Kimbo hype monster

I just saw this fight on You Who. So many viewers and thousands of dummies commenting on it. Most haven't a clue as to what they are talking about. The fight is simple to explain: Kimbo has a weak chin and was knocked down by a short right COUNTER PUNCH. That's it.
No controversy whatsoever. Kimba bulled in like a waterbuffalo. The fight didn't surprise me very much. Learned observers of fighting sports know a real fighter when they see one.

But the most amazing thing about the fight was the way thousands of white brain-dead fans booed Petruzzi before and after the fight. I will never understand how a white sport patrons will support and cheer black athletes who loathethem.
"But the most amazing thing about the fight was the way thousands of white brain-dead fans booed Petruzzi before and after the fight. I will never understand how a white sport patrons will support and cheer black athletes who loathe them."

Yeah, the term 'brain-dead' is being too kind when referring to these monsters. Any white 'man' that would boo another white man for beating an obviously overrated street thug deserves everthing that's coming to them.

It was the exact same white retards who despised the very white Patriots team last season. Booing and heckling a guy like Wes Welker or Tom Brady, how the f*ck could you ever do that? I guess that's a fundamental caste question that only a jock-sniffing mind would know the answer to.
mostofthe fans on youtube aren't mma fans. Kimbo is a product of Youtube and has developed a cult following with them. Go on a site like and you will see a different opinion of Kimbo. 90 percent of the people on the site are well aware Kimbo is nothing but a hoax.
The other problem is that negative press often helps promote a fighter. His career is over but as long as we continue to talk about him he continues to build a following. That is why I suggest we focus on discussing white fighters that aren't getting the press they deserve like a Dave Herman or Ryan Bader.
Good observation on "Bimbo Lice's" chickens---t posse, the Caste media, and the obliviot tools on YouTube who are moronic enough to believe "Kimblow" is the real deal. The drunken white fans cheering Lice at the fight are complete sheeple. BTW, it's standard M.O. for the untermenschen vermin to limit their bravado to having numbers and/or weapons. It was only a matter of time before Lice was exposed by a decent fighter. Even a B or C level MMA fighter would expose the gravy train that is Bimbo Lice. I was quite happy to learn of Seth's victory!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Thrashen said:
"But the most amazing thing about the fight was the way thousands of white brain-dead fans booed Petruzzi before and after the fight. I will never understand how a white sport patrons will support and cheer black athletes who loathe them."

Yeah, the term 'brain-dead' is being too kind when referring to these monsters. Any white 'man' that would boo another white man for beating an obviously overrated street thug deserves everthing that's coming to them.

Thrashen, to tell you the truth I just do not have an answer to this. I simply cannot understand how someone can turn and despise his own kind. It is shamefull beyond belief.

It was the exact same white retards who despised the very white Patriots team last season. Booing and heckling a guy like Wes Welker or Tom Brady, how the f*ck could you ever do that? I guess that's a fundamental caste question that only a jock-sniffing mind would know the answer to.
patriot said:
The other problem is that negative press often helps promote a fighter. His career is over but as long as we continue to talk about him he continues to build a following. That is why I suggest we focus on discussing white fighters that aren't getting the press they deserve like a Dave Herman or Ryan Bader.

Patriot, I agree with you in principle, but for a moment after a victory as stunning to the brain dead
as this one was we can at least have one thread to talk about our fighter's victory. Beyond this thread I would not write a punctuation mark about Kimbo Slice.
The only reason, and I mean only reason I would ever talk to anyone about Kimbo Slice, is because he represents the caste system in American sports in a nutshell. He was a completely fabricated entity, just like the myth of black athletic superiority. He is a completely contemptible illegal street fighting thug who was overhyped and overpaid. The only difference in him than a great many of the multitude of overpaid black athletes in the NFL and the NBA is that in MMA you couldn't hide his ineptitude for long. You can't kill the fundamentals of the game Kimbo plays like you can with the NFL or the NBA and hide his faults among poor defenses, rule changes that favor offense and foot speed. In MMA he was going to have to eventually step up and fight a real fighter at some point, and we all saw what happened as a result. It didn't even take a top fighter to expose the farce. I have no doubt in my mind that if you returned both the NBA and the NFL to their fundamental roots en masse, there would be a great number of so-called superstar affletes who would also be exposed as being overhyped.Edited by: Bear Backer
Man, that was an exciting eleven seconds!! (Officially fourteen, but I think he really finished him at 4:49.)

Trooper Thorn said:
On another note : Kimbo being knocked flat on his face from a jab delivered by a guy balancing himself on one leg was hysterically funny. How bad is that guy's chin?

Exactly! That was my first thought. Dropped him with a jab off of one foot. Awesome!

And I loved how the commentators were so ecstatic immediately after the fight, but after a few minutes that wore off as reality set in... their cash cow just got wiped out. Oops!
"It didn't even take a top fighter to expose the farce. I have no doubt in my mind that if you returned both the NBA and the NFL to their fundamental roots en masse, there would be a great number of so-called superstar affletes who would also be exposed as being overhyped."

Well said, dude. I really like you posts of late!
whiteathlete33 said:
Did u guys also hear that clown Michael Wilbon said the fight was fixed?

I saw it, but was confused about what he was saying. Was he referring to the comments about paying Seth P. bonus money to fight Kimbo on the ground (i.e. saying it was fixed in Kimbo's favor), or trying to say that it was fixed against Kimbo? If it is the latter, it is the most moronic comment about sports that I've ever heard. If the system is so desperate that they say the fight was rigged against Kimbo, the system is just about dead.

EDIT: Sorry, meant "fight Kimbo standing"Edited by: DWFan
DWFan I think from what I understand he meant Kimbo purposely lost the fight. Basically meaning there is no way Kimbo could lose to a guy like Seth.
whiteathlete33 said:
DWFan I think from what I understand he meant Kimbo purposely lost the fight. Basically meaning there is no way Kimbo could lose to a guy like Seth.

Shows how retarded he is, even for a talking head. How would losing that fight on purpose benefit Kimbo? It was obvious from the Shaw reaction and everything else going on at cage side that the result was totally unexpected. Kimbo didn't look too happy, either.
I swear I saw a tear on Kimbo's ebon cheek as sat in his stool, stunned.
It just occurred to me that Houston Alexander is the UFC's version of Kimbo Slice.
Poacher said:
It just occurred to me that Houston Alexander is the UFC's version of Kimbo Slice.

I don't know, Poacher. Houston doesn't make half-a-mil per fight, nor has he had any easy fight since he started. I believe he was expected to be fodder for Jardine but he KO'd Jardine instead. They've given him sluggers but they've also not hesitated to put him in with good grapplers, like Eric 'the Red.'

I don't think Kimbo is half the striker that Alexander is, either. But they certainly both have no ground game, that's for sure.

p.s. James Irvin is WAY more of a hard puncher than Seth Petruzzelli.
White Shogun said:
Poacher said:
It just occurred to me that Houston Alexander is the UFC's version of Kimbo Slice.

I don't know, Poacher. Houston doesn't make half-a-mil per fight, nor has he had any easy fight since he started. I believe he was expected to be fodder for Jardine but he KO'd Jardine instead. They've given him sluggers but they've also not hesitated to put him in with good grapplers, like Eric 'the Red.'

I don't think Kimbo is half the striker that Alexander is, either. But they certainly both have no ground game, that's for sure.

p.s. James Irvin is WAY more of a hard puncher than Seth Petruzzelli.

Houston Alexander can also speak in complete sentences and doesn't have a posse that delivers rape and death threats to the fighters that beat him.
White Shogun said:
Poacher said:
It just occurred to me that Houston Alexander is the UFC's version of Kimbo Slice.

I don't know, Poacher. Houston doesn't make half-a-mil per fight, nor has he had any easy fight since he started. I believe he was expected to be fodder for Jardine but he KO'd Jardine instead. They've given him sluggers but they've also not hesitated to put him in with good grapplers, like Eric 'the Red.'

I don't think Kimbo is half the striker that Alexander is, either. But they certainly both have no ground game, that's for sure.

p.s. James Irvin is WAY more of a hard puncher than Seth Petruzzelli.
One thing about the UFC they take off the training wheels very quickly. Look who Brock Lesner fought in his debut for the organization. If they went the Kimbo route Brock would be still undefeated and fighting someone like Tank Abbot.
It says on yahoo that Elite XC has folded, straning their stars Kimbo and Corano. Edited by: Sean
I could see the UFC picking up Jake Shields,Brett Rogers, Robbie Lawler and Scott Smith but I hope they stay away from Kimbo Slice.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
I could see the UFC picking up Jake Shields,Brett Rogers, Robbie Lawler and Scott Smith but I hope they stay away from Kimbo Slice.

I would say there is zero chance of the UFC getting Kimbo. I wonder were Gina will go. I'm not a fan of womens mma, but Gina is an exception. She is a very good, talented fighter. The UFC doesn't do womens MMA (I'm glad) so she won't be going there. She's very marketable though, so she will probably go to a pretty good sized company.
I would say there is a 5% chance Dana signs Kimbo Slice. For financial marketing reasons and a chance to put him in against any heavyweight in the UFC stable. Because I think any UFC heavyweight would beat him and finish him off for good as any type of main or mid -card event which Dana would like. But all that being said, I think Dana doesn't sign him because he is a embarrassment to MMA, doesn't deserve to be in the UFC and he doesn't want the criticism that would come from the hardcore MMA and UFC fan that would come from such a signing. Maybe the next time the UFC reality show features the heavyweights, Kimbo might get a spot on that show if he had the guts to take it.
guest301 said:
I would say there is a 5% chance Dana signs Kimbo Slice. For financial marketing reasons and a chance to put him in against any heavyweight in the UFC stable. Because I think any UFC heavyweight would beat him and finish him off for good as any type of main or mid -card event which Dana would like. But all that being said, I think Dana doesn't sign him because he is a embarrassment to MMA, doesn't deserve to be in the UFC and he doesn't want the criticism that would come from the hardcore MMA and UFC fan that would come from such a signing. Maybe the next time the UFC reality show features the heavyweights, Kimbo might get a spot on that show if he had the guts to take it.

There was a video up on yahoo where Dana was really ripping into EliteXC saying they didn't care about mma. Dana was very passionate about how he loves mma, and how ExliteXC was trying to destroy it. I would say from this video alone that Dana wouldn't sign Kimbo, not even to get one of his guys an easy win. Kimbo's already been exposed by a guy who couldn't make it in TUF, so there'd be no reason to put him in there. IF Kimbo get's picked up, and thats a big if, I could see Affliction bringing him in, and trying to build him up a bit against handpicked opponents, but not as a main eventer.
I could see him being the black Butterbean too and fight toughman contests and four round boxing matches only fighting tomato cans with losing records. I am not trying to insult Butterbean who did ok for himself.
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