Donald Trump for President

This is something you can post on kosher conservative websites and probably not get banned that is helpful to our cause.


1) Except in the very odd/exceptional election year of 1964, the Dems haven’t cracked 50% of the whites in a Presidential election since 1932.

2) Once the ‘64 election was over, the Dems understood that they would never win another Presidential election again unless the Republicans REALLY screwed up...or unless they changed the electorate in a dramatic way.

3) The Dems, courtesy of Bobby Kennedy who wrote the law, and Teddy Kennedy who pushed it in the Senate, passed the 1965 Immigration Act. That law dramatically reduced immigration from our then-traditional large sources of immigrants - England, Ireland, Holland, Germany, etc. - and replaced them with vast numbers of Turd Worlders...whom everyone knows vote around 80% for Dems, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives, as new immigrants have traditionally done.

4) As a result of the ‘65 Act, and due to the Dem’s outright lying in ‘86 regarding an effective (or any) fence, there are now probably 30 - 40 million illegals in this nation. Note that the (probably low-ball) figure in 2005 was 11 million...we have 2-3 million come in every year, so simple math says that the number is actually somewhere between 31 and 41 million). If any substantial portion of these people ever become citizens, then the Dems will have accomplished a complete shift of the electorate, and will be virtually invincible on the national level. Every state will become like California, both politically and economically - which is to say, overwhelming Dem and broke. But at least if you don’t like California now, you can leave for a better place without much trouble - where are you going to go if EVERY state is like that?

5) Every Republican, and every Conservative voter MUST UNDERSTAND that if such a state of affairs comes to be, NO OTHER ISSUE WILL MATTER AT ALL, because we will ALWAYS AND FOREVER lose on those issues. Immigration is THE issue of this election, and this election is as critical as the 1860 election was - and for the same reason, because it will determine whether this nation continues on as it has existed in the past, or becomes a new and unrecognizable entity that simply occupies the same geographic territory.

Please wake up, and help others to do so by sending them this post (or recommending “Adios America†to them). It really is THAT important.

Great post above on immigration. It IS the most important issue. Some people have caught on. Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter for example. Unfortunately it's probably too late. With high levels of fertility amongst immigrants and below replacement levels amongst whites it is really just a matter of time now. That could be changed by something like deportation but pigs will fly out of my ass before that happens.

I also don't expect many white people to "wake up" though. If you are not already awake then you are either stupid or stuck in the good-white/bad-white paradigm. Good whites believe that amerika is a nation of immigrants and good people are not xenophobic. To want to restrict immigration puts you in the bad-white category and too many people are afraid to go there.
Great post above on immigration. It IS the most important issue. Some people have caught on. Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter for example. Unfortunately it's probably too late. With high levels of fertility amongst immigrants and below replacement levels amongst whites it is really just a matter of time now. That could be changed by something like deportation but pigs will fly out of my ass before that happens.

It already is too late. The best that can be hoped for is part of the country seceding from America and being Whites only. Like this for example.
Trump has really ratcheted things up with his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. The media is freaking out, as is the GOP establishment. He is now routinely being called a "bigot" and "racist," pejoratives usually reserved for folks like us that speak frankly on racial issues. :icon_lol:

Trump will either win the GOP nomination, be denied it by the power structure's GOP establishment puppets, and/or go third party. It gets more interesting by the day.
The Trump to Hitler comparisions have been flying around lately. LOL what a joke .
Trump has really ratcheted things up with his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. The media is freaking out, as is the GOP establishment. He is now routinely being called a "bigot" and "racist," pejoratives usually reserved for folks like us that speak frankly on racial issues. :icon_lol:

Trump will either win the GOP nomination, be denied it by the power structure's GOP establishment puppets, and/or go third party. It gets more interesting by the day.

O'Reilly, generally considered a friend to Trump, already spouting off about his latest comments about Muslims has doomed him within the GOP.

Although I like Trump, I don't think either of the those three options will occur. I think he'll end up losing the nomination period!

O'Reilly will interview Trump tomorrow night.
I think Trump and his organization knows something most of the population of America does not. I suspect he is tapping into an anger by the majority of Americans who are sick to their stomach of Obama and what his friggen party has become. He must know something we suspect. After all of the conversial statements he has uttered, from calling Megan Kelly a bimbo, John McCain not a hero but a loser for being shot down during Viet Nam, calling into question Obama's birth place and now "no muslims allowed in until we get our act together." Man, all it does is increase his poll numbers. Right now he is at 35%!

One thing is for certain, buzz killer Jeb Bush, who stated that Trump will not be the nominee, will never be the nominee either. Good Governor of FL, loser candidate.
It's apparent the Zionists have convinced most Christian Americans (including on this board), that Muslims aren't human. Trump is merely a puppet playing his role in the political theater. Islamic terrorism only exists in the imagination of the Zionists who control our media and their neocon brethren in the military industrial complex. They will use the brown bogeyman until they have completely overrun every sovereign middle eastern or northern African country which is in their path of world domination.
Not (primarily) based on the reasons that Trump gave, but it's true that w0gs have no business on our soil. Let them stay in their middle eastern 'litter box', & the other usurpers in their "turd world" cess pool(s). The western world 'should' be solely allocated for the great White race!
Trump is going all in. If he's not sincere, he's doing a great job of trolling us on the alt right.

He has he spoken the truth on Syria and the mass immigration problem. He's been extremely pro second amendment in the face of the liberal media's attempt to denigrate. He even appeared on the Alex Jones show. Say what you will about Jones, but how many other presidential candidates would go on a show that exposes false flags, the banking cartel, big pharma, the military industrial complex,etc? Rand Paul used to make regular appearances but has not been on since he announced his campaign.

Trump keeps getting better and more bold. At this point, why not get fully behind him? His presidency would have to drastically shake this system, one way or another and for better or worse.
Trump is going all in. If he's not sincere, he's doing a great job of trolling us on the alt right.

He has he spoken the truth on Syria and the mass immigration problem. He's been extremely pro second amendment in the face of the liberal media's attempt to denigrate. He even appeared on the Alex Jones show. Say what you will about Jones, but how many other presidential candidates would go on a show that exposes false flags, the banking cartel, big pharma, the military industrial complex,etc? Rand Paul used to make regular appearances but has not been on since he announced his campaign.

Trump keeps getting better and more bold. At this point, why not get fully behind him? His presidency would have to drastically shake this system, one way or another and for better or worse.

It's not as if the "alt right" is anything but a powerless, anonymous virtual community. If Trump deigns to nod our way, it'll be a miracle, not anything that was rightfully earned by activism.
Now reports are coming out that Trump wants to "close up the internet." Don't know what he means by that. I just have a hunch that while they get us to argue over guns their real target is the internet. And Trump seems to favor that approach.
It's apparent the Zionists have convinced most Christian Americans (including on this board), that Muslims aren't human. Trump is merely a puppet playing his role in the political theater. Islamic terrorism only exists in the imagination of the Zionists who control our media and their neocon brethren in the military industrial complex. They will use the brown bogeyman until they have completely overrun every sovereign middle eastern or northern African country which is in their path of world domination.


Not just that, but any Muslim immigration to the West that is halted will simply be replaced by South Americans or more likely, Blacks.

Statistically speaking, black crime is a much greater threat to North America than "Islamic terrorism". The media tends to focus on the latter but we here at this site should understand the media and it's biases.

Islamic terrorism is a distraction when the more pressing issues (black crime, white people having no kids and shrinking as a collective) are being ignored.

Not just that, but any Muslim immigration to the West that is halted will simply be replaced by South Americans or more likely, Blacks.

Statistically speaking, black crime is a much greater threat to North America than "Islamic terrorism". The media tends to focus on the latter but we here at this site should understand the media and it's biases.

Islamic terrorism is a distraction when the more pressing issues (black crime, white people having no kids and shrinking as a collective) are being ignored.

It seems that you are not too concerned about white people having no children! Instead of trying to find a young white woman to settle down and marry and have numerous white children, you're wasting your life trying to figure out how many STD infested Asian, Persian, or whatever race of woman you can bang and put it out for the public to see!

I was just watching NBC News, and the "reporter" covering the Trump campaign, Katy Tur, ended her anti-Trump piece by calling him an "international symbol of hate."

Trump's campaign may get very interesting as the government's media arm and the GOP establishment pull out all the stops against him.

As for Tur, Trump called her out and insulted her at a campaign rally a couple of days ago.

Tur grew up in a freak show of a family. From Wikipedia: "Tur is the daughter of journalists Hanna Zoey Tur (formerly Robert Tur) and Marika Gerrard." Not hard to understand how she became a liberal.
Donald Trump is far from perfect and electing him is not going to solve our problems but it is a step in the right direction. The Jews didn't turn our countries to **** overnight, they did it one step at a time.
Darth Trump......:biggrin:

It's amazing how freely Trump is now being compared to Hitler. Even though Hitler has been the default bogeyman for 70 years, it's always been used by the media and left wing lunatics to attack those on the right who are outside of the narrow establishment mainstream. But now you have the system media repeatedly invoking Hitler and the Third Reich in its reporting on the leading GOP candidate. I mean, how can they top that between now and next November given the way the stakes keep being raised?
American Freedom News