Joe Biden's America

That is a great article unfortunately I don’t think the ending hope, that Biden is going to open many eyes concerning the evil he represents is going to happen.

Too many people see him as a genial old man, not a symbol of an evil empire but a guy trying his best despite his limitations.
Neither Biden nor congress has your best interests in mind. They never have. They never will. And whoever replaces them won’t either. The key thing is that once you realize that you need to be able to live a life despite that. Government is force. It’s a witches brew of incompetence and greed. None of this is news it’s just that it’s a little more apparent now. Live locally best you can.
Say what you want about Tucker Carlson he puts it all out there and lets you decide for yourself.
He’s better than most, for sure. But he still works for Fox so there are limits to what he can achieve and say

I do think he is a lot better than the previous generation of “conservatives” like oreilly and Hannity, etc. they are just godawful
Just remember. Red team and blue team are the same team. And we aren’t on the team!

I agree just like the Elite Bloodlines and all of the secret societies that operate with the Hegelian Dialectic. Create the problem, wait for the reaction, run in with the solution
which is a one world govt, one world religion(false religion) and one world currency. They want complete control.

Yes there are so many RINOS(Fake Republicans). They just give you the illusion of choice but they are all puppets from Trump to Biden. Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't helping us much. We
must create alternate and parallel societies going forward. It's gonna be interesting in the fight of good versus evil. They want us posioned, dead or to live with no rights eating bugs and to be their slaves.

Better to die fighting on your feet than to live on your knees as slaves. That's no freedom and no way live your life. God is allowing them to rise as a cleansing will come at some point. The world is on fire right now.
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I'm thrilled that this happened under a(n) *acting* Demonrat "President". Makes it that much sweeter seeing the pro-aborts get their panties in MAJOR wads.

Loving this... and let's see who the real "meanies" are. These violent scum are going to cause millions upon millions of dollars in damage and probably murder a few people. These hardcore feminazis and their ilk are violently evil. The show is starting...
Funny how bodily autonomy is an issue now for these leftist sheep. This past year and a half they have been all about mandates and coercion to force an experimental shot on everyone.
Funny how bodily autonomy is an issue now for these leftist sheep. This past year and a half they have been all about mandates and coercion to force an experimental shot on everyone.
Great point! I'm gonna use that when talking about this.

I'm thrilled that this happened under a(n) *acting* Demonrat "President". Makes it that much sweeter seeing the pro-aborts get their panties in MAJOR wads.

Loving this... and let's see who the real "meanies" are. These violent scum are going to cause millions upon millions of dollars in damage and probably murder a few people. These hardcore feminazis and their ilk are violently evil. The show is starting...

I am also thrilled BFU. That right decision by The Supreme Court as they weren't intimidated by the left-wing lunatics. Donald J. Trump will go down as the greatest pro-life president in history.
Also, the founder of the first birth control center in the US, Margaret Sanger once said, "We don't want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." There have been 23 million black babies aborted since 1973 and yet 90% of black America supports the Democrats.
Also, I actually heard Jessica Tarlov a highly educated woman say on Fox News. "what if a single woman with two babies gets pregnant again and can't afford to have than another child? This country and many women have absolutely lost their minds.
I am also thrilled BFU. That right decision by The Supreme Court as they weren't intimidated by the left-wing lunatics. Donald J. Trump will go down as the greatest pro-life president in history.
Also, the founder of the first birth control center in the US, Margaret Sanger once said, "We don't want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." There have been 23 million black babies aborted since 1973 and yet 90% of black America supports the Democrats.
Also, I actually heard Jessica Tarlov a highly educated woman say on Fox News. "what if a single woman with two babies gets pregnant again and can't afford to have than another child? This country and many women have absolutely lost their minds.
True CS. To that Fox News woman I'd say that there's a reason the Bible says to flee fornication. In today's vernacular: Keep your legs closed!
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I applaud todays decision. The fight is not over as they will not relent. The lefty commies should calm down. There are still plenty of birth control options including the day after pill which kills babies. If these Devil Worshipers want
to keep killing their babies it will always be possible even though it's an abomonation. I really hope the Supreme Court can overturn gay marraige at some point soon. Move back to what made America Great. It's called Morals & Values!
Yes WL,
They are doubling down and are acting like their child sacrifice rituals are being squelched....
Oh wait, they are!
You can really see their fangs out. And these "tears" they are fighting back, pure evil on parade. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing worse than an evil, ungodly woman. Nothing even comes close.
I applaud todays decision. The fight is not over as they will not relent. The lefty commies should calm down. There are still plenty of birth control options including the day after pill which kills babies. If these Devil Worshipers want
to keep killing their babies it will always be possible even though it's an abomonation. I really hope the Supreme Court can overturn gay marraige at some point soon. Move back to what made America Great. It's called Morals & Values!
They should overturn homosexual “marriage” as well. It’s been on just as faulty law as Row vs Wade was.
I applaud todays decision. The fight is not over as they will not relent. The lefty commies should calm down. There are still plenty of birth control options including the day after pill which kills babies. If these Devil Worshipers want
to keep killing their babies it will always be possible even though it's an abomonation. I really hope the Supreme Court can overturn gay marraige at some point soon. Move back to what made America Great. It's called Morals & Values!
Well said WL!! It’s a great day to be alive.
American Freedom News