Many black supremacist players are still doing their commie thing during the anthem, and Trump continues to call them on it. Malcolm Jenkins bitches that blacks are 60% of the prison population and 70% of the NFL and calls the NFL blacks an "anomoly." Really? Just watch an NFL game, and viewers see a wildly disproportionate number of blacks positively portrayed as announcers, coaches, and during commercials. Never in history has a society bent over backwards for so long and at such great lengths to try and uplift a small minority. And in return, blacks are angrier and more anti-White than ever.
Trump Trashes NFL Players For Anthem Protests: Most Are ‘Unable to Define’ What They Are Protesting
Donald Trump weighed in on NFL protests as a number of players knelt, raised their fists or stayed in the dressing room during the national anthem as the league’s pre-season gets underway.
“The NFL players are at it again,” Trump tweeted, “taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem.”
“Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their ‘outrage’ at something that most of them are unable to define,” he continued. “They make a fortune doing what they love……”

Donald J. Trump
The NFL players are at it again - taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define. They make a fortune doing what they love......
8:18 AM - Aug 10, 2018
The president finished his thought a few minutes later on Twitter, telling players to “find another way to protest.”

Donald J. Trump
.....Be happy, be cool! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!
8:32 AM - Aug 10, 2018
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Trump’s claim that players are “unable to define” what they are protesting demonstrates of his disinterest in
finding out anything about the protests.
The president could look at the Twitter feed of Philadelphia Eagles safety
Malcolm Jenkins, who wrote Thursday night: “Before we enjoy this game lets take some time to ponder that more than 60% of the prison population are people of color. The NFL is made up of 70% African Americans. What you witness on the field does not represent the reality of everyday America. We are the anomalies…”
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Malcolm Jenkins
Before we enjoy this game lets take some time to ponder that more than 60% of the prison population are people of color. The NFL is made up of 70% African Americans. What you witness on the field does not represent the reality of everyday
America. We are the anomalies...
5:27 PM - Aug 9, 2018
Jenkins raised his fist during the anthem, along with cornerback De’Vante Bausby.