Kimbo hype monster

It just gets funnier.
From what I heard the Kimbo camp are trying to say Shaw forced him to fight a puncher instead of a grappler/submission guy. Shaw missed a few points from the marketing of Bob Sapp. Yes he got the very dark roided ******* part right, but he missed the part about him only fighting small Asian or shot has beens/journeymen until it's time to cashout. Oh wait that didn't work for Sapp either....
Edited by: white is right
I take back what I said earlier. This may be the geatest moment in MMA history, at least for me.

Seeing the overhyped Kimbo get obliterated by a undercard MMA fighter and then seeing those pictures of the near chimpout brings me great joy. The only other moment that compares was seeing Mirko hit Blob Sapp with that left that broke his orbital bone and left him crumpling on the canvas like a 300 pound sack of.

The best one to me is seeing that fat dark haired lady that sets my Jewdar off, standing there with her hands on her hips like she is thinking to herself "OY VEY! This is not Kosher at all." Edited by: Bear Backer
A lot of people (many of them white) are trying to make excuses for Kimbo, i.e., he was compelled to fight a different style for what he was trained, blah blah blah...

Kind of ironic, considering this guy's so-called "street-fighting" credentials.

I always assumed that in a street fight, you go toe to toe with whoever is in front of you.

If we reversed the roles and Kimbo was the one who got a victory in 14 seconds, there'd be no controversy at all because the "racially appropriate" combatant triumphed.

Since the white guy not only won but absolutely, positively demolished, humiliated, and wrecked this overhyped pansy, everyone's out to give him a free pass.

Sorry, but this guy was, is, and always will be a bum.

He got exposed, so now all his deluded supporters are trying to find a racially acceptable rationale for his loss (such as a fixed fight, etc.) instead of just admitting what everyone here knows -- white men are simply better at MMA than black men.

What, not true?
"Are you kidding? 44 year old Shamrock, who hasn't won a fight in four years and was stopped in the first round of his last five fights is a bigger threat than a young and strong Seth petruzelli?"

Dear god, all I was saying is that nearly any random MMA fighter with any mild ability to punch could have KO'ed him that night. What Petruzelli did was nothing special. Tur-bo fell like a big oaf at his feet and he punched him a couple times...that's all it took. I was saying is that EVEN Shamrock could have done this (because nearly anyone could have). I realize that he is very washed up, hasnt won in 4 years, is 44 years old, should retire, etc.
I just read that Slice got 500K for this train wreck.
Rumor says that Petruzzelli was threatened by Kimbo's entourage after the fight, too.
On the night of this KO, Sportscenter had the KO at #6 on it's "Top 10" plays.

There was also a comment along the lines that -- "Kimbo must not have been legit." That is true of course.

Because of the power of youtube, ESPN had to show something, no matter how small, regarding the destruction of Kimbo. Kimbo will probably disappear now...
White Shogun said:
Rumor says that Petruzzelli was threatened by Kimbo's entourage after the fight, too.

His posse aren't much.

Watch the Sean Gannon vid again and see them back down from Gannon and a few of his friends with Dimbo was getting his ass kicked and they were trying to buy him some time.
Trooper Thorn said:
White Shogun said:
Rumor says that Petruzzelli was threatened by Kimbo's entourage after the fight, too.

His posse aren't much.

Watch the Sean Gannon vid again and see them back down from Gannon and a few of his friends with Dimbo was getting his ass kicked and they were trying to buy him some time.

Good point and good riddance to the main event status of Kimbo. Why would Kimbo's black supporters say the fight was fixed, if the fight was going to be fixed then why wasn't it fixed for a victory for Kimbo instead of a loss. Kimbo was the meal ticket for a very troubled financially Elite XC. They are just grasping at straws and they know in their heart of hearts what they just saw, a beatdown of their hero by a very average MMA fighter. Which makes me believe that Shamrock had more of a chance to beat him than some on this thread think. I only say that assuming Shamrocks injury was lugit and not a last second bit of cowardice on his part. Maybe we will still eventually get to see that fight.
Bart said:
Ferguson currently lives with his family in Miami, and is the father of six children: three girls and three boys. His first two sons are named Kevin, and the third is named Kevlar. His three daughters are named Kassandra, Kiara, & Kevina.

Anyone think this guy has an ego problem?! I mean he only named 4 of his 6 children after himself.....

I'll further everyone else's sentiments in hoping this bum's 15 minutes of fame are over.
Freethinker said:
Bart said:
Ferguson currently lives with his family in Miami, and is the father of six children: three girls and three boys. His first two sons are named Kevin, and the third is named Kevlar. His three daughters are named Kassandra, Kiara, & Kevina.

Anyone think this guy has an ego problem?! I mean he only named 4 of his 6 children after himself.....

I'll further everyone else's sentiments in hoping this bum's 15 minutes of fame are over.

No more a ego problem than George Foreman naming six of his kids George. I read on a MMA site today that Seth got paid extra to stand with Kimbo(six figures) and was basically told not to take the fight to the ground. Makes me appreciate the UFC and Dana White even more because I doubt that kind of stuff happens there. Seth also said he kept his post fight comments low key because he was afraid for his life as he was leaving the ring.
This just keeps getting better and better, with Petruzelli saying that "The promoters kind of hinted to me, and they gave me the money to stand and trade with him," he told The Monsters in Orlando radio show. "They didn't want me to take him down, let's just put it that way. It was worth my while to try to stand up and punch with him."

Of course he came out and did damage control later by saying he was misquoted and misspoke, but the Damage has probably already been done. Not only did Kimbo get his butt handed to him, but Elite XC may have even tried to rig the fight in what they thought was Kimbo's favor. Bye bye Kimbo, bye bye Elite XC.
Edited by: Bear Backer
white is right said:
From what I heard the Kimbo camp are trying to say Shaw forced him to fight a puncher instead of a grappler/submission guy. Shaw missed a few points from the marketing of Bob Sapp. Yes he got the very dark roided ******* part right, but he missed the part about him only fighting small Asian or shot has beens/journeymen until it's time to cashout. Oh wait that didn't work for Sapp either....

To be fair, Sapp did actually do OK in K1..he beat Ernesto Hoost, a great fighter two times...I sincerely doubt slice would last 10-20 seconds with Hoost.
Kimbo's posse apparantly threatened Seth's wife after the fight
Edited by: Sean
Sean said:
Kimbo's posse apparantly threatened Seth's wife after the fight

Threatened, like how?

"Hey lady, tell your hubby to take a dive, or your husband will beat the motherf**king sh** out of our mealticket again" ????

Gawd, what a bunch of losers -- typical black thugs; they need to roll five or six deep to man up enough to threaten one white. In this case, one white girl.

Like most groups of black thugs, once the first one gets decked after talking mad sh**, the rest just stare with a stupid look on their faces like "whattawegonndoonow?"
Sean said:
Kimbo's posse apparantly threatened Seth's wife after the fight

Petruzzelli said in an interview that, not only did they threaten his wife more than once, they also threatened his cornermen with rape and shooting.

One of his guys was hanging off the cage after Petruzzelli won, and he was told by one of Kimbo's crew that he was 'going to rape him.' Another cornerman was told that he'd be shot when he went outside.

Petruzzelli said that EliteXC officials asked him to calm down and stop running around the cage because the crowd was getting riled up and making threats. Petruzzelli told them he wanted out of the cage, and said he was worried about getting jumped or worse.
This is what happens whenever there is a "racially incorrect" ending to any fight. The jock-lickers in the media and the black fighter's friends all go into panic mode.

They got so angry because their precious superhero was defeated in such a patheticly short amount of time by a white man that nobody ever heard of. How humiliating....not only to get beat, but to have so many moronic controversies afterwards
Thrashen said:
This is what happens whenever there is a "racially incorrect" ending to any fight. The jock-lickers in the media and the black fighter's friends all go into panic mode.

At least they didn't go ape (pardon the pun) and riot like they did when Andrew Golota beat up Riddick Bowe or when Oleg Maskaev knocked Hasmin Rahman out of the ring.
Maybe the real tears are about Kimbo's money train taking a hit and his posse may have to find somebody else to leech off very soon. Another loss like that and all those six figure pay days will turn into five figure paydays.
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