Kimbo hype monster

Bear Backer said:
LOL at Kimbo. Did anyone get a little sick to their stomach hearing the play by play anouncer going on like this was the greatest upset in MMA history? The only great thing about was Kimbo being exposed yet again.

Exactly, that's why I was yelling at the TV screen!! Kimbo is simply a nobody, any decent MMA fighther can kick his ass. They were making it sound like some legend got beaten at his prime or whatever.

Man, I'm so glad this hype machine is now fully exposed and probably done for. He's an embarassment to MMA fighting and does not belong in a cage. Go back to brawling in backyards, you moron!

Watching the replays, I loved the facial expressions of the drunk white fans who couldn't believe what just happened. They were all there to root for Kimbo, what a bunch of losers they are.

Also, I have nothing against Petruzelli, but he's an average fighter at best. The punch that knocked out Kimbo was pretty weak, followed by a bunch of other weak punches, which really goes show how bad Kimbo is.
And this was a LT Heavyweight beating a HW. Imagine if Kimbo had to face Arlovski or Fedor. He'd be taken out in a stretcher and would have spend the rest of this day eating from a straw.
Edited by: foobar75
Jake sheilds is probably one of the best if not the best at 170.I would love to see him fight GSP or Jon Fitch. Sheilds previous two wins came in impressive form against Nick Thompson and Mike Pile, two other very impressive fighter. Personaly I thought Nelson vs AA should have beeen the main event. Also Another impressive fighter is Benji Radich. The former IFL contender beat Ninja Rua.
When technique meets "athleticism", technique will win. That was the theme from last nights XC card. That is why quarterbacks like Manning and Brady outlast the darker hued affletes and that is why Petruzelli beat Slice. Incidentally, most accomplished MMA fighters do not get caught in arm bars, Shields was able to get the black Daly in one to win the fight. Jake must have known his opponent was incompetent, something the apoplectic announces had no clue of. It was a sweet victory for all our brothers last night! BTW, Slice must have no jaw becuse that first punch he got hit with my son could have thrown. Hey Slice, go back to fighting for beer at barbecues and parole parties you punk!
Hahaha the media was hyping Kimbo up to be a "Superman." So what if he was winning street fights. If Kimbo were white he would have been just another fighter. Since he's black he was hyped as the biggest thing since apple pie. Kimbo has been exposed for the phony he really was. The media will now look for another black "superstar" to replace him. I find it funny how the announcers said Seth "shocked the world." How did he do this? By beating a guy who was 3-0 in MMA? Edited by: whiteathlete33
It's funny I'd seen Seth fight before, and when I called my dad to tell him Ken wasn't fighting, I felt like now Kimbo was going to get beat. I knew Seth was pretty good, but I had no idea he'd get it done in such fashion! It's kind of funny though how they will be like, Kimbo trained to fight Ken, not Seth. Does that really matter? Seth is a striker, isn't that what Kimbo was supposed to be

Still, Kimbo wasn't a bad guy at all post fight. It's good to see he didn't make a lot of excuses, and he seemed to give Seth all the credit. I guess he'll leave the excuses for the drunk white fans who booed Seth (also from Florida) and Gary Shaw and company
Thanks to the person who posted that link. I know this may sound a little insane, but I don't think the fight, as anti-caste as it was, was as anti-caste as the post-fight interview. The guy had just beaten--quickly and brutally--another guy that a whole caste promotion was being built around, and the first thing he does is attribute it to a more or less unfortunate scheduling incident. He didn't seem to take any credit whatsoever, no matter how deserved it was. After all the Kimbo hype, nobody with a working brain can listen to Petruzelli's post-fight interview without some realization (whether they express it vocally or not) of the caste system.

PS: Sorry about stealing your avatar Whiteathlete33. Will upload some other one and update it when I get the time.Edited by: DWFan
DWFan said:
Thanks to the person who posted that link. I know this may sound a little insane, but I don't think the fight, as anti-caste as it was, was as anti-caste as the post-fight interview. The guy had just beaten--quickly and brutally--another guy that a whole caste promotion was being built around, and the first thing he does is attribute it to a more or less unfortunate scheduling incident. He didn't seem to take any credit whatsoever, no matter how deserved it was. After all the Kimbo hype, nobody with a working brain can listen to Petruzelli's post-fight interview without some realization (whether they express it vocally or not) of the caste system.

PS: Sorry about stealing your avatar Whiteathlete33. Will upload some other one and update it when I get the time.

I did notice that postfight DWFan. However, I don't think Petruzelli is to blame. Remember after the last fiasco with Kimbo/Thompson you had people being threatened with firings, etc. Elite XC covered themselves by having the excuse that Kimbo only knew his new opponent less than an hour before the fight. I'm pretty sure Petruzelli was briefed on what to say if he won. It's just good business sense.

Either way, Petruzelli's fists spoke much louder than any words he could have said last night
I think you're right, Sean--he probably was briefed before the fight. He was probably expected to intuit what he should say, but from what I've been reading today (even in the mainstream media!) I doubt they took any chances. I don't want to blame his intentions specifically (in fact, his explanations may have been out of sheer humility. Many whites do this after accomplishing all sorts of endeavors, large or small, and I think that in the right context is a good thing). I just like the interview in that it points out a glaring example of the excuses the caste system gives for itself, whether he himself wants to support it or not.Edited by: DWFan
foobar75 said:
Bear Backer said:
LOL at Kimbo. Did anyone get a little sick to their stomach hearing the play by play anouncer going on like this was the greatest upset in MMA history? The only great thing about was Kimbo being exposed yet again.

Also, I have nothing against Petruzelli, but he's an average fighter at best. The punch that knocked out Kimbo was pretty weak, followed by a bunch of other weak punches, which really goes show how bad Kimbo is.
And this was a LT Heavyweight beating a HW. Imagine if Kimbo had to face Arlovski or Fedor. He'd be taken out in a stretcher and would have spend the rest of this day eating from a straw.

Right, I meant no disrespect to him either. He is a legitimate Mixed Martial Artist. I just think it is incredibly hillarious that a guy who was eliminated on TUF 2 took down Elite XC's hype machine in 14 seconds. I can only imagine how bad a top fighter would destroy Kimbo. The idiot white lemmings and drunks on Youtube just can't seem to be able to get over it
. They have called Seth everything from a pussy to calling him queer with pink hair, to accusing the fight of being fixed. I am sure most of them are have barely ever even seen mixed martial arts and just can't get over the fact that Kimbo "Black Hype" Slice was smashed by a white guy who didn't even break a sweat. I even saw one of them lament on the crappy Yahoo Answers site that there was no way a weak white boy could beat Kimbo. I guessed they missed Kimbo's Gannon fight too LOL! Edited by: Bear Backer
I'm so happy Kimbo lost. For someone to have 3 wins and be so overhyped is ridiculous. Who care about his streetfights. They mean nothing in the ring. I wonder what the media will say now?
whiteathlete33 said:
I'm so happy Kimbo lost. For someone to have 3 wins and be so overhyped is ridiculous. Who care about his streetfights. They mean nothing in the ring. I wonder what the media will say now?

Well, Yahoo said his 15 minutes of fame were over. That does seem to be the case with these manufactured black superstars. Once they have been exposed, the media turns on the creature they created like a ferocious big cat killing the old Alpha's young. They cry that everyone was deceived, as if though they are galliantly coming to defend the truth.
If they will turn on legitimate athletes with at least some skill like Mike Vick or Vince Young, I only have to feel bad in a way for a total bum and complete fraud like Kimbo. Sure he made some money, but he will be broke and back on the streets in no time flat.Edited by: Bear Backer
Perhaps whatever Gods there be have not completely turned their backs on us.

Its amazing to me how much the media and the disgusting White hoi polloi were behind Kimbo in light of the fact there are legit Black fighters who are doing quite well in MMA. I guess Quinton Jackson and Anderson Silva act too much like human beings for the media-whores, they want us to be rooting for an out-and-out n*gg*r.
I didn't know much about Kimbo Slice. Wiki has some information. His given name is Kevin Ferguson.

Ferguson was a star defensive football player for Miami Palmetto High School in the Pinecrest area of Miami, Florida. In college, he went on to the University of Miami on academic scholarship, but did not play football. He was there for only a year and a half. (snip)

Ferguson currently lives with his family in Miami, and is the father of six children: three girls and three boys. His first two sons are named Kevin, and the third is named Kevlar. His three daughters are named Kassandra, Kiara, & Kevina. Ferguson is engaged.

Academic scholarship?That was money well spent. Only in America.I 'm sure he's real bright.Edited by: Bart
This makes me smile.

I was just watching Tony Korhholer on PTI jocksniffing Kimbo for what seemed the entire show. The entire time, the little sissy jew-boy Kornholer was suggesting that Kimbo would "decapitate" Ken Shamrock.

Well, I guess we'll see what ESPN has to say about all their wasted nut-hugging for this guy. Can you imagine what Shamrock would have done to him? The fight might have been over in 12 seconds instead of 14.
Thrashen said:
This makes me smile.

I was just watching Tony Korhholer on PTI jocksniffing Kimbo for what seemed the entire show. The entire time, the little sissy jew-boy Kornholer was suggesting that Kimbo would "decapitate" Ken Shamrock.

Well, I guess we'll see what ESPN has to say about all their wasted nut-hugging for this guy. Can you imagine what Shamrock would have done to him? The fight might have been over in 12 seconds instead of 14.

Shamrock would have been ko'd in 12. Guys, Ken is washed up. Yes, he's a UFC Hall of Famer, he was great back in the day, but he hasn't won a fight in God knows how long. He was specifically chosen to be a 'name' opponent for Kimbo to beat. The truth is the Kimbo camp was waaaay more worried about him fighting Petruzzelli than Ken Shamrock. Rumor has it the Kimbo camp demanded more money to take the fight against Petruzzelli once Ken backed out.

The story I read is that Ken got cut and took his lawyer and trainer with him to the doctor to get stitches BEFORE he let the commission's doctor look at it. Once they see it has stitches, they're not going to let him fight. Ken wanted out of this fight, imo.

If anyone has any other details on Ken's 'cut' please feel free to correct me.

Gotta be amazed that Yahoo is trashing Kimbo on the front page. They usually reserve such journalistic beatings solely for white fighters. Good times.
"Shamrock would have been ko'd in 12."

Well, I dont know about that, but you must admit that Shamrock is more of a threat than a guy who was eliminated from Ultimate Fighter 2. You're right, Ken is beyond washed up, and was yet another "name recognition" fight (like super-washed-up Tank Abbott).

ESPN was ready to give Kimbo a world of press, praise, and hype....assuming he keeps winning. It's brings me great joy to see all the homosexuals at ESPN writhing in pain after their "great hope for MMA" lost to a reality show reject....IN 14 SECONDS!

"Just like Mike Tyson was supposed to decapitate Kevin McBride."

Nice, I cant believe someone else remembers Kornheiser's infinate jock-sniffing (in favor of Tyson) that took place before that fight.

Gee, I wonder if PTI will mention all that time they wasted on Turdbo Slice on today's show....I doubt they'll mention it.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
"Shamrock would have been ko'd in 12."

Well, I dont know about that, but you must admit that Shamrock is more of a threat than a guy who was eliminated from Ultimate Fighter 2.

Are you kidding? 44 year old Shamrock, who hasn't won a fight in four years and was stopped in the first round of his last five fights is a bigger threat than a young and strong Seth petruzelli?

On another note : Kimbo being knocked flat on his face from a jab delivered by a guy balancing himself on one leg was hysterically funny. How bad is that guy's chin?
Thrashen said:
Well, I dont know about that, but you must admit that Shamrock is more of a threat than a guy who was eliminated from Ultimate Fighter 2.

No.. no, sorry bro. I can't say that. Ken hasn't been a threat to anybody in a long time. Petruzzelli would have beaten Ken, too.

You guys, I'm sorry man, but Ken is done. You guys got to go back and watch some videos of his last few fights. Ken really should retire.
Boy what a great weekend I had. Watching EliteXC and seeing Shields beat the trashtalking black Brit and then laughing so hard when Seth knocked out Kimbo in hardly no time at all and laughing even harder when the announcers acted like it was the equivalent of the Miracle on Ice and the greatest MMA upset either. All that hilarity coupled with the fact I saw a insanely funny movie called American Carol yesterday which made for a hell of a entertaining weekend.

M: Even though you only had an hour to get ready for this fight against kimbo, what was your strategy fighting against Kimbo, uh, err, uh, were you tryin to uh, submission him out?

SP: My original plan was to throw a lot of push kicks, called teeps, and try to rush in more, and then shoot in on him, obviously.

M: So you wanted to get him on the ground? There's no way you wanted to box him standing up?

SP: Not really, but I train with lots of undefeated pro boxers, a couple guys have a belt, and my style kinda throws them off a bit, I have kind of an awkward style. So, I knew I would do alright standing up with him. THE PROMOTERS KINDA HINTED TO ME, AND THEY GAVE ME THE MONEY TO STAND AND TRADE WITH HIM. THEY DIDN'T WANT ME TO TAKE HIM DOWN. LETS JUST PUT IT THAT WAY.

M: Ahhh.. ok.

SP: It was worth my while to try and stand up and punch with him.
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