NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Victor Davis Hanson, a Trump acolyte till death, wrote a piece that predicts that NFL fans will turn away in droves once the season gets started. He even mentions the disproportionate amount of blacks who play in the NFL and takes a similar dig at the NBA. He figures if management and ownership need to become more black he suggests the NFL should look into getting more Asians and Hispanics plus Whites into the NFL.

But I sense he is acting a bit tongue in cheek here when mentioning that because he brings up the history of the "meritocracy" on display on NFL rosters. He also neglects to mention the Latin take over in baseball. See below his article which I file under yet another "just missed the point" piece that travels close to this website but doesn't really dig in. Like so many it appears he assumes Whites will never be able to play CB etc.

Hanson fails to point out that under the current COVID-19 conditions if the NFL was to return there are two, at least in the short term, obstacles that will interfere with measuring his theory of fan backlash.

For starters fans are so hungry for sports I imagine the TV ratings will be sky high at least in the beginning.

Plus if there are no fans or a limited amount of fans allowed at games there would be no way of knowing how bad attendance is being affected.

I do agree though that once these short term issues are washed out I suspect the backlash will be greater than the original backlash when the anthem controversy was in full bloom. The two sports I anticipate will suffer the most will be the in your face NBA and the NFL.

I don't think I am alone here but while I feel the backlash will have some sputtering strength I wonder if it will be strong enough to wake up the echoes to any significant degree.

So at the end of the day the looming question circles back to how big will the White flight fan brigade end up? And if it is significant will it force teams to become more White friendly? Hard to imagine that but a person has to cling to something positive.
Victor Davis Hanson, a Trump acolyte till death, wrote a piece that predicts that NFL fans will turn away in droves once the season gets started. He even mentions the disproportionate amount of blacks who play in the NFL and takes a similar dig at the NBA. He figures if management and ownership need to become more black he suggests the NFL should look into getting more Asians and Hispanics plus Whites into the NFL.

But I sense he is acting a bit tongue in cheek here when mentioning that because he brings up the history of the "meritocracy" on display on NFL rosters. He also neglects to mention the Latin take over in baseball. See below his article which I file under yet another "just missed the point" piece that travels close to this website but doesn't really dig in. Like so many it appears he assumes Whites will never be able to play CB etc.

Hanson fails to point out that under the current COVID-19 conditions if the NFL was to return there are two, at least in the short term, obstacles that will interfere with measuring his theory of fan backlash.

For starters fans are so hungry for sports I imagine the TV ratings will be sky high at least in the beginning.

Plus if there are no fans or a limited amount of fans allowed at games there would be no way of knowing how bad attendance is being affected.

I do agree though that once these short term issues are washed out I suspect the backlash will be greater than the original backlash when the anthem controversy was in full bloom. The two sports I anticipate will suffer the most will be the in your face NBA and the NFL.

I don't think I am alone here but while I feel the backlash will have some sputtering strength I wonder if it will be strong enough to wake up the echoes to any significant degree.

So at the end of the day the looming question circles back to how big will the White flight fan brigade end up? And if it is significant will it force teams to become more White friendly? Hard to imagine that but a person has to cling to something positive.

One has to also consider that perhaps more casual fans who have gone without sports for months now may realize that their is a lot more to life than mindlessly following a team or sport. I know that’s another more optimistic viewpoint from our end but the covid 19 and Marxist power grab that have occurred have red pilled more and more people IMO. I hate the meritocracy argument in sports as well - it’s a crock of **** that tries to legitimize discrimination of white athletes.
Shadow mentions sports hungry fans and filling the stands, well I was wrong NASCAR did ok last night. I'd guess last night's attendance matched last years spring race, and this is even with that moron Bubba Smollet still acting like a clown. Still NASCAR ran a tight show last night and the racing was decent if predictable. But yeah I still predict a down slope for sports especially spectator attendance in a down economy.

I tried to read Hanson's work and after a paragraph I was "OK Boomer" and I'm a Boomer. What white lib/cons and blacks don't think about much is that non-blacks are starting to outnumber blacks and while we all see non-blacks can be sports fanatics for sports that does not want them to participate in IMO it will be a hollow support and not the national pastime as football was. Besides blacks kill everything, and if they did not have the trillions of dollars of the POZ supporting them they would not have crap.

You have to go way down the page to get the question and answer to which Packers' player was or is fastest, and believe it or not the answer was not caste clownery. FTR I agree with the writer's conclusion. Off the top of my head I don't remember that Jordie's 100 meter from HS was what I would call elite, good yes elite not quite. What I think it says to me is what one of the posters here wrote years ago, young men with speed genetics should run track. I think it helped give JN the confidence in his ability to turn it up.
One has to also consider that perhaps more casual fans who have gone without sports for months now may realize that their is a lot more to life than mindlessly following a team or sport. I know that’s another more optimistic viewpoint from our end but the covid 19 and Marxist power grab that have occurred have red pilled more and more people IMO. I hate the meritocracy argument in sports as well - it’s a crock of **** that tries to legitimize discrimination of white athletes.

Hopefully, many of those we call DWFs have learned they can do without the NCAA tournament, NBA playoffs, etc.
so with all the bs going on about name changes in professional sports, when will the call come to change the names of the Blackhawk and Apache helicopters in the US Military? Will they want to remove Kirk Douglas memorials etc? Doubt that one as he was Jewish.
Thought there was a Tight End thread here on CF (was unable to locate)...despite sitting a year Gronk is still highly rated(#3) on Madden 21 that's trending on Twitter .

Tight End has remained a stronghold for white athletes.
I know this is a NASCAR story but it makes me wonder when fans finally do return to the NFL ( and NBA) fray will their cheers for black players become more reticent and less boisterous? Perhaps more booing than usual will occur as well. As an added bonus the hope is the White players get cheered on more vociferously than ever before. All of these scenarios would be welcome to go along with flagging attendance numbers. Unless of course White players get better "stage lighting" and in that case I would want solid attendance numbers.

Anyway all in all it appeared to be an exciting day at the races down in Bristol Tennessee as Confederate flags flew and media hero Bubba was cheered ( when he crashed). Before that he was booed. Nice to see NASCAR is still a fun experience for their diehard fans. And that something positive can come out of all the controversies of our time. Just goes to show people can come together when times are tough. Diversity on display too with American and Confederate flags being flown. Something for everyone. And they said it couldn't be done.
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I know this is a NASCAR story but it makes me wonder when fans finally do return to the NFL ( and NBA) fray will their cheers for black players become more reticent and less boisterous? Perhaps more booing than usual will occur as well. As an added bonus the hope is the White players get cheered on more vociferously than ever before. All of these scenarios would be welcome to go along with flagging attendance numbers. Unless of course White players get better "stage lighting" and in that case I would want solid attendance numbers.

Anyway all in all it appeared to be an exciting day at the races down in Bristol Tennessee as Confederate flags flew and media hero Bubba was cheered ( when he crashed). Before that he was booed. Nice to see NASCAR is still a fun experience for their diehard fans. And that something positive can come out of all the controversies of our time. Just goes to show people can come together when times are tough. And they said it couldn't be done. It is nice to find something to chuckle about.
I predict this dumb Covid mess is going to be a massive mess for the NFL & NBA. Their fans are never coming back like they used to (most millenials never played the game and don't give a rat's butt about football - especially in that it's played outdoors). Many more stadiums will be half empty and the camera crews will have a harder time concealing the lack of attendance. As far as the guy, Bubba Watson goes, is he a top driver or just a black guy they put in to have a black guy?
It's Bubba Wallace, he won in the truck series which is the lower ranked nationally contested series below the Xfinity and the Cup series. Gibbs racing then hired him for the Xfinity because you know Gibbs is a very, very virtuous man and he will let you know this and then Wallace did squat then Wallace was hired for a one car team where he flounders on average about 25th.

Personally I am not against the Drive for Diversity program, they kept it lower key and did bring a contender along in Almirola though if you count a Cuban from Florida as diversity I have a bridge for sale. But they let the Bubba monster out of the cage, most drivers muddle about for a few years then find employment somewhere else, Bubba muddles about and then found the media and will muddle about for a few more years and highly paid. Since half the drivers it seems are sons of past drivers or grand children of team owners the Drive program does add at least some mediocrity to the mix.
Similar to the MLB star driven #WhenAndWhere campaign a few weeks ago, NFL stars had a Twitter blitz (no pun intended) this morning with a #WeWantToPlay hashtag. However, the tone was more geared towards player safety vs pay proration and number of games played. The give us daily testing / unsafe working environment / black fragility schtick is rather comical given the bare bones and basic precautions most corporations are providing their working class employees.

it’s become glaringly obvious that the NFL was banking on a combination of case rates declining and all of the other leagues having a robust plan Free of issue that they copy and paste for their sport. Now that neither of these seems to be materializing, they are looking incompetent and inept.

the optimist in me is hoping the leagues and owners lose billions this year but the realist in me knows that that will end up some how some way making its way back to the end consumer
The NFL accepted the NFLPA's demand of zero preseason games ahead of the 2020 season.
This is a gigantic step towards having the season start on time. The NFL has slowly inched towards the NFLPA's side of this argument, initially requesting two preseason games, then down to one and now agreeing to none. This will allow for a longer acclimation and strength and conditioning period for players once arriving at team facilities, as teams can now take their time to practice rather than prepare for games. Still, you have to feel for fringe NFL talents who simply won't have the opportunity to put their game on tape for other teams to see in the hopes of maximizing their opportunities. Think of names like Victor Cruz, or even recently Raheem Mostert, as players who have greatly benefited from preseason action.

So no preseason games and I believe the roster is going to be whittled down from 90 to 75 players for training camp so the white purge is going to be done. Not looking promising for our guys who battle during the preseason to try and defy the odds along with the caste system. Training camp news on our guys will need to be tracked more closely since we will not get to see white athletes out perform black counterparts this year.
This sounds like the “2 weeks” version of cancelling the NFL season. Or at least have the option too. Once the ball gets rolling its harder and more ridiculous to stop. If it gets delayed or eliminated, its a lot easier to pull the plug on.
This sounds like the “2 weeks” version of cancelling the NFL season. Or at least have the option too. Once the ball gets rolling its harder and more ridiculous to stop. If it gets delayed or eliminated, its a lot easier to pull the plug on.

Yea, I think the NFL is just waiting to see what happens with the MLB and NBA (as Shadowlight alluded to in another post) to see if they are going to be able to conduct a season. If the NFL/NFLPA decide to cancel the season I think the NFL will lose more of a fanbase considering many fans are working every day for a lot less money than players get in order to play/practice a game. NFL players could easily live in a controlled environment free from any covid exposure - they will have all the access to testing/healthcare that the regular players do not receive. I don't follow the NBA but some of the complaints just show how out of touch affletes are. We all know there are a ton of squeaky wheels in the NFL too so it could be a PR issue for sure requiring damage control.

I personally feel the virus is just making it's way across the country - the worst damage in terms of deaths was in April - April 16 - 4,928 deaths and on July 17th there where 939 deaths (source: - death rates are going down - even with the hysteria of Covid positive patients popping up over the past few weeks the death rates have not skyrocketed. Positive tests are increasing because more tests are being given out but it does look like the death rate is not going to spike back up. Give it another 6 weeks and it could be almost all over with maybe a hotspot popping up here or there. My guess is that is what the NFL is banking on. Sorry for that rant.
Makes sense to me, the numbers don't justify the new insanity. Hopefully there is nothing more sinister up their sleeve, as they are really ramping up the power grab of masks to enter any corporate store or restaurant again.
Yea, I think the NFL is just waiting to see what happens with the MLB and NBA (as Shadowlight alluded to in another post) to see if they are going to be able to conduct a season. If the NFL/NFLPA decide to cancel the season I think the NFL will lose more of a fanbase considering many fans are working every day for a lot less money than players get in order to play/practice a game. NFL players could easily live in a controlled environment free from any covid exposure - they will have all the access to testing/healthcare that the regular players do not receive. I don't follow the NBA but some of the complaints just show how out of touch affletes are. We all know there are a ton of squeaky wheels in the NFL too so it could be a PR issue for sure requiring damage control.

I personally feel the virus is just making it's way across the country - the worst damage in terms of deaths was in April - April 16 - 4,928 deaths and on July 17th there where 939 deaths (source: - death rates are going down - even with the hysteria of Covid positive patients popping up over the past few weeks the death rates have not skyrocketed. Positive tests are increasing because more tests are being given out but it does look like the death rate is not going to spike back up. Give it another 6 weeks and it could be almost all over with maybe a hotspot popping up here or there. My guess is that is what the NFL is banking on. Sorry for that rant.
Beyond 10 day contract players and players with two way contracts NBA players have fully guaranteed contracts so they can't be cut unless they accept 90+ percent buyout on their contract. NFL players apart for star players are literally week to week well compensated working stiffs. There is a huge difference between the attitudes of the players because of this financial difference. Literally every time a star qb or skilled star demands improvements on non financial benefits the NFL pits a blocking back, or 45 to 53rd man type players wants against the star and the bottom of the roster guys get their raise and the star loses out his benefits increase.

The Covid demands will be the same.
Adam Shaheen escapes the rodent nagy regime. Hopefully he is able to make the most of this opportunity and provide a quality number 2 target behind Mike Geisicki
Some real model citizens - rather then being outright cut and expelled from the league the NFL is going to keep it up to the joke of a judicial system to determine whether or not these criminals will get to play. They are all guilty as sin and should be cut and blackballed from the league. That black privilege must be nice.

The Washington Post's Mark Maske reports Washington WR Cody Latimer was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List.

This decision stems from his charges of assault in the second degree, menacing, illegal discharge of a firearm, prohibited use of a weapon, and reckless endangerment in Englewood, Colorado from May. His place on Washington's roster remains in doubt.

SOURCE: Mark Maske on Twitter

NY Daily News' Pat Leonard reports Seahawks CB Quinton Dunbar was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List.
As was Giants CB Deandre Baker stemming from their allegations of paying off witnesses in an armed robbery case. It's basically a paid leave for both with no timeframe for a return while the league awaits a decision from the state attorney’s office in Florida. It's unclear whether the Seahawks or Giants will part ways with either until an official ruling is handed down.

NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports Giants CB Deandre Baker was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List.
Baker had traveled to New York and was prepared to report to camp prior to this ruling. He'll instead be kept away from the team as the league determines his outcome. Both he and Quinton Dunbar, who was also placed on the exempt list, were thought to have their charges dropped in June but the details of this case have only gotten murkier in that time. The Giants have yet to comment on the league's decision.
Quite a few black players have opted out of the 2020 season so far. This will be something to watch as perhaps some white players will get a chance where they usually would not.
Let's hope "Get Woke Go Broke" occurs in the NFL. The irony that a bunch of black players who make millions of dollars to play a game think they are oppressed will never cease to piss me off. The fact that they are all actually beneficiaries of systemic racism (the caste system) which openly discriminates against white athletes just shows what a bunch of fake ******** they all are.
Let's hope "Get Woke Go Broke" occurs in the NFL. The irony that a bunch of black players who make millions of dollars to play a game think they are oppressed will never cease to piss me off. The fact that they are all actually beneficiaries of systemic racism (the caste system) which openly discriminates against white athletes just shows what a bunch of fake ******** they all are.

And Goodell, who wouldn’t let Dallas put the names of officers who were executed by blm on their helmets, will now allow all teams to put the names of black thugs who were shot by police on their helmets. How do these dumb people get to the top like this?
Earlier in the year Panthers RB CM signed a well deserved record contract for a running back.

Now Chargers DE Joey Bosa has signed a five year extension for 135 million that runs his contract through the 2025 season. It is a record contract for a defensive player. And also well deserved.

Joey is easily one of my favorite current NFL players. I just love his fluidity and natural athletic ability. He is a difference maker and is a joy to watch. For years the Chargers have been low on my totem poll but with Joey Bosa leading the way that has changed over the past few seasons.

Joey could very well be on his way to a Hall of Fame career. His first year in 2016 he won rookie defensive player of the year after registering 10.5 sacks. He had 12.5 sacks in his sensational second season. He was banged up in 2018 and only played seven games but still managed 5.5 sacks. He came back strong last season with 11.5 sacks. He is constantly pressuring quarterbacks. And unlike say the Packers Smiths, he is a good all around player too not just a one trick pony.

Unlike so many black defensive linemen who the media label the next coming after nearly every combine, Joey has more than lived up to his billing as a top flight player. I just wish that the Chargers were still in San Diego where they had a dedicated fan base. Now they have to share a spanking new stadium in Los Angeles with the Rams.
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Former Bronco DL Adam Gotsis signed with th Jaguars this morning, wasn’t even aware he was a free agent. Also looking at former teammate Derek Wolfe who is now with the Ravens, he had 7 sacks in 2019 in 12 games and is rewarded with a 1 year $3 million contract. It’s funny when these DL I’ve never heard of are getting 4 year $30+ million contracts and Wolfe gets nothing for a player of his caliber.
Interesting the number of healthy, well-conditioned NFL players that are "opting out" of the season due to COVID-19. The fact that they would most likely (99.99%) be asymptomatic or maybe have a sniffle at worse shows how incredibly successful the MSM has been at hyping the fear factor. Players who make millions playing a game that they love are sitting out over fear of a virus that has basically zero chance of making them ill. Every day I see the "new cases" statistics hyped, like a story today about how parties in the Hamptons or some such rich enclave by young adults has caused an "outbreak". So what? How many are on ventilators or in the morgue? None. They "tested positive". Story never even tells us if any of them are actually sick. Like Texas Representative Louie Gohmert "tested positive" and the media and the Twitter sewer are all saying "He's going to die!!". He's asymptomatic, not even sick, so what's the big deal?
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