The Trump Era Begins

=Trump reached out to Al Sharpton. I hope it was "pay your taxes big bad al" or "don't incite riots". If Trump is trying to be "friendly" with the most violent racist on the planet, I am sorry, but I will not support him.
The lamestream media wets their collective underpanties as President elect Trumps cuts thru "protocol" BS & chats with Taiwan & extends the olive branch to Phillipino $#itlord Duterte. :applaudit:
I am in China at present and Chinese government has publicly stated that they are not happy with this move by Trump lol People here getting a bit antsy with all the Chinese BS propaganda hitting the airwaves. The Chinese government is really worried that Trump will pull mainstream manufacturing back to the states and the negative effect it will have on the Chinese economy, yet they continue to build and modernize their military at an astonishing rate, as well the continued fueling the public of hatred towards Japan does not help the people move forward. Go Trump go!!
I am in China at present and Chinese government has publicly stated that they are not happy with this move by Trump lol People here getting a bit antsy with all the Chinese BS propaganda hitting the airwaves. The Chinese government is really worried that Trump will pull mainstream manufacturing back to the states and the negative effect it will have on the Chinese economy, yet they continue to build and modernize their military at an astonishing rate, as well the continued fueling the public of hatred towards Japan does not help the people move forward. Go Trump go!!

Oh well, Chinese, Trump has said, on many occasions, that he only wants to be president of the United States, and not any other.:)
And, as evidence of his most recent affirmations of his intentions to improve the U.S. economy by the give and take method:

Donald J. Trump


The U.S. is going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country for another country,

6:41 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump


fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the other country, and then thinks it will sell its product back into the U.S. ......

6:49 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump


without retribution or consequence, is WRONG! There will be a tax on our soon to be strong border of 35% for these companies ......

6:57 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump


wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc., back across the border. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but.....

7:05 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump


these companies are able to move between all 50 states, with no tax or tariff being charged. Please be forewarned prior to making a very ...

7:21 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Donald J. Trump



7:23 AM - 4 Dec 2016
Difficult to find persons knowledgeable and experienced that are not in some way part of the "system". What matters is their will to make things right. We will judge him on his deeds.

When he has a dinner with Romney, he may be playing the ear to learn from his enemies. Trump is more cunning than most could conceive.

Machiavelli talked about this. I wouldn't be surprised if Romney ended up somewhere in the State Department(not necessarily as Secretary) just to get him, the son of an illegal Mexican, out of the country.
Read the flip in this headline:

Donald Trump’s anti-immigration stance threatens the heart of American innovation

President-elect Donald Trump is causing a stir in Silicon Valley. After riding the path to the White House in part thanks to his anti-immigration rhetoric, Trump is now casting a shadow over the tech industry’s use of high-skilled foreign labor. Chief among the interests of industry luminaries is the potential expansion of the H-1B visa program, one of the Valley’s primary sources of overseas talent acquisition. Now, a Trump presidency puts that initiative at risk....

Continued: http: //

So American innovation needs foreigners for innovation to exist?? Were that so, the innovation would not be American, but foreign innovation. Why do so many come from around the world to study in American schools if American science and technology needed foreign help to exist? Americans did quite well for two centuries without Chinese and Indian help. I like the old way, the Trump way much better.
Read the flip in this headline:

Donald Trump’s anti-immigration stance threatens the heart of American innovation

President-elect Donald Trump is causing a stir in Silicon Valley. After riding the path to the White House in part thanks to his anti-immigration rhetoric, Trump is now casting a shadow over the tech industry’s use of high-skilled foreign labor. Chief among the interests of industry luminaries is the potential expansion of the H-1B visa program, one of the Valley’s primary sources of overseas talent acquisition. Now, a Trump presidency puts that initiative at risk....

Continued: http: //

So American innovation needs foreigners for innovation to exist?? Were that so, the innovation would not be American, but foreign innovation. Why do so many come from around the world to study in American schools if American science and technology needed foreign help to exist? Americans did quite well for two centuries without Chinese and Indian help. I like the old way, the Trump way much better.

What a complete load of horse dung! NO White nation needs an iota of "help" to be industrious & innovative...especially from untermenschen like the orientials & rubynoggins! Traitorous H-1B visas are ONLY to provide cheap, cut rate labor for these greedy, Machiavellian, globalist corporations. The foreign usurpers provide inferior quality whilst stealing jobs that should go to true Americans. I truly hope President Trump completely dismantles insourcing & outsourcing of American jobs.
What a complete load of horse dung! NO White nation needs an iota of "help" to be industrious & innovative...especially from untermenschen like the orientials & rubynoggins! Traitorous H-1B visas are ONLY to provide cheap, cut rate labor for these greedy, Machiavellian, globalist corporations. The foreign usurpers provide inferior quality whilst stealing jobs that should go to true Americans. I truly hope President Trump completely dismantles insourcing & outsourcing of American jobs.

Definitely, we have tons of white kids scoring 800 on the SAT Math and falling through the cracks because the Establishment hates their politics. Austin Saucier was completely railroaded in a trial that put Kafka to shame. I've always suspected Evan O'Dorney and Oleg Goldberg were at least somewhat sympathetic to us too. You say Machiavelli like its a bad thing. I like Machiavelli and I think he's misread badly.
The "recount" effort in Wisconsin has been another hilarious liberal failure, with only a handful of votes being changed for either candidate in each county...

'Rookie' Trump must fall into line: China media

Beijing (AFP) - Donald Trump is a "diplomatic rookie" who must learn not to cross Beijing on issues like trade and Taiwan, Chinese state media said Tuesday, warning America could pay dearly for his naivety.

Trump's protocol-shattering call with Taiwan's president and a subsequent Twitter tirade against Beijing's policies could risk upending the delicate balance between the world's two largest economies, major media outlets said.

"Provoking friction and messing up China-US relations won't help 'make America great again'", said a front-page opinion piece in the overseas edition of Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily.

The nationalist Global Times newspaper's Chinese edition also ran a page-one story on Trump's "inability to keep his mouth shut", damning his "provocation and falsehoods".

Trump fired off two tweets on Sunday blasting China for devaluing its currency, taxing US imports, and building military installations in the South China Sea.

The comments followed criticism of Trump in US and Chinese media for taking a congratulatory phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, a move that flew in the face of nearly 40 years of diplomatic protocol and raised questions about whether the president-elect intends to pursue a hard line against Beijing.

Official reaction from Beijing has been muted, but China often uses state media to telegraph its policy positions, sometimes employing rhetoric beyond the diplomatic pale.

The Global Times' English-language edition filled its opinion pages with editorials slamming the president-elect.

The often brittle, provocative publication is not considered "official" media, but has close ties to the ruling party.

Noting that Sino-US relations had reached a delicate equilibrium thanks to years of careful management, an editorial in the paper warned that Trump "can make a lot of noise but that does not exempt him from the rules of the major power game," adding that he "doesn't have sufficient resources" to be provocative with China.

"Trump's China-bashing tweet is just a cover for his real intent, which is to treat China as a fat lamb and cut a piece of meat off it," it said.

"He is trying to pillage other countries for US prosperity," it warned, but instead he will unwittingly "smash the current world economic order" of which the US is the "biggest beneficiary."

A companion commentary warned that Trump "will in time learn not to cross China", threatening "a fierce competition" with Beijing if the US increases arm sales to Taiwan.

It was illustrated by an editorial cartoon showing an eagle throwing pebbles at a large, scowling panda.

Meanwhile the English-language China Daily newspaper warned that "diplomatic rookie" Trump needs to moderate his behaviour or he will create "costly troubles for his country".

"As president-elect, Trump can expect some forgiveness even when he is shooting from the hip. But things will be different when he becomes president."

- 'Sobering' -

During the presidential campaign, Trump frequently targeted China for fiscal and trade policies that he claimed cost the US millions of jobs.

While China seems to have hoped the rhetoric was more bark than bite, inital signs suggests he will continue to take an aggressive line on the world's second largest economy.

"If Trump continues talking this way after taking office... China is going to have to make some adjustments in its thinking," Jia Qingguo, professor at Peking University, told AFP, calling the comments "sobering".

Trump's decision to speak with Taiwan's president seems to have particularly rattled Beijing, which regards the democratically-ruled island of 23 million a renegade province, though it has its own legal and military systems and has not been under Beijing's control for more than 60 years.

"This call was no accident," said Trey McArver, analyst for China Politics Weekly. "It is clear that Trump associates, including chief of staff Reince Priebus, have had repeated contact with Tsai and her people in recent months and were well aware of what they were doing."

This is really the Chinese State Department talking through their agents, the Chinese media. Trump is letting the world know, much is about to change. The U.S. took a massive economic hit by releasing all of the ingenuity and production facilities worldwide in receipt for using the Federal Reserve Note as world wide currency of exchange. Well, we, the American People, lost in that exchange. The resulting, phony, "national debt" crippled our country. This is going to be very exciting.
The vote recount that occurred in the targeted Philadelphia districts is now complete and has added five (5) additional votes to Hillary Rotten Clinton's total in PA. Uncork the bubbly!

Thus far, the Wisconsin recount (40% complete) revealed nineteen (19) more votes for Trump. Ouch.

In light of the colossal recount failure, Dr. "Jew-ill" Stein is now filing various federal lawsuits in PA to force the state's Commonwealth Court system to conduct a statewide recount. Why? Perhaps to be a proverbial rock in Trump's shoe, prolong his inauguration, have more time to strong-arm electoral college voters into changing their vote, make Trump's victory appear illegitimate, and just to be an annoying liberal Jewess bitch?

I'm no fan of Chris Wallace, but at least he stood up to this hag, asking her "how many votes did you get?"

Yesterday, Jew-ill Stein held a recount press conference outside of Trump Tower in which she repeatedly whined that "communities of color are subject to voter intimidation and have their votes dismissed or miscounted"...

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That Stein is a piece of work. Kind of reminds me of Gloria Steinem in that she's a rare (((feminist extremist))) who isn't hag ugly, which provides a bit of cover for her messages of hate and anti-White revolution.
Not even president yet, and look at what he's doing:

Trump announces that Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank, has agreed to invest $50 billion in U.S., create 50K new jobs.

Trump Announces CEO of SoftBank Has Agreed to Invest $50B in US
See the whole picture with ABC News.

Little noticed by the media is the vote recount situation in Detroit.

"One-third of precincts in Wayne County (mostly Detroit) could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential election results because of problems with ballots. Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662. According to state law, precincts whose poll books don’t match with ballots can’t be recounted. If that happens, original election results stand."

In other words, in all black Detroit, there is no chance to recount the votes because the poll books don't match the printouts!! In nearly 60% of the precincts. Isn't this the very essence of voter fraud? If this had happened in a white "red" county the outcry from the MSM would be pervasive. But since this happened in the ghetto the situation is virtually ignored and excused as business as usual in an a black city.

This is another example of how the existing paradigm is unable to address black dysfunction. A clear example of crooked voting is ignored and glossed over while a handful of incorrect votes are tallied up in white voting areas. How long until this kind of thing spreads to more and more areas of the country and the voting process becomes a complete fraud?
Dr. "Jew-ill" Stein, who was born to wealthy Jewish parents in Chicago and raised in Highland Park, Illinois, one of the wealthiest and most affluent areas in the state. The 2010 census showed that the community is around 92% white, but I've always read that Highland Park has one of the highest Jewish populations in the nation.

So after growing up amongst rich whites and elite Jews, Miss Stein then attended Harvard Medical School (Jewish Privilege!) and married a surgeon named Richard Rohrer. Of course, she didn't' change her last name after marriage, because the ever-sterling logic of feminism suggests that married women should keep a different man's last name (their father) instead of their husband's.

There's not much information about Rohrer, who has a German last name ("Rohr" translates to "pipe," "tube," or sometimes "reed"), but given the fact that he's from New England, he graduated from Columbia University Medical School (Jewish Privilege!), and his Ashkenazi-like facial features, he's probably also a Jew. I suppose that Stein's husband could be a German-American, but how many Germans attend Ivy League schools and hail from filthy-rich areas in Massachusetts? Almost none...




If Jill Stein married a fellow Jew and had Jewish children (her son's names are "Ben" and "Noah"), doesn't that make her a racist, a Jewish Supremacist, and a xenophobe?
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There's not much information about Rohrer, who has a German last name ("Rohr" translates to "pipe," "tube," or sometimes "reed"), but given the fact that he's from New England, he graduated from Columbia University Medical School (Jewish Privilege!), and his Ashkenazi-like facial features, he's probably also a Jew. I suppose that Stein's husband could be a German-American, but how many Germans attend Ivy League schools and hail from filthy-rich areas in Massachusetts? Almost none...

If Jill Stein married a fellow Jew and had Jewish children (her son's names are "Ben" and "Noah"), doesn't that make her a racist, a Jewish Supremacist, and a xenophobe?

I'm pretty sure Rohrer is Jewish because Left Wing Jews(Reconstructionist Jews) want to keep their artificial ethnicity. It makes her very ethnocentric and eugenically-minded(Communists have been secret supporters of THEIR OWN eugenics ever since Lysenko screwed up.) I think so many Jews backed "Feminism" so they could more easily gauge their spouses intelligence. The hardcore Orthodox Jews and the hardcore Communist Jews both have a strong sense of Jewish identity even though they disagree about what that means. Plus, tons of originally non-Jewish Communists like Hillary Putnam converted to Reconstructionist Judaism. Friedrich Engels may also have converted to Judaism.

Unlike most people in these crowds, I'm really skeptical that Jews are an actual race in the genetic sense of the term. I look at the limited available evidence from Rushton, Richard Lynn, and others, and genetically speaking, they can't tell the difference between and Ashkenazi Jew's DNA and somebody who's 80% Sorbian(Slavic) and 20% Southern European. The alleged "Semitic" genes like Haplogroup J1 are very common in Southern Europeans as well. The reality is that the Near East and North Africa used to be white before the influx of Arabian genes( Some of the Sephardics seem white genetically and others don't. Most other groups of Jews have since married Blacks and Arabs and are no longer white.
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Good vid I came across about Trump that shreds the lies about him being "a hater, bigot, racist, homophobe, self-serving phony, etc":

The news is reporting a really bad pick. Mass-immigration advocate, Andy Puzder, was just supposedly named by Trump to be Secretary of Labor. Trump hasn't announced it yet though. I think the media is lying once again.
What I expect in the the first two years: Secured borders. Round up of illegal alien felons and no money to sanctuary cites or states (CA), deport Visa overstays. Business tax from 35% to 10 or 15%. Elimination of Obummercare. Constitutionalist judge for the Supreme Court. Not asking for much.
Overall, the establishment is clearly shoving Trump into a corner right now. Puzder has reversed some of his really bad positions, but he's still an establishment figure. Deep down, he's still a bad egg. He says he supports preventing future illegal immigrants, but his suicidal vision is still quite hostile to the short term interests of White people, and to the long term interests of every American. We are not primarily in an economic struggle, the struggle that Puzder wants. We're in a genetic/racial and cultural struggle. Plus, it would be a good idea to launch a massive boycott of Carl Jr. and Hardees unless Puzder does a complete 180 on immigration and starts advocating for a massive immigration deportation force to deport ALL 11 million illegal immigrants.

I'm alright with Trump dropping Giuliani, but I really hope he doesn't pick Romney.

When Reagan made Bush VP, it got our country into the mess that we're in now.
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Overall, the establishment is clearly shoving Trump into a corner right now. Puzder has reversed some of his really bad positions, but he's still an establishment figure. Deep down, he's still a bad egg. He says he supports preventing future illegal immigrants, but his suicidal vision is still quite hostile to the short term interests of White people, and to the long term interests of every American. We are not primarily in an economic struggle, the struggle that Puzder wants. We're in a genetic/racial and cultural struggle. Plus, it would be a good idea to launch a massive boycott of Carl Jr. and Hardees unless Puzder does a complete 180 on immigration and starts advocating for a massive immigration deportation force to deport ALL 11 million illegal immigrants.

I'm alright with Trump dropping Giuliani, but I really hope he doesn't pick Romney.

When Reagan made Bush VP, it got our country into the mess that we're in now.

Guiliani is gone for the best. He's a good guy nationally but, still too much of a warmonger. If we take Trump on his words, he really does want to make peace with Russia, stop being the world's policeman, and get on with trade. We may say, Trump wants to get out of the lead business and into the gold. Not an easy role to fill this Secretary of State.
Really stunned, stupid, ignorant, and, really void of intellect "professor" says voting for Trump is an "act of terrorism". The true meaning of terrorism is, most simply, the interference of government (either self or collective government).

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