Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

IMO Forever it looked like the black players actually were there to play the game, plus it is two teams that actually play whites, football as it should be.
Posted on October 22, 2017 by Dr. John K. Press 2 comments

Studying black athletes’ recent ‘take a knee’ campaign can help us ‘take back our country.’ But, only if we heed the five vital culturist lessons they teach us:

1. Black athletes give us a way to taunt black men generally. As detailed in my infamous “Grab ‘em by the @&#%” music video, on the court black athletes claim to be tough guys. Determined to win, they ‘man up’ and make no excuses. But, off the court, they whine, “We can’t compete due to waaaaycism. Someone said a hurty word, so I can’t achieve! It’s not faiwwr. Waaaa!!” We have to tell them, “Black (so-called) men, stop crying like sissy-assed bitches and man up like you do in sports!!”

But, beyond general whininess, black athletes’ ‘take a knee’ nonsense gives us specific angles to attack black men over. We can say, “It isn’t racial profiling. Police don’t have an issue with your skin color. It is culturist profiling. Police have an issue with how much crime black people commit.” We must make black men choose responsibility over victimization by saying, “Your constantly claiming victimhood is sad and pathetic. If you want to be a man ‘take a knee’ over murder and fatherlessness in the black community.” This culturist discussion could set the stage for a society-wide virtues revolution.

2. Black athletes help to promote race realism and to defeat racism. The fact that black men dominate several sports is a perfect way to begin discussions about human biodiversity. They’re good at rhythm too! Noting that human biodiversity includes these traits, and that IQ differences also exist, is not racist; It is race realism. It would be ‘racist’ if we then advocated race-based policies, such as affirmative for white people in sports. Distinguishing between race realism and racism clarifies discussions. Black athletes making the case that different groups have different strengths undermines the childish multicultural narrative wherein all ethnic groups’ failure is white people’s fault.

3. Black athletes promote race pride in that they only think about black people. They do not ‘take a knee’ for domestic abuse victims, female rights in Islam or cutting of the space program’s funding. No! It is all about their pathetic imagined victimization. As a culturist, I am not an uncritical fan of identity politics. All races, (though not cultures), can take pride in the West and our accomplishments. But, white men can’t be the only group that never discusses its treatment. If white men took a little pride in their achievements, it would help dismantle western guilt. Mutual manly admiration could help race relations in the glorious West.

4. Black athletes remind us that humans don’t think much. Evolution designed us to absorb our cultural programming unreflectively. And, as even high IQ whites believe the BLM narrative, this is not a race or IQ problem. The fact that all humans are designed to absorb a culture means that if Western culturists don’t give people a source of identity, someone else will. Thus the black athletes’ culpability points to the importance of our taking the schools and media back. Our politicians must also lead culturist discussions about virtues, responsibility and patriotism.

But, black athletes’ protests show, beyond talk, culturist programming is largely done via bio-cultural mechanisms. The fact that this kneeling happens during our National Anthem reminds us of Anthems’ power. Shared public movements, (standing and putting your hand over your heart), have also been shown to effectively bond groups. The setting’s uniforms, logos, team names, and rivalries point to other culturist mechanisms that create group identity. Cheerleaders’ presence reminds us of the power of testosterone. And, the black athletes’ protest reminds us of the power celebrities and alpha-males wield. Culturists must use these mechanisms, not just talk.

5. Ultimately, black athletes’ prominence in majority-white America’s sports gives us reason for hope. Sports usually unite players and fans across racial lines. During the vast majority of our nation’s sporting events, historic and present, the players and participants have stood united behind our flag and anthem. Also, ratings show many Americans despise the Left’s unpatriotic tantrums. You’ll see, when coaches and owners put their foot down, players will stand. Then social pressure will lead to many more players and fans purposefully uniting behind patriotic displays.

Thus, prominent black athletes’ success, racial solidarity and ‘take a knee’ tantrums have set the stage for understanding black cultural pathology, race realism, the virtues of in-group solidarity, how easily we are programmed and culturist mechanisms. We can we reverse our decline into multicultural hell, but only if we heed the culturist messages behind black athletes sad, sad tantrums.

How does a guy who has been blind from birth understand what it means to be any race? You would think he would be the utopian dream of post racial identity. Yet blind as a bat Stevie Wonder always spots the latest African garb and hairstyles. I hope he can see his bank ledger too...
And America's long-running NFL soap opera takes a new turn after the Texans' owner says something "racially insensitive." Oh the oppression blacks are suffering! The Texans considered boycotting today's practice but only star receiver DeAndre Hopkins actually did. I like the reference to "horrific name calling" and Troy Vincent claiming he was called the n-word. You can bet 99.99% of the racial name calling in the league is blacks calling fellow blacks the n-word, and blacks calling White players by racial slurs. But the fairy tale of terrible oppression of blacks must be maintained at all costs.

Houston Texans Owner Apologizes After Referring to NFL Protesters as ‘Inmates Running the Prison’

The owner of the Houston Texans, Bob McNair, gave a public apology Friday after referring to NFL players protesting police brutality and racial oppression as “inmates running the prison” during an owners meeting last week.

During the meeting, McNair quipped, “We can’t have the inmates running the prison.”

And pretty much, there it all is, in case you were really wondering what might be going through the minds of people like McNair. NFL players standing up for their rights? Some sort of “prison” takeover, apparently.

“I regret that I used that expression,” McNair said in a statement, according to ESPN. “I never meant to offend anyone and I was not referring to our players. I used a figure of speech that was never intended to be taken literally. I would never characterize our players or our league that way and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it.”

ESPN noted that McNair made his comments while other owners were discussing the business concerns surrounding the protests at an Oct. 18 meeting, a day after many owners and players met to discuss social reform.

NFL executive Troy Vincent told McNair that he was offended by the comparison of players to “inmates,” saying that in all of his years playing in the NFL—even facing horrific name-calling, which included the n-word—he had never felt like an “inmate.”

McNair personally apologized to Vincent, pulling him aside and apparently explaining that the words were not meant to be taken literally. [lol]

The SJWs are already calling for McNair to be Donald Sterlinged out of the league. We'll see if the NFL has the balls to stand up to those crybaby, neo-fascist Social JustUs bullies. If they don't, it'll just show the world that McNair was right about the inmates running the prison.

Almost everything these days is about pandering to the social JustUs crowd...even more than pandering to blacks.
And America's long-running NFL soap opera takes a new turn after the Texans' owner says something "racially insensitive." Oh the oppression blacks are suffering! The Texans considered boycotting today's practice but only star receiver DeAndre Hopkins actually did. I like the reference to "horrific name calling" and Troy Vincent claiming he was called the n-word. You can bet 99.99% of the racial name calling in the league is blacks calling fellow blacks the n-word, and blacks calling White players by racial slurs. But the fairy tale of terrible oppression of blacks must be maintained at all costs.

Houston Texans Owner Apologizes After Referring to NFL Protesters as ‘Inmates Running the Prison’

The owner of the Houston Texans, Bob McNair, gave a public apology Friday after referring to NFL players protesting police brutality and racial oppression as “inmates running the prison” during an owners meeting last week.

During the meeting, McNair quipped, “We can’t have the inmates running the prison.”

And pretty much, there it all is, in case you were really wondering what might be going through the minds of people like McNair. NFL players standing up for their rights? Some sort of “prison” takeover, apparently.

“I regret that I used that expression,” McNair said in a statement, according to ESPN. “I never meant to offend anyone and I was not referring to our players. I used a figure of speech that was never intended to be taken literally. I would never characterize our players or our league that way and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it.”

ESPN noted that McNair made his comments while other owners were discussing the business concerns surrounding the protests at an Oct. 18 meeting, a day after many owners and players met to discuss social reform.

NFL executive Troy Vincent told McNair that he was offended by the comparison of players to “inmates,” saying that in all of his years playing in the NFL—even facing horrific name-calling, which included the n-word—he had never felt like an “inmate.”

McNair personally apologized to Vincent, pulling him aside and apparently explaining that the words were not meant to be taken literally. [lol]


Asylum inmates is pretty accurate & fitting for those affletic thugs.
I agree that Bob McNair’s choice of words was way off...NFL players rarely go to prison for their plethora of crimes. In 95% of cases, they pay off the victims and the charges are magically “dropped” or “dismissed.” Thus, they are certainly not “inmates” very often.
I hope McNair gets crucified for this. I wish Jerry Jones would slip up next.
The childish reaction to McNair's words is hilarious. The owners decided to buy into giving blacks all the jobs no matter how undeserving they are and it is coming back to bite them. I don't think this will have any real impact on the caste system in terms of white players getting fair treatment and increasing them around the league but it would be nice to see. I also think it will be just as satisfying to see the black entitlement mentality erode the league more and more each season.
Since WR Hopkins can go against his boss with no repercussions, unlike 99% of the rest of the working population who would have promptly received a pink slip, it only reinforces the idea that yes indeed the bad guys are running the show. The ONLY way to mitigate this awful black power display ( which is couched in victim talk) is to bring in more and more white players into the league. Wake up dumbass owners! La France is correct to bring up Donald Sterling another owner who was unfairly maligned by the black power brigade and was humiliated and driven out of the league.
And never forget blacks love it when they have a chance to cry about racism. Behind their mock "hurt act" is sheer joy that whites are pinned against the wall. They relish these moments who is kidding who.
Since WR Hopkins can go against his boss with no repercussions, unlike 99% of the rest of the working population who would have promptly received a pink slip, it only reinforces the idea that yes indeed the bad guys are running the show. The ONLY way to mitigate this awful black power display ( which is couched in victim talk) is to bring in more and more white players into the league. Wake up dumbass owners! La France is correct to bring up Donald Sterling another owner who was unfairly maligned by the black power brigade and was humiliated and driven out of the league.
And never forget blacks love it when they have a chance to cry about racism. Behind their mock "hurt act" is sheer joy that whites are pinned against the wall. They relish these moments who is kidding who.

If I was a billionaire, I’d never purchase a sports team that I couldn’t totally control (from a “last word” prospective). I’d especially never purchase an NFL or NBA franchise. Obviously, most of us here wouldn’t knuckle under to cultmarx mandates.
I'll bet a dollar that they ride McNair out of ownership. Never, ever tie your fortunes to blacks, Donald Trump never did that, perhaps by accident because he did want a football team for some stupid reason but thru life blacks were kept on as temp help, paid off given a hand shake a smile and directions out the door.
Local anti-White sports show host Mark Madden said on the air yesterday that if McNair had said "asylum" instead of "prison" it wouldn't have been racist and nothing would have been made of it. So calling blacks lunatics is ok, but calling them prisoners isn't? McNair would have been persecuted either way. All public figures need to pause and think before saying anything in front of blacks or about blacks, even in private conversations -- especially in private or off the record conversations. Every White man is fair game during "The Great Replacement."
Last week I'm at the gym on a step machine and I had a choice watch Scam the Clown or a high school game of two suburban power house teams, easily IMO the HS game was better to watch. And like I wrote upthread the college game of teams like NW and Iowa are a superior viewing product even if the level of roid rage is way below the "pros." Are teams like Iowa and NW in the same league as Alabama and it's peers? No, but those teams are a TNB incident waiting to meltdown, ask the 2-5 Tigers of Mizzou, homecoming had empty seats. As for the NFL wait till enough people find out they can have fun trolling the likes of these blacks that think they are the messiahs dispensing "White Salvation." White Salvation sells on NPR not in Hooterville.
Local anti-White sports show host Mark Madden said on the air yesterday that if McNair had said "asylum" instead of "prison" it wouldn't have been racist and nothing would have been made of it. So calling blacks lunatics is ok, but calling them prisoners isn't? McNair would have been persecuted either way. All public figures need to pause and think before saying anything in front of blacks or about blacks, even in private conversations -- especially in private or off the record conversations. Every White man is fair game during "The Great Replacement."

Blacks must be situated above mentally ill/handicapped people on the “totem pole of protected groups,” which from my observations appears to currently be arraigned as follows:

1) Women
3) Blacks (non-Muslim)
4) Other Non-Whites
5) Jews
6) Muslims
7) The Handicapped
8) Animals
9) Algae
10) White Men (Heterosexual)
I found myself drawn to this game also, as well as Game 4. Wish I would have watched the Series from the beginning, especially with the Dodgers so White.

TV Ratings: World Series Climbs, Trouncing Sunday Night Football

The second-longest World Series game in history is also the second highest-rated Game 5 since 2003.

Sunday's Game 5 of the World Series — the last to be played in Houston and the second-longest on record — climbed again on Sunday night, trouncing NBC's typically dominant Sunday Night Football in the process.

Early indicators have the Astros' 13-12 win taking the No. 1 spot for primetime — averaging a 12.8 overnight rating among households. That's off 16 percent from the comparable Game 5 in 2016 but still the second-biggest Game 5 since 2003. It also easily ranked as the biggest World Series game of 2017 thus far.

Last year's Game 5, which kept the Chicago Cubs in the running for their ultimately historic World Series win, averaged an initial 15.3 households rating in early returns. That number translated to 23.6 million viewers, a series best at that point, and an enviable 6.7 rating among adults 18-49. The 2016 Game 5 managed to topple the NFL by a stunning margin, pulling in 32 percent more viewers.

As for Sunday Night Football, the Pittsburgh-Detroit game had little chance of improving on the previous week's appearance from the New England Patriots. The game dropped to a 9.4 overnight rating. That's also down significantly from the comparable weekend a year ago.

What's particularly incredible about Sunday's World Series game is the stamina the audience had, even with the bloated run-time. The game ran a whopping 5 hours and 17 minutes — stretching well past midnight on the East Coast. Viewership, it seems, did not drop off after 12 a.m.

The series, now 3-2, returns to Los Angeles on Tuesday night with the Astros now within one win of their first World Series victory.

I found myself drawn to this game also, as well as Game 4. Wish I would have watched the Series from the beginning, especially with the Dodgers so White.

TV Ratings: World Series Climbs, Trouncing Sunday Night Football

The second-longest World Series game in history is also the second highest-rated Game 5 since 2003.

Sunday's Game 5 of the World Series — the last to be played in Houston and the second-longest on record — climbed again on Sunday night, trouncing NBC's typically dominant Sunday Night Football in the process.

Early indicators have the Astros' 13-12 win taking the No. 1 spot for primetime — averaging a 12.8 overnight rating among households. That's off 16 percent from the comparable Game 5 in 2016 but still the second-biggest Game 5 since 2003. It also easily ranked as the biggest World Series game of 2017 thus far.

Last year's Game 5, which kept the Chicago Cubs in the running for their ultimately historic World Series win, averaged an initial 15.3 households rating in early returns. That number translated to 23.6 million viewers, a series best at that point, and an enviable 6.7 rating among adults 18-49. The 2016 Game 5 managed to topple the NFL by a stunning margin, pulling in 32 percent more viewers.

As for Sunday Night Football, the Pittsburgh-Detroit game had little chance of improving on the previous week's appearance from the New England Patriots. The game dropped to a 9.4 overnight rating. That's also down significantly from the comparable weekend a year ago.

What's particularly incredible about Sunday's World Series game is the stamina the audience had, even with the bloated run-time. The game ran a whopping 5 hours and 17 minutes — stretching well past midnight on the East Coast. Viewership, it seems, did not drop off after 12 a.m.

The series, now 3-2, returns to Los Angeles on Tuesday night with the Astros now within one win of their first World Series victory.


I don’t watch either one (NFL or MLB, but I’m ecstatic to see the NFL ratings continue down the commode. :)
So in my lifetime baseball and football coming around full circle, in my yute early 70s, baseball was king with kids, we played football but baseball was where the heart was.
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So in my lifetime baseball and football coming around full circle, in my yute early 70s, baseball was king with kids, we played football but baseball was where the heart was.
Ha. The same thing crossed my mind a few days ago in some random thought. Baseball was still king but started to wane a bit throughout the 70's as the NFL ascended rapidly in popularity; ironically, probably finally overtaking baseball when it became fully Caste in the mid-80's when the DWFs and wiggers started to become prevalent in society. Perhaps the "Tom Iron" theorem ultimately playing out again in the long run?
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