The Trump Era Begins

"Ann Coulter, as much as I like her, IS an old lady."

Trump is 71. Ann Coulter is 56.
She actually looks and sounds very good for her age.

She looks fantastic. She looks like she's in her 20's. I was talking to the moron Jaxvid alias "Flint" before, and i was being sarcastic. I should have made it more clear.
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I think McCain has been pushing for this for years. I wonder why Obama never saw fit to pardon Jack Johnson. I thought that would have been a slam dunk for Obama.

He just wasn't committed to Making America Great Again the way Trump is.
News from a couple of weeks ago that should've received more attention:

Gravy Train Is Over: Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring Recipients of Federal Aid Programs to Work

I know some states have recently done this at the state level, but Trump has now done it at the federal level.
I had predicted that Trump would stumble all over himself at times to cater to minorities. He can be shallow like that. It's like he's working the room at a cocktail party, schmoozing with this person and that and always moving on. I do think there is some sincerity with this gesture on Trump's part and not an attempt to win over blacks because for whatever reason most of them don't like him and never will no matter what he does and he knows that.

I don't know what these posthumous pardons accomplish anyway. It's kind of like the old Soviet Union when they would "rehabilitate" someone who had been banished into the political gulag and died. Years later the decide oh this guy wasn't so bad after all. Makes it so the people still around can say well looks like they F'd up on that one but at least we're admitting it now.

Maybe it's just the secular version of baptism for the dead.
Well said. Years later, the Russian govt. did just that. They made a statement that they shouldn't have put Eric Hartmann (the greatest fighter pilot who ever lived I the Gulag for ten years - look up that guys record of planes shot down). Didn't do him any good in that he was already dead, but they did it anyway.
Trump's amazing "4D chess strategy" to MAGA continues in earnest:

TOP CUCK: Trump Considers Posthumous Pardon For Negro Boxer Jack Johnson

If anyone is interested in substantially increasing their blood pressure, please watch the PBS documentary "Unforgivable Blackness," which chronicles Jack Johnson's wretched excuse for a life. The commentators narrating the documentary are overwhelmingly Jewish (and include a living replica of the "Happy Merchant" meme, Bert Sugar) and topics/themes discussed throughout include boasting about the alleged size of Johnson's genitalia (direct quote from the documentary: "black men have larger penises than white men"), Johnson's insatiable proclivity for white whores, Johnson pummeling/taunting white men at will, Johnson being persecuted by white racists even though he Dindu Nuffin, Johnson being jailed for interracial sex, and Johnson only losing fights because white racists "fixed" it so he would lose.

On a side note, why hasn't the Negro-venerating "boxing historian," (((Bert Sugar))), ever considered for People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" award? If someone can find a more archetypal "Jew Face" in human history, let me know...




Why is Trump taking advice on presidential pardons from Sylvester Stallone?
I am interested to see what happens with North Korea. Say what you will about Trump (his Johnson pardon is BS) but if he is able to bring a formal end to the Korean War and denuclearize North Korea that is a very worthwhile achievement and the American Military will not have to continue it's cause of "nation building" and no servicemen (especially white servicemen who are the majority of all fatalities in any conflict) will be killed/injured/disabled. This whole North Korea thing is a major world event (perhaps the Berlin Wall falling is a good comparison?) and the media in this country refuse to cover it - they would rather focus on Trump's personal life. Just goes to show how dumbed down this country is and how the media plays such a role in providing disinformation aka Fake News to the masses. They are more worried about Stormy Daniel's tits.

I also feel that North Korea has been China's aggressor by proxy and Kim pretty much is a puppet government of the Chinese since they are the main government that has maintained consistent contact with North Korea over the past 60 years. I am all for the Chinese to get a little upset along with all of the American Corporations that sell out to the Chinese for slave labor prices and hurt American workers and have assisted in really destroying America's manufacturing base over the past 40-50 years.
You voted for Trump and got Romney, except for the funny tweets

Mitt Romney: Trump’s First Year Was “Very Similar To Things I’d Have Done My First Year”

Yep the joke's on the suckers as usual. The "democracy" confidence game. By the way, that invader carivan yesterday, how many got in after all? All of them? I saw videos of them climbing over a tall fence, mocking Trump, and another of a herd of Haitians simply taking a taxi to the border and cake walking in.
Trump Ends Temporary Amnesty for 50,000 Honduran Nationals.

More than 85,000 Honduran nationals have used TPS to stay in the U.S., but only 50,000 still remain in the country. The new directive by the Trump administration will give those Honduran nationals about 18 months to return to Honduras or face deportation.


Temporary amnesties granted to foreign national populations are often renewed for decades by administrations even though the original intent of the TPS program is to be temporary and not permanent.

Most recently, Trump has ended TPS for 1,000 Liberian nationals, Sudanese nationals, 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians, and 200,000 El Salvadorans.
Trump Ends Temporary Amnesty for 50,000 Honduran Nationals.

More than 85,000 Honduran nationals have used TPS to stay in the U.S., but only 50,000 still remain in the country. The new directive by the Trump administration will give those Honduran nationals about 18 months to return to Honduras or face deportation.


Temporary amnesties granted to foreign national populations are often renewed for decades by administrations even though the original intent of the TPS program is to be temporary and not permanent.

Most recently, Trump has ended TPS for 1,000 Liberian nationals, Sudanese nationals, 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians, and 200,000 El Salvadorans.

Yes but he is apparently meeting with psycho and Toucan Sam for a "race conversation."
Trump Signs EO on Religious Freedom (Probably because Mitch McConnell is too much of a coward to introduce a bill in the Senate)

President Trump marked the National Day of Prayer by signing an executive order aimed at boosting religious freedom by easing IRS restrictions against political activities by tax-exempt religious organizations, including churches.

Declaring "no one should be censoring sermons," Trump announced the order, which fulfilled a campaign pledge, during a Rose Garden ceremony Thursday attended by religious leaders, activists and Vice President Pence.

“We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced again and we will never stand for religious discrimination,” Trump said before signing the order, which states it is now administration policy is “to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty.”

The ban on political speech from the pulpit is rooted in an amendment introduced in 1954 by then-Democratic Sen. Lyndon Johnson that gave the IRS authority to punish tax-exempt charitable organizations, including churches, for making political endorsements or getting involved in political campaigns.

The order directs the IRS to exercise maximum enforcement discretion to alleviate the burden of the so-called Johnson Amendment.

In addition, it instructs the Treasury Department not to target the tax-exempt status of churches and other institutions if they express support for political candidates.

So, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 are now protected religious speech and cannot be construed to be "hate" speech, unlike in Canada, the UK and other cucked Western "Democracies", where you can be put in prison for it (as if they were in the old USSR).
Yes but he is apparently meeting with psycho and Toucan Sam for a "race conversation."
Cosmetic, just like the Jack Johnson pardon, if it were to happen. Low-hanging fruit for blacks, get votes and improve his ratings with them. No net political fallout from it and no concrete legislative action or executive order that affects any policy.
Trump Signs EO on Religious Freedom (Probably because Mitch McConnell is too much of a coward to introduce a bill in the Senate)

President Trump marked the National Day of Prayer by signing an executive order aimed at boosting religious freedom by easing IRS restrictions against political activities by tax-exempt religious organizations, including churches.

Declaring "no one should be censoring sermons," Trump announced the order, which fulfilled a campaign pledge, during a Rose Garden ceremony Thursday attended by religious leaders, activists and Vice President Pence.

“We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced again and we will never stand for religious discrimination,” Trump said before signing the order, which states it is now administration policy is “to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty.”

The ban on political speech from the pulpit is rooted in an amendment introduced in 1954 by then-Democratic Sen. Lyndon Johnson that gave the IRS authority to punish tax-exempt charitable organizations, including churches, for making political endorsements or getting involved in political campaigns.

The order directs the IRS to exercise maximum enforcement discretion to alleviate the burden of the so-called Johnson Amendment.

In addition, it instructs the Treasury Department not to target the tax-exempt status of churches and other institutions if they express support for political candidates.

So, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 are now protected religious speech and cannot be construed to be "hate" speech, unlike in Canada, the UK and other cucked Western "Democracies", where you can be put in prison for it (as if they were in the old USSR).

Heretic, as a Christian I should know this, but what is the subject of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13?
Heretic, as a Christian I should know this, but what is the subject of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13?
Both are references to homosexuality being an abomination of God. This was what was getting preachers/pastors in the cultural Communists states of Canada and the UK in trouble with jail time because it violated their "hate" speech laws.
That's what I thought it is about. Yes, homosexuality is a sin and a perversion and is treated as such in a healthy society and civilization. Most people know this at a gut level.
American Freedom News