Donald Trump for President

Trump said the sh-t blacklivesmatter pulled on open socialist Bernie Sanders over the weekend (shutting down the event) would never be allowed to happen at one of his events. blm are taking that as a threat and promise to snatch the microphone from him. Donald says "it will never happen!" Game On! No doubt Trump will have buco security to repel these miscreants.Or maybe that rifle above. LOL
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Trump lays out his plan for Immigration Reform. Pretty sane and coherent plan. I really never thought I would see any presidential candidate take such a hard line approach to the rampant illegal immigration that is destroying this country.

[h=1]Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again[/h] The three core principles of Donald J. Trump's immigration plan
When politicians talk about “immigration reform†they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:
1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.
Make Mexico Pay For The Wall
For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphlets on how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.
The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Most recently, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, with a long arrest record, is charged with breaking into a 64 year-old women’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. The Police Chief in Santa Maria says the “blood trail†leads straight to Washington.
In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that there were a shocking 3 million arrests attached to the incarcerated alien population, including tens of thousands of violent beatings, rapes and murders.
Meanwhile, Mexico continues to make billions on not only our bad trade deals but also relies heavily on the billions of dollars in remittances sent from illegal immigrants in the United States back to Mexico ($22 billion in 2013 alone).
In short, the Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners. They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up.
The cost of building a permanent border wall pales mightily in comparison to what American taxpayers spend every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration on their communities, schools and unemployment offices.
Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

Defend The Laws And Constitution Of The United States
America will only be great as long as America remains a nation of laws that lives according to the Constitution. No one is above the law. The following steps will return to the American people the safety of their laws, which politicians have stolen from them:

Triple the number of ICE officers. As the President of the ICE Officers’ Council explained in Congressional testimony: “Only approximately 5,000 officers and agents within ICE perform the lion’s share of ICE’s immigration mission…Compare that to the Los Angeles Police Department at approximately 10,000 officers. Approximately 5,000 officers in ICE cover 50 states, Puerto Rico and Guam, and are attempting to enforce immigration law against 11 million illegal aliens already in the interior of the United States. Since 9-11, the U.S. Border Patrol has tripled in size, while ICE’s immigration enforcement arm, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), has remained at relatively the same size.†This will be funded by accepting the recommendation of the Inspector General for Tax Administration and eliminating tax credit payments to illegal immigrants.
Nationwide e-verify. This simple measure will protect jobs for unemployed Americans.
Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally.
Detention—not catch-and-release. Illegal aliens apprehended crossing the border must be detained until they are sent home, no more catch-and-release.
Defund sanctuary cities. Cut-off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement.
Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa. Millions of people come to the United States on temporary visas but refuse to leave, without consequence. This is a threat to national security. Individuals who refuse to leave at the time their visa expires should be subject to criminal penalties; this will also help give local jurisdictions the power to hold visa overstays until federal authorities arrive. Completion of a visa tracking system – required by law but blocked by lobbyists – will be necessary as well.
Cooperate with local gang task forces. ICE officers should accompany local police departments conducting raids of violent street gangs like MS-13 and the 18th street gang, which have terrorized the country. All illegal aliens in gangs should be apprehended and deported. Again, quoting Chris Crane: “ICE Officers and Agents are forced to apply the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Directive, not to children in schools, but to adult inmates in jails. If an illegal-alien inmate simply claims eligibility, ICE is forced to release the alien back into the community. This includes serious criminals who have committed felonies, who have assaulted officers, and who prey on children…ICE officers should be required to place detainers on every illegal alien they encounter in jails and prisons, since these aliens not only violated immigration laws, but then went on to engage in activities that led to their arrest by police; ICE officers should be required to issue Notices to Appear to all illegal aliens with criminal convictions, DUI convictions, or a gang affiliation; ICE should be working with any state or local drug or gang task force that asks for such assistance.â€
End birthright citizenship. This remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. By a 2:1 margin, voters say it’s the wrong policy, including Harry Reid who said “no sane country†would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
Put American Workers First
Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle classâ€: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.â€
The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.â€
Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:
Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.
Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need to companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.
End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.
Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.
Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.
Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
At very cursory glance it looks good. I will take time later to read it in depth.

I am glad to see a politician with even the spine to openly advocate such a view. All the rest are pretty much neutered by the presstitutes under juden rule.
That's good stuff. Actually it's great stuff. What's the source? Is it really from Trump?

I heard Trump is working with America's Senator Jeff Sessions, that program sounds exactly like what Sessions would want.

I'm still having a hard time believing this whole Trump thing. Is he for real? It's almost too good to be true. They keep saying he's unelectable but compared to say, Ted Cruz, who is good on everything except israel, he's way more electable. Trump is a blank slate to people on a lot of items, he probably is somewhat of a northeast liberal socially so he won't get bogged down on abortion and gay marriage, and while those are important issues, in the bigger picture the demographics of the country are of more concern.

People like Cruz and Fiorina have too many hard core conservative talking points, although Fiorina is a phony, to be elected by the brainwashed masses. I still think the party will throw the nomination to someone else since I don't believe they want to win the White House anyway. Control of all three branches would end their excuses for not implementing their programs. They would want Trump to split the vote and let the Democrat win, that way they can avoid the horror of actually governing and blame the loss on the Donald.

And Trump has said "They've got to go" in regards to the "kids" that were part of Obama's Nightmare Act. Have you ever heard anyone in politics even suggest that it is possible to send people back? The whole system has made it a mantra that you will never be able to send anyone back, so just surrender to the invasion, and here is a guy that actually says: They've got to go". It's unreal.
Glad that Trump is now given specifics on policies he will promote that even the drunkest of drunk white fans can comprehend. But I will always doubt it after obama was voted back in 2012.
What Trump is planning for immigration reform could be the most pro-white program instituted in the Western World since the “White Australia Policy†was abolished in the mid-1970’s and the South African Apartheid laws were abolished in 1994. Tripling “ICE†agents, deporting illegals currently in the country, eliminating the “anchor baby†rule, and building a heavily-patrolled border wall could help the white population in unimaginable ways. How sad is it that these laughably unsophisticated measures weren’t taken many decades ago?

Trump is on fire with 25% of the GOP support in the most recent polls. He’s currently the most famous man on the planet and for good reason. Aside from the immigration reform, there’s something magical about Trump’s public speaking skills. He’s arrogant, yet loveable. Tough, yet caring. Angry, yet humorous. Filthy rich, yet relatable. About a month ago he gave a speech in Arizona and said something like: “unlike President Obama, I don’t use a teleprompter. I don’t read from a script. I just speak from the heart.â€


Right, Thrashen. He is unashamed of his success and wealth. He lets the American people know it and with him they have a chance at success as well. This is the attitude Romney should have taken in 2012. Rather than shy away from his success and wealth. It was a recipe for failure. The CNN debate should equal FOX's debate in ratings. Now, Trump has boxed in his opponents on immigration. Either join with him or oppose. If they oppose it, they will be rejected and fall in the polls and support. Trump has set the agenda again with his detailed immigration policy in the next debate.
I've been strongly in the Rand Paul camp for many years now, mainly because I admire his father and imagine the apple cannot fall too far from the tree. However, Trumps war on political correctness and immigration is the most exciting thing I've witnessed from a "mainstream politician" in my lifetime. I never thought I'd be saying this, but if The Donald can stick to his guns, he'll receive my vote in the primary.
A former Mexican ambassador says there's 30 million illegal invaders in the USSA...and I agree. I can recall estimating it was 20-25 million, & that was 6-7 years ago. This is more confirmation that we need to rid our land of the invader scourge.

Hopefully, Trump is dead serious about truly combatting the invasion...unlike the compromised, gutless NeoCONs & Marxist 'demoncraps'.
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When It Comes to Jewish Ties, No GOP Candidate Trumps Trump

Among the expansive field of 2016 Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people. Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah. Given his myriad Jewish associations, Trump is not an unfamiliar face in Jewish circles. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a hawkishly pro-Israel Jewish news organization. “I have a Jewish daughter. This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened,†Trump said at the event in Manhattan. On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.†Before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

full article:
Even Rand Paul caters to Jewish interests in an embarrassing way. It would be great to have a candidate buck the system. Trump and Paul might as well because they will get no support from Jews. Unfortunately, when out "heros" (like Ron Paul) have had the ear of the nation they have failed miserably and failed to confront Jewish power in any significant way that would cause a national discussion. I think Trump has figured out that he can win the nomination on one issue alone - immigration. On all other issues he will likely follow the party line and that includes Israel worshiping. It's the safest route but it sure doesn't inspire me.
Jeff Rense & Br. Nathanael Kapner - Donald's Trump Card

Considering Trump was born in New York City and a billionaire real estate mogul, it's not hard to imagine that his business dealings and social circles involved lots of Jews, including whom his children interacted with...kind of a product of his environment and social status.

So, his ardent support of Israel, although unfortunate, is not that surprising to me. He wouldn't stand a chance of winning the Presidency otherwise, and I think he's savvy enough to realize that.

I don't think he's cut from the same neocon cloth as your typical hardcore template Zionists like McCain, Graham, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Walker, et al, who are not only ardent supporters of Israel, but ardent proponents of massive third world black and brown immigration not only into America, but probably into Europe as well, truly serving their Zionist master's grand plan of White annihilation.

Trump at least appears to be genuine is his anti-immigrant stance ("they all must go"). Then there's the mainstream (read: Zionist) media that nary has a bad word to say about the template Zionists mentioned above but disparage Trump at every opportunity. If he truly was one of "them" then it's hard to imagine they'd treat him the way they do, especially considering his wealth and popularity. He's be a "shoe-in"...why fight against a sure bet?

He's a "trump" card to be sure and only time will tell what's truly what.
Considering Trump was born in New York City and a billionaire real estate mogul, it's not hard to imagine that his business dealings and social circles involved lots of Jews, including whom his children interacted with...kind of a product of his environment and social status.

So, his ardent support of Israel, although unfortunate, is not that surprising to me. He wouldn't stand a chance of winning the Presidency otherwise, and I think he's savvy enough to realize that.

I don't think he's cut from the same neocon cloth as your typical hardcore template Zionists like McCain, Graham, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Walker, et al, who are not only ardent supporters of Israel, but ardent proponents of massive third world black and brown immigration not only into America, but probably into Europe as well, truly serving their Zionist master's grand plan of White annihilation.

Trump at least appears to be genuine is his anti-immigrant stance ("they all must go"). Then there's the mainstream (read: Zionist) media that nary has a bad word to say about the template Zionists mentioned above but disparage Trump at every opportunity. If he truly was one of "them" then it's hard to imagine they'd treat him the way they do, especially considering his wealth and popularity. He's be a "shoe-in"...why fight against a sure bet?

He's a "trump" card to be sure and only time will tell what's truly what.

Very well put. I completely agree.

Even Don Wassall's own American Freedom Party ran an old maid as the VP in 2012. I'm sure that Dr. Virginia Abernathy has all the credentials, each and every single one, except for actually enthusing a young white male base. Maybe they'll even run a homosexual candidate next cycle to appeal to those gentlemen. Who knows!
I told a DWF liberal drone friend of mine tonight that the reasons that Trump is resonating with the public is that White middle class and poor Whites are tired of being marginalized and being called racists by the Dem party. I also informed him that these ppl are pro law enforcement and see the black criminality. They do not like law enforcement being called racists by the Dems and MSM. Last night, Chris "I hate my white self" Matthews said there were not any White ppl at the Trump Mobile AL rally last Friday. WTF! Bernie Sanders had a rally last week, all lib white drones. Not a peep. F'ing MSM.
I am enjoying the trump show for sure. I am glad he is going all out against illegal immigration and it it resonating with so many people. I hope he begins pushing for the 14th amendment to be revoked - doing this would be a great first step in slowing the Marxist invasion.

I have never really seen such a base of people unify like he has done in railing against this invasion. It's glaringly obvious that the career politicians are not listening to their voter base and would rather line their pockets from lobbyists and corporations to import as much cheap labor as possible and displace the disaffected white American middle and lower classes. The government itself has failed to protect and enforce the laws in place which is glaringly obvious - it has failed to protect its citizens and the nations so sovereignty. Trump is making it an issue and taking them to task. The fact so many white people support this invasion and walk in step with the
current administration is sickening. I like that Trump is walking all over them unapologetically.
Very well put. I completely agree.

Even Don Wassall's own American Freedom Party ran an old maid as the VP in 2012. I'm sure that Dr. Virginia Abernathy has all the credentials, each and every single one, except for actually enthusing a young white male base. Maybe they'll even run a homosexual candidate next cycle to appeal to those gentlemen. Who knows!

Yes, if only we'd run Phall's dream ticket -- perhaps found a supermodel to run instead of the "old maid" -- "young white males" all over the country would have spontaneously arisen and fervently engaged in petitioning to get the ticket on the ballot in all 50 states, passed out literature, and set up campaign rallies.

What a joke of a post. The main reason we've lost our country -- the main reason -- is because "young white males" and 99%+ of racially aware whites in this country won't lift a finger to do anything about it other than to type anonymously as keyboard commandos and philosophers.
I hope he begins pushing for the 14th amendment to be revoked - doing this would be a great first step in slowing the Marxist invasion.
There is nothing wrong with the birthright citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment as it was written and intended. Here is a good opinion piece by a Heritage Foundation scholar:

[h=1]Birthright Citizenship -- A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment[/h] By Hans A. von Spakovsky
Published January 14, 2011

What’s the citizenship status of the children of illegal aliens? That question has spurred quite a debate over the 14th Amendment lately, with the news that several states, including Pennsylvania, Arizona, Oklahoma, Georgia and South Carolina, may launch efforts to deny automatic citizenship to such children.
Critics claim that anyone born in the United States is automatically a U.S. citizen, even if their parents are here illegally. But that ignores the text and legislative history of the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868 to extend citizenship to freed slaves and their children.
The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. It says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof†are citizens. That second, critical, conditional phrase is conveniently ignored or misinterpreted by advocates of “birthright†citizenship.
Critics erroneously believe that anyone present in the United States has “subjected†himself “to the jurisdiction†of the United States, which would extend citizenship to the children of tourists, diplomats, and illegal aliens alike.
But that is not what that qualifying phrase means. Its original meaning refers to the political allegiance of an individual and the jurisdiction that a foreign government has over that individual. The fact that a tourist or illegal alien is subject to our laws and our courts if they violate our laws does not place them within the political “jurisdiction†of the United States as that phrase was defined by the framers of the 14th Amendment.
This amendment’s language was derived from the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which provided that “[a]ll persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power†would be considered citizens. Sen. Lyman Trumbull, a key figure in the adoption of the 14th Amendment, said that “subject to the jurisdiction†of the U.S. included not owing allegiance to any other country.
As John Eastman, former Dean of the Chapman School of Law, has said, many do not seem to understand “the distinction between partial, territorial jurisdiction, which subjects all who are present within the territory of a sovereign to the jurisdiction of that sovereign’s laws, and complete political jurisdiction, which requires allegiance to the sovereign as well.â€
In the famous Slaughter-House cases of 1872, the Supreme Court stated that this qualifying phrase was intended to exclude “children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.†This was confirmed in 1884 in another case, Elk vs. Wilkins, when citizenship was denied to an American Indian because he “owed immediate allegiance to†his tribe and not the United States.
American Indians and their children did not become citizens until Congress passed the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. There would have been no need to pass such legislation if the 14th Amendment extended citizenship to every person born in America, no matter what the circumstances of their birth, and no matter who their parents are.
Even in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, the 1898 case most often cited by “birthright†supporters due to its overbroad language, the Court only held that a child born of lawful, permanent residents was a U.S. citizen. That is a far cry from saying that a child born of individuals who are here illegally must be considered a U.S. citizen.
Of course, the judges in that case were strongly influenced by the fact that there were discriminatory laws in place at that time that restricted Chinese immigration, a situation that does not exist today. The Court’s interpretation of the 14th Amendment as extending to the children of legal, noncitizens was incorrect, according to the text and legislative history of the amendment. But even under that holding, citizenship was not extended to the children of illegal aliens – only permanent, legal residents.
It is just plain wrong to claim that the children born of parents temporarily in the country as students or tourists are automatically U.S. citizens: They do not meet the 14th Amendment’s jurisdictional allegiance obligations. They are, in fact, subject to the political jurisdiction (and allegiance) of the country of their parents. The same applies to the children of illegal aliens because children born in the United States to foreign citizens are citizens of their parents’ home country.
Federal law offers them no help either. U.S. immigration law (8 U.S.C. § 1401) simply repeats the language of the 14th Amendment, including the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.†The State Department has erroneously interpreted that statute to provide passports to anyone born in the United States, regardless of whether their parents are here illegally and regardless of whether the applicant meets the requirement of being “subject to the jurisdiction†of the U.S. Accordingly, birthright citizenship has been implemented by executive fiat, not because it is required by federal law or the Constitution.
We are only one of a very small number of countries that provides birthright citizenship, and we do so based not upon the requirements of federal law or the Constitution, but based upon an erroneous executive interpretation. Congress should clarify the law according to the original meaning of the 14th Amendment and reverse this practice.
Hans A. von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former Justice Department official.
Thanks for that article Footballdad. So the amendment is being bent and its words twisted into something for the left to use as a valid excuse for "anchor babies" which are in fact citizens of their parents native country. How the hell did we get to this point? The leftists and Marxists in this country have to be stopped.
Jacob Howard

The author of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment was Sen. Jacob Howard. In his own words he clearly explains that non-citizen births are not citizens.

In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment by writing:
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."
Trump kicks some major ass during his confrontation with Univision's Jorge Ramos...


I like the part where he mentions the plethora of Mexican street gangs infesting every city...then says "they will be gone (deported) so fast it'll make your head spin."

Trump's not perfect...but what white person of any significance (let alone a presidential candidate) is making these types of statements?
Trump kicks some major ass during his confrontation with Univision's Jorge Ramos...


I like the part where he mentions the plethora of Mexican street gangs infesting every city...then says "they will be gone (deported) so fast it'll make your head spin."

Trump's not perfect...but what white person of any significance (let alone a presidential candidate) is making these types of statements?
You are right Thrashen. No candidate has spoke plain English like this for the last 50 or 60 yrs and forced a lib to STFU by removing him from HIS press conference!. Many are saying its his "Reagan "I paid for this microphone moment." I like it when he told Ramos to go back to Univision. LOL It is quite remarkable. A lot of career pundits on the right and left are astounded at his rise, never seen any thing like it. Really, I can't see Trump not getting the nomination, with the exception of him calling blacks that burnt down Ferguson and Baltimore ni**ers. Other than I think he may be on the fast track to the nomination.
Yes, if only we'd run Phall's dream ticket -- perhaps found a supermodel to run instead of the "old maid" -- "young white males" all over the country would have spontaneously arisen and fervently engaged in petitioning to get the ticket on the ballot in all 50 states, passed out literature, and set up campaign rallies.

What a joke of a post. The main reason we've lost our country -- the main reason -- is because "young white males" and 99%+ of racially aware whites in this country won't lift a finger to do anything about it other than to type anonymously as keyboard commandos and philosophers.

LOL. Funny, with quick humor Don. Sad, because your last sentence is so true.
American Freedom News