NFL News, Rumors and Musings

It was hilarious seeing "NFL - Jews" trending on twitter. Thank you DeSean for the entertainment.
If this was figure skating it would sound like some sort of Hollyweird first date type scenario...

On a more serious side note has anybody heard about this rumor that the NFL will have expanded practice squads of basically everybody that they are bringing into camp? It sounds similar to some high schools that don't cut anybody because not enough players want to play football.

I also have heard that practice squad players may train in separate facilities to contain any potential Covid out breaks and players could in theory be seamlessly substituted for each other if a minor outbreak happens.
If this was figure skating it would sound like some sort of Hollyweird first date type scenario...

On a more serious side note has anybody heard about this rumor that the NFL will have expanded practice squads of basically everybody that they are bringing into camp? It sounds similar to some high schools that don't cut anybody because not enough players want to play football.

I also have heard that practice squad players may train in separate facilities to contain any potential Covid out breaks and players could in theory be seamlessly substituted for each other if a minor outbreak happens.

Future Disney Movie perhaps.
Ed will probably get skulled big time this year, a total non-coincidence of course. IMO every black has heard the jew storyline from Farakhan and if they disagree they stay silent because it is a dominate narrative and blacks do one thing well, they follow the dominate narrative of their big sh*t talkers.
I found out yesterday that Edelman is 1/16 Jewish. It never made sense to me that there would be a jewish mechanic father and son living in a trailer park. Or that he wouldn't immediately be given preferential treatment for being jewish early on in college. It does make sense when only one great grandparent is jewish however. How awkward he must feel now pretending to be jewish?
I found out yesterday that Edelman is 1/16 Jewish. It never made sense to me that there would be a jewish mechanic father and son living in a trailer park. Or that he wouldn't immediately be given preferential treatment for being jewish early on in college. It does make sense when only one great grandparent is jewish however. How awkward he must feel now pretending to be jewish?

He has smartly tapped into the “Jewish privilege.” An ordinary White player could not get away with his drunken shenanigans and all the on-field trash talking with the brothers...because his ancestors survived the holocaust, lol.
Me and my draft mags. I dug up one from 2017 and noticed a common trait among the cornerbacks. Of the top ten, six were poor tacklers.

"Will miss some tackles when he doesn't wrap." "More of a body tackler than hit and wrap, causing him to miss some." "misses too many tackles because he doesn't...wrap."

"More of a drag down tackler." "Not a physical run support player." "Is more of a drag-down type of tackler and misses too many tackles."

More of the same with many of the other prospects, including one who "block tackles." (Case Keenum has "block tackling" to thank for his everlasting fame in Viking play-off history).

Are these really football players in the old sense? Could they have made it in the NFL when it was more run oriented? A lot of these dandies would have been cut as soon as they coaches saw their reluctant tackling. Or never drafted in the first place.

I suppose a missed tackle can make for more excitement than a successful one. The average fan thinks they're watching scintillating football when in fact they're witnessing some atrocious football. Even many of the linebackers are not very eager tacklers nowadays. Maybe some teams will go back to the future and bring back the power running game. Which might open to door for future Csonkas and Riggins to overcome the present caste stratification.

Would be nice to see.
Me and my draft mags. I dug up one from 2017 and noticed a common trait among the cornerbacks. Of the top ten, six were poor tacklers.

"Will miss some tackles when he doesn't wrap." "More of a body tackler than hit and wrap, causing him to miss some." "misses too many tackles because he doesn't...wrap."

"More of a drag down tackler." "Not a physical run support player." "Is more of a drag-down type of tackler and misses too many tackles."

More of the same with many of the other prospects, including one who "block tackles." (Case Keenum has "block tackling" to thank for his everlasting fame in Viking play-off history).

Are these really football players in the old sense? Could they have made it in the NFL when it was more run oriented? A lot of these dandies would have been cut as soon as they coaches saw their reluctant tackling. Or never drafted in the first place. Winning wasn't such a big priority then as it is now.

I suppose a missed tackle can make for more excitement than a successful one. The average fan thinks they're watching scintillating football when in fact they're witnessing some atrocious football. Even many of the linebackers are not very eager tacklers nowadays. Maybe some teams will go back to the future and bring back the power running game. Which might open to door for future Csonkas and Riggins to overcome the present caste stratification.

Would be nice to see.
Yes, I asked a guy in a bar a few year ago about that. He was thrilled with a catch and run. I asked if he'd ever played football as a boy and he answer, no. I told him what he had just witnessed, two missed tackles that made the run possible and he was incredulous. I told him if we'd tackled like that when I was a boy in HS our coach would have been "unhappy" with us. Our first practice Monday morning wouldn't have been a pleasant affair even if we had somehow won the game.
Are these really football players in the old sense? Could they have made it in the NFL when it was more run oriented? A lot of these dandies would have been cut as soon as they coaches saw their reluctant tackling. Or never drafted in the first place.

The black race of yore was more masculine oriented. Over coddled by a worshipping media today they have become more and more cowardly and resemble spoiled sinister children. Black Lies Matter is nothing but a long mean spirited bitchy whine fest with violent undercurrents. Their target for all their woes are White folks who they blame for all their troubles. They also assume White folk have no problems. Sure right ,White people never suffer. Talk about an anti humanistic movement. Instead of blacks looking at themselves in the mirror and owning up to their failures with a level of maturity, which would help pave the way towards at least some improvement, they double down and unfairly blame Whitey for all their troubles. White people are their enemy. Which is truly an insult because White people over the past 50 years have done everything conceivable to try and make life better for blacks in this country. The way they have paved the way for them to shine in sports and get a free college education is a glaring example.

The black athlete in modern times live lives far beyond what most of here at CF could even dream of as all their needs are taken care of like sex and living in luxury not to mention having fans worship the very ground they walk on. Not a bad gig if one can get one. To say they are spoiled to the core is an understatement. This so called terrible White racist country they live in has somehow managed to place many black athletes at the most conceivable highest levels of life. And they make damn sure that blacks are funneled into the sports system that ensures they will be at the top of the heap and over represented, at the dire expense of White athletes. And while living in their laps of luxury they get cheered on and worshipped. Most White people couldn't relate to that in a million years. The hard life huh? Pure hypocrisy which underscores the bloodthirsty power move that is going on. And by the way they can't even show one stinking ounce of gratitude. Hard to root for these pricks.

The whiny non masculine (the stoic Hemingway must be rolling over in his grave) petulance of course is ever present in black athletes. Think of the Diva wide receivers like Odell Beckham and Antonio Brown. They color their hair, bitch about everything and take on a foppish effete air that resembles Oscar Wilde without the wit and brains of course. The black race is quickly disappearing up their own narcissistic asses as they have come to believe they are truly a special branch of humanity. Bite me.

The NFL has adjusted accordingly as they value the black pretty boy skill player above all else and make damn sure they get to shine. The combine is instructive. Most scouts barely pay attention to play on the field anymore. Fundamentals like tackling and other old time skills are replaced in importance with the 40 yard dash and things like arm length. Maybe dick size too? I wouldn't put it past them. The "steroid" muscle look is of course ever popular. They dress them up in spandex outfits and have them run around in "athletic" drills and come away each year swooning as if in love about a boat load of black athletes who have that "upside." Many of course fall woefully short of what was expected.

The skin tight spandex outfits alone point to the direction where things have been going. Is it just me? I find that spandex wear very queer looking? Who wants to see men working out in this fruity gear? It is sickening. Put them in baggy sweat pants for crying out loud.

But that is what they want the game of football to represent. Having black defenders dot rosters pretty much assures that offenses and the black diva skill players will have plenty of opportunities to collect a lot of highlights which will run endlessly on TV as sports analysts wax poetic about the beautiful athleticism of the black athlete. A lot of the speedy black defenders make splash plays that are highlighted by the sports media. Yet these same defenders like the Smiths of the Packers are not anywhere near complete defenders as witnessed by the way the 49ers ran through the Packers in their playoff game. It isn't about defensive competence anymore. It is about a flashy play here and there and not much else. The DB play as we know has disintegrated into sheer ineptness but the media cleverly side steps the issue by totally ignoring it. Unless a White player misses a tackle which will make headline news.

The game of football has lost a lot of the rough and tumble attitude that was a staple for years. The main goal is to ensure black offensive skill players get the main share of the media attention and attendant fawning. The problem is if you put together a tough and smart stingy White defensive unit it would disrupt what the NFL really wants which is to place Black offensive stars in the best possible light. Smart, alert and tough minded fundamental defensive play would spoil the image that the NFL wants.
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Great post @Shadowlight and don't worry the black QBs carry the same self-centered mentality that the skill position players. The only one I can think of who is a team first QB is Russell Wilson. All the rest from Scam on down are the look at me types - run for a first down make a big deal about it types. The caste system in sports perfectly lays out what is going on in society as a whole - the same rules that setup the caste system in sports are permeating everywhere now - the corporations/elites backing the bogus BLM movement are just like the NFL and college teams who prop up the false narrative that blacks are better athletes - if you speak out against black lives matter you are attacked and branded a racist just like us at this site who question the status quo in sports - we are shunned and mocked for questioning a false narrative being pushed. There is also the double standard for blacks to be able to say pretty much anything they want and get away with it (Desean Jackson seems to be the exception for questioning the Jews but that seems to have blown over). Lebron James, Richard Sherman, Toucan and all the rest of them can push a false narrative and since they have the corporate power structure/media and money behind them with no consequences handed out. If any white person in society or sports says anything outside of the false narrative they are attacked, chastised and black listed.
the black QBs carry the same self-centered mentality that the skill position players.

Absolutely correct. The "athletic" modern day black QB has been fused with any other offensive skill position like RB and WR and are seen as highlight material just begging to be noticed. There is no question there is a lot of media hype surrounding black QBs and the desperation in their focus is palpable. Yet another big reason why lax defenses are more than welcome these days.
Absolutely correct. The "athletic" modern day black QB has been fused with any other offensive skill position like RB and WR and are seen as highlight material just begging to be noticed. There is no question there is a lot of media hype surrounding black QBs and the desperation in their focus is palpable. Yet another big reason why lax defenses are more than welcome these days.

Here's my black quarterback theory - maybe the Undefeated can take this one and shove it up their ass!

1. Rule changes over the past 15 years - the constant manipulation of the rules to give offensive players the upper hand (most notably the over protection of QBs and the contact rules between WRs and DBs)
2. These rule changes have allowed for simplified offenses to be run - short easy passes, read option plays which frees up a target if the defense bites - it's not rocket science
3. The decline in defensive play - fundamentals are at an all time low - helmet tackling, refusing to wrap up, going for a big hit rather than utilizing the proper tackling technique along with the heavily slanted offensive favoritism in the NFL rule book.
"Winning wasn't such a big priority as it is now." That line in Tom Irons' quote was not in my original post.

What's going on?
Sorry, I did that. I loused it up somehow. That was my fault. I was just saying we played more with the idea of good sportsmanship when I was a boy. If you weren't a good sportsman, people didn't like it. so we learned to do the best we could and let the chips fall where they may. We always understood, it was only a game.
The search is on for a new name. The leader is the Red Tails named after the all black airmen squadron from WWII.

I prefer the Red Hawks named after the Red-tailed Hawk.

Then again the Washington Piss Ants has a certain ring to it.

Onto more pressing issues see below a rather detailed look and lengthy piece on the prospects of S Troy Apke for the upcoming season. Reasonably fair article given the fact most media reports on him have been unfairly negative.

What an athlete. I suspect the best in the NFL. Love to see Apke and speedy LB Holcomb become staples for Washington for the foreseeable future but the truth is I am not even sure Apke's roster spot is fully secure. I think he will stay on the roster (he is an excellent special teams player) but as many of us have learned over the years one can't take things for granted.
I was bored this morning so I went over and skimmed the Football Morning in America column which was written by NFL player Houston Texans DB Michael Thomas. He brings up reparations and the Toucan and then I posted this in the comment section:

"I think the Black athletes in the NFL need to be made aware they are beneficiaries of systemic racism against white athletes. White athletes in football are moved from "skill" positions early on starting in high school - If you are a white DB or white RB they will bulk you up to play either LB or FB but if your body type is not one which will allow that you get written off. Colleges and Universities ignore white players at certain positions because they are the "wrong color" to play them - total discrimination against whites. I can go on and on but I am sure this little bit of truth won't get past the censors. "

Don't worry though because the censors denied it from being posted in the comment section. I just tried posting again for fun but just goes to show that their is no honest conversation or discourse on race in this country. Not the we all did not know that anyways. I don't think my comment was inflammatory or anything along those lines but just goes to show how speaking the truth against the false narrative whether in sports or on society is being silenced.
I’m not wasting any time watching this crap anymore. I’ve had it. My negro fatigue is off the charts. The last thing I need is to stream a game just to watch pampered negros **** on America. And hopefully the one White player will do great! Lol fuk that
The search is on for a new name. The leader is the Red Tails named after the all black airmen squadron from WWII.

The liberals have advanced the propaganda that the Red Tails were the best flying unit in the war, one which other flyers wanted to fly with.

Someone researched this. It turns out they were one of the worst units. No one wanted to fly with them.
Read Bleacher Report and they have Justin Fields as the number 1 pick in next year's draft. Trevor Lawrence as the number 4 pick going to the Panthers. Five whites out of 32 picks. I know it's early but this is pretty dishearting because it could get worse. I am just writing this for general information. I live in a location where according to the last census taken there were close to 25ooo Native Americans lived around me. I have never seen any of them wear anything but Redskins apparel. They love the Redskins. No, I have not asked every single one of them but I asked enough to know they were not offended by the name.
When the NFL wants to teach black players who get out of line they put the hammer down. Serves as a great deterrent. Case in point when Myles Garrett assaulted QB Mason Rudolph last season they slapped on a six game suspension.............................

To be followed up by a just signed contract extension of 100 million dollars which is the largest ever for a defensive player. His total contract of something around 125 million averaging out to 25 million a year is also a record for a defensive player earlier set by another overrated media hero edge player Khalil Mack who signed a 90 million dollar contract.

The star black athlete has a special place in our new and improved black lies matter dystopia. So the small matter that a star black athlete could kill a White player by striking their head with a helmet really isn't all that important is it?
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