NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Josh if you find that answer make sure to report back, its been tough sledding finding teams that consistently have white players. You’ll find that the interest here is more on skill players than just benchwarmers or offensive lineman.

Whoever is lucky enough to be shamed into this MSM label of whitest team has my condolences. Best of luck to you nonetheless, nobody makes it out of this world without being compromised.
Josh if you find that answer make sure to report back, its been tough sledding finding teams that consistently have white players. You’ll find that the interest here is more on skill players than just benchwarmers or offensive lineman.

Whoever is lucky enough to be shamed into this MSM label of whitest team has my condolences. Best of luck to you nonetheless, nobody makes it out of this world without being compromised.
For whatever it's worth, as recently as 2014 the Philadelphia Eagles had 25 white players on their roster and the Houston Texans had 20 white players on their roster.
For whatever it's worth, as recently as 2014 the Philadelphia Eagles had 25 white players on their roster and the Houston Texans had 20 white players on their roster.

25 white guys?! That's practically a hate crime! I hope USA Today can use it's considerable influence to make sure nothing like that happens again.
I'll take that as a warm welcome.

Josh do you discriminate against Whites? Do you hold negative views of Whites and if so can you explain in some detail how those came about? If you hold such views have you ever engaged in hate speech against any White person or Whites in general?
Josh with all your connections in sports could you do us a favor and ask Booger Macfarland why he is so racially biased against White players?

Let it be noted that I find Booger slightly endearing but he might want to can the obvious bias.
This is the first season I can remember where I'll be actively rooting against Green Bay. I hope they flat out stink this season.

I also hope people can carry that same feeling of being done with NFL into the fall. Again I hope this scamdemic bites them in the ass and teams around the League struggle with attendance. Though that won't be the case for GB who has sold out Lambeau since mid 90s.

I'm not gonna lie, even with the idiocy surrounding Nascar I still tune in to watch just the racing part with the remote ready on a moment's notice to hit mute or change the channel, and I will probably do the same for CFB and NFL. And young man you do not remember "flat out stink" like I do as a Packers fan let me tell you about the Era of Futility from 73-88. But yeah I agree the overfed DWFs in the stands at Lambeau need a dose of reality, and I suppose Aaron Rogers will supply his crib note's version of Critical Race Theory to help speed that up.
If you've got good info, best to contact me directly at But I'll be checking the thread here.

What’s the motive behind finding the whitest football team? If you want a story about systemic discrimination which seems to be all the rage right now you have a story that goes back 40 plus years and is still as relevant today in the caste system. I am sure you can talk with white NFL players and former players on their experiences and recruiting and then work your way back in time.

Forgive me for being a bit skeptical of your intentions but journalists/media have long been a mouthpiece for a certain viewpoint. Let’s be honest though the skepticism is well deserved and you will probably receive quite a bit of it here. In being up front my first guess is that you want to find the whitest football team in America and shame them for not being “diverse”. Again that’s just how I feel journalists/media operate and I hope I am incorrect and you may have a much better and honest motive rather than towing the party line on diversity.
It's a collaborative effort by many of the great forum members here. The numbers for the NFL can usually be found in the annual team threads. The White Purge threads that are made every preseason and posted in the NFL forum can also be a great resource if you are curious to how the NFL rids itself of white players on an annual basis. We have also tracked trends when it comes to the NFL draft - it seems that in no season more than 25% of players drafted are white.

It's interesting that you have found this forum - in this day and age with the current racial climate going on. Are you researching the lack of white athletes in sports? You can go to any recruiting site and find plenty of white athletes with great production and athletic measureables - even check out the High School forum here as their are great posts highlighting white athletes during the recruiting process. Just curious as to what made you stumble across the site.
No I wouldn't trust this guy. No mainstream place is going to write a fair article the way things are right now. It will still bring traffic to the site and help our cause but I guarantee he's going to do his best to make us look bad.
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No I wouldn't trust this guy. No mainstream place is going to write a fair article the way things are right now. It will still bring traffic to the site and help our cause but I guarantee he's going to do his best to make us look bad.

Absolutely, he is just looking for a kill quote, they usually get them from conservatives because conservatives are always begging to have the discussion with the "liberals." Besides the principal posters here have already done the work he is looking for, those guys do more with less than just about anyone I know.

Besides has anyone heard of this guy, read any of his work, is he a caste whore that uses the usual caste language? I don't know because I simply do not read or watch/listen to the caste sports media, it's simply awful.
No I wouldn't trust this guy. No mainstream place is going to write a fair article the way things are right now. It will still bring traffic to the site and help our cause but I guarantee he's going to do his best to make us look bad.

Assuming he's legit, there's no way USA Today will print anything remotely fair. Even if he tried to the final product would be filtered higher up the food chain and changed to fit the party line. And if he did write something fair he'd be "canceled" in the current hysterical atmosphere.
Assuming he's legit, there's no way USA Today will print anything remotely fair. Even if he tried to the final product would be filtered higher up the food chain and changed to fit the party line. And if he did write something fair he'd be "canceled" in the current hysterical atmosphere.

In today's "woke" cultural just visiting this site would be grounds for getting cancelled. If he's for real he's on a search and destroy mission.
"There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary"--- Brendon Behan.

A fellow member here claimed I would become a laughing stock on the internet after one of my rants last year. I snooped around a little bit but it was nothing but crickets as expected. Then a few months ago while trying to retrieve one of my older posts for reference I bumped into a site that did mention me. And man did they do a number on me. Basically called me a lunatic ( not sure I can fully disagree with that ha). I thought to myself wow they really are trying to making a fool out of me. Out of curiosity I wondered what this group was all about?

Turns out they are some sort of weird cultish ramped up LGBTQ clan with possible ( likely) pedophilia ties. I finally "break on through" to the other side and get a mention and it turns out to be ultra weirdos.

Anyway I highly doubt CF will get a mention in USA Today. If CF did it could be like the My Pillow Guy. Sort of without the money pouring in of course. As some may know all the big boys ( Verizon, Disney etc.) bolted Tucker Carlson and My Pillow is the only one left standing. Guy must be making as much as the toilet paper companies or Clorox/Purell/Lysol now that Tucker is setting off the charts viewership records. Pretty impressive when you factor in Tucker has close to zero black viewership. I have a friend who works at a post office and he told me several years ago those pillows were clogging up everything. And that was when My Pillow was in the cheap seats.
Seems like a real good dude, yet such a terribly uncomfortable pillow. I use to give those out as sort of “gag” gifts. No one ever used them, then I found out why after getting one for myself. If he ever sells something that cant be screwed up, Im back on board.
Ha. When I was a kid like so many boys I was mesmerized by that ad page in comic books that featured everything from "check out the chicks" with the see through glasses and all sorts of other tempting stuff. I tested the waters with the Charles Atlas kit without realizing it was some sort of multi step program where you had to spend more money to get to step two. Isometrics. No substitute for weight lifting. One of my bosses back when told me he bought the see through glasses. Needless to say do I need the finish the rest of the story. A brother of mine bought the Army set and it was only a bunch of flat plastic nothings on a slab.

A lot of these "late night " ads that usually feature the tag line "call and buy one now to get another one for free" carrot to the best of my knowledge are a rip off. The so called beaming "army flashlight" is probably a half inch long.A friend of mine bought that TV antenna where the guy is out on the boat picking up sports and everything as a substitute for cable. I tried it out. Horrible. It picked up basically one or two channels and even they were breaking up. What a piece of junk. The My Pillow sounds tempting like they all do but I'm going to pass.

Back in the day I bought one of those Bullworkers. Anybody remember that bow like strength building apparatus? I was tired of working out with weights and figured this would be a quicker alternative. Brutal and I think the sucker made me weaker. Although that 5 spring gadget that required you to pull it in and out did increase your strength.

Sorry for straying away from NFL talk but this is such a funny topic.
The Ginsu knife was borderline legit, “ the flying lure” was somewhat ok. The MyPillow was closer to a “pet-rock” in terms of usability. Still that guy went around America selling sleeping product high on crack. Imagine the salesmanship of being on a 3 day bender convincing others of your great sleep? Thats a legend, not a mere man.
Seems like a real good dude, yet such a terribly uncomfortable pillow. I use to give those out as sort of “gag” gifts. No one ever used them, then I found out why after getting one for myself. If he ever sells something that cant be screwed up, Im back on board.
I have mine for over 3 years. No complaints. Better than most high-end pillows. Last year bought the cushioned bed liner. Great product. I sleep like a champ with over the counter sleeping aids. LOL
I have mine for over 3 years. No complaints. Better than most high-end pillows. Last year bought the cushioned bed liner. Great product. I sleep like a champ with over the counter sleeping aids. LOL

What OTC sleeping aids work for you?
Wile, I respect your views on the anthem. To me, this just leads to a slippery slope. What do we do when the Hispanics want their anthem, then the Samoans, then the Canadian players want theirs played too. We are still Americans first and our anthem should be the only anthem played.

That's what I was thinking Booth. The black/white binary is rapidly becoming obsolete due to the all points of the compass (except Europe) immigration into the U.S. They're watching the special status the blacks have gained recently with envy. If the blacks have their own anthem why can't we have ours? And why do black lives matter but ours don't. We're breaking up into the "squabbling nationalities" Teddy R. warned us about. The cultural marxists think they can direct that envy into get whitey but many of these immigrants have already been educated to certain realities due to the areas they live in. What they see on television is not matching up with what they live every day.

Aside from ultra liberal self hating white liberals your average person is getting sick of seeing all this pandering to blacks. And that includes other minorities.
I have mine for over 3 years. No complaints. Better than most high-end pillows. Last year bought the cushioned bed liner. Great product. I sleep like a champ with over the counter sleeping aids. LOL

Same here Westside. My MyPillow is great. I would suggest it to anyone.
That's what I was thinking Booth. The black/white binary is rapidly becoming obsolete due to the all points of the compass (except Europe) immigration into the U.S. They're watching the special status the blacks have gained recently with envy. If the blacks have their own anthem why can't we have ours? And why do black lives matter but ours don't. We're breaking up into the "squabbling nationalities" Teddy R. warned us about. The cultural marxists think they can direct that envy into get whitey but many of these immigrants have already been educated to certain realities due to the areas they live in. What they see on television is not matching up with what they live every day.

Aside from ultra liberal self hating white liberals your average person is getting sick of seeing all this pandering to blacks. And that includes other minorities.
Don't count on this guy ever joining the NAACP......
I kept searching for Whitest Teams in (the NFL/College Football?fill in the blank)'' and I found myself here. Seriously, as trivial as it might seem, I'm interested in finding "The Whitest Team in America.'' Preferably NFL or college football.
For college football, it’s a toss up from year to year between Florida State, University of Miami and Mississippi State. As for the NFL, the Houston Texans, Seattle Seahawks and the Baltimore Ravens are consistently among the Whitest teams.

It would be great if you could write an article praising these teams for being fair to White athletes despite the systemic racism that they face proceeding through the scouting and recruiting process.
For college football, it’s a toss up from year to year between Florida State, University of Miami and Mississippi State. As for the NFL, the Houston Texans, Seattle Seahawks and the Baltimore Ravens are consistently among the Whitest teams.

It would be great if you could write an article praising these teams for being fair to White athletes despite the systemic racism that they face proceeding through the scouting and recruiting process.

lol, preferably with the video of Bobby Bowden laughing so hard he fell on the ground when he was asked if he would ever recruit a White running back.
In the name of freedom of speech, speaking truth to power, taking a stand for what's right, and showing tremendous moral courage, I would love to see players and coaches kneel during the Black National Anthem. What's good for the goose is good for the gander...right, liberals? And kneelers need not be whites only, blacks are welcome to join in the kneeling and say stuff like "we all bleed red", "we're all members of the human race," etc.

All that aside, I'm pragmatic enough to know that the owners of the league will never allow that to happen (and guaranteed, there are some players who would want to kneel for the black anthem). But it's a certainty that everybody on the field, player and coach alike, will be told in no uncertain terms by their masters that kneeling will not be tolerated during the black anthem, and anyone who even thinks about doing so will be fired and blacklisted for life. Meanwhile, if they're still on board with the current plan, kneeling will be mandatory during the real National Anthem. I imagine Oceania had a similar policy for their sports leagues. Worship of Big Brother, Two Minutes Hate for the "enemy." Do we need anything more to recognize what a farce the NFL has become?

We are living in literal Orwellian times, and that's not even an exaggeration. Anti-lockdown protests must be banned because COVID-19 trumps right to protest. George Floyd protests are okay because right to protest trumps COVID-19. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. And then there was that utterly retarded journalistic tripe (nothing personal, Josh*) from the Colorado Sun unironically claiming that the Antifa riots, mobs of thousands gathering in close proximity, not only did not spread the virus, but somehow magically lowered the COVID-19 rate. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, disease is health.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. There's a reason so many people are following Tucker Carlson now. He is a revolutionary simply for speaking the truth.

*For the record, I seriously doubt that this "Josh" character actually works for USA Today; my guess is that he's an unemployed "writer" who thinks he can get his big break by "exposing" the "mean, horrible racists." Aside from the hyper-saturated market of thousands of desperate liberal douchebags trying to do the exact same thing on other sites, the main problem with that is we're not the Great White Villain they fantasize about. We're just regular White people who want to live our lives in peace without being harassed, threatened, or deplatformed by Antifa.
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American Freedom News