Joe Biden's America


From Don's article posted above. This is truly evidence of what is wrong with "White" women nowadays. The shamelessness, the vulgarity, the self-loathing of one's own racial heritage, etc. A completely nonsensical approach to life and a disgusting worldview, but there you have it.
Which local fake news anchor does the best job of delivering the line? I'll take the bimbo at the 18 second mark:

Don and CF members, I could never put into words how sad I was when General Lee's statue was removed. It literally broke my heart. As General Lee was a Christian man first and as stated respected by the North and it goes without saying the South. General Lee said, "I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation." He was the best General in the Civil War from a tactical perspective and just a supreme leader. The North wanted General Lee to be their military leader, but Lee famously said, "I go how Virgina goes." He was loyal to his home state. Not only was he a Christian man, but intelligent as well. Graduating second in his class at West Point. An exceptional officer and military engineer for 32 years.
I served in the Marine Corps in the late 1980's, and I thought I was pretty tough and courageous, but I can never understand the courage the will or just plain stubbornness it took for the South to fight North. I guess if you believe in something enough, you'll die for it. Despite having the superior Generals and probably better soldiers, the south fought an impossible winning war. With the sheer numbers of Union soldiers, the ports, the weaponry, the backing of the French and slaves, it's amazing it lasted more than four years. The will of the South was extraordinary.
So down goes a statue of one of the greatest Generals this country has ever known. As the article states, what's next the Lincoln Memorial. Jefferson Monument or even the destroying of the statues of our first President, George Washington himself will be in play. I hope I'm not alive when that happens. I wonder what my grandfather would think about this country today. A proud southern gentleman who served in the Marine Corps and survived Iwo Jima. A husband to his wife of over 56 years who stood by him faithfully for two years while was off fighting in a foreign land. They sure as hell don't make them like my grandmother any more or maybe they do. My wife. I may have been fortunate enough to be married to one of the last great southern belles. She once told me the only football jersey she would wear would be mine. So loyal. A fine southern woman indeed.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. When I saw this post, it just made sick and sad again.

One more thing, as most of you probably know my avatar is of General Lee and his righthand man General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, a devout Christian and another great southern general who was killed in battle that struck a huge blow to the south. The Generals are pictured praying with two children. All I know to do in times like these is to pray and read my Bible. Be as patient as I can because my God is sovereign, and he's got this. I know it will all work out in the end. I hope the rest of the Christian posters here, are praying as well.
Carolina Speed,

Great post my brother in Christ. I can't add anything to what you already said. God bless you this Christmas season and your loved ones. You're a blessing here. Stay strong.
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Don and CF members, I could never put into words how sad I was when General Lee's statue was removed. It literally broke my heart. As General Lee was a Christian man first and as stated respected by the North and it goes without saying the South. General Lee said, "I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation." He was the best General in the Civil War from a tactical perspective and just a supreme leader. The North wanted General Lee to be their military leader, but Lee famously said, "I go how Virgina goes." He was loyal to his home state. Not only was he a Christian man, but intelligent as well. Graduating second in his class at West Point. An exceptional officer and military engineer for 32 years.
I served in the Marine Corps in the late 1980's, and I thought I was pretty tough and courageous, but I can never understand the courage the will or just plain stubbornness it took for the South to fight North. I guess if you believe in something enough, you'll die for it. Despite having the superior Generals and probably better soldiers, the south fought an impossible winning war. With the sheer numbers of Union soldiers, the ports, the weaponry, the backing of the French and slaves, it's amazing it lasted more than four years. The will of the South was extraordinary.
So down goes a statue of one of the greatest Generals this country has ever known. As the article states, what's next the Lincoln Memorial. Jefferson Monument or even the destroying of the statues of our first President, George Washington himself will be in play. I hope I'm not alive when that happens. I wonder what my grandfather would think about this country today. A proud southern gentleman who served in the Marine Corps and survived Iwo Jima. A husband to his wife of over 56 years who stood by him faithfully for two years while was off fighting in a foreign land. They sure as hell don't make them like my grandmother any more or maybe they do. My wife. I may have been fortunate enough to be married to one of the last great southern belles. She once told me the only football jersey she would wear would be mine. So loyal. A fine southern woman indeed.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. When I saw this post, it just made sick and sad again.

One more thing, as most of you probably know my avatar is of General Lee and his righthand man General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, a devout Christian and another great southern general who was killed in battle that struck a huge blow to the south. The Generals are pictured praying with two children. All I know to do in times like these is to pray and read my Bible. Be as patient as I can because my God is sovereign, and he's got this. I know it will all work out in the end. I hope the rest of the Christian posters here, are praying as well.

I’m a bit of a Civil War buff and yes Robert E. Lee was one of the great men of his time. In fact he is one of the great men of all times. In regards to his statue coming down, while depressing, is understandable. Lee would realize that. It was located in enemy territory, once Southern territory that’s been invaded, taken over, and now is controlled by enemies. It’s the spoils of war, there will be many more.
Biden has set himself up to be guilty of more than just bad administrative policies. He has defied the only true and living God in many ways. This thread seemed appropriate for this message. A bit long but well worth listening to:
Biden has set himself up to be guilty of more than just bad administrative policies. He has defied the only true and living God in many ways. This thread seemed appropriate for this message. A bit long but well worth listening to:

Thank you BFU!! Last year there was news that Canada officials were arresting Christians for passing out Bible tracks at a gay pride parade. What an appropriate message for these times. The Bible clearly states what happens to a nation that turns its back on God. It's unfolding right before our eyes. Love John McArthur. He preached a similar message some years ago. My wife bought me his Bible commentary for Christmas.
This message is not for Sodomites only, but for anyone who doesn't know Jesus as savior. I would advise all here at CF to pick up a Bible and read I Corinthians 6:9-11.
As always, thanks Don for letting us post about our faith in Jesus Christ.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus." Romans 6:23
NBA Superstar Carmelo Anthony, who is in his late 30's and has made over $100 million in his career, got two fans kicked for heckling as his team visited Philadelphia.

Yahoo's Chris Haynes reported after the game that one of the fans that was ejected kept calling Anthony "boy" and yelled at him to "get in the corner boy" and "keep shooting boy." Anthony confirmed after the game that there were two groups of fans calling him "boy," and he felt that those fans crossed a line.

"It is what it is," Anthony said. "Some things was said, unacceptable. I'm cool with fans heckling, fans talking trash, cheering for their team, or the other team. I'm all for that, but when you cross certain lines, as a man that's what you're gonna see, that's what you gonna get. I'm sure the people that's in charge will take care of it…My job is done when it comes to this."

The two fans removed were sitting next to each other; one was white and the other was black. One of them has been "banned for life" from the Philadelphia arena (I'm sure it was the white fan).

A couple of thoughts: if any of the hardships described in Jackie Robinson and Hank Aaron's hagiographies are even partially true, today's current crop of blacks "struggling for justice" can't comprehend how easy they have it. Their skin has gotten incredibly thin. Also, it doesn't matter what word "we" call "them," because what offends them deep down is our differences. Carmelo Anthony and his nine-figure bank account hates that whites can still notice the differences between "us" and "them." It doesn't matter what words we use; anything delineating him as different is unacceptable to him, even as he traipses up and down the court playing a game for 100 million dollars.
Every day this country and our world is getting hard to reckonize. The Inmates are running the Asylum and the world is in big trouble. To think that all of
our leaders have goals to be as China Like as possible. Communism is Death to any freedoms left. It must be stopped at all costs!
Guys we are getting more and more messages on the internet, radio and tv about a power grid outage. If and when it happens(I believe it will), they will blame
it on Russia. They always do that. It's always Russian the new Bogey Man. Well I think you guys know it won't be Russia but they will be the scapegoat. Prepare
as best as you can gentlemen. If this happens it's going to be devastating to our society and who knows the devastating outcome. PREPARE MY BROTHERS!!:5
American Freedom News