Joe Biden's America

The Joe Biden administration has done nothing to stop illegal migrants - which is no surprise, because his (((handlers))) want to ruin America.
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The (((media))) refuses to talk about the source of MONEY and the obvious facts that the caravans are organized and highly funded.
Who would do all this? Hmmmm...
"He" actually looks like one of those DNA mutants from the X-Files, like that twisted freak who elongated himself to fit into AC ducts and down chimneys so he could stab people in their beds at 3 AM.
"He" actually looks like one of those DNA mutants from the X-Files, like that twisted freak who elongated himself to fit into AC ducts and down chimneys so he could stab people in their beds at 3 AM.
I thought of that very same X-Files creature when I saw Crimo!
what do you all make of the bill, H. R. 4350, that recently passed the House?

if i am reading it clearly, it is very bad news for the good guys ...
what do you all make of the bill, H. R. 4350, that recently passed the House?

if i am reading it clearly, it is very bad news for the good guys ...
At cursory glace it's 770 billion dollars for military powergrabs wherever and whenever they need to do their evil bidding. All out of our pocket. We pay for blood whether we want to or not. This stuff has to end...
What’s .75 trillion between friends though, right?

Remember that at the next sporting event you watch where they parade the “color” guard around. We are paying for all of this!
American Freedom News