The Trump Era Begins

So Trump disinvites the Eagles to the WH because, as of yesterday, a contingent of only 10 (or less) were going to attend.

Just when you think the whole "Trump is a racist Nazi who hates Blacks" is losing traction among Blacks (and all NFL players are college-educated) the antiwhite attitudes are at an all-time high. These overpaid, overhyped idiots will never be grateful or non-myopic.

The NFL and its roided-out, spoiled players just keep digging their hole deeper. This can only cause their TV ratings to get even worse at the beginning of the season.
Both are references to homosexuality being an abomination of God. This was what was getting preachers/pastors in the cultural Communists states of Canada and the UK in trouble with jail time because it violated their "hate" speech laws.
Not only in Leviticus, but also Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah, Deuteronomy 22:5, Deut. 23:1, Romans 1:20, I Corinthians 6:9, I Timothy 1:9! My preacher just preached on this a couple of Sundays ago and said he would go to jail before he stopped preaching that marriage is between and man and woman and homosexuality was wrong.
It may still be protected in "Christian" churches and the pulpit, but it sure isn't protected out in public! You're still considered hateful and could lose your job if you express your opposition to homosexuality!
"Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanders, nor swindlers will INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God. I Corinthians 6: 9-11.
Notice it not just confined to homosexuals. We're all sinners. "There is NONE Righteous. NOT EVEN ONE. Romans 3:10. No one will enter the kingdom of God, except through Jesus! "I am the way the truth and the life. Not one comes to the father except through me. John 14:6.
Not only in Leviticus, but also Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah, Deuteronomy 22:5, Deut. 23:1, Romans 1:20, I Corinthians 6:9, I Timothy 1:9! My preacher just preached on this a couple of Sundays ago and said he would go to jail before he stopped preaching that marriage is between and man and woman and homosexuality was wrong.
It may still be protected in "Christian" churches and the pulpit, but it sure isn't protected out in public! You're still considered hateful and could lose your job if you express your opposition to homosexuality!
"Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanders, nor swindlers will INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God. I Corinthians 6: 9-11.
Notice it not just confined to homosexuals. We're all sinners. "There is NONE Righteous. NOT EVEN ONE. Romans 3:10. No one will enter the kingdom of God, except through Jesus! "I am the way the truth and the life. Not one comes to the father except through me. John 14:6.
Excellent post! Amen and we should stand on this truth and never waver!!
Hellyweird stars united in lawless treason and traitorous acts against national laws and national security. Death to all these tools of anti-White Jewish Supremacists:

Hellyweirdos are ALL 100% raw excrement. Everything those vermin stand for is totally un-American (1.0) & @$$ backwards. I’ve not heard of most of those pukes, & the rest (Kimmel, Milano) are talentless, overhyped, overpaid trash. P1$$ on their bogus “virtue signaling” & to hell (literally) with them too! Those vile, pinko scum aren’t worthy of drawing from the same air as true Americans! :mad:
The Left knows little more than quips and bashing Trump. Nothing about America, the political system, Bill of Rights, etc. And of course, whatever the Jewish media feeds them. Just watch these short actual street interviews : (and btw, the "man bun" has to be the worst, most distasteful, disgusting, idiotic, f@ggish, hair choice in history)

(and btw, the "man bun" has to be the worst, most distasteful, disgusting, idiotic, f@ggish, hair choice in history)

Wearing womanly, long hair is “f@990tistic” unless one is a 1% biker, pro wrestler (gimmick) rock star or acting in a role (movie, TV, etc.). “Men” runnin’ around sporting “queerings” is just as bad.
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Totally demonic dirtbag has-been Peter Fonda publicly calls for 11 year old Barron Trump to be kidnapped and raped by pedophiles. Other satanic actors and actresses praise him for it. Twitter does nothing.
We are in a war against "pure" Jewish anti-White evil:

Yes, we definitely are. Peter Fonda should get a taste of his own medicine. Stick him in a cage with a bunch of homosexual rapists. Actually don't do that to him; he would enjoy it.
Totally demonic dirtbag has-been Peter Fonda publicly calls for 11 year old Barron Trump to be kidnapped and raped by pedophiles. Other satanic actors and actresses praise him for it. Twitter does nothing.
We are in a war against "pure" Jewish anti-White evil:

The 1st Lady went to the Secret Service on this sickening threat. Ol’ Petereater has even less “talent” than his commie sister & has rode off his daddy’s coattails for decades! As much I abhorred Ob0ng0 & Moochelle, I never wished any ill will against their children.
I normally withold swearing out loud, especially to a level that my neighbors can hear me. HOWEVER, I wouldn't be surprised if they heard me across the lawn from inside my home because if there's one thing I HATE it's a disingenuos baby-murdering pro-abort, antichrist chunt (silent h) godless, k!ke dyke hateful whore ACTING like she is moral, feigning CRYING!! WHAT AN EVIL PIECE OF GARBAGE! See below:
I normally withold swearing out loud, especially to a level that my neighbors can hear me. HOWEVER, I wouldn't be surprised if they heard me across the lawn from inside my home because if there's one thing I HATE it's a disingenuos baby-murdering pro-abort, antichrist chunt (silent h) godless, k!ke dyke hateful whore ACTING like she is moral, feigning CRYING!! WHAT AN EVIL PIECE OF GARBAGE! See below:
Mr Maddow needs acting lessons. Even by Fake News standards, that was very unbelievable.
I actually hope all the members and posters here watch that video of her.
The blatant, shameless acting/FAKING is more than reprehensible. It's entirely a false narrative. It's a lie. The jews like her in the mass media are not only like-minded but so drastically over-represented that they are convinced they can lie as easily as the rest of us breathe, and they do so incessantly.

This problem will never go away until these delusional and demonized fools are removed. There is no other solution at all...
Canadian writer Pat Dussault (((?))) follows up on Peter Fonda's criminal and vile tweet by threatening Trump's 4 year old granddaughter. Sick, demented reprobates:

In one of his other manic depressive Twitter rants, Peter Fonda called Stephen Miller “Joseph Goebbels.” I guess the dementia-suffering, elderly cuck didn’t know that Miller is Jewish, haha.

Like 100% of leftists, he “loves diversity,” but lives in all-white, rural Montana.
Communist thugs screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a restaurant the other day, and now they're camped outside her home, harassing her there. I can't stand "homeland security" and the rest of the Orwellian, totalitarian trappings that have enveloped this once-free country since 9/11, but Trump should be utilizing the many resources at his command to have cops start pummeling the antifa scum there and everywhere else. I'll start to believe he's the real deal when he begins going after the communist scum that are physically attacking his supporters and doxxing nationalists. That should be among the top priorities of a true nationalist/populist administration -- clear out the scum to make way for his base to take back the streets and then, one by one, the other institutions of control that are now in the hands of the subversives. His enemies call him a dictator, it's time he starts giving them some genuine worries.
Communist thugs screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a restaurant the other day, and now they're camped outside her home, harassing her there. I can't stand "homeland security" and the rest of the Orwellian, totalitarian trappings that have enveloped this once-free country since 9/11, but Trump should be utilizing the many resources at his command to have cops start pummeling the antifa scum there and everywhere else. I'll start to believe he's the real deal when he begins going after the communist scum that are physically attacking his supporters and doxxing nationalists. That should be among the top priorities of a true nationalist/populist administration -- clear out the scum to make way for his base to take back the streets and then, one by one, the other institutions of control that are now in the hands of the subversives. His enemies call him a dictator, it's time he starts giving them some genuine worries.

I saw one of the idiots was a paralegal for the DOJ - she is part of the Democratic Socialists of America. Govt. employees are not supposed to have nor share their political affiliation as far as I am aware. If you work for the federal government as a "civil servant" you are expected to be unbiased and muted when it comes to political beliefs. Obviously these standards have not been in place or enforced for sometime - the FBI scandal and the collusion within the agency to try to prevent Trump from getting elected and this c*nt commie just go to show that the deep state is a very real thing:

And I totally agree with you Don - Trump should be targeting these fringe leftist, marxist, communist groups/individuals with extreme prejudice. Anyone who practices or believes in any sort of leftist political views should be jailed and those who hold positions of power within the government should be charged with treason. Of course those of us who can still relate to what America 1.0 stood for it is clear as day that they are all guilty of treason which is a capital offense. The left has done a very good job to turn black and white into gray when it comes to everything in this country - it pisses me off to no end. At this point their is no way outside of exterminating the leftist fringe groups in our society.
Quite frankly I think a lot of the cops would like nothing better than to clean up the streets. Very few soyboys are interested in being policemen. The police are one of Trump's many weapons that he can use against the deep state and in this case its street scum. It's long past time that the streets become safe for White Americans, like 50 years overdue.
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Speaking of treasonous c*nts that don't deserve to be breathing the same oxygen as real Americans, Stormofblowingshit Daniels and Cathyc*unt Griffin are headed to the border while on their miserable way to the Lake of Fire to aid "immigrants".

These demonic treasonous whores deserve to be "culturally enriched" while there in the most enlightening way possible. See their shameless photo and read their ambitions below:
Communist thugs screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a restaurant the other day, and now they're camped outside her home, harassing her there. I can't stand "homeland security" and the rest of the Orwellian, totalitarian trappings that have enveloped this once-free country since 9/11, but Trump should be utilizing the many resources at his command to have cops start pummeling the antifa scum there and everywhere else. I'll start to believe he's the real deal when he begins going after the communist scum that are physically attacking his supporters and doxxing nationalists. That should be among the top priorities of a true nationalist/populist administration -- clear out the scum to make way for his base to take back the streets and then, one by one, the other institutions of control that are now in the hands of the subversives. His enemies call him a dictator, it's time he starts giving them some genuine worries.

I respect your posts, Don, but please, what do you expect Trump to do? He is not bowing down to anyone and if racially aware white men like us can't support him then who can?
I saw one of the idiots was a paralegal for the DOJ - she is part of the Democratic Socialists of America. Govt. employees are not supposed to have nor share their political affiliation as far as I am aware. If you work for the federal government as a "civil servant" you are expected to be unbiased and muted when it comes to political beliefs. Obviously these standards have not been in place or enforced for sometime - the FBI scandal and the collusion within the agency to try to prevent Trump from getting elected and this c*nt commie just go to show that the deep state is a very real thing:
You beat me to it. Here she is, the Commie that works for the DOJ and is part of the Deep State anti-Trump anti-MAGA "Resistance" that was heckling, protesting and harassing Nielsen at the restaurant.

Typical Millenial female. No wonder the news came out yesterday that the median age of a US citizen is now 38 years old:



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