last night and it felt like Madison Square Garden." As I mentioned above, I attended that very rally and he's absolutely right, the crowd was euphoric beyond belief for Trump.

It was a nightmarish evening for Lyin' Ted and Cryin' John and I loved every minute...


CAPTION: Donald's Punching Bags

I watched Hillary's speech and wow, she couldn't have packed in another molecule of Cultural Marxism if she tried. It was LGBT this, girl power that, civil rights for minorities, tolerance, equality, diversity, open borders, shipping in more Muslims, environmental fascism, etc. All the while, her "loyal" husband, Wild Bill Clinton (who looks to be about 90 lbs soaking wet) stood there clapping for his personification-o-evil "wife" like the worthless eunuch he is...

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no tattooed/pierced/blue-haired freaks

I remember the halcyon days of 1999.. when seemingly every GenerationX moron was getting an eyebrow ring and a meaningless tribal tattoo. Now we have the children of GenXers feeling compelled to up the generational ante, w/even larger ear gages and stupider ink. It is unusual to go anywhere now and not encounter it.

I appreciate your report, and listened to about 20 minutes of the video u posted. My one contention is with Trump's assertion that NAFTA & contemporary politicians are responsible for destroying American manufacturing (specifically Pennsylvania steel). That industry was unfortunately destroyed well before NAFTA by union greed & miscalculation. To borrow from the phrase housing bubble, there was basically a union bubble, where unions kept making more unsustainable demands that were getting accommodated, until American steel labor priced itself out of the international market.
I like Trump's rhetoric about bringing back American manufacturing.. but I'm not sure our way forward. I don't think we can return to high paying, good benefits manufacturing jobs and still be competitive w/international manufacturers. And we won't (& shouldn't) replicate some of the low-paying, harsh working conditions that keep international competitors lean & successful. I don't know what we're supposed to do (?) But not manufacturing & creating products has severely harmed our national morale.
Thanks for that in-depth overview Thrashmaster! I always enjoy your posts & insights. :)

The Donald has been blessed with a beautiful family, high intelligence, foresight, vision, tenacity & boatloads of charisma. No 'true' American (of the 1.0 mold) would ever even consider a vote for the likes of Shillary ClinTAX....or Bolshevik Bernie. I honestly believe that 90% + of the "poll" numbers that show Broom Hildabeast anywhere near Trump are either greatly exaggerated (fudged) or totally contrived. No real man would vote for a commie, misandrist (closeted) dyke for POTUS in a million years...& that's a fact.
Saw this pic of Wild Bill and "The Beast" from last night. Nice to see this once-robust sex addict devolving into a wilted, effete, impotent, pencil-necked little weakling...


CAPTION: The First Family of Hell
American Freedom News