NFL News, Rumors and Musings

I read Outkick the Coverage for my sports blurbs, two reasonable sounding men who can actually think instead of spouting the narrative of the moment. The NFL is twisting in the wind trying to stay in front of the mob. Imagine being an overpaid exec of the NFL and living a bit outside of your means and then having to go to the office and moment by moment having to catch the narrative of the moment or be crushed, cast out and then watch your lifestyle evaporate or at least be living in terror and realizing one false step yields those results. They deserve it, how can I help them get their just rewards?
In the name of freedom of speech, speaking truth to power, taking a stand for what's right, and showing tremendous moral courage, I would love to see players and coaches kneel during the Black National Anthem. What's good for the goose is good for the gander...right, liberals? And kneelers need not be whites only, blacks are welcome to join in the kneeling and say stuff like "we all bleed red", "we're all members of the human race," etc.

Ha. Blacks have a weird idea of their separatism movement. They want White people around so they will have someone to blame for all of their inadequacies. They also want ( with the help of those in power) to subjugate White people with constant humiliations and I still insist sports has been the perfect platform for that. What better way to diminish Whites than having sports teams chalk full of "black stars" with Whites playing the parts of bit players like butlers like the little White kicker making an appearance amidst knowing snickers from both athletes and fans as they play compare and contrast the athletes game.

In detailed studies Steve Sailer insists blacks have a much lower intellect than other races. And most disturbingly they commit violent crimes at a rate that is off the charts compared to other races. The discrepancy is so wide you would think one was looking at a different species? Oddly for someone who is so meticulous in his research Sailer prefers to utilize the sledgehammer approach when it comes to promoting black athletic superiority?

BTW I am on the police reform bandwagon. In the opposite direction. More night sticks and hard ass methods. What is all this touchy feely cops and community talk? Sure with little kids I can see it and cops are nice to them. For the rest of us cops are often irritants but they serve a vital purpose and a civilized society can't function properly without them. Which is why the calls to defund the police is an aim for black savages to run roughshod. I found it amusing that it took about an hour for the Seattle police force to destroy that vicious "young men having sex in tents" movement. Next time run them out on the first night idiots. That mayor probably has residual drug damage from her Grateful Dead days. Hell if they would have airlifted the broads out of Chaz/Jizz or whatever they were called (much like the Occupy Wall Street tent cities) the whole thing would have folded within minutes.

I have known several prison guards. They were all workout warriors and looked like WWE extras. And I couldn't distinguish them from the criminals if my life depended on it. I knew them quite well and those dudes were very rough around the edges. The moral is the "Andy Griffith" model doesn't cut it. Unless we are talking about a drug free all White community where Andy and Barney would more than suffice.

But back to football. I thought Clay Matthews was on a steep decline two years ago but man did he get his legs back last season with the Rams. He was well on his way to double digit stats and TFLs before an injury robbed him of several games. Which is why I am surprised no one has signed him as a FA yet. He will be 34 but last year he showed he still has something in the tank. Chase Winovich of the Pats reminds me so much of a young Clay and I expect a break out year from Chase this season.

Speaking of linebackers I noticed injury riddled Chase Hanson is on the Saints. I have no doubts LB David Woodward didn't get drafted because of injury concerns but hopefully he resurfaces somewhere. I am very concerned about Cowboys budding superstar LB Vander Esch. Hopefully his neck issue is behind him.

I was pleased to see ( I follow White Nebraska defenders like a hawk) Luke Gifford is listed as a back up Dallas LB in both the Athlon and Street and Smith's yearbooks. I recall seeing him on special teams last season one game and I anticipate he will play there but it would be nice to see him get some snaps on defense too. The fabulous Sean Lee, another player with a history of injury problems, played in all 16 games last year. A future coach Lee epitomizes what it takes to be a great linebacker. Smart, quick, instinctive, athletic who has great tackling techniques.

Another younger linebacker who has the same qualities is Joe Schobert. Joe is taking over the play calling for his new team the Jags and the buzz is he will become a leader in the locker room. CM I hear is now the undisputed leader of Carolina now that Kuechly and Olsen have departed.
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I read Outkick the Coverage for my sports blurbs, two reasonable sounding men who can actually think instead of spouting the narrative of the moment. The NFL is twisting in the wind trying to stay in front of the mob. Imagine being an overpaid exec of the NFL and living a bit outside of your means and then having to go to the office and moment by moment having to catch the narrative of the moment or be crushed, cast out and then watch your lifestyle evaporate or at least be living in terror and realizing one false step yields those results. They deserve it, how can I help them get their just rewards?
Wile, very insightful. Great post that gets to the point quick.
Sideshow Mahomes signed a 10 year deal moments ago, it's probably unprecedented for the length of deal and will have signed until he is 36. No terms have disclosed so far but you would think there is out at some point for the club for a career threatening injury or a massive drop off of play....

KC has the face of their city for next Decade.

*Noticed ******* was blocked out. Guess that's forbidden word now too?! :nusenuse:
The more I look back on the 2019 draft the better it looks. A relative bevy of White defenders were chosen and three wide receivers. Three is still paltry but looks a lot better than the zero from this year's draft. While David Sills surprisingly didn't get drafted Scotty Miller being chosen was a bit unexpected so all in all not the total disaster it could have been.

But the linebacker situation improved dramatically because of the 2019 draft. I want to take a look at White LBs from the past two drafts. One thing that really stands out to me is the elevated amount of athleticism most all of them have shown. Depending on what publication you are reading ( I am using Street and Smith's and Athlon) the Patriots Chase Winovich and the Eagles rookie Casey Toohill can be seen as an OLB or a DE. Both are terrific athletes and I sense a big season from Winovich who reminds me of a young Clay Matthews.

Two players who are not seen as athletic by the slanted media are Cameron Smith ( Vikings) and Evan Weaver (Cardinals) both solid tacklers with great instincts. And they are at least decent athletes.

Anthony Nelson of the Bucs is listed as LB in both yearbooks despite being 6'7" 270. Interesting. That is one big LB. And I mentioned the Cowboys Luke Gifford in a previous post. He is playing behind two injury prone terrific players in Sean Lee and Vander Esch but is slotted for special teams.

The rest of the group is basically made up of top tier athletes. Some are downright spectacular.

The Seahawks duo of Cody Barton and Ben Burr-Kirven are listed on both the two deeps so I suspect they will get on the field. Barton started a few games due to injuries. They appear to have starter talent.

The Giants have Carter Coughlin and Ryan Connelly. Too bad Connelly tore his ACL as he was starting and looking solid. Coughlin is likely headed to special teams for now. Connelly is listed as a starter in one pub. The Giants all of a sudden have the most white LBs in the NFL. I haven't rooted for them since the Jason Sehorn days but I think the world of QB Daniel Jones and it is possible they start three White LBs which would include a mix that includes David Mayo, Blake Martinez and Kyler Fackrell. A road map into how a team can ingratiate themselves to me. One quickie about Fackrell who the Packers left out to dry last year. So much was made of the Smiths. And they were good pass rushers. But they didn't need both of them since one of them basically had the same productivity of Fackrell the year before. But they also turned out to be one trick ponies. Both of the Smiths couldn't set the edge against the 49ers who ran through them like a knife through butter. I predict the Packers D will fold like a tent this season.

But the Pack have an electric athlete in Ty Summers who is on the two deep and will play on special teams. Too fast and promising to stale out on special teams. Chase Hansen of the Saints is likely headed towards the special teams as well if he can stay healthy. Rookie Jordan Glasgow the surprise pick by the Colts was specifically drafted for special teams play.

Cole Holcomb of the Redskins ( oops I mean the Washington George Floyds) is a very swift tackling machine and looks like a real budding star.

Another fast LB Blake Cashman of the Jets saw some time last year before a shoulder injury shelved him.

In the AFC the Dolphins Andrew Van Ginkel has a lot of things going for him and I imagine an expanded role on the outside this year.

Rookie Logan Wilson of the Bengals will likely start right away and has future star written all over him. His first step quickness is off the charts.

Drue Tranquill was second in tackles for the Chargers. Watching him play you just know he has a clue. He joins fellow safety Nate Gerry of the Eagles as two emerging players who have made the transition from safety seamlessly. Gerry of course made the headlines last year because he missed a tackle. Probably the only one he missed all season but a missed tackle I mean really come on he should have been cut on the spot.

All this safety talk leads me to Raiders rookie Tanner Muse, a little known player for us members here at Caste Football but I hear good things. He runs like a bullet and will get fans off their duffs with his spirited play ( so they say).
Wile, very insightful. Great post that gets to the point quick.

Much of the insanity we see is white progs trying to stay relevant within the coalition of the fringes as constitutes the D-party today. Back to football, anyone want to bet that Mahomes' deal sucks the life out of that org? Not as bad as Dak's deal of the century well for one thing Mahomes is a top QB, but it just reminds me that football execs put their pants on one leg at a time and probably on backwards unless their mommy is there to help.
Desean Jackson posted on Instagram a post that praised Adolph Hitler and talked about the venomous nature of Jews, he "claims" he didn't know what the quote meant. He maybe dumb enough to be believed but at the moment it looks he will be released under a morals clause violation.

Another faux SJW is exposed....

The only instance a black athlete can be punished for their speech, if it's against jews, must be an uncomfortable intersect with this and jewish owners.
2020 and a man named Desean fired for liking Hitler. Lol wtf.
You can hate on Whites all you want and the PTB will cheer you on. But criticize a certain subset of Whites, one that mostly hates Whites, and you instantly find out where the real power is behind all the chaos and subversion.
Actually it sounds like he is going to keep his job...he met with a rabbi and is going to promote equality lol.
So much can be understood about the USSA by this one cartoonish Rabbiworld post. Lol.


NBC Sports Philadelphia's John Clark reports DeSean Jackson has apologized to Eagles GM Howie Roseman and owner Jeffrey Lurie for his anti-Semitic posts, and that both Eagles principals have told Jackson he needs to be "active to promote equality."
In other words, he is not getting released. Jackson has also reportedly spoken with Rabbi Doniel Grodnitzky of Chabad Young Philly to help Jackson "educate himself." Frankly, Jackson's excuses are absurd. He is a 33-year-old man who literally thought he was quoting Adolf Hitler. Either way, he seems genuinely remorseful and will be getting a second chance.

PS - for anyone keeping count this is not Jackson’s “second chance”. The guy has had all sort of issues throughout his career but his black privilege has swept all of that under the rug.
Following Freethinker's post I would be genuinely surprised if Jackson is released. And the point is well taken Jackson has a history of making trouble. In fact he is the prototype for the dandified speedy black WR Diva who annoys on a consistent level.

Naturally if a White player quoted Hitler the guillotine would be the reply. And the media would be all over it like vultures. Here Jackson and the Rabbi are having a hashing it out session whose main goal is to gloss over the tweet.

Although I don't believe in general insensitive tweets should cause anybody to lose their job. There are a few exceptions but I prefer to err on the side of free speech without worries of retribution. People should feel free to express themselves. And this particular tweet shouldn't be subject to job security despite all the hand wringing.

That said nothing short of murder it seems will derail a black athlete especially a star player in a skill position. Check that not even sure about the murder part as OJ gets to wander about free as a bird.
Breitbart overstate, that is an understatement. Knowing the black folk well enough even if they don't agree they have all heard it and frankly the deafening chorus of condemnation from his fellow blacks is more telling than the screeching about the holy hebrews over at BB which my guess has at least 4000 disqus comments just hating, hating the hypocrisy of "them libruls."

We have a perfect opportunity to jettison the jewish baggage that we whites have to tote about, we should probably just ask the next anti-white scold if they exclude jews from their hatred of whites instead of allowing the jewish folk to hide behind our flimsy skirts. Ah well who am I kidding, and the first paragraph is sarcasm if you didn't figure it out since no black on the left's side has condemned Jackson.
I agree with Shadowlight and do not think people should be persecuted for their thoughts or ideas no matter who they are. What does piss me off is the hypocrisy though - all of the grandstanding by black athletes on the false BLM narrative yet they remain silent when one of their own is guilty of offending another race. It just goes to show how self absorbed they all are - the media not calling any of them out is also very telling and obvious. I think what irritates me most is that it is so blatant and in your face but no one either wants to acknowledge the hypocrisy or they just aren’t bright enough to make the obvious connections.
Sadly White people lose their jobs all the time based on what they post online. Freedom of speech is just about dead, if they continue to censor the internet like they've been hell bent on doing.. Well not good.

Recently even had a buddy(Mexican)fired over a very mild Facebook post(nothing regarding race or taboo subject of Hitler), but someone ratted on him claiming he was trashing the company. Was fired first day back from 4th. Corporate America for you there.
Sadly White people lose their jobs all the time based on what they post online. Freedom of speech is just about dead, if they continue to censor the internet like they've been hell bent on doing.. Well not good.

Recently even had a buddy(Mexican)fired over a very mild Facebook post(nothing regarding race or taboo subject of Hitler), but someone ratted on him claiming he was trashing the company. Was fired first day back from 4th. Corporate America for you there.

I’m surprised given the litigious nature of our society that people who are fired for free speech (as it pertains to the BLM movement or current events especially) do not lawyer up and sue for being fired without cause. I guess it depends upon the conditions of your employment when you sign the contract but getting fired for stating something like “All Lives Matter” is grounds for a big payday if you ask me. The case that really sticks out to me was the announcer for one of the NBA teams getting fired for stating that all lives matter when provoked by a black supremacist basketball player. Sorry for the off topic rant but I would think these ambulance chasers would see a big payday for unlawful termination of employment. Also notice the amount of flack Drew Brees took from black players a month ago compared to the accepted silence of black players with Jackson’s social media posting - it speaks volumes as to what their priorities really are.
I’m surprised given the litigious nature of our society that people who are fired for free speech (as it pertains to the BLM movement or current events especially) do not lawyer up and sue for being fired without cause. I guess it depends upon the conditions of your employment when you sign the contract but getting fired for stating something like “All Lives Matter” is grounds for a big payday if you ask me. The case that really sticks out to me was the announcer for one of the NBA teams getting fired for stating that all lives matter when provoked by a black supremacist basketball player. Sorry for the off topic rant but I would think these ambulance chasers would see a big payday for unlawful termination of employment. Also notice the amount of flack Drew Brees took from black players a month ago compared to the accepted silence of black players with Jackson’s social media posting - it speaks volumes as to what their priorities really are.

It could also be that a lot of blacks agree with Jackson but won't say so publicly as they know what will happen. The way DeSean was treated will likely further inflame the already considerable anti-Jewish feelings among Blacks. I've maintained for a long time that Blacks are smarter when it comes to the racial hierarchy in the U.S. than are Whites.

This former NBA player is backing Jackson. Also, Ice Cube recently told Jake Tapper to "shut up" when Tapper was condemning Louis Farrakhan. Most blacks are well aware of Farrakhan's views:

Ex-NBA Player, Black Lives Matter Advocate Stephen Jackson: Eagles’ DeSean Jackson Was ‘Speaking the Truth’ with Antisemitic Posts
It could also be that a lot of blacks agree with Jackson but won't say so publicly as they know what will happen. The way DeSean was treated will likely further inflame the already considerable anti-Jewish feelings among Blacks. I've maintained for a long time that Blacks are smarter when it comes to the racial hierarchy in the U.S. than are Whites.

This former NBA player is backing Jackson. Also, Ice Cube recently told Jake Tapper to "shut up" when Tapper was condemning Louis Farrakhan. Most blacks are well aware of Farrakhan's views:

Ex-NBA Player, Black Lives Matter Advocate Stephen Jackson: Eagles’ DeSean Jackson Was ‘Speaking the Truth’ with Antisemitic Posts

I'll enjoy watching the show. Just goes to show which group is actually privileged in this country - the infighting between Blacks and Jews will interesting to watch. Hopefully it escalates.
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