NFL News, Rumors and Musings

It's getting pretty comical at this point. With this and now the black national anthem debacle I hope the league really feels the pain. I think it will turn off more NFL fans. Unfortunately for our cause I feel it will just increase the blackening of the league even further. Just look at college football - whiny, entitled affletes who view themselves as oppressed get triggered by anything and threaten to boycott team activities/sit out - we are seeing the caste system cannibalize it self but unfortunately all of these coaches are the ones capitulating rather than the other way around. My guess is there will be a strong push in the next few years to really blacken up the head coaching position (at the college and NFL level) and front office positions in the NFL to appease the unaware/entitled horde. Only if/when white head coaches/staff/recruiters start coming out en masse stating that they did in fact ignore white athletes along with white athletes corroborating with their personal experiences will there be any real push back. I also hope most casual white fans are fed up with millionaire blacks spouting political messages. At this point I would not care if the NFL went belly-up.

The caste system pretty much just shows how what was implemented in sports is now coming to fruition in society as a whole. In sports everyone has to tow the part line of blacks are better athletes by recruiting them almost exclusively and now in society everyone must kowtow to blacks and agree with Black Lives matter or risk being ostracized by family, friends, employers etc.

I think most of us here have been done with team affiliations for awhile and have narrowed our focus collectively on following and supporting white athletes so stories like the Redskins potentially changing their name will not have any effect on us besides enjoying watching the NFL fumble it's way through yet another PR crisis.
I thank God that the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the world is a White man. Tyson Fury. The rancid NFL and College crap will never get my viewership. I will come here to see the exploits of our guys. Like many posters here and I have said we (Whites) are our worst enemies. Like Claimjumper stated the marginalizing and demonizing of White men is at breakneck speed. I wonder if WE as White Men will say "stop the f*ck now with this sh*t!" I hope we will!
What's needed is leadership, and especially direction. We have neither at this point. I would say Tucker Carlson is the only leader we have currently, but he's a TV commentator, not a politician. Some White men with guts need to stand up and lead the way as there are millions and millions of Americans desperate for leadership right this moment.
What's needed is leadership, and especially direction. We have neither at this point. I would say Tucker Carlson is the only leader we have currently, but he's a TV commentator, not a politician. Some White men with guts need to stand up and lead the way as there are millions and millions of Americans desperate for leadership right this moment.
Carlson to my knowledge laid out several BLM and Antifa criminal f*cks tonight on his show tonight. I hope he lights a fire to the other Republican Senators and Congressmen or women to come forward. Trump to his credit, is mainly the lone wolf in pushing back the Marxist hordes and idiot BLM. I learned yesterday that Carlson's show has broken records on cable news for viewership, so there is hope. God help us!
Tucker speaks truth to power, and yes he now has record amounts of viewership to show for it. Trump tweets a strong game, but always disappoints when it comes to the core issues. This article by Ann Coulter states it the way it is. We have to somehow hope the Republicans win and then methodically go about replacing the 95% of them who are RINO traitors. Too bad the vast majority of Republican conservatives don't have the patriotism or courage Ann Coulter does.
Tucker speaks truth to power, and yes he now has record amounts of viewership to show for it. Trump tweets a strong game, but always disappoints when it comes to the core issues. This article by Ann Coulter states it the way it is. We have to somehow hope the Republicans win and then methodically go about replacing the 95% of them who are RINO traitors. Too bad the vast majority of Republican conservatives don't have the patriotism or courage Ann Coulter does.
Tucker speaks truth to power, and yes he now has record amounts of viewership to show for it. Trump tweets a strong game, but always disappoints when it comes to the core issues. This article by Ann Coulter states it the way it is. We have to somehow hope the Republicans win and then methodically go about replacing the 95% of them who are RINO traitors. Too bad the vast majority of Republican conservatives don't have the patriotism or courage Ann Coulter does.
I had always respected Coulter and purchased some of her books. But once she raged that Trump was an idiot I held back my support of her. Trump has been maligned 24/7 since his candidacy. It is incredible a man of 74 yrs old can combat the MSM and the evil Democrats day in and day out. I, of 56 yrs old need to spot a 3-hour space, where I can gather my thoughts at work! It is a civil war now, without weapons. I hope we as the silent majority put an end this nonsense and revolution in November 2020. I pray every night that November 2016 will repeat.
Trump will always be an enigma. I don't disagree with your assessment, but I can also make a strong argument that he's been America's Nero. I hope for this country's sake that he's a red-blooded patriot and does what needs to be done for the situation we face is dire.
Since we are on the subject of Tucker, thought I would mention his ratings, he is cleaning up with the younger demos and not the usual saw that FOX is the old people's network.

You see Tucker is pushing the boundaries of today's taboos which is desperately sought out by a desperate people looking for sense. I got some advice if you care about the next generation the taboos and the enforcement language of isms, ists and phobias must absolutely be destroyed and our people must be liberated from this evil. Conservatism does no such thing, it basically tailgates the Left and tries to score points for being a bunch of smarty boys.
The Black national anthem is scheduled for the first game. I'll say if first, I support it, shouldn't separate people's have different symbols representing their history and outlook, I think so. I understand those wrapped up in the Lib/Con game are playing the Heglian dialectical of trying to find synthesis, IMO that is basically failed junk created by Trotskyites and CivNats sitting in their dorm room smoking way too much pot and solving the world's problems.
Wile, I respect your views on the anthem. To me, this just leads to a slippery slope. What do we do when the Hispanics want their anthem, then the Samoans, then the Canadian players want theirs played too. We are still Americans first and our anthem should be the only anthem played.
The Black national anthem is scheduled for the first game. I'll say if first, I support it, shouldn't separate people's have different symbols representing their history and outlook, I think so. I understand those wrapped up in the Lib/Con game are playing the Heglian dialectical of trying to find synthesis, IMO that is basically failed junk created by Trotskyites and CivNats sitting in their dorm room smoking way too much pot and solving the world's problems.
Sir, forget about scholars. for the most part they're men of words, spoken and written. They are not men of action. Now is the time for action from young men, not words. The time for words has past. All that matters is God, Clan, Blood, Race, Honor, Duty, Loyalty. I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about. All that should matter to us with the policemen in Minneapolis was that he was White and the guy that got killed/died was black. Therefore, support the policeman on this - he's White, end of story. That's the way it is now. Make yourself and your family ready for what's coming.
Booth I'm not a conservative, I know most here are and they want to have that discussion with "liberals" and also spend their lives policing the coloreds till they miraculously turn into Americans or something like that. Don't even try and discredit me by calling me a nazi, have no use for that either, I hate ideology that crap brought us here today. "We are all Americans", man that cracks me up good sir.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from going forth and giving it the good old conservative try of whatever conservatives try and do in a situation such as this. What conservatism does for the Left is give them a punching bag, but what it really does at this stage is incite the Left to further craziness, and honestly let the crazy out, let the normies get their fill. So go ahead and good luck to you, I mean that.

Gents hurry up and go to that hell hole twitter boycott the NFL is trending and they are ripping on the "conservatives" all because of the black anthem. Somehow I have to convince the NFL that only playing it on the first week is "racist."
Can you imagine playing a white national anthem? There would be massive cries of "racism."

But the racist hypocrisy doesn't seem to bother liberals.
It's getting pretty comical at this point. With this and now the black national anthem debacle I hope the league really feels the pain. I think it will turn off more NFL fans. Unfortunately for our cause I feel it will just increase the blackening of the league even further. Just look at college football - whiny, entitled affletes who view themselves as oppressed get triggered by anything and threaten to boycott team activities/sit out - we are seeing the caste system cannibalize it self but unfortunately all of these coaches are the ones capitulating rather than the other way around. My guess is there will be a strong push in the next few years to really blacken up the head coaching position (at the college and NFL level) and front office positions in the NFL to appease the unaware/entitled horde. Only if/when white head coaches/staff/recruiters start coming out en masse stating that they did in fact ignore white athletes along with white athletes corroborating with their personal experiences will there be any real push back. I also hope most casual white fans are fed up with millionaire blacks spouting political messages. At this point I would not care if the NFL went belly-up.

The caste system pretty much just shows how what was implemented in sports is now coming to fruition in society as a whole. In sports everyone has to tow the part line of blacks are better athletes by recruiting them almost exclusively and now in society everyone must kowtow to blacks and agree with Black Lives matter or risk being ostracized by family, friends, employers etc.

I think most of us here have been done with team affiliations for awhile and have narrowed our focus collectively on following and supporting white athletes so stories like the Redskins potentially changing their name will not have any effect on us besides enjoying watching the NFL fumble it's way through yet another PR crisis.
Saw your research on Whitest College Football Teams in America. Interesting stuff. Have you crunched numbers for the NFL or other sports? Full disclosure: I'm a reporter for USA Today. Feel free to contact me directly at
This is the first season I can remember where I'll be actively rooting against Green Bay. I hope they flat out stink this season.

I also hope people can carry that same feeling of being done with NFL into the fall. Again I hope this scamdemic bites them in the ass and teams around the League struggle with attendance. Though that won't be the case for GB who has sold out Lambeau since mid 90s.
We've hit it big time guy's USA Today reporter lurking the depths of caste football.
We've hit it big time guy's USA Today reporter lurking the depths of caste football.

If this is real prepare for trolls as well as new users. This is the first time CF may have national coverage since Rachel Maddow I think.
Saw your research on Whitest College Football Teams in America. Interesting stuff. Have you crunched numbers for the NFL or other sports? Full disclosure: I'm a reporter for USA Today. Feel free to contact me directly at

It's a collaborative effort by many of the great forum members here. The numbers for the NFL can usually be found in the annual team threads. The White Purge threads that are made every preseason and posted in the NFL forum can also be a great resource if you are curious to how the NFL rids itself of white players on an annual basis. We have also tracked trends when it comes to the NFL draft - it seems that in no season more than 25% of players drafted are white.

It's interesting that you have found this forum - in this day and age with the current racial climate going on. Are you researching the lack of white athletes in sports? You can go to any recruiting site and find plenty of white athletes with great production and athletic measureables - even check out the High School forum here as their are great posts highlighting white athletes during the recruiting process. Just curious as to what made you stumble across the site.
Wile, believe me, I never thought you were a conservative. I have never been on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. I don't label people. I listen to what people say, what they write. and then I make a decision about whether I want to be associated with that person or group. I am glad that being an American cracks you up. I am a proud American and I don't let people like you change my feeling about it. I won't try to discredit you, I am going to let your own words do that. Happy 4th of July.
Saw your research on Whitest College Football Teams in America. Interesting stuff. Have you crunched numbers for the NFL or other sports? Full disclosure: I'm a reporter for USA Today. Feel free to contact me directly at

Welcome. I hope you give what we have to say here fair consideration.

One of things done to white players is to stereotype white players as "unathletic." They are always called slow. In the 2020 draft Clemson safety Tanner Muse was called "slow footed" by NFL analyst Lance Zierlein. Muse ran a 4.41 40. Whatever Muse may be, slow isn't one of them.

Before the 2012 draft linebacker Luke Kuechly was called slow and unathletic. Here's a scouting report as an example. Kuechly, of course, was an elite athlete, which he proved at the combine and during his career.

There are a couple of methods of measuring athleticism for football players. One is the SPARQ and another is the RAS. If you're not familiar with them you can look them up. When you look at these you will see that there are many white men who are just as athletic as blacks yet the stereotype of all whites being unathletic persists.
Welcome. I hope you give what we have to say here fair consideration.

One of things done to white players is to stereotype white players as "unathletic." They are always called slow. In the 2020 draft Clemson safety Tanner Muse was called "slow footed" by NFL analyst Lance Zierlein. Muse ran a 4.41 40. Whatever Muse may be, slow isn't one of them.

Before the 2012 draft linebacker Luke Kuechly was called slow and unathletic. Here's a scouting report as an example. Kuechly, of course, was an elite athlete, which he proved at the combine and during his career.

There are a couple of methods of measuring athleticism for football players. One is the SPARQ and another is the RAS. If you're not familiar with them you can look them up. When you look at these you will see that there are many white men who are just as athletic as blacks yet the stereotype of all whites being unathletic persists.
Thanks for the info. Will check it out. I'm interested in identifying "The Whitest Team In America.'' But that could be "Whitest Team In the NFL" or "Whitest Team in College Football.'' I'm interested in players, but also coaches and front office. In 2014, it was the Philadelphia Eagles: It was never the New England Patriots, even though three white receivers earned them that erroneous recognition. I'm guessing there's a small college football team that's as white as driven snow, but maybe not. Looks like claimjumper did some research on college football. Probably shouldn't be shocked that, based on claimjumper's data, Iowa ranked as the whitest college football team in 2017 and 2017, given Iowa is almost 93 percent white and the fourth whitest state in America.
It's a collaborative effort by many of the great forum members here. The numbers for the NFL can usually be found in the annual team threads. The White Purge threads that are made every preseason and posted in the NFL forum can also be a great resource if you are curious to how the NFL rids itself of white players on an annual basis. We have also tracked trends when it comes to the NFL draft - it seems that in no season more than 25% of players drafted are white.

It's interesting that you have found this forum - in this day and age with the current racial climate going on. Are you researching the lack of white athletes in sports? You can go to any recruiting site and find plenty of white athletes with great production and athletic measureables - even check out the High School forum here as their are great posts highlighting white athletes during the recruiting process. Just curious as to what made you stumble across the site.
I kept searching for Whitest Teams in (the NFL/College Football?fill in the blank)'' and I found myself here. Seriously, as trivial as it might seem, I'm interested in finding "The Whitest Team in America.'' Preferably NFL or college football.
I kept searching for Whitest Teams in (the NFL/College Football?fill in the blank)'' and I found myself here. Seriously, as trivial as it might seem, I'm interested in finding "The Whitest Team in America.'' Preferably NFL or college football.
If you've got good info, best to contact me directly at But I'll be checking the thread here.
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