The Trump Era Begins

This man Trump continues against most MSM and the libtards in MAGA!
Read this article which is currently the lead headline on Breitbart and especially the comments under it. This country is irretrievably divided. The only question is whether the "deplorables" (good guys) will ever move beyond posting their righteous anger and actually start organizing and defeating the communists at the top and bottom of society.

My Declaration of Incivility: Media Call Us Nazis. Celebs Call Us C*nts. Dems Scream ‘F*ck You’
Read this article which is currently the lead headline on Breitbart and especially the comments under it. This country is irretrievably divided. The only question is whether the "deplorables" (good guys) will ever move beyond posting their righteous anger and actually start organizing and defeating the communists at the top and bottom of society.

My Declaration of Incivility: Media Call Us Nazis. Celebs Call Us C*nts. Dems Scream ‘F*ck You’
I don't think there will be much organizing of White people now. But what I think is going to happen is when it becomes apparent that minorities are always going to be on the bottom rung of the economic ladder with no hope of advancement, they will go stark raving mad and attack all White people. It will then be do or die. White people will be compelled to do what has to be done to finally put an end to these minorities and their handlers.
I believe the Democrat Party as a whole is falling down the sh*tter, due in large part to these vile miscreants behavior and the failed policies of Obummer. Dems hoping for a blue wave in November will be shocked that a red wave formed to keep horde at bay. Today's "normies or deplorables" just want to repeal them by voting Republican and everything associated with Trump. In other words safely.
Home » Foreign Forces » U.S. Military Team on Site to Assist in Rescue of Trapped Thai Soccer Team

It seems it was Round Eyes who found the soccer team. Leave it to those round Eyes every time. It was a US outfit that rescued those miners down in S. America a few years ago. We're about CANDO - WILLDO

U.S. Military Team on Site to Assist in Rescue of Trapped Thai Soccer Team
By: Ben Werner
July 3, 2018 5:03 PM • Updated: July 3, 2018 5:46 PM

Photo provided by Thai Navy Seal shows trapped teenagers in a cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand, on July 2, 2018. Twelve teenagers and their football coach, trapped in a cave in northern Thailand for nine days, have been found alive on Monday night, Narongsak Osottanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai province said.

U.S. military personnel are supporting an international effort to rescue 13 members of a Thai youth soccer team that became trapped in a cave complex when water levels quickly rose, defense officials confirmed to USNI News on Tuesday.

A British dive team found the 12 players and their coach on July 2, more than a week after they were declared missing, and the international search and rescue team is still considering options to get them out.

The search effort was led by the Thai military, including specially trained Royal Thai Navy SEAL divers, according to media reports. A team of specially-trained volunteer British cave divers found the soccer team Tuesday evening, Singapore-based Channel News Asia reported.

A team of more than 30 U.S. military personnel from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, including pararescue and survival specialists, arrived at the site late on Wednesday local time, NPR reported. Officials from INDOPACOM would not specify to USNI News which units were sent to assist Thai search and rescue efforts from Okinawa, but the U.S. Air Force’s 31st Rescue Squadron and 33rd Rescue Squadron are based at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.

The boys and their coach were reported missing after practice on June 23. Family members suspected they entered the cave complex and were trapped by a sudden heavy rain, according to press reports.

“The American people join Thais in celebrating the dramatic discovery of the football team and their coach in Tham Luang cave,” U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Glyn Davies said in a statement. “We will continue to support Thai authorities in their relentless efforts to bring the 12 players and their coach safely out of the cave and reunite them with their families and friends.‎”

Now that the soccer team has been found, the first priority was bringing them food and first aid. For nine days, the team has had little to eat, according to Channel News Asia reports.

The team is in a chamber nearly 1 1/4 miles from the cave entrance and about a half mile below the surface, according to a statement from the British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC).

Two BCRC divers found the team. A team of divers, which was led by the Royal Thai Navy SEALs and also included Americans and Australians, ferried diving bottles and other supplies inside the cave complex to set up supply depots, according to the BCRC.

Rescue plans are still being developed. Rescue workers are trying to pump water out of the cave complex, and searchers are scouring the mountainous terrain to see if there are vents or other openings to use to reach the team, according to news reports.

Rescuers are considering training the teens to use SCUBA equipment – a risky option considering most of the boys do not know how to swim. Thai officials are also considering having the team wait until the rainy season ends and the water inside the cave complex recedes, likely in September or October, according to a
I believe the Democrat Party as a whole is falling down the sh*tter, due in large part to these vile miscreants behavior and the failed policies of Obummer. Dems hoping for a blue wave in November will be shocked that a red wave formed to keep horde at bay. Today's "normies or deplorables" just want to repeal them by voting Republican and everything associated with Trump. In other words safely.
I agree to an extent. It's basically a race against time. More and more whites are becoming disgusted with democrats and are becoming republican, but meanwhile the dems are flooding this country as fast as they possibly can with non-whites who are only here to steal from us and rape white women and will vote Dem in lockstep. Sadly, i just don't think there are enough whites to convert to make up for the Jew created invasion force.
Home » Foreign Forces » U.S. Military Team on Site to Assist in Rescue of Trapped Thai Soccer Team

It seems it was Round Eyes who found the soccer team. Leave it to those round Eyes every time. It was a US outfit that rescued those miners down in S. America a few years ago. We're about CANDO - WILLDO

U.S. Military Team on Site to Assist in Rescue of Trapped Thai Soccer Team
By: Ben Werner
July 3, 2018 5:03 PM • Updated: July 3, 2018 5:46 PM

Photo provided by Thai Navy Seal shows trapped teenagers in a cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand, on July 2, 2018. Twelve teenagers and their football coach, trapped in a cave in northern Thailand for nine days, have been found alive on Monday night, Narongsak Osottanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai province said.

U.S. military personnel are supporting an international effort to rescue 13 members of a Thai youth soccer team that became trapped in a cave complex when water levels quickly rose, defense officials confirmed to USNI News on Tuesday.

A British dive team found the 12 players and their coach on July 2, more than a week after they were declared missing, and the international search and rescue team is still considering options to get them out.

The search effort was led by the Thai military, including specially trained Royal Thai Navy SEAL divers, according to media reports. A team of specially-trained volunteer British cave divers found the soccer team Tuesday evening, Singapore-based Channel News Asia reported.

A team of more than 30 U.S. military personnel from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, including pararescue and survival specialists, arrived at the site late on Wednesday local time, NPR reported. Officials from INDOPACOM would not specify to USNI News which units were sent to assist Thai search and rescue efforts from Okinawa, but the U.S. Air Force’s 31st Rescue Squadron and 33rd Rescue Squadron are based at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.

The boys and their coach were reported missing after practice on June 23. Family members suspected they entered the cave complex and were trapped by a sudden heavy rain, according to press reports.

“The American people join Thais in celebrating the dramatic discovery of the football team and their coach in Tham Luang cave,” U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Glyn Davies said in a statement. “We will continue to support Thai authorities in their relentless efforts to bring the 12 players and their coach safely out of the cave and reunite them with their families and friends.‎”

Now that the soccer team has been found, the first priority was bringing them food and first aid. For nine days, the team has had little to eat, according to Channel News Asia reports.

The team is in a chamber nearly 1 1/4 miles from the cave entrance and about a half mile below the surface, according to a statement from the British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC).

Two BCRC divers found the team. A team of divers, which was led by the Royal Thai Navy SEALs and also included Americans and Australians, ferried diving bottles and other supplies inside the cave complex to set up supply depots, according to the BCRC.

Rescue plans are still being developed. Rescue workers are trying to pump water out of the cave complex, and searchers are scouring the mountainous terrain to see if there are vents or other openings to use to reach the team, according to news reports.

Rescuers are considering training the teens to use SCUBA equipment – a risky option considering most of the boys do not know how to swim. Thai officials are also considering having the team wait until the rainy season ends and the water inside the cave complex recedes, likely in September or October, according to a
Interesting, i was wondering whether the great white Americans were the saviors of the day once again. Of course we won't hear about these white heroes in the news. Wouldn't you think these foreign nations would be profusely grateful? No, they just expect it from America and will probably blame us for some sort of racism or blame America for creating climate change that caused the cave to flood on the kids. That's how much the world hates white people. And who can blame them when our own media pumps out anti-white hatred around the world?
I agree to an extent. It's basically a race against time. More and more whites are becoming disgusted with democrats and are becoming republican, but meanwhile the dems are flooding this country as fast as they possibly can with non-whites who are only here to steal from us and rape white women and will vote Dem in lockstep. Sadly, i just don't think there are enough whites to convert to make up for the Jew created invasion force.
You are right. It's a numbers/time game. The numbers are fastly growing against us. We are fighting back to some extent but we are going to lose control of the country at some point. I advise planning an exit strategy as you are not going to want to be a retiree in the US in 20 or 30 years!
You are right. It's a numbers/time game. The numbers are fastly growing against us. We are fighting back to some extent but we are going to lose control of the country at some point. I advise planning an exit strategy as you are not going to want to be a retiree in the US in 20 or 30 years!
And they don't even have the guts or honor to declare war against us before invading. Instead, they infest and sneak in like cockroaches.

John 10:1

King James Bible
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
Pat Buchanan still going strong at the age of nearly 80.

The Never-Trumpers Are Never Coming Back

by Pat Buchanan

With never-Trump conservatives bailing on the GOP and crying out for the Party of Pelosi to save us, some painful truths need to be restated.

The Republican Party of Bush I and II, of Bob Dole and John McCain, is history. It’s not coming back. Unlike the Bourbons after the Revolution and the Terror, after Napoleon and the Empire, no restoration is in the cards.

It is over. The GOP’s policies of recent decades — the New World Order of George H.W. Bush, the crusades for democracy of Bush II — failed, and are seen as having failed. With Trump’s capture of the party they were repudiated.

There will be no turning back.

What were the historic blunders?

It was not supporting tax cuts, deregulation, conservative judges and justices, or funding a defense second to none. Donald Trump has delivered on these as well as any president since Reagan.

The failures that killed the Bush party, and that represented departures from Reaganite traditionalism and conservatism, are:

First, the hubristic drive, despite the warnings of statesmen like George Kennan, to exploit our Cold War victory and pursue a policy of permanent containment of a Russia that had lost a third of its territory and half its people.

We moved NATO into Eastern Europe and the Baltic, onto her doorstep. We abrogated the ABM treaty Nixon had negotiated and moved defensive missiles into Poland. John McCain pushed to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, and even to send U.S. forces to face off against Russian troops.

Thus we got a second Cold War that need never have begun and that our allies seem content to let us fight alone.

Europe today is not afraid of Vladimir Putin reaching the Rhine. Europe is afraid of Africa and the Middle East reaching the Danube.

Let the Americans, who relish playing empire, pay for NATO.

Second, in a reflexive response to 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, dumped over the regime in Libya, armed rebels to overthrow Bashar Assad in Syria, and backed Saudi intervention in a Yemeni civil war, creating a humanitarian crisis in that poorest of Arab countries that is exceeded in horrors only by the Syrian civil war.

Since Y2K, hundreds of thousands in the Middle East have perished, the ancient Christian community has all but ceased to exist, and the refugees now number in the millions. What are the gains for democracy from these wars, all backed enthusiastically by the Republican establishment?

Why are the people responsible for these wars still being listened to, rather than confessing their sins at second-thoughts conferences?

The GOP elite also played a crucial role in throwing open U.S. markets to China and ceding transnational corporations full freedom to move factories and jobs there and ship their Chinese-made goods back here, free of charge.

Result: In three decades, the U.S. has run up $12 trillion in merchandise trade deficits — $4 trillion with China — and Beijing’s revenue from the USA has more than covered China’s defense budget for most of those years.

Beijing swept past Italy, France, Britain, Germany and Japan to become the premier manufacturing power on earth and a geo-strategic rival. Now, from East Africa to Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, and from the South and East China Sea to Taiwan, Beijing’s expansionist ambitions have become clear.

And where are the Republicans responsible for building up this potentially malevolent power that thieves our technology? Talking of building a Reagan-like Navy to contain the mammoth they nourished.

Since the Cold War, America’s elites have been exhibiting symptoms of that congenital blindness associated since Rome with declining and falling empires.

While GOP grass roots have begged for measures to control our bleeding southern border, they were regularly denounced as nativists by party elites, many of whom are now backing Trump’s wall.

For decades, America’s elites failed to see that the transnational moment of the post-Cold War era was passing and an era of rising nationalism and tribalism was at hand.

“We live in a time,” said U2′s Bono this week, “when institutions as vital to human progress as the United Nations are under attack.”

The institutions Bono referenced — the U.N., EU, NATO — all trace their roots to the 1940s and 1950s, a time that bears little resemblance to the era we have entered, an era marked by a spreading and desperate desire of peoples everywhere to preserve who and what they are.

No, Trump didn’t start the fire.

The world was ablaze with tribalism and was raising up authoritarians to realize nationalist ends — Xi Jinping, Putin, Narendra Modi in India, Erdogan in Turkey, Gen. el-Sissi in Egypt — before he came down that elevator.

And so the elites who were in charge when the fire broke out, and who failed to respond and refused even to recognize it, and who now denounce Trump for how he is coping with it, are unlikely to be called upon again to lead this republic.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of a new book, “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”
San Antonio teen attacked for wearing MAGA hat. I wish I could have been there to make that libtard pinko eat that hat! I utterly abhor SJW trash!!!
I’ve seen over on Gab that this turd world criminal has been identified, fired from his job and now arrested for felony robbery because he assaulted the teen whilst stealing the hat!!

Good work by the right wing sleuths and trolls to find this guy so quickly based on that single video. We have some amazing people on our side!
I’ve seen over on Gab that this turd world criminal has been identified, fired from his job and now arrested for felony robbery because he assaulted the teen whilst stealing the hat!!

Good work by the right wing sleuths and trolls to find this guy so quickly based on that single video. We have some amazing people on our side!

Awesome! That’s even better than the @$$ whoopin’ I had in mind for the slimeball. ;)
This week Trump Administration axed Obummer affirmative action policies on letting low performing negroes into elite universities. Who would have ever believed an American President here at CF would have done that? Its true. Trump has surpassed my expectations in so many ways.
This week Trump Administration axed Obummer affirmative action policies on letting low performing negroes into elite universities. Who would have ever believed an American President here at CF would have done that? Its true. Trump has surpassed my expectations in so many ways.

Trump didn’t gut affirmative action, but its future is far from secure

The Trump administration’s decision to withdraw an Obama-era “guidance document” encouraging colleges to take race into account in their decisions about admissions is disappointing though not surprising. This is an administration that lacks a commitment to meaningful racial diversity in education or to the kind of affirmative action policies that encourage it.

Fortunately, Tuesday’s actions by Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions don’t alter the law. The Supreme Court decisions the Obama administration relied on are still in effect, and admissions officers may still adopt race-conscious admissions policies if they are necessary to achieve the educational advantages of “diverse learning environments.”

What Trump did was essentially meaningless.
Classic Trump. Now even the Boston Herald is saying Trump is right to call out Warren on her claims of Indian heritage. I've never seen a Republican leader go on offense in my lifetime like Trump has. They've always played defense while libs keep gaining ground, the only hope they offered was to slow the libs down a bit. But Trump is taking the fight to them.

In progressive circles, “cultural appropriation” is now well-established in the canon as a high crime. New boundaries have been drawn in the realm of political correctness. If Liz Warren is a white woman who hijacked the experiences of the Cherokee for personal gain — and she is very wealthy and powerful — that would be naked exploitation of a minority group.

For Warren, the standards for cultural appropriation have also shifted and if she runs for president there is likely to be a reckoning. Sen. Warren should clear the air on the matter.
Trump picks Kavanaugh for vacant SCOTUS seat.

Brett Kavanaugh: "An illegal immigrant worker is not a lawful employee in the United States"

Brett Kavanaugh: "Economic expediency does not authorize an employer to displace American workers for foreign workers."

Pic sure to offend the left:
President Trump making SCOTUS Great Again!
Trump picks Kavanaugh for vacant SCOTUS seat.

Brett Kavanaugh: "An illegal immigrant worker is not a lawful employee in the United States"

Brett Kavanaugh: "Economic expediency does not authorize an employer to displace American workers for foreign workers."

Pic sure to offend the left:

IF he stands by those (accurate) statements & adheres to the Constitution (as #1 law of the land), then he’ll be the best Justice on the bench.

Let’s hope this communist is right about something for once in his life.
American Freedom News