Joe Biden's America

When you repeatedly call half the country White supremacists, domestic enemies and even domestic terrorists, on top of all the other things he and his handlers have totally screwed up, it's hardly a surprise he's despised.

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The chant continues to catch on at college football games. Here's a nice loud one:

This was at Neyland Stadium, Knoxville, Tennessee. I wrote many years ago that Tennessee's DWFs rate with anybody's. But Tennessee was a state Trump won by a landslide and the people attending a University of Tennessee football game are going to be Trump voters. For that matter, they were Bush, McCain, and Romney voters.

The F***-Joe Biden chant is a sign that DWFs are starting to realize the hostility the ruling class has for them.
The chant continues to catch on at college football games. Here's a nice loud one:
Those chants in red state college football stadiums are cool but this one is even better. Chants broke out at Citi Field in deep blue NYC!

This is encouraging, even though a lot of fans are of the working class variety who live outside the city instead. These types were mostly reliable Democrat votes as recently as 5-10 years ago, so there is definitely a political realignment amongst White people in NY. However the state won’t improve as many of these types are moving away to states like Florida, the Carolinas, etc while they are replaced with Central American mestizos, Chinese and Indians (of the call center variety).
The recall of Ghastly Newsome fell short. Not really even close in this, and another case of suicide decided by vote from the populace who have a say in whether or not to try and crawl out of the shithole Dems and do-nothing Rinos created for decades in Cali. Larry Elder (Black-R) only received 20 percent of the Black vote. Yep, 4/5 voted to retain the destroyer. Suicide on ones death bed.

Oh well, maybe it's a mercy killing of oneself...
Most people in California have a severe case of rectal-cranial inversion. I thought Newsome might be recalled until Fox started pushing Larry Elder.
In my county and all the counties around me the recall won. Many of us want to have our own state.

Juiced in Newsome is still odious no matter how many votes he gets from the shitholes.
I find it unbelievable that the recall broke down almost identical as the Nov 2020 election.. 64/36% . There are way too many other people in California that agree it is a mess..
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Yeah that video sums up our country which is dieing a very, very slow and painful death. Stupidity, ignorance, indifference and
a million other things I could add show how far we have fallen! So sad to see this great country being turned into slaves and
mocked and humiliated by their masters.
If I could give Newsom advice and he'd actually take it, I'd advise him to bathe himself in a nice hot vat of pork blood, give him a surfboard, and turn him loose off the coast of South Africa at 2 AM and not allow him back onshore before 6 AM.
Maybe if they just voted harder? Would that have fixed it? So long as a 75 iq vote counts the same as a 120 iq property owner this problem is not getting fixed

good luck California - arguably the prettiest state in the union being ground to dust.

It’s Sad but true; political power is never given up willingly.
Hard to believe that back in 2001-2003 I bought into the Iraq war ********. Incredibly Sad that even one American life was lost over there.

If every member of every family that lost a son or daughter there got to punch the ******** in charge once each would be perfect. Especially Bush.

I saw a video the other night where bush was literally laughing abt the “weapons of mass destruction “. It was a big dinner and he was joking about how they couldn’t find them. That was in 2004. Troops were very much in harms way and that silver spoon was laughing about it.

I hate Biden too but he is far from the only. ******* in chief we have had.

I truly don’t understand a family letting their son joining the military at this point . Sons of the south dying in the Middle East fighting proxy wars for our “greatest ally”.
Not my son. No thanks. My dad and my wife’s dad both served but no way on earth I’d encourage him to join. Terrible risk/reward.
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