The Trump Era Begins

It is a great article, indeed. But Carlson and Coulter would never, ever, ever even begin to change their loyalties to the (((ever present danger))).

I'm not so sure about that. Ann tweeted during a GOP debate in 2016 when the candidates were all trying to outdo each other in pledging allegiance to Israel: “How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”
I'm not so sure about that. Ann tweeted during a GOP debate in 2016 when the candidates were all trying to outdo each other in pledging allegiance to Israel: “How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”
Wow! I didn't hear about that. I'm surprised she wasn't flogged and crucified by the lovely ones.
Wow! I didn't hear about that. I'm surprised she wasn't flogged and crucified by the lovely ones.

She was but she survived it. If Tucker and Ann even just stand for armed neutrality in foreign relations and oppose foreign aid without delving into "anti-semitism" that would be a huge improvement over Trump the ultimate servant of Israel. A lot of people are waiting for principled America First positions and they have the savvy to present them without charges of "nazism" and "racism" sticking in the minds of most deplorables. Of course the large mass of Israel First Judaized-Christians present a whole other problem.
She was but she survived it. If Tucker and Ann even just stand for armed neutrality in foreign relations and oppose foreign aid without delving into "anti-semitism" that would be a huge improvement over Trump the ultimate servant of Israel. A lot of people are waiting for principled America First positions and they have the savvy to present them without charges of "nazism" and "racism" sticking in the minds of most deplorables. Of course the large mass of Israel First Judaized-Christians present a whole other problem.
For sure. But even a lot of Christians and Christian type deplorables are waking up to the JQ. Maybe not the JP, but at least many are waking slowly to the JQ. Hopefully the numbers multiply. As a Christian who was once totally in the bag for the Jews and Israel I awoke years ago. Better late than never for our fellow "deplorables". :)
For sure. But even a lot of Christians and Christian type deplorables are waking up to the JQ. Maybe not the JP, but at least many are waking slowly to the JQ. Hopefully the numbers multiply. As a Christian who was once totally in the bag for the Jews and Israel I awoke years ago. Better late than never for our fellow "deplorables". :)

One hopeful sign I've noticed is that fewer Christians are using the phrases "Judeo-Christian" and "God's Chosen People" in recent years. It used to be quite common among them but not anymore, though "Judeo-Christian" still isn't exactly rare. Conservative writers and pundits use it, whether professing Christians or not.
List of RINOs...

Senate voted, 59-41, on resolution that would terminate Trump's national emergency declaration

GOP senators in favor:
Alexander, Tenn.
Blunt, Mo.
Collins, Maine
Lee, Utah
Moran, Kan.
Murkowski, Alaska
Paul, Ky.
Portman, Ohio
Romney, Utah
Rubio, Fla.
Toomey, Pa.
Wicker, Miss.

I can't even excuse Rand Paul on this one as being a "principled" Constitutionalist, considering the stakes...and Mike Lee of Utah is a fake who hides behind his "purist" take on the Constitution. The others? No surprises. I wish Tennessee would vote that hack Alexander out, they can do much better in that state.

EDIT: Just another thought...RINO Mitch McConnell was under NO obligation to bring this vote up in the Senate, but he did anyway.
Last edited:
She was but she survived it. If Tucker and Ann even just stand for armed neutrality in foreign relations and oppose foreign aid without delving into "anti-semitism" that would be a huge improvement over Trump the ultimate servant of Israel. A lot of people are waiting for principled America First positions and they have the savvy to present them without charges of "nazism" and "racism" sticking in the minds of most deplorables. Of course the large mass of Israel First Judaized-Christians present a whole other problem.

Donald Trump has had more family, business, and social connections with Jews than any other President. Did you really think as President he was going to "stick it to Israel?"
Donald Trump has had more family, business, and social connections with Jews than any other President. Did you really think as President he was going to "stick it to Israel?"
Not entirely improbable being that he was a real estate tycoon in Manhattan...kind of goes with the territory.
List of RINOs...

Senate voted, 59-41, on resolution that would terminate Trump's national emergency declaration

GOP senators in favor:
Alexander, Tenn.
Blunt, Mo.
Collins, Maine
Lee, Utah
Moran, Kan.
Murkowski, Alaska
Paul, Ky.
Portman, Ohio
Romney, Utah
Rubio, Fla.
Toomey, Pa.
Wicker, Miss.

I can't even excuse Rand Paul on this one as being a "principled" Constitutionalist, considering the stakes...and Mike Lee of Utah is a fake who hides behind his "purist" take on the Constitution. The others? No surprises. I wish Tennessee would vote that hack Alexander out, they can do much better in that state.

EDIT: Just another thought...RINO Mitch McConnell was under NO obligation to bring this vote up in the Senate, but he did anyway.

For what its worth, Alexander said in December he wasn't going to run in 2020. He loved sticking it to Tennesseans with this vote.
List of RINOs...

Senate voted, 59-41, on resolution that would terminate Trump's national emergency declaration

GOP senators in favor:
Alexander, Tenn.
Blunt, Mo.
Collins, Maine
Lee, Utah
Moran, Kan.
Murkowski, Alaska
Paul, Ky.
Portman, Ohio
Romney, Utah
Rubio, Fla.
Toomey, Pa.
Wicker, Miss.

I can't even excuse Rand Paul on this one as being a "principled" Constitutionalist, considering the stakes...and Mike Lee of Utah is a fake who hides behind his "purist" take on the Constitution. The others? No surprises. I wish Tennessee would vote that hack Alexander out, they can do much better in that state.

EDIT: Just another thought...RINO Mitch McConnell was under NO obligation to bring this vote up in the Senate, but he did anyway.
Rand Paul is really a libertarian. Libertarians are worthless. The constitution won't be worth the paper its printed on if the demographics keep shifting.
Those 59 pieces of vermin should be tried for treason and traitorous actions against our nation and found immediately guilty and immediately publicly executed. I'd fight for the chance to pull the lever of the platform. We are at a point where elections are doing no good in any discernible extent for White's rights and well-being.
Rand Paul is really a libertarian. Libertarians are worthless. The constitution won't be worth the paper its printed on if the demographics keep shifting.
As someone who joined this site and began posting as a staunch libertarian, I couldn’t agreed more. Thankfully I’ve now grown out of it.

Libertarianism is nothing more than intellectual masturbation. Libertarians are 98% plus White but refuse to take demographics and racial differences into consideration. They believe in the free movement of peoples and goods, ignoring the fact that as the country browns the already small amount of libertarians will decrease further and fellow White men get displaced in the workforce. All the values and principles they hold dear are “White ideals”. Other groups and cultures don’t care, nor are they capable of replicating these ideas. Libertarianism in a multiracial society is suicidal.
As someone who joined this site and began posting as a staunch libertarian, I couldn’t agreed more. Thankfully I’ve now grown out of it.

Libertarianism is nothing more than intellectual masturbation. Libertarians are 98% plus White but refuse to take demographics and racial differences into consideration. They believe in the free movement of peoples and goods, ignoring the fact that as the country browns the already small amount of libertarians will decrease further and fellow White men get displaced in the workforce. All the values and principles they hold dear are “White ideals”. Other groups and cultures don’t care, nor are they capable of replicating these ideas. Libertarianism in a multiracial society is suicidal.

Freethinker, you sound exactly like me. I was more or less a libertarian (live and let live) but have obviously woken up to see what is going on. There is no desire to be equal - there is only desire for power and control. Libertarianism in a homogeneous society is one thing but in this multi-culti cesspool it amounts to nothing.
Tragically, AIPAC is back in town in DC this week and as ironically unbelievable as it sounds, the conference theme this year is "Connected for Good". The old joke question, "Is it good for Jews" was the real slogan that came to mind for me. There will likely be more "American" citizens with dual Israeli citizenship than any others speaking at the event. Blatant hypocrisy:
Now We Will Find Out if Trump is Really the President or Merely a Figurehead

by Paul Craig Roberts

What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?

We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations.

We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party.

We can conclude that the US media is devoid of all integrity, morality, and truthfulness and has forever discredited itself as a source of objective and accurate information.

We can conclude that a corrupt military/security complex and Democratic Party were so determined to serve their own narrow self-interests that they were willing to subject the entirety of the world to a higher risk of nuclear war.

We can conclude that the fact that such filth as Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, and Clapper were at the top of US intelligence and criminal investigation is conclusive proof that the US government is a criminal organization.

Keep in mind, as Tucker Carlson reminds us, that Mueller’s “investigation” was not a well-intentioned investigation conducted by open-minded people who turned out to be wrong. It was an organized witch-hunting event determined to destroy the President of the United States.

What will be the consequences of this failed act of high treason on the part of the Democratic Party, military/security complex, and presstitute media to falsely convict the duly elected President of the United States and remove him from office? Will President Trump be content with his enemies’ failure and move on, or will he hold them responsible for their criminal actions? Keep in mind that Mueller’s “investigation” was based on spy warrants obtained by deceiving the FISA court, which is a felony. Keep in mind that Mueller’s indictments of Manafort and Stone are far outside the designated scope of his investigation and have nothing whatsoever to do with Russiagate. This makes the convictions of Manafort and Stone illegitimate.

Where is Trump’s pardon of these illegitimately convicted Republicans?

If Trump fails to pardon the two victims of a hoax investigation, we will know that Trump is a coward with no integrity and moral conscience. It will prove him to be as despicable as his enemies.

Mueller’s effort to frame the President of the United States was never a real investigation. Left uninvestigated was the proven fact that the Hillary emails allegedly hacked by a Putin/Trump conspiracy to steal the presidential election were downloaded on a thumb drive, most likely by the DNC staffer, Seth Conrad Rich, who was mysteriously shot dead on a Washington street in an unsolved, and uninvestigated, murder case.

Mueller and the FBI made no investigation of the DNC computers.

Mueller and the FBI ignored the fact that the known download time of the emails was far quicker that is possible via the Internet. In other words, according to the time dates, the emails could not possibly have been hacked by Russians and given to Wikileaks.

This undisputed fact will remain ignored, unless President Trump intervenes, because it completely obliterates the false case the criminal US Department of Justice (sic) has concocted against Julian Assange.

To be clear, Trump’s vindication by the inability of a corrupt FBI and Department of Justice (sic) to frame him screams for a real investigation of the corrupt elements in the US government and Democratic Party that concocted a fake investigation in order to direct attention away from the real crimes.

Is Trump strong enough to launch an investigation into the “illegal takedown that failed,” or is he too surrounded by enemies, as I predicted he would be, to serve as President of the United States instead of as a figurehead for the criminal elements who actually comprise government in the United States?

We will soon know.
Now We Will Find Out if Trump is Really the President or Merely a Figurehead

by Paul Craig Roberts

What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?

We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations.

We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party.

We can conclude that the US media is devoid of all integrity, morality, and truthfulness and has forever discredited itself as a source of objective and accurate information.

We can conclude that a corrupt military/security complex and Democratic Party were so determined to serve their own narrow self-interests that they were willing to subject the entirety of the world to a higher risk of nuclear war.

We can conclude that the fact that such filth as Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, and Clapper were at the top of US intelligence and criminal investigation is conclusive proof that the US government is a criminal organization.

Keep in mind, as Tucker Carlson reminds us, that Mueller’s “investigation” was not a well-intentioned investigation conducted by open-minded people who turned out to be wrong. It was an organized witch-hunting event determined to destroy the President of the United States.

What will be the consequences of this failed act of high treason on the part of the Democratic Party, military/security complex, and presstitute media to falsely convict the duly elected President of the United States and remove him from office? Will President Trump be content with his enemies’ failure and move on, or will he hold them responsible for their criminal actions? Keep in mind that Mueller’s “investigation” was based on spy warrants obtained by deceiving the FISA court, which is a felony. Keep in mind that Mueller’s indictments of Manafort and Stone are far outside the designated scope of his investigation and have nothing whatsoever to do with Russiagate. This makes the convictions of Manafort and Stone illegitimate.

Where is Trump’s pardon of these illegitimately convicted Republicans?

If Trump fails to pardon the two victims of a hoax investigation, we will know that Trump is a coward with no integrity and moral conscience. It will prove him to be as despicable as his enemies.

Mueller’s effort to frame the President of the United States was never a real investigation. Left uninvestigated was the proven fact that the Hillary emails allegedly hacked by a Putin/Trump conspiracy to steal the presidential election were downloaded on a thumb drive, most likely by the DNC staffer, Seth Conrad Rich, who was mysteriously shot dead on a Washington street in an unsolved, and uninvestigated, murder case.

Mueller and the FBI made no investigation of the DNC computers.

Mueller and the FBI ignored the fact that the known download time of the emails was far quicker that is possible via the Internet. In other words, according to the time dates, the emails could not possibly have been hacked by Russians and given to Wikileaks.

This undisputed fact will remain ignored, unless President Trump intervenes, because it completely obliterates the false case the criminal US Department of Justice (sic) has concocted against Julian Assange.

To be clear, Trump’s vindication by the inability of a corrupt FBI and Department of Justice (sic) to frame him screams for a real investigation of the corrupt elements in the US government and Democratic Party that concocted a fake investigation in order to direct attention away from the real crimes.

Is Trump strong enough to launch an investigation into the “illegal takedown that failed,” or is he too surrounded by enemies, as I predicted he would be, to serve as President of the United States instead of as a figurehead for the criminal elements who actually comprise government in the United States?

We will soon know.

Great article. Yes, we will soon know.
Bill Burr was right about President Snake Oil:

Nothing Will Change With Trump As President

Ann Coulter: Trump by the Numbers

by Ann Coulter

It is now clear that Trump isn’t waiting for a better moment. This was not an anomaly. It’s not an accident.

After he signed his third spending bill with no wall funding, which he claims to need, all sentient beings were forced to conclude that the president has no intention of ever doing anything we wanted on immigration.

In fact, Trump is steadily moving in the precise opposite direction of what he promised.

Illegal immigration is on track to hit the highest levels in more than a decade, and Trump has willfully decided to keep amnesty advocates Jared, Ivanka, Mick Mulvaney, Marc Short and Mercedes Schlapp in the White House. For all his talk about immigration, did he ever consider hiring people who share his MAGA vision?

A (diminishing) percentage of the base is annoyed when I point this out. They think that the moment something comes out of Trump’s mouth, IT HAS HAPPENED.

Yes, Trump talks a good game. He’s like a waiter who compliments us for ordering the hamburger, but keeps bringing us fish. The hamburger is our signature dish, juicy and grilled to perfection, you’ve made a brilliant choice … now here’s your salmon.

If he refuses to do what we hired him to do, he’s not getting a good Yelp review.

I’ve decided to discuss the Trump presidency in purely mathematical terms. It’s not his fault! He’s trying! Never has a president been under such attack!—these are more in the nature of “excuses,” not facts.

Under my new approach, I will provide a numerical evaluation of the Trump presidency, which I call:


No editorializing, no invective, no opinion.

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11 TO 50 MILLION (depending on whether you believe the propaganda or the facts).

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Apart from immigration, probably the single most important campaign promise Trump made was to end the carried interest loophole. Most Republicans would break out into a cold sweat if asked to raise taxes on George Soros. FINALLY, we had a Republican (or Democrat) who wasn’t beholden to Wall Street!

During the campaign, Trump said this tax scam allowed hedge fund managers to “get away with murder” and vowed to eliminate it. Americans who hadn’t voted for 30 years said: How do I register to vote?

Let’s take out the slide rule!

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$5,607 (or 70 times less than Goldman gave to Hillary).

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7—or “more than Presidents Bush and Obama combined.”

(For someone unable to fulfill the most basic of his immigration promises, Trump has been amazingly competent in accomplishing the things Wall Street wanted, but no one else did.)

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Meh, Ann is nothing more than a loud mouth with no skin in the game. I don't listen to childless white women. Even if she had a kid it probably wouldn't be white anyways. She's been spotted around town with non-white men on numerous occasions.
Trump's Top Ten Biggest Lies


by Chuck Baldwin

It is undoubtedly true that the vast majority of politicians are liars. Some, however, are more prolific liars than others. And any honest, objective, even semi-intelligent person knows that Donald Trump takes the blue ribbon in the lying game. He lies so much, he can’t even play a game of golf without cheating.

In a column dated August 10, 2017, I wrote a piece entitled The Truth About Donald Trump. In the column I documented the truth about Trump’s lifetime conduct. In short:

*Donald Trump spent his entire adult life scamming people out of billions of dollars.

Trump’s seven bankruptcies (which he brags about) cost investors, employees and consumers multiplied billions of dollars. Doug Heller, the executive director of Consumer Watchdog, said Trump is the “most egregious, almost comical example” of the disparity between what the average American faces when going through bankruptcy and the “ease with which the very rich can move in and out of bankruptcy.”

*Donald Trump spent his entire adult life as a perverse philanderer and miserable misogynist.

I documented what I could on this subject in the column referenced above. The full account of Trump’s lifelong moral debauchery could not even be reported in polite company. In short, Trump is a sick moral reprobate of the lowest order.

*Donald Trump spent his entire business life consorting with international crime syndicates and the Jewish mafia.

In my column, I documented Trump’s crooked, illegal, unethical and immoral penchant for deal-making with some of the most unscrupulous, dishonest and evil mafia figures in the world (I even named a few of them). Donald Trump wouldn’t know what honesty and truth were if they came up and bit him on his dumpy derriere. (Read my column referenced above for documentation and details.)

Remember, the focus of that 2017 column was on Donald Trump’s conduct over his entire lifespan right up to and including when he became President. But what about Trump’s track record since becoming President? With his first administration more than half finished, we now have that track record. Surprise! Surprise! Trump is the same kind of miserable, lying, pretending, duplicitous scoundrel he was before being elected.

Here are a few examples of President Trump’s many lies. (“Thank you” to one of my faithful readers, JT, for helping me with this creepy compilation of Trump’s deceit and deception.)

1. Trump promised to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

On the campaign trail, Trump talked about putting Hillary in jail in just about every city in which he held a rally. But after becoming President, Trump has gushed all over Bill and Hillary, calling them “good friends” and saying they are “good people.” Of course, what he’s said since becoming President IS true. He and the Clintons are good friends. They have been good friends for almost a lifetime. The “good people” part, of course, is just another lousy lie.


2. Trump promised to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.

But after becoming President, Donald Trump’s administration is almost a carbon copy of G.W. Bush’s globalist insiders. Trump’s appointment of CFR and Bilderberg swamp creatures matches those of Bush or Obama. If he gets a second term, his appointment of globalists will surpass his predecessors. And his appointment of Zionists already exceeds those of Bush or Obama.


3. Trump promised to reduce deficit spending.

What a crock of bull manure that promise was! Trump and his fellow Republicans have exploded federal spending and federal deficits to records never seen before. Plus, Trump has superintended over another serious stock bubble that most economists predict is nearing another crash.


4. Trump said that government vaccinations of small children should “stop now,” rightly linking vaccinations to certain diseases such as autism (and even death).

Now, Trump tells parents that their children “have to get shots.” He repeated: “They have to get their shots.”


5. Donald Trump promised to get America out of these infernal, incessant foreign wars.

Talk about a whopper of a lie! Trump never intended to stop America’s foreign wars.

As I have noted several times in this column:

Trump has dropped more bombs and missiles on Middle Eastern countries in a comparable period of time than any modern U.S. President. Presidents Bush, Obama and now [2017] Trump have dropped nearly 200,000 bombs and missiles on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Trump’s rate of bombing eclipses both Bush and Obama; and Trump is on a pace to drop over 100,000 [180,000 to be precise] bombs and missiles on Middle Eastern countries during his first term of office—which would equal the number of bombs and missiles dropped by Obama during his entire eight-year presidency.

Here’s more perspective:

The United States Government, under the Trump administration, reportedly drops a bomb every 12 minutes, which means that 121 bombs are dropped in a day, and 44,096 bombs per year. The Pentagon’s data show that during George W. Bush’s eight years he averaged 24 bombs dropped per day, that is, 8,750 per year. Over the course of Obama’s time in office, his military dropped 34 bombs per day, 12,500 per year. This shows that even though American presidents are all war criminals, Trump is the most vicious of them all.

As I said:

Trump is dropping almost FOUR TIMES MORE BOMBS than Barack Obama and over FIVE TIMES MORE BOMBS than G.W. Bush—which included military invasions of two countries.

We also know that Trump expanded America’s wars in Afghanistan and Syria (and, no, he is NOT bringing U.S. troops home from Syria) and is ramping up America’s war machine against Venezuela, Somalia, China and Russia. And this does not even take into account the way Trump has given Benjamin Netanyahu’s raunchy racist regime the green light to expand its wars against the Palestinians, Lebanon, Syria and Iran or the U.S./Israeli proxy war (with Saudi Arabia taking the lead) in Yemen.

Now, Donald Trump is escalating a U.S. war in Iran.

On Tuesday the US military announced that B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers will be deployed to the Middle East in response to what US Acting Secretary of Defence Patrick Shanahan dubbed “indications of a credible threat by Iranian regime forces.” (Source)

“Credible threat” to whom? Does anyone actually believe that Iran poses a “credible threat” to the United States? What a farce! The truth is, Israel has been itching for a war with Iran for almost forever. But typical of the bullying apartheid Zionist State, Israel knows it cannot take on Iran unless the U.S. brings in military assistance. Hence, the Zionist toady Donald Trump is ratcheting up a U.S. war with Iran. Yep! This is just another war for Israel, folks.

Vice President Mike Pence wasn’t kidding when he told attendees at the recent AIPAC convention: “Her [Israel’s] fight is OUR fight.” Really, Mike? Tell me, when did the American people get to vote on THAT? And please tell me, Mike, where did you find THAT in the Constitution that you took an oath to preserve, protect and defend?

National Security Advisor John Bolton (CFR) and Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan (CFR) reportedly now have a plan in place to send 120,000 U.S. ground forces to Iran’s doorstep. Donald Trump is inching toward military confrontation with Iran.

Ladies and gentlemen, under Donald Trump, America’s wars are literally “off the charts.”


6. Donald Trump emphatically promised to build a wall on the U.S./Mexican border, which Mexico would pay for.

This is one promise I am glad he hasn’t kept. I AM ALL FOR STOPPING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. But I do NOT like border walls. I agree with Ron Paul: The same walls that ostensibly are used to keep people out can also be used to keep people IN. Plus, unless the United States is prepared to put military snipers and machine gunners on and around the walls (like Israel does), they do not work.

But Trump’s lie is not simply about the wall; it is about the entire phony façade that he truly wants to stop illegal immigration. It’s all a BIG, FAT LIE, folks.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) recently reported the stark truth about Donald Trump’s record on illegal immigration. And like most of the things, the truth is exactly opposite Trump’s rhetoric. ALIPAC produced a factual record of Trump’s immigration policies.

ALIPAC documents how Trump hasn’t reduced legal immigration levels like he said he would; instead he has raised them. That Trump promised to stop illegal caravans, but instead he has allowed them to enter the U.S.—and has even supplied transportation for many of these illegals, at taxpayer expense, of course. That Trump promised to end Obama’s DACA amnesty, but he has NOT ended DACA. That he promised to oppose amnesty for illegals, but he and son-in-law Jared Kushner have cut a deal with Democrats to actually INCREASE the number of illegals receiving amnesty. That he promised to end birthright citizenship, but hasn’t done it. That he promised to end sanctuary cities, but hasn’t done it. That Trump promised to end the catch-and-release of illegals. But not only has he not ended the practice, he has INCREASED the practice.

ALIPAC President William Gheen notes:

Trump’s border wall promise remains 90% broken because a wall will not work as long as Border Patrol catches and releases illegals and escorts them into the USA.

Gheen goes on to say:

As you can see from these ten painful facts above [read his article], President Donald J. Trump is conducting the largest fraud ever committed upon the American public.

We thought we were electing another President Dwight D. Eisenhower, but we got another GW Bush because Trump’s immigration policies and legislative agenda are very similar to the Bush administration.

We need all Americans to come to terms with these betrayals and begin to organize rapidly to defend against these policies and the new legislative Amnesty push coming from the White House.

With lifelong Democrats like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump running the show in the White House and espousing plans to run for President as Democrats one day it makes many of us wonder… Was Trump ever really a Republican at all or merely an actor playing the role of a Judas Goat leading conservatives to our doom?

If you listen to Trump carefully or read his numerous Tweets, you will see Trump blaming Mexico, Democrats, judges, anyone and everyone but himself for these outrages at our border. Trump wants us to believe it is everyone else’s fault and responsibility but his own, when in truth the illegal immigration buck stops with Trump!


7. Trump said he would release documents investigating 9/11.

Of course, that was another one of Trump’s monster fibs. He knows 9/11 was not carried out by 19 Muslim hijackers. He knows that his Jewish Mafia buddies were neck-deep in the 9/11 conspiracy. Trump never intended to investigate 9/11. It was all a ruse to fool conservatives and get elected.


8. Donald Trump said he “loved” government whistleblower Julian Assange and called WikiLeaks “amazing.”

Now that Assange has been arrested by British authorities after Ecuador stripped him of his political asylum and his citizenship was suspended, Trump declared, “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing.” And you watch: Trump is going to sit back and let the U.S. government and its allies in Europe torture and murder Assange for having the guts to blow the whistle on the U.S. government’s illegal spying on the American people.


Speaking of which…when it came to illegal government spying on the American people, Trump actually DID keep his word. But it’s not a good thing. He told us during his presidential campaign in 2016 that he fully intended to maintain—and even expand—the federal government’s illegal spying on U.S. citizens. And he has definitely kept that promise.

Under Donald Trump, America’s burgeoning Police State is growing faster than ever. Under Trump, the IRS is not only a tax-gathering agency; it is a spy agency. I could spend almost forever on this point.

9. Trump promised the American people that he would be the greatest Pro-Second Amendment President the country has ever seen.

Since becoming President, however, Donald Trump has foisted more gun-control laws on the American people than Barack Obama.

Trump signed the worthless “bump-stock” ban into law. Trump repeatedly says that he is open to siding with Democrats in supporting additional gun control legislation. Plus, Trump is enthusiastically championing (along with Republicans Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham) one of the most—if not THE MOST—dangerous, draconian and downright Stalinesque gun-control laws to ever be proposed in the United States: “red flag” gun confiscation laws.

Since Trump’s emphatic call for law enforcement to “take the guns first and go through due process second,” 15 states and the District of Columbia have passed these communist “red flag” laws, and THOUSANDS of innocent Americans, who did not commit a crime, did not threaten to commit a crime, were not accused of committing a crime—and without a hearing, without a trial and without any constitutional due process—have ALREADY had their guns CONFISCATED by police. And who is the chief promoter of these unconstitutional gun confiscations? President Donald Trump.


10. Trump promised to make America great.

But since taking office, Donald Trump has done everything he can, not to make America great, but to make Israel great.

After Trump was elected, I predicted:

2017 will see a tsunami of Zionistic thought and theology immersing the church. Ultra-Zionists in Congress such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz are preparing to launch a fresh Israel-First political campaign like this country has never seen. And I predict that Donald Trump will likewise launch his own Israel-First campaign from the White House. (Source)

They did, and he did.


Then again, should we expect anything different? Secretary of State and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo admitted (gleefully) that “we [he and President Trump by the inferred chain of command] lie, cheat and steal.” He went on to say, “We [have] entire training courses [on how to lie, cheat and steal].” Of course, Pompeo claims to be an ardent Christian. BARF!

From what I can tell, an Internet blogger by the name of Fred Reed is a sarcastic skeptic when it comes to religion. And I certainly do NOT share many of his sentiments and statements (and I wouldn’t use his language). However, he wrote a blog entitled Christians Who Hate, specifically pointing to Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo. And I have to tell you, the bulk of what he said in this blog is spot-on. And, truth be told, if I wasn’t already a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ—and I had to judge Christ and Christianity by the likes of Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, GW Bush, Robert Jeffress, John Hagee and Jerry Falwell Jr.—I would probably be a sarcastic skeptic too.

The point of all of this is: Donald Trump is a pathological liar, and anyone who still believes a word he says is gullible beyond belief. The greater problem is, this man’s deceit and duplicity has the potential to plunge America into World War III and the mother of all depressions—not to mention a Police State to rival Mao’s China.

I’m not faulting anyone who voted for Donald Trump. You couldn’t stomach Hillary Clinton (neither can I). He told you what you wanted to hear. And you believed him. What else could you do? But there is absolutely no excuse—NONE—for continuing to believe this total phony after over two years of his myriad and continual lies and deceptions.

Sooner or later, conservatives and Christians are going to wake up to the fact that Donald Trump is the consummate corrupt CON MAN. My fear is that they will not wake up in time for America to be spared from what this fraud is about to rain down upon the world.
The Politics of Personality

by Donald Jeffries

The election of Donald Trump planted a loud and divisive lightning rod into the middle of our political discourse. Everything in American politics now is channeled through this billionaire/reality TV star, and how one feels about him. It is not about issues now, not even the limited issues Americans are allowed to discuss.

The social justice warriors have won; all politics in this country are emotion driven now. There is no reasoning, no flexing of the intellect. It is all about how you feel, and the larger, timeless principles America was founded upon have become irrelevant to a public that is basically ignorant of them anyway.

The laughable establishment “left” has collectively lost their minds. Just this week, they trotted out the trillionth or so example of “racism,” when they complained that weddings are “too white.” Can snow be next? The fact that these unbalanced, childish complaints are taken seriously tells us all we need to know about America today, and the disgraceful leaders we’ve allowed to destroy it.

Donald Trump takes to Twitter as naturally as any fifteen year old girl, and is just as concerned with what others think of him. All that’s missing are the continuous selfies. His misspellings and grammatical errors are fitting for a populace that is already historically illiterate, and is monstrously uninformed about everything outside of our ridiculous Kardashian/transgender culture.

Social media provides the best barometer in regards to the collective American mindset. It doesn’t give one much cause for optimism. People react constantly, with great passion, to all the hot button cultural issues that have always been relentlessly promoted in order to divide the masses. Thus, most women now are on the verge of revolting because of Alabama’s anti-abortion law. Many urge a boycott of sex.

The opposition to Trump has consisted of angry, often violent diatribes about him “destroying the country,” and demands that he be impeached for….well, just about anything will do. Videos exist of these eligible voters screeching like banshees, with inhuman expressions on their faces. They want Trump to simply go away. They hate him, and that’s all that matters. He makes them feel bad. This is the absolute essence of identity politics.

And Trump’s mindless cult reacts only marginally less emotionally to his constant tweets, and honestly seem satisfied with this trolling behavior in lieu of actual policy proposals. Just last week, Trump tweeted out his typical tough talk on immigration, at the same time his ICE was instituting a truly insane new policy of flying over 200,000 migrants all over the country, to shelters, instead of ushering them back to their own countries.

Also this week, the most preposterous of all our preposterous presidential candidates, Pete Buttigieg, joined the campaign to erase Thomas Jefferson, the most enlightened leader America has ever had, from our civilization by changing all the schools, roads, etc. named after him. This is our dying country in a nutshell; an obscure mayor, promoted for the highest office in the land exclusively because he’s married to another man, criticizing one of the greatest men in history.

American politics has become impossible to satirize. If one of my favorite shows, SCTV, was on the air now, they would have a very hard time coming up with material. How do you spoof a Donald Trump? How do you spoof his politically correct enemies? Our cultural reality is now more absurd than anything the greatest imaginations could ever invent.

Earlier this year, it was announced that the cartoon series Family Guy would be curtailing their frequent gay jokes. The only reason for that show to exist is to skewer sensibilities, and like all of our modern fart-fueled comedy, gay references are an essential part of their arsenal. Identity politics requires this. A particular group complains, and no matter how powerful the institution in question is, they summarily submit to their demands.

That assumes, however, that the group or individual in question comes from one of the acceptable demographic groups. In the world of political correctness, this means black people, first and foremost, but gays, feminists, Hispanics and other nonwhites can also successfully apply pressure. White males need not apply here. The fact that they may be “offended” doesn’t matter; in the world of virtue signaling politics, not everyone has a right to be equally offended. Suck it up buttercup and all that.

This new, touchy-feely kind of politics should logically result in some good. This passionate “caring” should mean a decrease in homelessness, an increase in wages, a more equitable distribution of wealth, an end to wars, and a decrease in the prison population. Unfortunately, the social justice warriors care nothing about any of these issues. They are content with the shameful disparity of wealth, our nonstop wars, and huge numbers of poor immigrants driving down wages.

No, these virtue signalers are all about “racism,” and ending “white privilege.” The fact that they are white themselves doesn’t make them hesitate for even a second. They have endured years of brainwashing via Hollywood and our educational institutions, without having the slightest inkling they have been brainwashed.

It was hard, in the past, to try and reason with an ideologue who was misinformed by typically dishonest mainstream sources. But it is impossible to reason with a fired up social justice warrior, who has been drinking the kool-aid served up by corrupt screenwriters, television programmers, and arrogant tenured professors.

Donald Trump has killed any potential independent political movement, because a large chunk of his base continues to support him regardless of how many promises he breaks, and how closely he resembles any other neocon Republican president. The opposition to Trump hates his personality so much that they are willing to accept the most thoroughly distasteful, pro-war, pro-bank candidates imaginable, in an effort to remove him from the White House.

Bill Clinton started all this with his “I feel your pain” nonsense. The leaders we’ve allowed to misrule us aren’t feeling any of the real pain out there in the heartland. They are, however, inflicting it regularly upon the clueless American population.
I think people are underestimating the effect Trump is having on nationalist movements in Europe. Trump being elected in America moves the Overton window to make it "ok" to discuss nationalism and anti-immigration ideas. The mere fact he was elected in the world's most powerful nation gives legitimacy to nationalist parties in Europe. I believe it will be a catalyst to swing the pendulum back in the right direction, and this alone is enough reason to believe God gave us a miracle in allowing Trump to survive the guantlet and attain the Presidency. Whether he is all talk or has actual accomplishments, he has completely changed the discussion. And that's huge.
I think people are underestimating the effect Trump is having on nationalist movements in Europe. Trump being elected in America moves the Overton window to make it "ok" to discuss nationalism and anti-immigration ideas. The mere fact he was elected in the world's most powerful nation gives legitimacy to nationalist parties in Europe. I believe it will be a catalyst to swing the pendulum back in the right direction, and this alone is enough reason to believe God gave us a miracle in allowing Trump to survive the guantlet and attain the Presidency. Whether he is all talk or has actual accomplishments, he has completely changed the discussion. And that's huge.

I agree. Trump's election, regardless of what he does in office, has had a tremendous effect in awakening a lot of people on a number of issues.

Looking on the internet, I see things being posted, things being discussed, that never had been before Trump.
I think people are underestimating the effect Trump is having on nationalist movements in Europe. Trump being elected in America moves the Overton window to make it "ok" to discuss nationalism and anti-immigration ideas. The mere fact he was elected in the world's most powerful nation gives legitimacy to nationalist parties in Europe. I believe it will be a catalyst to swing the pendulum back in the right direction, and this alone is enough reason to believe God gave us a miracle in allowing Trump to survive the guantlet and attain the Presidency. Whether he is all talk or has actual accomplishments, he has completely changed the discussion. And that's huge.

I agree with this as well. I will say I am disappointed he has not been able to take the hard line approach he took during his campaign. I do not think it was his intention to mislead all of those who voted for him and I believe his intentions to try and fix this country were something he wanted to do (call me naive if you want). I find alot of the criticism about Trump to be unfair considering what he is up against. He uses twitter as a weapon - 90% of the mainstream media is against him and he is able to use twitter to attack and trigger the MSM and millions of communist/leftists. "News" Channels have 24 hours dedicated to attacking him. As far as immigration is concerned - it has been a disappointment but one has to look at congress who absolutely refuses to do anything but sell this country out.

As far as the latest article is concerned - it isn't Donald Trump who killed a viable 3rd party option. He is a 3rd party when compared against the Republican/Democrat duopoly that has used the lack of term limits to sell this country out. I am not a blind Trump supported but at this point I do enjoy what he is able to do to get the commies riled up. His core message has struck a chord with many white westerners who are absolutely fed up with the cultural marxist garbage that is filling our society at all levels.

I would recommend watching this video - I don't think it will come as a surprise to most of us here but it does a great job at connecting the dots with Soros and his push to break this country completely.

It's a shame Trump doesn't get the credit he deserves even here by some posters. I'm not sure why anyone would expect those in power to just move aside for him. I find it amazing just how much Trump has accomplished as our POTUS.

He is one person(an outsider) fighting against a Government that refuses to work with him and wants him gone. I'm actually amazed he's survived this long.

Thanks to Trump England, Australia, Italy, Brazil, and other countries are fighting back against the Globalist Agenda. What would the posters here prefer, Hillary? Imagine for just one second where this country would be if Trump had not won. The SCOTUS would be even more Liberal than it is was before Trump. Not to mention the dozens of lower court judges Trump has appointed. Trump, with the help of McConnell, has turned our Judicial Branch around and brought it back from the brink of becoming a permanent activist wing of the Democratic Party. Obama must be agonizing over his laziness in not appointing any of the over one hundred judges he could have appointed

If not for Trump, the Dems would control all three branches of Government right now. Trump's rallies single handedly preserved the Senate for the Republicans in 2018. Just last week Trump's rally in Pennsylvania turned a Congressional dead heat race into an easy victory for the Republican Candidate.

There are many other policies he has put in place that are helping Americans. The statistics speak for themselves. Black Conservatives are reporting that by 2020 Trump will have doubled the number of black voters voting for him. That alone will ensure his re-election.

Trump's re-election team is also much more prepared as we approach 2020. They are taking contact information at every Trump rally and the money is there for a full blown campaign in 2020.

Below is a video by Kevin Shipp, the ex CIA officer who got screwed over by the Government and became a whistle blower. It lays out exactly what Trump faces on a daily basis and what Don has talked about many times.

Trump needs every one of us right now. Keep America Great!

Hmmm, let's see:

Wow, nearly 2 miles of Trump's "big beautiful wall" (to be paid for by Mexico) have been built:

Trump brags that legal immigration (90% non-White) is at its highest level ever. And illegal immigration according to many reports is higher than ever.

He's done nothing about H-1B visas -- a program to replace White professionals in STEM jobs with mostly Indians and Chinese -- and in fact has also praised this travesty.

He's done nothing about the Dreamers, nothing about sanctuary cities.

He's done nothing while virtually his entire previous supporters on the alt-right have been deplatformed, censored and banned. Pro-White kids who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville are still being arrested and face several civil suits backed by high-powered law firms. Meanwhile, Antifa still has almost carte blanche to harass and attack Trump supporters everywhere in the country, including anyone of any age who wears a MAGA hat or t-shirt. There's a good chance that Trump supporters who post here will find some day that Caste Football has also been banned from the internet, while your MAGA president does absolutely nothing about this onslaught by corporations against the First Amendment despite the tremendous powers, for better or worse, that presidents now have.

Trump promised an America First foreign policy. Instead he's been more slavishly pro-Israel than any previous president, quite an "accomplishment" in its own right. He's dropping bombs in the Middle East at a greater clip than Obama and W. Bush.

He's said nothing about the surveillance/police state, nothing about our lost privacy rights and lost freedoms. He's 100% behind the total state established after 9/11.

He promised to arrest Hillary. Of course, Hillary is actually his buddy. He tweets up a storm but will do absolutely nothing against the criminals who have worked non-stop to have him impeached or forced to resign. He'll do nothing about the fake news media monopoly nor anything about the rampant corruption and criminality that characterizes Washington and the rest of the power structure. But oh that's right, Trump and QAnon will be riding to the rescue any day now lolololol.

He's filled his administration with neo-cons and Goldman Sachs bankers. The "booming economy" benefits Hillary's supporters in the far-left controlled urban areas, not his base in the countryside, which continues to be devastated by opioids and general hopelessness.

He's racking up trillion dollar budget deficits, far and away the largest in U.S. history, with no end in sight. The only time in the past 50 years when there was a budget surplus occurred a few times under Bill Clinton, illustrating again how meaningless the liberal-conservative, Republican-Democrat distinctions are.

Trump spoke out against "political correctness" numerous times as a candidate. But not since taking office. The cultural communists have greatly ramped up their war against White America since Trump took office; but Trump hasn't said a word about it, preferring instead to make idiotic tweets about the Democrats being "anti-semitic" because of some statements by Ilhan Omar.

Large population states like Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Arizona and others relentless march toward having a sufficient number of non-White voters to become permanent Democrat strongholds. Meanwhile, Nevada has become the 16th state, now representing 195 electoral votes, to pass legislation seeking to abolish the Electoral College, which if (when) that happens means the only thing that will count will be the nationwide popular vote, which Hillary won by several million votes in '16, and Al Gore before her in '00. "Californication" is already so advanced that eliminating the Electoral College means the radical left will have permanent control over the presidency.

Trump is a liar and a con man. Here are 10 of his biggest lies:

But I get it -- he's not Hillary. And that's the diabolical genius of America's perpetual two-party charade. "Conservatives" always vote Republican as the "lesser of two evils" while the country always moves steadily to the left. And that's what will happen again next year, and since the Dems have become so radical there's a good chance that Trump will eek out another win, followed by four more years of doing nothing on the important issues while America irreversibly becomes a non-White (anti-White actually), communistic country.

He's not an outsider, he's a billionaire celebrity who spoiled Hillary's ascension and so is hated mainly for that reason, plus he provides a pretext for greatly ramping up the one-sided war against Whites and Christians that's been ongoing for over half a century now. But America will keep following the lesser of two evils formula right to the end, which isn't far away now, of that I have no doubt.
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