Joe Biden's America

Hard to believe that back in 2001-2003 I bought into the Iraq war ********. Incredibly Sad that even one American life was lost over there.

If every member of every family that lost a son or daughter there got to punch the ******** in charge once each would be perfect. Especially Bush.

I saw a video the other night where bush was literally laughing abt the “weapons of mass destruction “. It was a big dinner and he was joking about how they couldn’t find them. That was in 2004. Troops were very much in harms way and that silver spoon was laughing about it.

I hate Biden too but he is far from the only. ******* in chief we have had.

I truly don’t understand a family letting their son joining the military at this point . Sons of the south dying in the Middle East fighting proxy wars for our “greatest ally”.
Not my son. No thanks. My dad and my wife’s dad both served but no way on earth I’d encourage him to join. Terrible risk/reward.
Absolutely. Our tranny-infested, headed by traitors military has nothing to do with "fighting for our freedoms...blah, blah, blah" at all; Only wars for Israel and for the cabal's cravings.

I read some pieces from Col. David Hackworth, who was a true warrior, who said that one of the the main talents required for rising in rank beyond a certain point was kissing ass. This Milley is a textbook example of that principle. He may have been a fine soldier at one time, but he knows the "woke" crowd is currently fashionable and on top so that's who's shoes he makes sure to sign. I suspect his wokeism comes not from some inner convictions but a desire to advance and stay in favor with the current regime. I reckon that could go for a lot of people in positions of power.

I understand that disengaging from the enemy is maybe the most difficult maneuver in war. Still he should be relieved (if a chief of staff can be) of his command for the exit debacle alone, never mind his back channeling with China. But his pandering to the woke crowd might just save him.

In ancient Rome a general would have fallen on his sword. But not this guy.
Amazingly he's our most popular President ever.
He sure is! This is America 2.0 after all.

Remember Bruce Jenner is the most accomplished woman in USSA history. The vaccine is 100% safe and effective. Fluoridated water is good for you. Soy-laden Impossible “burgers” are better than the real thing. Homosexuals are our moral superiors. Blacks invented everything. Judeo-Christianity was the country’s foundational principle. Jewish hedge fund billionaires are honest businessmen who are simply more successful because they are smarter. Hispanics are natural conservatives. Lee, Jackson and Davis were terrorists. Women are oppressed. America was never a White country. Having a White country is impossible and you’re evil for even wanting one. We must sacrifice blood and treasure to make sure Israel always remains jewish. An immigrant that arrived yesterday is more American than you. Diversity is our strength.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act…
A late friend of mine made this statement several years ago and it's more true today than then.
Today, true statistics be told, we’re less than half. And we’re dropping fast, while the dark peoples multiply like rats all around us, and as more tens-of-millions of them invade our country from all over the world. Our race is drowning literally in seas of colored mongrels. Our people buy almost twice as many caskets as cradles. Your race is dying before your eyes.”
–“Attention White Youth!” Miller’s website, March 12, 2010
Not surprising of course from this administration and the deranged left. The attempt to accelerate the country's demise is in full effect. Communist nominee for banking czar. The transformation is almost complete. When do we start to fight back?
I don’t think we do fight back. The white race in its current form isn’t fit for survival. The majority of white men are emasculated feminine beings who’s whole purpose in life is placating women to hopefully get sex, while simultaneously idolizing black men who are athletes. Until we have been backed into a corner and forced to fight, nothing will change in my opinion. I hope I’m wrong.
More evidence that the American People see Dr. Frankenstein, aka Fauci, as Public Enemy Number One:

Rotten Tomatoes Not Showing Audience Score for ‘Fauci’ as Documentary Gets Trashed on IMDb, YouTube

The good doctor apparently works in an office adorned with massive oil painting of his own face. Very avant garde and also exactly what you might expect from this personality archetype.

The things I could do to enhance that painting. Lol. Make it look closer in appearance to the large gerbil sitting in that chair.
Thanks for posting the link, Don! Tucker has really good ratings so it looks like for the time being Faux won't "release" him but this is behind a paywall of sorts from what I understand they are doing. Truth just can't be heard by everyday people in the minds of the elites. The ol' "shut it down" typical response, or at least attempted. Hopefully it may wake up some Boomer types. I will give it a watch.
Click the link below if interested in watching Tucker Carlson's new documentary Patriot Purge, which is about what really happened on January 6th and who was behind it. It's generated a lot of interest from patriots and has been widely attacked by the usual suspects. It's also on Fox Nation:

I will say Ashli Babbitt had just as much right or more to enter the Capital building than the hucksters and criminals running the place today. What a shame. I worry for our grandchildren!
It's well worth all our time to watch and learn how far our government will cover up and lie to keep the truth from the American people. Also, I like to recommend watching Tom Fitton from Judicial watch on his Youtube channel. He is during a lot through Foias requests.
It's well worth all our time to watch and learn how far our government will cover up and lie to keep the truth from the American people. Also, I like to recommend watching Tom Fitton from Judicial watch on his Youtube channel. He is during a lot through Foias requests.
It is certain that the Government is now the enemy of everyone except those they serve. There is no more a representative government of the people. We should all consider them unfriendly, foes, enemies...and evil towards anything good. We are in a war every minute, awake and asleep.
American Freedom News