The Trump Era Begins

If Trump makes the big mistake of sending ground troops in mass, it will be a new president come 2020.
Trump is a bit scattershot from what I can see.

Long term though he does seem to have reversed the trend on lefty judges and there are a lot of those ahead. That might be his best long term impact.

What those MFr's pull here in California makes me sick.
That will never happen. There was no collision.

Maddow says she has a report where they are going to try and impeach for obstruction of justice, not the collusion. I know it's nonsense. I mean Trump came in and during his campaign constantly mentioned all the illegal things Clinton did and then for him to do something stupid and illegal just doesn't fit. They want him out bad because he keeps attacking the FBI,
Maddow says she has a report where they are going to try and impeach for obstruction of justice, not the collusion. I know it's nonsense. I mean Trump came in and during his campaign constantly mentioned all the illegal things Clinton did and then for him to do something stupid and illegal just doesn't fit. They want him out bad because he keeps attacking the FBI,
He is just yapping. Trump has to have committed a crime or misdemeanor to be impeached. Where is the obstruction of justice? He has committed neither. Just MSLSD and CNN hoping for that to happen.
I'm smiling for the first time today in this thread. Westside replied to Whiteathlete33's post and whether intentional or not, called Rachel Maddow a "He"
I'm smiling for the first time today in this thread. Westside replied to Whiteathlete33's post and whether intentional or not, called Rachel Maddow a "He"
Pro Trump couterpoint from Mike King's "Tomato Bubble"

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By Mike King

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Slimes Caption: President Trump at the White House --- For all his tough language this week, the strikes he ordered in Syria made no apparent effort to damage President Bashar al-Assad’s broader war machine.

NY Times: President Trump Talked Tough. But His Strike on Syria Was Restrained.


NY Times: Analysis: Syrians Face Hard Lesson. Assad Can Still Gas His Own People


Well, well, well. It appears that the Jew York Slimes is all butt-hurt over the fact that Trump's missile strikes (as we predicted) didn't actually do any damage. From the first article:
"In sending missiles and bombs at Syria, President Trump hit more targets and used more firepower than he did in a similar military strike last year. But in the end, he opted for what was still a restrained operation that was evidently calculated to avoid provoking Syria’s patrons in Russia and Iran into retaliating."

In other words, Trump's missile show just "shilled" the crap out of the Globo & Zio warmongers! But Syria wasn't the only place to take incoming missiles the other night. Within minutes of the news, some of "youse guys" launched your own mockery missiles which filled up the inbox of
Mike, it looks like your theory about Trump and Putin is wrong. --- Mike, I love your work, but you're delusional about Trump. --- Mike, you are grasping at straws. --- Mike, Q is a ******** psyop. --- Mike, Trump just launched an attack. You should have known better. --- Mike, Trump is starting World War III. --- Mike, Trump playing 4-D Chess? Hang it up! --- Mike, it's time to publish a retraction, etc. etc. etc."
Oh well, at least no one cussed us out or cancelled their subscription! (send apologies via contact box down below)

After all the huffing and puffing and missile attacks, where's the damage? Trump proclaims "Mission Accomplished" as Assad remains in power, and the Russian-Iranian forces remain in place.

Oh ye beloved TomatoBubblers of little faith! Have we not by now sufficiently established the pattern? Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times remains firm in the conviction that the pretty fireworks were all just for show. Once again, Trump has neutralized the warmongers, co-opting them as the Russians (his allies) expose the false flag chemical attack.
Notice the pattern:
  • Trump "attacks" Syria in 2017 then, weeks later, cuts off funding to the CIA's "moderate rebels" just as Putin is bombing the crap out of them.
  • Trump threatens to nuke North Korea. Now, he will be meeting with Lil' Kim in June!
  • Trump declares "trade war" against China. Then, China removes some of its trade barriers (as Xi and Trump had surely already agreed upon during Trump's visit to China).
  • Trump goes along with Congress's sanctions on Russia (which he cannot stop, anyway) andbashes Putin. He then announces that he wants to meet with Putin soon.
Trump's strategy of rhetorical aggressiveness and harmless fireworks enables him to outmaneuver the warmongers -- keeping them silent as he pulls the rug out from under them. Be not alarmed by these strategic actions, boys and girls. Trump, Putin, Xi -- and by extension, Assad and Lil' Kim are all on the same team. For all we know, Trump may have even just bombed CIA targets!


1. Flashback: 2017: Remember the previous harmless attack on Syria back in April, 2017? 2. Remember the "Rocket Man" insults and the threatening "fire & fury" theatrics? 3. The "Trade War" with China will not happen either.

One frustrated reader asked a fair question.
"Mike. What would be your red line which finally causes you to give up on Trump?"
Response: "When Trump takes us to war anywhere in the world, that will be my "red line" --- As of now, Assad remains in power, Kim remains in power, and the Iranian government remains in power. Meanwhile, ISIS has been wrecked and Syria remains under Russian and Iranian protection. Keep your eye on the ball, not the head fakes."
And what did Q have to say about the missile attacks? He posted this at about the same time as the attack:
Trust POTUS.
Sparrow Red.
Missiles only.
Intel good.

"Sparrow Red"may refer to the movie "Red Sparrow" -- a 2018 spy movie which features CIA vs Russian Intel. Hmmmm.

It's OK to be skeptical, but the fact remains that Q has, to date, shared some very uncommon knowledge that seems to fit recent events more and more.

Indeed, we are, unquestionably, further away from World War III then we were when Mr. & Mr. Obongo left office. And can you even imagine where we'd be right now if that blood-thirsty psychotic hag Killary had been elected?! In the final analysis, despite Trump's matching-blue-tie chumminess with Bibi Satanyahoo, his controversial recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, his frequent verbal thrashing of Iran, his donning of the skullcap at the "Wailing Wall" , and the appointment of Zio-puppet-psycho John Bolton as National Security Adviser, the undeniable fact remains that the long-cherished "Greater Israel" project will not be advancing as long as Syria, with Trump's apparent blessing, is under Russian, Iranian and, indirectly, Chinese protection. Watch the results, boys and girls -- not the head fakes!
From the Times of Israel, April 14, more butt-hurt:
Israel Fears Trump May See Job as Done in Syria, Leave Israel Alone to Face Iran
"Israeli security chiefs made clear on Saturday night that Israel fears the Trump Administration will now consider that its work in Syria is done, and leave Israel alone to face the dangers posed by Iran’s growing military presence in Syria.
Israel’s defense chiefs are also reportedly worried that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, seeing Syria under US-led attack, may provide President Bashar Assad with more advanced air defense systems — which could reduce Israel’s air supremacy in the skies of Syria and Lebanon. A Russian general indicated such an arms supply was possible in comments on Saturday. "


"Oy vey! Trump is letting Russia and Iran occupy Syria!"

The Defense Ministers of Iran, Syria, and Russia have promised a "decisive fight" against President Assad's opponents in the Syrian civil war.

Speaking of Israel, Q, in response to a question about potential Israeli treachery (March 10, 2018), posted this:
"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q."
Could it possibly be that the man that we, up until a few months ago, routinely mocked as "Trumpstein," is playing the Zionists just as he is playing the Globalists? Double hmmmm. We still have a hard time fully believing Q's "White Hat" revolution, but more and more, the unfolding of events does at least make it seem plausible, if not yet proved. The operative term here is "hopeful skepticism."
Stay tuned.

Q once posted about "saving the best for last" --- and then "saving Israel for last." Could it be that the military intelligence forces behind Trump -- who surely must resent the USS Liberty false-flag of 1967 which killed 37 US sailors; and the false-flag massacre of 240 US Marines in Lebanon in 1982 -- have a little surprise in store for Israel at the end?


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump's airstrikes against Syria really didn't do any damage.

Boobus Americanus 2: I know. He did the same thing last year. It's almost as if he doesn't really want to have an actual war --- thank goodness!

Sugar: Keep thinking, Boobuss, keep thinking!

Editor:Assad ain't goin' nowhere--- and the chosenites have got to know it by now.
Trump did telegraph a warning to Putin and Russia in advance of incoming missiles, via tweet ("because they're coming") a few days before, giving them time to move their aircraft and troops out of harms way. I don't think there were any casualties and some bogus chemical stash buildings were taken out; "bogus" because if they really were buildings that housed chemical weapons, wouldn't destroying them by missiles unleash the deadly fumes? "Mission Accomplished" I guess means no more military action to be taken. I find that doubtful though as the State Department, M0ssad, C1A, M16 and Saudi Intelligence want regime change so that the natural gas pipeline goes through Turkey and sourced and controlled by them instead of through Iran and sourced and controlled by Russia, so I expect more bogus chemical attacks in the future to be blamed on Assad, but it will be even more difficult to sell it if Trump and Mattis now say that all of them have been destroyed.

Neon Revolt is a very good blog site that covers a lot of this stuff and more...good intel. Like I said in a previous post, the "mockingbird media" is now collectively calling for a "comprehensive" strategy in Syria, and we all know what that means.
But I doubt it. From Haley to Kushner to Bolton, Trump has appointed the worst of the worst from the neocon swamp.

No kidding. After listening to Alex Jones and Joel Skousen today I am dialing back my expectations for him. I will give him credit when he does something good, but I am not expecting anything from him on foreign policy anymore beyond the standard neocon garbage. The NWO has found a way to get their filthy satanic hooks in him. They probably threatened his family.

There aren't alot of the globalists. I still continue to hope that the real humans of the world find a way to annihilate these ghouls. So many people around the world want to absolutely destroy them.
I liked it. Libby was not the one who leaked the identity of CIA admin pouge, Valerie Plame. It was Richard Armitage. The right-hand man of leftists/lib Colin Powell. They both sat quite for years whilst Libby was prosecuted. In the end the fedgov could not get Libby on leaking Plame's name. However, they got him on something he could not remember years earlier, which they calling lying to the FBI. Hellry Clinton admits to not remembering a dozen times, nothing happens.
Yeah the deep state really has it out to get Zionist Jews like Scooter Libby AKA Irv Liebowitz. Come on dude stop listening to (((Mark Levin))) and read more Don Wassall instead. Scooter Libby is a foreign agent and he leaked Valerie Plame's identity to Judith Miller. The details are irrelevant, and what gets lost in the Plame affair is the motive behind the entire thing, which was to try and get the US to go to war with Iraq and Iran for heaven's sake. These (((people))) are not your friends, it doesn't matter if there's an R next to their name or if they call themselves conservatives.
President Donald J. Trump was at my hometown today, which just happens to be the #1 Spanish speaking city in the United States.

I wonder why CNN and other leftist media outlets were quiet today.

Can it be that the number 1 Spanish speaking city in the United States is actually considered a Trump town?

The Cuban-American (majority white) did vote for Trump at a much higher rate than White Americans of non-Latino descent.

If there’s one Hispanic group these commie libtards despise, is us Cuban Americans.

Youse guys are like old ladies! The recent ineffectual bombing in Syria was merely a faint gesture by Trump to appease the pro-war faction, which is in fact nearly all of politics and media. No one was killed. Most of the missiles were shot down. Trump is in a pit of snakes. Yeah he appoints a lot of neo-cons to positions of non-power. So what. Keep your enemies close. Better these a-holes pissing out of the tent then being outside pissing in.

How does this benefit israel? There are no troops on the ground. No plans to increase them. Yeah it sounds like Trump is all about going to war but that's Trump's style. He knows words are cheap and he can manipulate his enemies by talking like he's with them and then doing something else. He has done this all along.

Sure I'm pissed that he hasn't done the things he promised, the bad budget, and the failure to advance his populist agenda. I think he's playing the long game. There are more budgets, more time to enact legislation. Maybe it works out.
Ann sums it up beautifully in that article.

Ann Coulter, Devvy Kidd, those are two women I'd like to vote for...but instead they trot out some grotesque satanic murderess, Hillary, and say here, wow, look you can vote for a woman!

""Youse guys are like old ladies!"

If u want to to speak like a sophisticated Noo Yawker there's much more to it than saying "youse guys" and dawg and cawfee. It takes years of arduous study. I am giving lessons, special discount for Jaxvid, today only!
Ann Coulter, as much as I like her, IS an old lady.

She's not as much of a drama queen as werewolf, spazzing out about every thing Trump does because it's not sufficiently anti-israel enough. But Coulter is certainly hard to please. She knows, like all of you do, that Trump is surrounded by a swamp full of snakes, just looking for a chance to either kill him or have him thrown out of office, or completely neuter his presidency. To combat that Trump has to appease them while pursuing his agenda as best as possible.

I too have been disappointed by the pace of making america great again, but this latest incident is not that big a deal.
"Ann Coulter, as much as I like her, IS an old lady."

Yeah, she really looks and sounds very old and decrepid.

"She's not as much of a drama queen as werewolf"

That's the thanks i get for trying to help the jerk.
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