Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

I used to be a die hard Packers fan, went three weeks without watching a minute till the Monday night debacle, it's just fading with me. It's just not cool anymore, my take is that the core fans these days are Gen X men with weight issues who played HS football in their whitopia suburban school with two cool black guys and like most people they just won't leave the glory days till they are literally curb stomped. I get this idea because I know a Gen Xer who has an ex HS friend who played in the NFL and his was a whitopia school. Anyway the curb stomping will continue till NFL fan morale improves.
The ratings slide continues right here into Week 10. According to their own apologists there is no end in sight of the tanking going on. What a joy!:


Wait until next year when fans have to decide whether or not to renew their season tickets. Many of them aren't going to.

A lot of them probably went to games because they already bought the tickets. Next year they won't make that mistake. Attendance will go down.
Like a gleaming new housing project, or a once thriving metropolis, Blacks will ultimately infest and destroy their meal ticket. Crying racism, demanding the Rooney Rule, concussion lawsuits, anthem protests, Kaepernick’s lawsuit, TNB on the field, TNB off the field...they don’t respect what they did not build.
who cares about colin nobody will know who he is in a couple of years. but I'm with you on the black handout. There are good black people mostly in rural areas but in urban areas they expect a handout because they think it is owed to them. The false media doesn't help anything but always on their side
GQ, the irrelevant fashion (sic) and lifestyle magazine for hipsters and homosexuals, just named Kaeperdick ‘Citizen of the Year’:rolleyes:

Clearly one of those shock value awards and talking points that will be passed around and circle jerked around the media to continue to try and build up Colin’s “struggle” and image

That cover is laughable - trying so hard to get back to his "Afrocentric" roots - still waiting on someone in the media to tell him he is half white, raised by a white family and had a black father who abandoned him.

The Leftist media doesn't like truth that doesn't advance the agenda as you well know. The problem he has is being delusional and is the same most "Blacks" have: an absent biological father and/or leadership and guidance in any real way. Their neighborhoods are a graphic illustration to their own inherent, self-created problems. He didn't even come from a poor upbringing yet he complains about something that doesn't even exist: Oppression from Whites and Police.

Most Black fathers (74% at last count) are not in the homes of their offspring. It's getting bad in White households too, unfortunately.

I put "Blacks" in quotation marks in regards to Kaepernick because whenever a person is half White and half Black they almost always will identify as Black. Why? Kaepernick, Obummer, and the list is endless of offspring of usually a Black father (absent) and a white mother of terribly poor judgement. Yet still they will identify as Black even though it's a White who raises them, provides for them, dresses them, cares for them, etc.
That cover is laughable - trying so hard to get back to his "Afrocentric" roots - still waiting on someone in the media to tell him he is half white, raised by a white family and had a black father who abandoned him.

Correction Leonardfarn, his father was Squidward.
Kapernick wasn't even quoted in this GQ (Gay Quarterly) "article" and it was just staged photos of him wearing Black Panther clothes with a Afro hairstyle, raising the Black Power Fist, and wearing traditional African garb against a background of brown and black kids from Harlem. Compare and contrast the following photos...



I guess he was a "late bloomer?"

"GQ" went mega-cuck when they hired the impossible-to-like Keith Olbermann to do his weekly mean-spirited, ultra-left, vicious anti-Trump rant called "The Resistance" immediately subsequent to November 2016 election. I've watched a few of the videos and I must confess that I find them quite fascinating. I'm not sure anybody could be more "triggered" if they tried. Keithy screams, pounds his fist on the desk with fits of rage, and has even wept openly multiple times during this sad little web series that is likely watched by far more Trump supporters than Trump haters due to the psychopathic and fundamentally-hateful nature of Olbermann's conduct. This guy was too far left for ESPN, MSNBC, and the Al Gore-owned Current TV...but he fits in well with the SJW gay-boys at GQ...

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Britt McHenry one of the casualties at ESPN with a right wing bent thinks this GQ Man Of The Year pick is a joke see below.

And is it my imagination or have the pre game ceremonies with a militaristic theme been ramped up of late? Perhaps it is because of the Veterans Day weekend but this trend might have started a few weeks ago. There have been flags as big as battleships, tons of pomp and circumstance and last night the teams were fitted with Army camouflage outfits. Don't get me wrong it is preferable to those pricks taking a knee but it is humorous to watch all this back and forth between the protestors and the military parading. And at this point in time the military pageantry is winning out which makes most of the fans breathe a sigh of relief. Most normal people can't stand the protests.

GQ, the irrelevant fashion (sic) and lifestyle magazine for hipsters and homosexuals, just named Kaeperdick ‘Citizen of the Year’:rolleyes:

Clearly one of those shock value awards and talking points that will be passed around and circle jerked around the media to continue to try and build up Colin’s “struggle” and image

Ever time I see this picture for some reason I think of the show Soul Train .
This man deserves a lot of credit as blacks are under tremendous pressure to not buck the anti-White, anti-American party line. I especially like the name of his book.

Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens Opposes Anthem Protests, Says Pride in the Country Is ‘Bottom Line’



by WARNER TODD HUSTON26 Nov 2017150

Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens is not a fan of the NFL’s weekly anti-American protests, staged during the paying of the national anthem. He believes players need to show respect for the country that has made so many of them millionaires.
“They need to do something different,” the Oakland Raiders great told “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Saturday. “Young men need to recognize how proud we should be of that flag.”

Owens, who played for the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl XV in 1980, added that America’s institutions of God, family, country are “under attack.”

The author of Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps(2016), denounced the “socialists and Marxists” who are teaching black children to hate the U.S.A.

full article: http://www.breitbart.com/sports/201...them-protests-says-pride-country-bottom-line/
Many black supremacist players are still doing their commie thing during the anthem, and Trump continues to call them on it. Malcolm Jenkins bitches that blacks are 60% of the prison population and 70% of the NFL and calls the NFL blacks an "anomoly." Really? Just watch an NFL game, and viewers see a wildly disproportionate number of blacks positively portrayed as announcers, coaches, and during commercials. Never in history has a society bent over backwards for so long and at such great lengths to try and uplift a small minority. And in return, blacks are angrier and more anti-White than ever.

Trump Trashes NFL Players For Anthem Protests: Most Are ‘Unable to Define’ What They Are Protesting

President Donald Trump weighed in on NFL protests as a number of players knelt, raised their fists or stayed in the dressing room during the national anthem as the league’s pre-season gets underway.

“The NFL players are at it again,” Trump tweeted, “taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem.”

“Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their ‘outrage’ at something that most of them are unable to define,” he continued. “They make a fortune doing what they love……”

Donald J. Trump



The NFL players are at it again - taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define. They make a fortune doing what they love......

8:18 AM - Aug 10, 2018

The president finished his thought a few minutes later on Twitter, telling players to “find another way to protest.”

Donald J. Trump



.....Be happy, be cool! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!

8:32 AM - Aug 10, 2018
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Trump’s claim that players are “unable to define” what they are protesting demonstrates of his disinterest in finding out anything about the protests.

The president could look at the Twitter feed of Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins, who wrote Thursday night: “Before we enjoy this game lets take some time to ponder that more than 60% of the prison population are people of color. The NFL is made up of 70% African Americans. What you witness on the field does not represent the reality of everyday America. We are the anomalies…”

View image on Twitter

Malcolm Jenkins



Before we enjoy this game lets take some time to ponder that more than 60% of the prison population are people of color. The NFL is made up of 70% African Americans. What you witness on the field does not represent the reality of everyday
America. We are the anomalies...

5:27 PM - Aug 9, 2018

Jenkins raised his fist during the anthem, along with cornerback De’Vante Bausby.

That line about being unable to define what they are outraged about sums it up perfectly. Love how Trump continues to troll the nfl and it’s entitled affletes.
These ungrateful pieces of godless scum are still kneeling, panther-saluting and other crap?!?! What the flying HELL?!?!

Aren't they supposed to be fined or penalized by the league and their teams?


Don's first first paragraph today sums them up totally and succinctly. And if over 60 percent of prison population is Black (I actually thought it was more) why don't these players tell their fellow Blacks to stop being so God-damned criminalistic and effing behave!!!!??!! Straighten the flying hell up you lawbreaking scumbuckets!!!

Rant over......for now.

Btw, screw the NFL.
I recall around 1970, St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson said something like: "The fans don't pay my salary. Gussie Busch does." Gibson was a baseball player but most black athletes don't grasp the concept of fan interest being what generates the money. Gibson said this in the context of not wanting to sign autographs or be fan friendly.

To these characters, the owners pay their salaries and/or the corporations and that's that. Some of the current "protesters" have said: "If you don't like it, stay away or turn off the TV." They don't understand pro football would fade away in the long run. Future time orientation isn't exactly a black strong point.
American Freedom News