Donald Trump for President

Oh boy, another Ross Perot with platform shoes and hair plugs! This guy has no chance, none.

I can't believe that there are still some deluded enough to think that all of this dog and pony show presented by the MSM is real.

Get ready for Hillery.

There's a good chance that Trump is amusing himself the only way a billionaire like him can. It's hard to see what's in it for him other then a lot of grief. But the fact that the MSM from all sides hates him makes me think that if the whole thing is a show then it's his show and not one engineered from above.

Trump is not helping the status quo in any way, unless you consider giving false hope to lots of disaffected voters is a help. The worst thing this does is show the way for a similar run by a more palatable candidate.

I also don't think he has "no chance". This is a weird time. We here may keep up with the details of societies collapse but most voters just have a vague sense that something is very wrong, and feel that someone different is needed. The Ross Perot comparison is apt.

But Perot very well could have won. For those of us around at that time there were many people that were ready to vote for him. His shaky behavior at crucial times, dropping out of the race, entering back, picking a nut as his vice presidential candidate, did him in.

We do not live in our fathers times, as we are reminded constantly, the current occupant of the White House would have been possible at no other time in history, and not just because of his mixed race background. He had no political accomplishments, none, he was just like Trump, a celebrity, because of his skin color. That's all it took for him to win two presidential elections.

If Trump can mobilize the great white middle class, much larger then the fringe coalition that drove Obama to election, then he has a serious chance. At the very least his take no prisoners, no apologies to the PC marxists is refreshing in the extreme. I would cast a worthless presidential vote for him in a minute. It would be a great way to shock our broken political system.
jaxvid wrote:

"If Trump can mobilize the great white middle class, much larger then the fringe coalition that drove Obama to election, then he has a serious chance."

My concern is that Trump will indeed mobilize and draw voters to his camp, as he certainly says what we and others want to hear (just like Perot did).

However, like Perot, when it appears that Trump has locked-in the votes and perhaps the election, he or the MSM will drop the other shoe, leaving the party in the lurch, while opening the door for the other choice.

This scenario could all be a re-run of an earlier script that Perot performed. And Trump knows how to follow a producer's direction. He is a television personality after all.
Trump ran for president for a short time in 2012 (actually in 2011) and then dropped out. That "campaign" is already forgotten.

Does anyone recall Trump ever saying anything "right wing" in his life until his recent blast at Mexicans? Sorry but only the easily duped will be duped by Trump. The eternally yearned for "man on the white horse" he is not. Change, if it ever comes, will come from the bottom up (which requires lots of grassroots work rather than wishful thinking) not from the top down.
There's a good chance that Trump is amusing himself the only way a billionaire like him can. It's hard to see what's in it for him other then a lot of grief. But the fact that the MSM from all sides hates him makes me think that if the whole thing is a show then it's his show and not one engineered from above.

Trump is not helping the status quo in any way, unless you consider giving false hope to lots of disaffected voters is a help. The worst thing this does is show the way for a similar run by a more palatable candidate.

I also don't think he has "no chance". This is a weird time. We here may keep up with the details of societies collapse but most voters just have a vague sense that something is very wrong, and feel that someone different is needed. The Ross Perot comparison is apt.

But Perot very well could have won. For those of us around at that time there were many people that were ready to vote for him. His shaky behavior at crucial times, dropping out of the race, entering back, picking a nut as his vice presidential candidate, did him in.

We do not live in our fathers times, as we are reminded constantly, the current occupant of the White House would have been possible at no other time in history, and not just because of his mixed race background. He had no political accomplishments, none, he was just like Trump, a celebrity, because of his skin color. That's all it took for him to win two presidential elections.

If Trump can mobilize the great white middle class, much larger then the fringe coalition that drove Obama to election, then he has a serious chance. At the very least his take no prisoners, no apologies to the PC marxists is refreshing in the extreme. I would cast a worthless presidential vote for him in a minute. It would be a great way to shock our broken political system.

Obama "won" the presidency twice because the establishment wanted him to. He is an establishment creation installed as head of state in order to create chaos which will enable the NWO to impose their dystopian, totalitarian rule in the USSA. If Trump doesn't have the backing of the banksters and their ilk, he isn't going to be president.
whatever happens in the long haul with "the Donald," he's certainly putting the Republican Party big-wigs' panties in a twist.

link: GOP leaders fear damage to party’s image as Donald Trump doubles down

hahaha!!! as if the Republican Party has an image worth preserving. LMFAO!!!

some snippets from the article:

The head of the Republican National Committee, responding to demands from increasingly worried party leaders, spent nearly an hour Wednesday on the phone with Donald Trump, urging the presidential candidate to tone down his inflammatory comments about immigration that have infuriated a key election constituency.

what "key" constituency is being referred to, exactly? all those brown people who are "potential" voters for the Republicans despite consistently voting as an 85%+ bloc for the Dems. hahaha!!!

The call from chairman Reince Priebus, described by donors and consultants briefed on the conversation and confirmed by the RNC, underscores the extent to which Trump has gone from an embarrassment to a cause for serious alarm among top Republicans in Washington and nationwide.

But there is little they can do about the mogul and reality-television star, who draws sustenance from controversy and attention. And some fear that, with assistance from Democrats, Trump could become the face of the GOP.

Rather than backing down from his comments about illegal immigrants — whom he characterized as rapists and killers, among other things — Trump has amplified his remarks at every opportunity, including in a round of interviews Wednesday.

He insisted to NBC News that he has “nothing to apologize for†in his repeated remarks about Mexicans.

what has he said that wasn't true? nothing. and that's why they want him to shut up.

“I think he’ll self-destruct relatively quickly. The dynamic, I think, will change very dramatically, and Trump will be yesterday’s news,†said former senator Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah). “But if this does have legs, if Trump can keep this going, it will be very worrisome.â€

The fear expressed by Bennett and others is that Trump will set back the party’s efforts to rehabilitate its image and broaden its reach. And it appears likely that he will be onstage in the presidential debates that begin next month — a dissonant figure in what GOP leaders had hoped to present as a substantive, experienced and appealing field of candidates.

where to begin mocking all that?!?!? hahahahaha!!!!!!

the whole article is filled with this kind of crap. Republicans are so pathetically spineless they deserve to lose.
The Donald is making huge noise. He is expecting 10,000 ppl in AZ to support him. Yes, the RINOs are sweating and don't know what to do. I am loving it. Hopefully his mojo continues and the silent majority comes out. I have a great feeling about him thus far.
Trump is waking white america up. Say what you mean and mean what you say. There were another ilegal alien murder just recently where the guy killed the mom and then burned the son. So many of these people are the worst of the worst. Mexico is not going to send the good people. They need those at home to help Mexico continue to improve. They send alot of the damaged goods as Donald Trump says.

The powers that be hate him. You can't say that. They can't handle the truth. I doubt he will win because they will do anything to stop him but I'm loving it so far.
The Donald is making huge noise. He is expecting 10,000 ppl in AZ to support him. Yes, the RINOs are sweating and don't know what to do. I am loving it. Hopefully his mojo continues and the silent majority comes out. I have a great feeling about him thus far.

I'm loving it also. I finally came to realize in 08 and 12 what a total charade the presidential election is, as is the whole political process at the national level. Both parties at the national level are bought and paid for by ZOG, the bankers and corporations. If Romney had been a legitimate candidate he and the RNC would have yelled bloody murder after the leftists outright stole the election in 2012. That's what the cheated party does in other countries when election fraud happens.

I will vote for Trump if he runs third party in 16. A vote for the Republican candidate is a wasted vote. If you vote for a third party candidate at least you won't feel like a dupe or useful idiot.
I'm loving it also. I finally came to realize in 08 and 12 what a total charade the presidential election is, as is the whole political process at the national level. Both parties at the national level are bought and paid for by ZOG, the bankers and corporations. If Romney had been a legitimate candidate he and the RNC would have yelled bloody murder after the leftists outright stole the election in 2012. That's what the cheated party does in other countries when election fraud happens.

I will vote for Trump if he runs third party in 16. A vote for the Republican candidate is a wasted vote. If you vote for a third party candidate at least you won't feel like a dupe or useful idiot.
Trump ran for president for a short time in 2012 (actually in 2011) and then dropped out. That "campaign" is already forgotten.

Does anyone recall Trump ever saying anything "right wing" in his life until his recent blast at Mexicans? Sorry but only the easily duped will be duped by Trump. The eternally yearned for "man on the white horse" he is not. Change, if it ever comes, will come from the bottom up (which requires lots of grassroots work rather than wishful thinking) not from the top down.
Here's a short video of him completely contradicting himself on many positions
The funniest thing about Trump's campaign is the official CONservative Movement's meltdown over his popularity. The conservatives have had decades to deal with immigration and other issues but they didn't bother. When push came to shove all they ever about were Israel, taxes, winning elections and, of course, appearing respectable, especially in the eyes of leftists.


Kevin Williamson (National Review) is not amused by The Donald.
Trump has donated money to Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Andrew Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer, and yes even the Clinton Foundation. He's basically a buffoon, but because he's rich he's somehow also politically astute. It's Ross Perot and 1992 all over again in the country that never learns when it comes to politics.

During his quickly aborted presidential run last time around Trump came to Las Vegas when I was living there. He had nothing of substance to say but did drop a number of f-bombs while addressing a crowd that included many families.

Trump's main purpose, if he stays in the race, will be to ensure no legitimate populist third party candidates and movements gain a foothold for the '16 election, unlikely as that is to happen anyway in this idiocracy.
Has Trump flipped flopped on immigration? Just wondering - I don't know. Health care, liking Hillary - not liking Hillary, taxes, abortion etc. are all secondary issues that are pretty meaningless in comparison to immigration.
in 2012 he criticized Mitt Romney's position on immigration as being too harsh. And he also said he supported a path to citizenship for all of the 30 million illegal immigrants already here. Trump is a fraud. Rand Paul is the only GOP candidate I would support. Notice lately how the media has been giving him the same treatment they used to give his father, ignoring him. And he's steadily been falling in the polls as a result. Meanwhile as a result of all of his coverage Trump has been surging.
Don, you are all too correct about the U.S. being an idiocracy. Sometimes I wonder if it is even worth trying to wake people up. Although some are starting to see and think on their own, so many are only moved by the bread and circuses of Amerika 2.0. Still, I keep trying. I guess on some level I just hold on to the hope that enough of them will wake up, but many times it feels like I'm just beating my head against a wall.
With the 10-second attention spans of the electorate, Trump's previous issue positions are long forgotten. I'm no fan of "The Donald", but do like that he is stirring the pot and putting uncomfortable issues out front. And not backing down. That last is something we rarely see in the political or popular world. Hopefully he can keep it going for awhile at least so that our odds of a Jeb Bush or Chris Christie nomination are less. Not to mention Lindsay Gramnesty.
Trump has donated money to Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Andrew Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer, and yes even the Clinton Foundation. He's basically a buffoon, but because he's rich he's somehow also politically astute. It's Ross Perot and 1992 all over again in the country that never learns when it comes to politics.

During his quickly aborted presidential run last time around Trump came to Las Vegas when I was living there. He had nothing of substance to say but did drop a number of f-bombs while addressing a crowd that included many families.

Trump's main purpose, if he stays in the race, will be to ensure no legitimate populist third party candidates and movements gain a foothold for the '16 election, unlikely as that is to happen anyway in this idiocracy.
Trump is difficult to figure out. I think his donations to politicians is just to gain political favor or have them "look the other way" while he builds his fortune. He's definitely a "wild card" candidate who, if spurned by the RINO GOP establishment, may be the third-party candidate.

A barometer to me in the authenticity of an event or candidate is how the mainstream media reacts to it. In this case, they are uniformly against him, and very vocal about it. That's a dead giveaway. The candidates that are allowed to run for President are very tightly controlled. Outliers that don't toe the neocon line, like Rand Paul (or Ron Paul before him), are either ignored, marginalized, or have their character assassinated by the controlled media.

At this point, a person like Donald Trump, with his fame and fortune, is the only way an "outsider" would have any legitimate chance against this entrenched and corrupt system. If nothing else, his current statements against illegal immigrants and many of the violent crimes they commit, and get away with, against actual citizens of the country nonetheless, seems to be a revelation to the RINO GOP establishment and, of course, the media and Demoncratic Party, but not to many of the "average Joe's". Trump is very savvy and knows how to take advantage of an opportunity and must see illegal immigration as his "wild card". So far, he's playing his hand well, tapping into a sentiment that many seem to share and that is otherwise being ignored. My candidate is Rand Paul, but I can understand how people, mostly, if not almost exclusively, Whites, would want to vote for him at this point.
The Trump effect is working to bring the issue of the illegal invasion to the forefront. Combined with the murder of an innocent white woman in a "Sanctuary City" by an illegal seems to have really angered many whites and hopefully serves as a wake up call. The invasion of this country is flat illegal and a clear violation of the Constitution. I am sure the lack of border enforcement is an impeachable offense. I really hope the white American voter base is finally galvanized, if Trump serves any purpose it's to call out the Republican party and their ass kissing of the supposedy important latino vote rather than be concerned with law abiding citizens and border control. We certainly don't need anymore immigrants in this country with the death of manufacturing.

How can a Sanctuary City be legitimate? Doesn't one have to illegally cross a federal border that is supposedly enforced by federal agencies? Isn't it the President's job to protect the borders and citizens from illegal border crossings? Why isn't the president speaking up about this terrible tragedy of an actual innocent citizen the way he did with the cases of St. Trayvon, St. Michael brown, Freddie Gray? Why isn't Eric Holder getting the justice department involved as a city is violating federal immigration laws and harboring illegals? Why isn't he investigating local law enforcement? So many questions that should easily be asked by the media and sheeple but you can bet your ass not one of them is going to be. The white liberals and La Raza are also complicit in this woman's death.
Trump has donated money to Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Andrew Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer, and yes even the Clinton Foundation. He's basically a buffoon, but because he's rich he's somehow also politically astute. It's Ross Perot and 1992 all over again in the country that never learns when it comes to politics.

During his quickly aborted presidential run last time around Trump came to Las Vegas when I was living there. He had nothing of substance to say but did drop a number of f-bombs while addressing a crowd that included many families.

Trump's main purpose, if he stays in the race, will be to ensure no legitimate populist third party candidates and movements gain a foothold for the '16 election, unlikely as that is to happen anyway in this idiocracy.

Perot ran as a third party candidate and "ruined" a chance for 4 more years of a Bush in office. Good God what really is there to complain about on Perot? Trump is running as a Republican. What other Republican is better? I'd love to have a third party that represented us have even a sliver of a chance or at least get some press, but it's not going to happen. Most posters even on this site get behind whatever Republican candidate is chosen no matter how terrible. Why not get behind one that at least talks tough on immigration? It's not like anyone is going to donate money to him and campus door to door. But at this point I surely will vote for him in the primary over the other clowns and applaud his recent words on immigration.
With the 10-second attention spans of the electorate, Trump's previous issue positions are long forgotten. I'm no fan of "The Donald", but do like that he is stirring the pot and putting uncomfortable issues out front. And not backing down. That last is something we rarely see in the political or popular world. Hopefully he can keep it going for awhile at least so that our odds of a Jeb Bush or Chris Christie nomination are less. Not to mention Lindsay Gramnesty.

Trump hasn’t apologized whatsoever for his truthful remarks concerning illegals. Quite the contrary, he’s showed some serious backbone. After ESPN and NASCAR cut their meager business ties with Trump, he had this to say:

"These people bailed because they want to be politically correct. Yeah, I think that they'll be back. You know what NASCAR was? They were renting a ballroom at Trump National Doral for an evening. And they lost a big deposit. With ESPN, you know what that was? It was a simple golf outing. Which, by the way, they left a big, fat, beautiful deposit on the table. And they have to go to a course that's not even nearly — nearly — as good. That's one of the best courses in the world."

After NBC and Univision refused to air his “Miss USA Pageant,†he called them “weak†and said he would sue them for breach of contract.

After the homosexual supremacist, arch Cultural Marxists who run “Macy's†department store stated that they would no longer carry his clothing or fragrances, Trump informed his supporters to “boycott†their stores.

Look, he’s far from perfect and he’s certainly not “the man on the white horse†that’ll save our race from annihilation, but he most certainly has the balls to stand up against the vitriol-fueled “anti-racists†(whose ability to create “race pariahs†like John Rocker, Riley Cooper, Paula Deen, George Zimmerman, Michael Richards, etc is notorious) without breaking under the pressure. I have respect for that...

Trump won't survive the early primaries(IMO), if he does look for the Republicans to unite behind a safe candidate to defeat Trump. In 88' the Democrats did this against Jackson who caused a similar shakeup because of his contrary ideas to the establishment of his party. In politics safe is better than the unknown. Plus I can't see Trump sticking his foot in his mouth on some hot button issue or a circus non issue like Caitlyn Jenner or another Michael Brown shooting.
The biggest threat to Trump, or any of the more right-leaning Republican candidates are the many primaries held in open-primary states. It's in these places that the media, activists and the controllers "pick" the normally milquetoast Republican candidates. Trump, Paul, Cruz, and others like them get flushed in these places for candidates like McCain, Romney, Bush, or (egads) Dole (remember him?).
The biggest threat to Trump, or any of the more right-leaning Republican candidates are the many primaries held in open-primary states. It's in these places that the media, activists and the controllers "pick" the normally milquetoast Republican candidates. Trump, Paul, Cruz, and others like them get flushed in these places for candidates like McCain, Romney, Bush, or (egads) Dole (remember him?).
Yes there has been talk of proverbial wolves in sheep clothing voting for Trump in these primaries so that he can be a more divisive figure within the party. So far I have counted three potential foot in mouth mistakes that should cause the party hacks/insiders to gang up against him and the campaign truly hasn't started...:biggrin:
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