The Trump Era Begins

I disagree with much of what you say Don. You are ignoring the fact that our Government was specifically set up to prevent one person coming in and doing what he wants. And you know that yet you're ignoring that fact.

1. The wall: Trump has had Congress refuse to give him the funds, judges not allowing him to get money from other sources, and states declaring sanctuary status for illegals. And he can do nothing legally about any of it other than appeal through the courts(which take time) or withhold Federal funds. The easy resolution is better laws but that will never happen. Trump is trying but he's going uphill in an ice storm.

2. Immigration: We all saw the reaction to Trump's Muslim Ban. I believe Trump wants more whites coming to America but he can never actually say it. That would be political suicide and he would go down in history as the worst President/human being in American history. That's why he says 'merit based' immigration.

And as someone who has been the victim of Indians taking American jobs I can tell you that the playing field is not fair. If you have a solution to prevent companies from hiring an Indian in Mumbai at $1.50 an hour instead of paying me $30.00 an hour I would love to hear it.

3. Sanctuary cities: If you have a solution for the President, I'm all ears.

4. The Alt-Right: The difference between Liberals and Conservatives is that Conservatives know where the 'Do Not Cross' line is. The Left can suggest any immoral idea, any foolish plan, and other Leftist Liberals will just nod their heads in agreement. There is no personal embarrassment for supporting something as ignorant as the 'Green New Deal'.

But there is a very distinct line for Conservatives and we better not cross it. If we do, it could mean our jobs or even our freedom. So Trump knows he must never cross that line publicly. And we know he can't do it either so we understand he can pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio but not publicly support Alex Jones.

5. Hillary: The book is not closed on her. We will see where the DOJ goes with its investigation. I will say that as someone who watched most of his rallies, the 'lock her up' chant was more about having some fun at his opponents expense than his actual 'to do' list.

6. The Trump Administration: I don't know what people expected Trump's Cabinet to look like. He's made a ton of changes to his Administration already because of disloyal members. Maybe he should have appointed Caste Football members.

7. Economy: His 'booming economy' helps all sides. I had my best tax year ever last year and my wife's 401K is up dramatically. Statistics don't support your statement that Hillary supporters are the ones financially benefiting from the economy. If fact it amazes me that you are belittling his economy, even the Dems aren't doing that.

8. The Deficit: The problem with the deficit is that Washington D.C. is filled with 99% spenders. It may be easy, but it's wrong to single out Trump for the deficit.

9. States moving blue: What an insult to blame Trump for the push in this country towards Socialism(Liberalism). In 2016, Trump turned Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin Red and was neck and neck in New Hampshire. If you have an idea on how we can reverse the Liberal indoctrination of our the kids in Universities and our Public Schools, let's hear it.

10. Electoral College: IMO, by the time this Legislation to Abolish the Electoral College gets enough states to reach 270 votes, this country will already be hopelessly Blue. Texas, Arizona, and probably Florida will have become Blue States.

11. Trump is a liar: Yup, he sure is. But he's one of the few celebrities out there without a mug shot. Zero arrests is good enough for me. I actually am glad he has so many faults and is breaking the mold of who can run for POTUS. It was becoming more important to be clean than anything else. Also, think of how the Dems cost Romney the Election in 2012, removing that weapon from them is a good thing.

12. Not an outsider: Trump is an 'outsider'. The Democrats are scared to death of how Trump is changing the ideology of our Courts. Roe v Wade is back and Liberals are going crazy. Jeb Bush is an insider who would never had done what Trump is doing. Everything that has happened, all the attacks, all the harassment, all the lawsuits(the state of California has sued Trump 51 times already) prove he is truly an 'outsider'.

Trump winning is not the result of any 'diabolical genius', everything we have seen since 2016 shows D.C. got caught napping and is now taking diabolical steps to reverse what happened in 2016.

13. 4 more years of Trump doing nothing: I love his Tariffs, his America First Foreign Policy, his battling with Corporations, and his energy in fighting for American Citizens.

If you're so unhappy with Trump, Joe Biden will probably be on the ticket in 2020.

I want to add one more thing. Trump wants to be re-elected, I think his 2nd term will be far more in line with how you want him to act than this term. Hang in there because there really is no better option.
GWTJ, I'm not a conservative or a Republican. I realize conservatives like you far outnumber populists and nationalists like me. Yet all I can do is look at how this country has steadily declined under both Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and not be fooled again like conservatives are every four years. In fact, I realized how the system works back when Ronald Reagan was elected as I was a big Reagan supporter and was naive enough then to think he meant what he said in his speeches. But it was no different then than now -- Reagan is trying to do what he promised but he's getting bad advice, the Congress won't let him enact his agenda, the media won't let him fulfill his promises, the (fill in the blank) won't let him do what he wants, just "let Reagan be Reagan." . . It was never Reagan's fault, just as the Trump true believers will never look at their hero objectively as more vital years are squandered in excuse making while the one-sided demographic and ideological war becomes irreversible.

The president does have dictatorial powers now, especially post-9/11. He can do just about anything under the all-encompassing rubric of "national security." Additionally, executive orders have been around for a long time. He can do a tremendous amount on behalf of the "deplorables," just as he fights viciously on behalf of his own interests (not revealing his tax returns is a good example). Yes, he can certainly go after Antifa in several ways, just as he can end the deplatforming and censorship of the social media giants through various means. You must have been sleeping the past 18 years if you're not aware of all the power that's now been accumulated in the executive branch. Also, the Republicans controlled both branches of Congress along with the White House until the most recent election, but again making excuses for Trump is what the true believers will do every time. Trump at best is just another big government "conservative" who will throw a few crumbs to his base, knowing they have nowhere to go. In other words his actions as opposed to his rhetoric shares far more in common with Jeb Bush and the rest of the competitors he ridiculed than the populist/nationalist he was on the campaign trail.

Reading my critique and then concluding I'd be happy with Biden is plain silly. My problem is with the two-party system and the little real choice we actually get. There's nothing I can do about how gullible and naive most White Americans are, which is why we and our culture and heritage are well on the way to extinction. Conservatives to me are little different than DWFs; only a small number of sports fans are capable of seeing the Caste System, and only a small number of conservatives are capable of looking more deeply into how the power structure works in the U.S. and how it's rigged against them even as they wave their flags, support every war of aggression and shout USA USA on command. You're happy with the system and Trump; I'm not. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.
GWTJ, I could not agree more with you. I would love for Trump to do everything he promised as a candidate also, but he is not a king. He has to work within the system, which is the right thing to do. The forces arrayed against him are extremely powerful, deeply entrenched, and have deceived hundreds of millions of people for decades, even centuries, that reality is something completely different than what it actually is. What he has been able to accomplish to this point is nothing short of miraculous.
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Don, I'm no DWF, or a Conservative. I am a Trumplican though, and I am quite woke. For example, I have been railing against NAFTA for decades. Trump is doing great things for this country fighting China and putting tariffs on many countries to balance our trade with them. Companies are, at this moment, leaving China for greener pastures. Now is the best time in 30 years to start a manufacturing business in this country. The degradation of our economy has been delayed for some time thanks to Trump.

I do agree with you that the Liberal Leftist agenda has been steamrolling the world for decades now. White men became evil about the same time Reagan got elected while mass immigration started in the 1960's thanks to Ted Kennedy.

But my biggest motivation for posting here now is the unrealistic expectations from people who should be grateful that Trump interrupted the Democrats path to full control. I also found many of the points you made to be inaccurate to some degree. Don, you took your shot at making real change in this country and kudos to you for doing it. I am willing to give Trump his entire 4 or 8 years before disparaging him.

And my comment about you voting Biden was just to emphasize the fact that there is really no other choice for us than Trump.

It would be interesting to see how you would handle things if you were elected POTUS. :thumbup: Ever give any thought to what you would do if you were in Trump's shoes?
Don, I'm no DWF, or a Conservative. I am a Trumplican though, and I am quite woke. For example, I have been railing against NAFTA for decades. Trump is doing great things for this country fighting China and putting tariffs on many countries to balance our trade with them. Companies are, at this moment, leaving China for greener pastures. Now is the best time in 30 years to start a manufacturing business in this country. The degradation of our economy has been delayed for some time thanks to Trump.

I do agree with you that the Liberal Leftist agenda has been steamrolling the world for decades now. White men became evil about the same time Reagan got elected while mass immigration started in the 1960's thanks to Ted Kennedy.

But my biggest motivation for posting here now is the unrealistic expectations from people who should be grateful that Trump interrupted the Democrats path to full control. I also found many of the points you made to be inaccurate to some degree. Don, you took your shot at making real change in this country and kudos to you for doing it. I am willing to give Trump his entire 4 or 8 years before disparaging him.

And my comment about you voting Biden was just to emphasize the fact that there is really no other choice for us than Trump.

It would be interesting to see how you would handle things if you were elected POTUS. :thumbup: Ever give any thought to what you would do if you were in Trump's shoes?

Did you read my post above? Where I wrote: But I get it -- he's not Hillary. And that's the diabolical genius of America's perpetual two-party charade. "Conservatives" always vote Republican as the "lesser of two evils" while the country always moves steadily to the left.

I stand by what I wrote in post 1928. Nothing I wrote is inaccurate and I don't have the time to list all the inaccuracies in your rebuttal as it would take more time and interest than I have other than to say you are quite uninformed, or else informed only through establishment conservative sources. Trump has been a colossal disappointment to this point. His accomplishments are minor economic ones, he's doing nothing on the core social and immigration issues that he promised the American People he'd act on, and there's no reason to believe he'll start if re-elected. If he does ever finally start acting like a red-blooded patriot then I'll be the first to congratulate him. This country has seen the cultural and corporate communists attack like never before since Trump took the oath of office, with no pushback, none, nada, zero. I can't support his inaction when there's so many things he could be doing through executive action and by using his Republican majority in the Senate. At least he could try, but he's not even trying.

And since I'm not interested in my website becoming a platform for pro-Trump neo-cons (which is what you're supporting whether you realize it or not) for now I'm calling for a moratorium on political posts about Trump. It sickens me how fast this once-great nation continues to sink. Trump is a self-serving megalomaniac whose main interest is in furthering his business brand, a failed and phony President who had a chance to turn this country around, the last President who could. If my request is disrespected then this thread will be locked.
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Buy now! Plots are going fast

I would be shocked if this happens but this article says it starts next week.
Interesting that this is coming from one of the premier purveyors of fake news, the Washington Post. Considering that WaPo is the source, it's tough to say if it's real or not. WaPo might be thinking that this will cause outrage among the nation since like them we love illegals and want to be overrun by them. I'll bet it's just the opposite.
I remember that during his campaign Trump would talk about Eisenhower's deporting a large percentage of the Mexican population in the Southwest in a positive way. Sometimes I think back to that when I wonder if Trump is a true believer in immigration restriction or just found an issue that ththe mainstream Republicans were ignoring. I could see it going either way. I know he used to pay people to listen to right wing talk radio and write up memos about what callers were discussing. Supposedly that's how he know to exploit the immigration issue in the primaries. The fact that he, as a non-politician, even knew about Eisenhower's deportations strikes me as a good sign that he is a true believer.

Here's to hoping this upcoming roundup is even 1/4th as successful as Eisenhower's.
Did anyone catch the latest on Trump? He told Omar to go back to where she came from. Of course, it's all being labeled as racist. Steve Kerr came out and said Congress should act. I despise that guy. He should know a thing or two about racism since Jordan cold clocked him.
Did anyone catch the latest on Trump? He told Omar to go back to where she came from. Of course, it's all being labeled as racist. Steve Kerr came out and said Congress should act. I despise that guy. He should know a thing or two about racism since Jordan cold clocked him.
Trump has become merely a good tweeter and a yes-man for Jewish power lobbies. That's about it. He might have awakened a lot of Whites but that is an indirect accomplishment. He's done little on what he campaigned on. Vastly disappointing. All talk whilst keeping the base smiling.
He's been decent on the economic part of America First. Remember, the Trans Pacific Partnership would most likely exist if Trump had not won the Republican nomination, and we would be on to negotiating one with the EU. That alone is probably worth his victory. The judges give us a bit more time to alter the culture as well before the boot comes down with full force.

Immigration has turned out to be a disaster though. He's radicalized your normal moderate Democrats without actually accomplishing any type of reduction, let alone reversal.
He's been decent on the economic part of America First. Remember, the Trans Pacific Partnership would most likely exist if Trump had not won the Republican nomination, and we would be on to negotiating one with the EU. That alone is probably worth his victory. The judges give us a bit more time to alter the culture as well before the boot comes down with full force.

Immigration has turned out to be a disaster though. He's radicalized your normal moderate Democrats without actually accomplishing any type of reduction, let alone reversal.
Trump has been a big disappointment and you correctly mentioned his few positive accomplishments. However, I would point out that there might be one good thing coming out of the immigration mess. It’s an issue that is staying in the news and being discussed daily. Polling shows it’s the number 1 or 2 issues amongst voters. This bodes well for us long term as most normies just have no idea how bad the crisis is as the media has blocked honest discussions for decades.
It's reassuring to know Trump is spending lots of time on the urgent issues of the day. Too bad he has no interest in the many young White supporters who continue to be persecuted following the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, or that Antifa continues to have pretty much a free reign to verbally and physically assault anyone wearing a MAGA hat or shirt:

'I offered to personally vouch for his bail': Trump honors his promise to call Sweden's PM on behalf of jailed rapper A$AP Rocky in effort to get him released
He's not had any border wall built maybe because he's too busy trying to manipulate the rest of the world to decriminalize faggotry and dykism all over the planet or face sanctions. After all, sodomy is our greatest virtue. Or maybe he's too busy making phone calls to pay cRappers bail. Or maybe he's too busy signing things changing prison sentencing to let thug Blacks out early. That stuff takes a lot of time so he's really spread thin, ain't he?

This tweeter is nothing but a puppet for Jew pukes, his masters. I was like others who had high hopes for him. No more. Only disdain.

There is no voting our way out of this at all...

This is just further proof we are past voting our way out of things. The string-pullers absolutely control the politicians and the agenda. The only way out is IF high-ranking military people are influenced or renegade enough to totally take over and overthrow the whole game. And I mean the whole game. This isn't the dark ages. We can't storm the castle and confiscate all the swords and shields and mount up on horses. The technology now makes this a different universe than then, and therefore the only way to win is by force and military might. Our military could take over every single media outlet, the internet, every single tv and cable studio in 24 hrs. Banking, government offices, all their computers, all of academia and schools everywhere. It could be done and it would be a bit ugly, but it's already ugly and getting worse.

We can look to Israel pulverizing Palestine currently and look back to the same cold-blooded murder under Red Revolution Bolsheviks if we want to see what the (((shadow people))) have in store for us. And yes, it's going to be worse than a cheesy horror movie so what do we have to lose? Either the enemies win and we die or we stop it.
This is just further proof we are past voting our way out of things. The string-pullers absolutely control the politicians and the agenda. The only way out is IF high-ranking military people are influenced or renegade enough to totally take over and overthrow the whole game. And I mean the whole game. This isn't the dark ages. We can't storm the castle and confiscate all the swords and shields and mount up on horses. The technology now makes this a different universe than then, and therefore the only way to win is by force and military might. Our military could take over every single media outlet, the internet, every single tv and cable studio in 24 hrs. Banking, government offices, all their computers, all of academia and schools everywhere. It could be done and it would be a bit ugly, but it's already ugly and getting worse.

We can look to Israel pulverizing Palestine currently and look back to the same cold-blooded murder under Red Revolution Bolsheviks if we want to see what the (((shadow people))) have in store for us. And yes, it's going to be worse than a cheesy horror movie so what do we have to lose? Either the enemies win and we die or we stop it.
I look at these sorts of articles as a reaffirmation of my faith. The only possible way that failed, fragile humans can coordinate conspiracies of this magnitude is by all of the players being guided by an overarching force, that being Old Scratch, Satan himself. To me it is further proof of a realm that is unseen and spoken about often in scripture. I'm glad that the Lord Jesus Christ has got my back.
I look at these sorts of articles as a reaffirmation of my faith. The only possible way that failed, fragile humans can coordinate conspiracies of this magnitude is by all of the players being guided by an overarching force, that being Old Scratch, Satan himself. To me it is further proof of a realm that is unseen and spoken about often in scripture. I'm glad that the Lord Jesus Christ has got my back.
Agreed, FootbalDad. That seems to be the only logical explanation. And yes, Christ is my only hope. And some days, an emphasis on "only".
SCOTUS sides with Trump finally at 5-4, to allocate funds to start to building the f'nWall on Southern Border. Surely this can not be bad. As the YouTube Star Scotty Kilmer says"Rev Up your Engines!" KAG!
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SCOTUS sides with Trump finally at 5-4, to allocate funds to start to building the f'nWall on Southern Border. Surely this can not be bad. As the YouTube Star Scotty Kilmer says"Rev Up your Engines!" KAG!

Yes, there is no excuse now not to build at least these 100 miles. No leftist judge can block it since it was a SCOTUS ruling. Trump had better build it and soon.
Just wanted to post this about the debacle known as the city of Baltimore:
As disappointed in Trump I am, watching 10 minutes of the Democraptic debate is enough to make you want to get a MAGA tattoo and name your kid Ivanka.

Is there anything those commies wont promise to get elected? And the anti-white and self hate is so strong it's sickening.

Trump has let me down, but as a friend pointed out, if you factor out the hate directed at him he has been a fairly decent president.

He has not blundered into any big wars and in fact has de-escalated tensions in Korea and Syria. He just pulled some people out of Afghanistan. Any other president would have gotten a couple of Nobel Peace prizes by now.

The economy is percolating along, most of the numbers the economics crowd likes are good. For a working slob like me the two economic issues that matter, interest rates, to keep debt payments low, stock market performance, to keep investments and retirement high, are good so far.

He hasn't proposed any huge govt. programs that screw things up, like the Affordable Health Care Act or ADA.

He stays engaged in current events, makes sure to be aware on natural disasters, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, sporting events, and celebrity stuff, not that I care about some of that stuff, but at least he's making the effort.

I don't think there is any way he can win in 2020, so at least he delayed having a president Hilary/Biden/Warren/Sanders/Harris for 4 years.