Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

Goodell will probably take the fall for everything and resign at seasons end. It will be an easy out. It'll be Whitey's fault (himself and all of us collectively) in his own mind, so rather than lay any of the problem on Black players/protesters he'll just be the fall guy and walk out the door in shame for all the wrong reasons. The Felon League will be more and more a turn-off to even normie White people and previous fans, the money train. Then, as a result may the Felon League never Rest in Peace.
Trump is trolling the NFL so hard. My guess is that the NFL thought this was over with after one week. This is the caste system coming back to bite the hand that feeds - they fill their rosters with black players and this is what happens! I am enjoying this throughly.
Words cannot describe how much I am loving this. No one has been saying the things that are being said now, except for us here at Caste Football who have known what's up for years before Joe PotatoChipEater has. Our message is filtering into the mainstream even though it's under a false pretense of not respecting the flag (It's police and whites who they REALLY don't respect) I am still happy nonetheless. I'm hoping this leads the NFL (read GM's) to start looking more closely at the personalities they choose to represent their product. I also hope it leads to more whites being drafted.
Earlier today in the long-running Crime thread I copied and pasted two blurbs from Weenieworld about two black football players charged with crimes who quickly had them dropped, which happens all the time. Just now I go to Weenieworld and these are the first two blurbs:

Free agent CB Tracy Porter was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana, distribution of schedule II drugs, and domestic battery on Tuesday night. Porter allegedly grabbed his girlfriend by the arm and throat in an incident on October 5. Now 31, Porter is apparently attending truck driving school after being cut by the Bears back in April. He has played his final NFL snap.

Giants suspended CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie for conduct detrimental to the team.
According to those involved, Rodgers-Cromartie came into the facility Wednesday and got into a heated altercation with coach Ben McAdoo. It reportedly had much to do with his role on defense. DRC has been playing inside, covering the slot, but wants to play outside after he briefly was given the chance to in Week 5 against the Chargers at the expense of Eli Apple. The coaching staff apparently wants to go back to Apple, and DRC decided to leave the team. It's a sinking ship for the G-Men. Look for Ross Cockrell to pick up the available snaps.

The NFL is filled with thugs and criminals, enabled by the media, corporate sponsors, coaches, scouts and owners, a large and important microcosm of what the US has become as the sordid details of scum like Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, Pizzagate and so much else dribbles out on the alternative media while the "mainstream" media does everything possible to minimize the damage. The depths of the depravity of much of the ruling class is far beyond the comprehension abilities of the "proles" the elites are obsessed with controlling and marginalizing. Hopefully the various constituent parts of the utterly corrupt far-left, anti-White ruling coalition will continue to devour each other with greater fervor. The system may be closer to collapse than many imagine. Just look at all the turmoil and damage Trump has caused with just a few timely jabs from his "bully pulpit."
Why can’t EMPLOYEES understand that while on the clock they cannot use their employers’ platform to espouse their social, religious, or political beliefs? It’s like working at Home Depot and getting on the PA system and preaching the gospel. Get your own website, or bullhorn and proselytize on your own time. Just like the football players who want to kneel for the anthem: buy a ticket to an event and kneel at your seat during the anthem.
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Why can’t EMPLOYEES understand that while on the clock they cannot use their employers’ platform to espouse their social, religious, or political beliefs? It’s like working at Home Depot and getting on the PA system and preaching the gospel. Get your own website, or bullhorn and proselytize on your own time. Just like the football players who want to kneel for the anthem: buy a ticket to an event and kneel at your seat during the anthem.

When your “employees” are halfwit thugs (sharp as a bowling ball), you have to understand their comphrension ability is “minimal” (...at best). Add to that fact these witlings lack impulse control (innately) & have (also) been catered to/pampered since they were high school ‘affletic dindu youffs’.
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Cultural Communist demonic dirtbags verbally assault and try to bully and intimidate Jerry Jones leaving owners meeting. Their delusional statements and typical Leftist rhetoric demonstrate clearly their complete indoctrination from the High Priests of anti-White professors at whatever college they attended (and being raised by the talmudvision). There's no other possible explanation. These self-righteous twits need a Charles Bronson encounter of sorts...
And btw, the P*SSY OWNERS caved and not only will they allow the dindus to continue to kneel, they will financially aid all the dindus "social causes" to "bring about awareness, equality, and change".
To freaking hell with this League...

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Just heard Goodell in a live press conference. He was spending the whole time spewing drivel that is so pervasive nowadays. Smoke and mirrors. In other words, disingenuous Leftist platitudes and empty, worthless nonsensical crap to bend over backwards to paint the dindu disrespectful pieces of crap in the most positive light, almost sainthood. What proceeded from his mouth mostly was the typical empty Leftist NWO crap. Utter crap.

I'm hoping, and literally praying for this Communist-infected and infested joke of a sport to fail and fail big time.

I have never hated a League more.
Just heard Goodell in a live press conference. He was spending the whole time spewing drivel that is so pervasive nowadays. Smoke and mirrors. In other words, disingenuous Leftist platitudes and empty, worthless nonsensical crap to bend over backwards to paint the dindu disrespectful pieces of crap in the most positive light, almost sainthood. What proceeded from his mouth mostly was the typical empty Leftist NWO crap. Utter crap.

I'm hoping, and literally praying for this Communist-infected and infested joke of a sport to fail and fail big time.

I have never hated a League more.

I hope so too. If it folds and we don't get to see anymore of Tom Brady and Aarod Rodgers then so be it. They can cuck on over to their brothas from another motha.
We will get a replacement league consisting of white athletes that were told they wouldn't make it in the nfl. Those guys will show heart and love for their country.
In another post under NFL musings I said I think it will be a net gain for the white players because the ******* criminal thugs got their way and can now continue to "protest." I said this before but the NFL is essentially over 90% black. If you strip away the kickers and clip board holding third string QB's then you are looking more like 90% rather than 70-75% which is often quoted. One step further strip away white OL and white DT and QB's and you have a league that is nearly 100% black. Which means they get to pull their weight around on and off the field. Again I am just looking at this situation in terms of what it means for the white skill players and even thought there are "head coaches" if the black brethren are not behind their white teammates then we will see an even further degradation of white NFL players head coaches be damned. The blacks run the ship and they know it. There are enough of them to sabotage or injure white players at their leisure.
That said with great irony one of the owners who won championships with nearly all black teams Jerry Jones is now a target for wrath by the criminal element because he took the bold steps to try and get players to stand for the Anthem. Below is a Breitbart piece on the attacks on Jones including an unsettling video where anti white new wave black NAZIS gives Jones the business as he is leaving the NFL meetings.
For all that Jones has done for black athletes over the years this is where it lands him. I hope people are taking notes. It doesn't pay to bend over for black athletes. Too many of them are on a blistering anti white brigade and they can all go to hell. And like so many here at caste I am hoping the NFL suffers great damage and that more white fans understand what they are involved in: Cheering on black athletes and participating in a giant orgy of black superiority while so many of those black players hate your guts and thrill to the idea of humiliating whites. I think this Anthem scenario has let a few worms out on this formula and hopefully has opened up some fan's eyes to this game of deceit that is a now a staple of modern sports.
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It looks like the NFL may adopt a strategy of appealing to left-wing types to replace their "normal" fan base, as they have antagonized the DWF types (most of whom vote Republican). By next year, they might quit playing the National Anthem altogether. Now they're saying the protests are also for "gender pay equity."

For decades, the NFL has wrapped itself in the flag, flyovers, welcoming veterans, etc. This will stop. The problem is left wingers who like football already watch and sitting down in front of the TV for a football game is becoming passe anyway.

Off topic, the NFL appears to be moving toward openly embracing gambling. The Raiders leaving Oakland for Las Vegas is an indication.
I think the NFL ownership does not want to alienate any political groups so I suspect you won't see them target say liberals at the expense of their more conservative base and vice versa. They are still a business. So as far as the Anthem and flyovers etc. that will probably continue in my estimation although perhaps the pomp will tone down. Again the pregame ceremonies might remain unchanged.
It is the players running this asylum and they probably let it be known in the meetings that a "mutiny" is in the works if the owners don't comply to their wishes. The black players hold most of the "winning" cards because they are in no uncertain terms THE NFL and have been for years. Mess with them too much and they can cause havoc and this Anthem ordeal is a prime example of that. Now we have seen some fans peel away and TV ratings dip along with overall loss of revenue. As for me I don't know at this point what will happen down the road on that score. Will more and more fans look away and bottom lines continue to head south? I sure and hell hope so but can't say that is a certain outcome. I don't think we can bank on it no matter how much we want the league to go down in flames. Look at the NBA. It is still upright.
Still there is also a deep untold yearning by many white fans to see more white skill position players and if say the status of say white WR's gets decimated in a way that the NBA has sidelined whites I suspect that will also erode the NFL fan base. Since diversity is a modern day mantra albeit many here have correctly pointed out that what it really means is keep out the whites. But don't think the general public is not becoming more aware of the hypocrisy behind "diversity" if it seemingly wants to exclude whites. There is a growing general realization that sports seem to be geared more and more exclusively towards blacks and more and more white people are growing uncomfortable with that long brewing trend and I am not talking about us diehards here at caste. This could very well put the onus on college programs to produce more "pro like" white players. And with this Anthem mess I suspect some owners are at least considering what a "whiter" NFL would look like which they know would produce less problems on and off the field and more revenue. We can only hope they "diversify" the NFL where more whites are represented in "glory" positions and readdress the off kilter balance that has been in the NFL for years now. This is a long and winding story but perhaps the silver lining is the league might be more accepting of whites after all of this crap has gone down.
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Blacks only have power because timid and delusional Whites give it to them. These owners were fools to back down. Now there will be more anti-American and anti-White behavior and more loss of revenue.

The blacks don't have the power, the owners do. All they have to do is suspend for one game any player that shows disrespect for the National Anthem. The whole thing would be over in a week, once there are consequences for the blacks.

For whatever reasons Whites roll over for blacks in this country, for no good reason. Whites need to start standing up to the unreasonable behavior of blacks.
The NFL just ain't cool anymore, how long can anyone pretend that priggish white liberals who scold for a living and black racial bigots are anything special? It's why I keep saying that someone will come along and at the right time with the right bit of rhetoric just sink the NFL to niche sport. People will go along with a trend way past its due date, but give them an option and they move on if they have cover of the mob.
Blacks only have power because timid and delusional Whites give it to them. These owners were fools to back down. Now there will be more anti-American and anti-White behavior and more loss of revenue.

The blacks don't have the power, the owners do. All they have to do is suspend for one game any player that shows disrespect for the National Anthem. The whole thing would be over in a week, once there are consequences for the blacks.

For whatever reasons Whites roll over for blacks in this country, for no good reason. Whites need to start standing up to the unreasonable behavior of blacks.

I actually think white fans in general have been standing up against this behavior by blacks. A few weeks ago Packer fans defied the request to link arms during the Anthem. Instead many went the full hog with their hands on their chest even singing the Anthem as if to hammer home their point of view.
And most Americans agree with Trump that it is disrespectful to kneel during the Anthem.
As for the power of owners, that has dwindled over the years. It started in the 1980's when Magic Johnson started dictating every aspect of the Lakers organization down to who coaches the team. LeBron James got a coach fired a couple of years ago.
The NFL locker rooms are nearly all black and they can undermine ownership in various ways including performance on the playing field. Just recently a rumor whether true or not circulated that the Raiders tanked a game to make a point. If the owners piss off the black players in my mind it will have a negative effect on the white players. Even tightly run ships like the Patriots headed by a strong Head Coach have not been able to reign in the Anthem protesters on their team.
I just don't want this protest stuff to weave it's way negatively towards white teammates and as an example I will use Florida State as a model. Imagine if you will they sign two hot shot white WR's and a white RB and decide to start them as freshman. Since Florida State has a long standing tradition of an iron clad caste system and most of their players are from black high schools do you think that these black players are going to bust their nuts for white glory position players? My answer is NO. One of the great motivating factors for many black players is their antagonism towards whites and white athletes. The point is if many NFL blacks feel they are being pushed around by ownership they could very well take it out on their white teammates which would hinder the white players chances of success. Things are tough enough as it stands now and I don't want to see any additional ways black players can use to disrupt white success.
To me the best solution to the problem is to get more white players into the league to break up the monopoly blacks have had for years. My hope is that ownership sees having more white players producing a more stable environment and less disruption like this Anthem stuff. And most significantly more revenue. So management are in the draft room and they are looking at a white and a black WR. If the talent level is close enough now they might decide on the white player whereas in the past the black player would be taken no questions asked.
As for your first points it could open the floodgates for more anti-American etc. sentiments and we have seen the loss of revenue already and perhaps that will continue as well. But ultimately in my mind the black players in this day and age have the power to significantly screw up white performance patterns and for someone like me who wants to see whites succeed I would prefer this current set up where some appeasement takes place which I agree is despicable. But like in poker though you can only play the cards you are dealt---and hope in the future you can set it up where you get better cards and then get the preferred outcome.
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See below what King Thug, the acting crime boss of this Anthem stuff, has to say. The more these things come out of the mouths of NFL players the better it will be down the road for the prospects of the white NFL athlete as the NFL hurtles to earth like an asteroid. Destroy Captain Destroy--to make way for a new brighter tomorrow. I see an opening here. Remember the majority of the American people are NOT on this *******'s side. Media outlets like CNN and ESPN have distorted that reality.
I am adding another Breitbart article that puts this Bennett turd in his place. I have said it before, this guy is loathsome.
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Blacks only have power because timid and delusional Whites give it to them. These owners were fools to back down. Now there will be more anti-American and anti-White behavior and more loss of revenue.

The blacks don't have the power, the owners do. All they have to do is suspend for one game any player that shows disrespect for the National Anthem. The whole thing would be over in a week, once there are consequences for the blacks.

For whatever reasons Whites roll over for blacks in this country, for no good reason. Whites need to start standing up to the unreasonable behavior of blacks.
If you want to bust the union or end the mini rebellion you just need to cut off the game cheques of the players. Very few of these guys have any sense of the value of money and their place in greater society.

For every story of a player who gets it and saves money or has an off season job or is studying for a career there are x score who gamble, booze and whore away their game cheques, which are the equivalent of salaries for American workers.
I think many including the media think that it is Trump who has lifted the lid on "identity" politics. Not really. He is more of a mouthpiece for what has been brewing within the population the past eight years. It is the everyday people, mostly white, who have had enough of the CNN fueled race baiting. Do not underestimate the power of the populace in this country. The NFL quagmire is a result of ordinary Joe's saying wait just a damn minute. Good piece below which reflects on that reality.

I think many including the media think that it is Trump who has lifted the lid on "identity" politics. Not really. He is more of a mouthpiece for what has been brewing within the population the past eight years. It is the everyday people, mostly white, who have had enough of the CNN fueled race baiting. Do not underestimate the power of the populace in this country. The NFL quagmire is a result of ordinary Joe's saying wait just a damn minute. Good piece below which reflects on that reality.


That's a good article, but never mentions the declining White population. That's the most important factor of all. If the Democrat-Republican immigration agenda of rapid replacement of Whites isn't reversed, our "reprieve" under Trump will be short-lived. As long as the White population keeps declining, the far left will win, eventually. They're mad now because Trump has merely delayed the inevitable for a few years. This is what conservatives are afraid to talk honestly about, only the demonized alt-right does.
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