Donald Trump for President


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Shared this article on our Twitter page as well.

This may or may not be true but there are many reports of many of the richest supporters of the republican convention that want Trump to be banned from it. So alot of billionaires want him and other billionaires don't even want him to be part of the republican debates.

Decide for yourself what the truth is?

Here is a link to one of the articles where they say that they don't want Trump anywhere near the Rep. Convention.
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Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Honestly I don't follow politics much, since I think most politicians are just thieves and liars who don't give a damn about any of us, but I find Donald Trump's antics entertaining.

I don't really see him going far since he is taking a hard-line with not much room for compromise, unlike, say, all of his competition on all sides of the political spectrum, who feign outrage at what he's saying, but probably, in their heart of hearts, know there is a lot of truth to his words.

It's especially funny (and disgusting) to see Hilary Clinton pretend that she has no idea why Trump would ever think Mexican illegal immigrants are bad for the country, and the condescending way she tries to use Google Translate Spanish to voice her fake outrage to Spanish speaking people on social media (Twitter)

I see Trump more as an attentionwh*re and political dilettante who can take or leave politics, so he doesn't really care either way.

It's still funny to see him make people uncomfortable.

They're all bastards and we're screwed no matter who wins, but it's still a more entertaining sleigh ride to Hell with Trump putting in his 2 cents.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Honestly I don't follow politics much, since I think most politicians are just thieves and liars who don't give a damn about any of us, but I find Donald Trump's antics entertaining.

I don't really see him going far since he is taking a hard-line with not much room for compromise, unlike, say, all of his competition on all sides of the political spectrum, who feign outrage at what he's saying, but probably, in their heart of hearts, know there is a lot of truth to his words.

It's especially funny (and disgusting) to see Hilary Clinton pretend that she has no idea why Trump would ever think Mexican illegal immigrants are bad for the country, and the condescending way she tries to use Google Translate Spanish to voice her fake outrage to Spanish speaking people on social media (Twitter)

I see Trump more as an attentionwh*re and political dilettante who can take or leave politics, so he doesn't really care either way.

It's still funny to see him make people uncomfortable.

They're all bastards and we're screwed no matter who wins, but it's still a more entertaining sleigh ride to Hell with Trump putting in his 2 cents.
Hey GiovaniMarcon, great to see you back! Some of us were wondering what happened to posters such as yourself and foobar. Glad your back and that your still alive. When did you come back?


Jul 6, 2011
Rick Perry is a rival of Donald Trump. In the last election campaign he said that if you oppose in-state tuition for illegals "I Don't Think You Have a Heart"

Governor Perry

Then there's Lindsay Graham.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Trump gave a speech to a live audience in Toronto several years ago that is truly hysterical. In the speech, he mercilessly attacks his long-time nemesis, Rosie O’Donnell, an obese, obnoxious, liberal butch lesbian and failed “comedian.†He repeatedly calls her fat, uses lines like “politically correct bullsh-t,†and refers to Rosie as “him.†It’s a stark contrast to the mundane and inarticulate public speaking skills of Hillary Clinton or the yawn-inducing NeoCons running for POTUS…


I can only imagine the hilarity that awaits as Trump begins to debate the slow-witted, unexciting, ultra-PC career politicians that litter “Corporation R.â€

We can all agree that The Donald isn’t the solution for our race, but since announcing his bid for POTUS, he’s already deeply insulted Mexican illegals and told the truth about John McCain’s time as a “P.O.W.†in Vietnam. He hasn’t apologized for these remarks because he meant them…I respect that.

In this video, Trump again calls Rosie fat, fat-ass, chubby, a loser, disgusting, unattractive, says that he’s happy that her career failed, and says that he’s going to “send over one of his friends to steal her girlfriendâ€...

Juvenile stuff, I know, but what other famous person would dare to so ruthlessly mock and belittle a homosexual the way he did Rosie?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I don't trust Trump, as he may indeed be a shill & is certainly no White nationalist. However, I've been tickled by some of his "barbs" & calling out the mexcrement invaders. He'll gain my respect IF he keeps calling out issues in a "non PC" manner AND doesn't apologize or capitulate.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The 1st GOP debate Aug 6th will be must see TV. Trump is going to take it over with Perry, Ms Graham and Rubio attempt to gang up on him. The smart ones Cruz, Walker, Rand and Fironia will lay back and watch and laugh at the 3 stooges. Man, I am really getting excited for a White man to call things the way they are. I hope he continues.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Trump is going to tour the Texas border and have a town hall style meeting with law enforcement agents - at least this guy is stirring the pot on the lack of border enforcement and bringing the issue to the forefront as most other republicans scramble
to pander to that segment of the population:

at the very least he is riling up a lot of pissed off white people and bringing them together on this issue


May 1, 2015
All-of-a-sudden the mainstream media over the last week or so actually gives a damn about what some of these lower-level Republican idiot candidates, like Huckabee, have to long as they are criticizing or demonizing Trump. Only very strict parameters of "discussion" will be allowed to try and stay-on-course and make sure one of their pre-selected puppets win.

Before all of this, they may just as well have been invisible. Now not only are they still idiots but useful idiots to PTB.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
All-of-a-sudden the mainstream media over the last week or so actually gives a damn about what some of these lower-level Republican idiot candidates, like Huckabee, have to long as they are criticizing or demonizing Trump. Only very strict parameters of "discussion" will be allowed to try and stay-on-course and make sure one of their pre-selected puppets win.

Before all of this, they may just as well have been invisible. Now not only are they still idiots but useful idiots to PTB.

Those spineless shills are jealous of the press that Trump has been getting lately. Like the other GOP cream puffs, Trump is no "man's man", BUT he can emulate one by continuing to "tell it like it is". Real men aren't afraid to speak the hard, cold truth.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Those spineless shills are jealous of the press that Trump has been getting lately. Like the other GOP cream puffs, Trump is no "man's man", BUT he can emulate one by continuing to "tell it like it is". Real men aren't afraid to speak the hard, cold truth.

Chateau Heartiste would disagree about Trump being a man's man, here is his typically crude and insightfully funny take on the Donald.

[h=2]Alpha Male Of The Month: Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump Has Game[/h] July 21, 2015 by CH

But does he have tight game? The evidence gathered to date says… the tightest! For instance, examine closely how well Trump handled his own Realtalk™ charge that could’ve blown up in his face given leftoid Hivemind and GOP (one and the same) hatred of him.
Trump said Juan McCain is no war hero, because, paraphrasing, there’s nothing heroic about getting captured.

I happen to agree, in part, with Trump here. A sure sign of national decline is bastardization of the native language (to suit the needs of ruling class propagandists and, less ominously, to strengthen group identification among the lower classes). As Greg Cochran has noted, we live in a culture where the hero has MOVED ON to the right side of history, becoming a “hero through sufferingâ€￾ rather than a “hero through deedâ€￾. This is supposed to be an improvement. It’s not. It’s a dumbing-down of heroism, so the mass of mediocrities can feel like they have a spiritual connection to the hallowed Hero’s Hall every time they fall into a depressed resignation about their miserable lives.

I specify that I agreed with Trump “in partâ€￾, because the Merriam-Webster definition of “heroâ€￾ does include, under line item #2, the description of the hero as someone with “noble qualitiesâ€￾. You can argue that, once captured, possessing the grit and fortitude to stick it out for years until release is a type of heroism.
So there was wiggle room there for Trump to take a legit hit from his enemies to the…. “â€￾â€￾rightâ€￾â€￾â€￾. (hahaha i keel myself!)

But did Trump back down when the Hivemind assembled its buzzing battalions to perforate him on a, ahem, trumped-up charge of insufficient patriotism and groveling toward a veteran with a stellar record of lapping up the precum off Vicente Fox’s Spanish-European glans? (A charge, it should be mentioned, not a single member of the Hivemind conglomerate takes seriously in his own life.)

No. Not only did Trump refuse the offer he couldn’t refuse, he struck back with guns twice as big, twice as fast, and ten times as lethal.

This ****in guy.

As wags have dubbed him, Trump is a kind of morph of Realtalking internet commenters and Duke Nukem. Here he is on peabrained cuckservative Rick Perry, after Perry swallowed a load of Hivemind jizz and tried, feebly, to oust Trump from respectable GOP circlejerks:

And look what Trump did to that most effete of GOP supracucks, Lindsey “gaypedofaceâ€￾ Graham, (who called Trump a “jackassâ€￾). Skip to minute 26:00 to see Trump brandish Graham’s real cell number, asking the studio audience to call Graham for clarification on his past request for Trump’s campaign assistance. It is quite the slashing shiv.
Trump has tight game.

– He reframes his opponents’ attacks.
– He goes on the offense, never allowing himself the womanly comfort of the defensive crouch.
– He never apologizes. Especially not when his accusers are such gratuitous phony****s.
– He is socially savvy, and knows how to speak to the common man.
– His upgraded third wife is a hottie. And not just “for her ageâ€￾.

If Trump is President, no one will have to humiliate himself pretending that a First Gorilla is a highly ****able beauty.
Trump is such a BAD BAD RACIST EGOTISTIC MAN that he currently sits atop the Republican polls. Game can get you laid, and it can help you become leader of the free world.

President Donald Trump.
Isn’t it about time the Presidency was occupied by an alpha male worthy of the office? You know, alpha males like we used to have with the Founders?

If nothing else, Trump makes what would have been a tedious, insipid non-race with no import besides greasing the skids to national dissolution into something interesting to watch. Trump has pushed the Overton Window so wide, its gaping hole resembles Andrew “RawMuscleGlutesâ€￾ Sullivan’s prolapsing rectum.

Trump ****s with the status quo, and the ****ing is good.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
For a tip on who is worth any support or even worth a vote, just take a look at who the media hates, or who they ignore. Down through history, whoever the elitist jews hate, ala Jesus Christ all the way to even Hitler, are those who topple their pissy, wretched apple cart and tell it like it is and do things to invade on their controlling, self-centered, childish crap. That's ALWAYS a good thing.
Screw them and their whole demonic, prideful mindsets all the way to their graves.


Nov 28, 2013
Donald Trump is good for two reasons:

1.He pushes the overton window to the right. Before he entered, immigration and amnesty was not even an issue. He has made illegal crime, open borders, and mass deportation mainstream issues now. A large number of whites now feel comfortable talking about the issue and are flocking to support him solely on that matter. Ann Coulter has done this as well, she has even gone beyond Trump and attacked non-white "legal" immigration which Trump hasn't done.

2.He exposes the GOP as the fraud and controlled opposition it is. If he doesn't win the nomination and runs third party, he can destroy the GOP, which is what needs to be done. For a right wing party that represents white interests to rise, the GOP needs to die. Right now he is exposing frauds like Jeb Bush, McCain, Graham, and Perry as the traitors they are. Whites are beginning to realize the GOP doesn't represent them. Until the GOP dies we will not make process. So he serves exposing the fact that the GOP and Democrat party are two sides of the same coin that don't have the American people's interests at heart.

P.S. I also watched a video recently where he was saying Crimea is not America's business, and how he would have good relations with Putin. His Russia policy is the sanest of all the candidates and another good sign.

So I don't know if I will vote for him, but on issues like immigration, overseas intervention, and the two-party system, he has said some very good things. I welcome him in this regard.

As nationalists, we should make sure to use his talking points in these regards, but not to build up our hope in him as some kind of savior. He brash and aggressive style has served us well, particularly on immigration to shift the discussion our way and I am grateful for that.

It is great how he is throwing a wrench in our controlled and manufactured political system.


Oct 6, 2007
Donald Trump is good for two reasons:

1.He pushes the overton window to the right. Before he entered, immigration and amnesty was not even an issue. He has made illegal crime, open borders, and mass deportation mainstream issues now. A large number of whites now feel comfortable talking about the issue and are flocking to support him solely on that matter. Ann Coulter has done this as well, she has even gone beyond Trump and attacked non-white "legal" immigration which Trump hasn't done.

2.He exposes the GOP as the fraud and controlled opposition it is. If he doesn't win the nomination and runs third party, he can destroy the GOP, which is what needs to be done. For a right wing party that represents white interests to rise, the GOP needs to die. Right now he is exposing frauds like Jeb Bush, McCain, Graham, and Perry as the traitors they are. Whites are beginning to realize the GOP doesn't represent them. Until the GOP dies we will not make process. So he serves exposing the fact that the GOP and Democrat party are two sides of the same coin that don't have the American people's interests at heart.

P.S. I also watched a video recently where he was saying Crimea is not America's business, and how he would have good relations with Putin. His Russia policy is the sanest of all the candidates and another good sign.

So I don't know if I will vote for him, but on issues like immigration, overseas intervention, and the two-party system, he has said some very good things. I welcome him in this regard.

As nationalists, we should make sure to use his talking points in these regards, but not to build up our hope in him as some kind of savior. He brash and aggressive style has served us well, particularly on immigration to shift the discussion our way and I am grateful for that.

It is great how he is throwing a wrench in our controlled and manufactured political system.

Yep. The vitriol of all the attacks against him from both the right and left shows how threatened the establishment is by him. He is providing sorely needed leadership to Whites on immigration. I agree with you that the GOP in its present form needs to die since it does not stand up for White interests whatsoever. The Tea Party has been trying to take over the GOP from within but they have been vilified by the establishment press from Day 1 and the GOP "leadership" has been able to keep them at bay for a few years. I do think that the Tea Party represents the best hope for a third party that represents the interests of Whites. That's why the ZOG media always tries to paint them as "racist".


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I finally watched Trump's speech in Arizona from a few weeks ago and man, this guy knows how to work a crowd. He was relaxed, very funny, sarcastic, witty, articulate, told great anecdotes, and spoke the truth about a lot of different subjects such as: the media’s dishonesty, who controls politicians, the crimes committed by illegals, how he’d punish corporations for sending jobs overseas, etc. Again, not a hint of weakness or contrition in his tone...


Given that he’s independently wealthy, he doesn’t seem to be controlled by lobbyists, special interest groups, the GOP, or anyone else.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Man, kinda looking forward to tomorrow night's debate as a big heavyweight fight where a White contender was the opponent to an affeletic heavyweight fighter years ago. I hope Trump does not disappoint me like the White heavyweight fighters did to me when they lost in the late 70s and 80s. As Michael Savage stated, "Trump is my great White Hope."
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thrashen, at bare minimum, one has to have a boatload of "moxy" to reach billionaire status, & quite frankly most are probable narcissistic megalomaniacs. That said, I'll be interested to see if Trump ratchets up the "tough talk" in an "un-PC" manner. If he continues to do that, AND doesn't back up (1 step), I'll gain respect for him.

I truly believe it behooves him to be as hard nose & no nonsense as possible. We know full well that the other gutless, GOP pantywaists will continue to ride the fence & stay prostrate at the altar of cultural Marxism.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Some quotes from The Donald's Twitter page over the last few days. What other politician would ever say stuff like this?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
"@cookingdoll: @realDonaldTrump Yet another illegal arrested for bludgeoning a woman. Stop the invasion.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Many of Hillary’s donors are the same donors as Jeb Bush’s—all rich, will have total control—know them well.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
I truly LOVE all of the millions of people who are sticking with me despite so many media lies. There is a great SILENT MAJORITY looming!

Donald J. Trump
A nation WITHOUT BORDERS is not a nation at all. We must have a wall. The rule of law matters. Jeb just doesn’t get it.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The polls have been consistently great. The silent majority is speaking. Politicians are failing.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Why does Hillary Clinton get the benefit of the doubt (after she DESTROYS her illegal email server)...while Tom Brady is guilty because he REPLACED his LEGAL cellphone?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Public Policy Polling (PPP) has just come out with a major poll putting me #1 with Hispanics - leading all Republican candidates.Told you so

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
We must build a wall to secure our border. It will save lives and help Make America Great Again!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rick Perry did an absolutely horrible job of securing the border. He should be ashamed of himself. Gov. Abbott has since been terrific.


Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
I will say this, Trump is saying things that 99% of neocons will not say and probably cringe at when hearing.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I'm enjoying the Trump show. He's shooting from the hip and is actually speaking up for the millions of fed up Americans out there. His challenege of the status quo is great as the gop and Marxists are doing there best to discount and silence him. I hope he continues to take no prisoners and expose the current system as the fraud it is. His quote on hilary Clinton and tom Brady was hilarious.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Thrashen, at bare minimum, one has to have a boatload of "moxy" to reach billionaire status, & quite frankly most are probable narcissistic megalomaniacs. That said, I'll be interested to see if Trump ratchets up the "tough talk" in an "un-PC" manner. If he continues to do that, AND doesn't back up (1 step), I'll gain respect for him.

I truly believe it behooves him to be as hard nose & no nonsense as possible. We know full well that the other gutless, GOP pantywaists will continue to ride the fence & stay prostrate at the altar of cultural Marxism.

Amen to that, DD!!!


May 1, 2015
Ha! Classic...


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter. However that is not without its downsides, in particular when it comes to women. You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Your twitter account--

DONALD TRUMP: Only Rosie O'Donnell.

KELLY: For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

TRUMP: I'm sure it was.

KELLY: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. You once told a contesttent that it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.

Does that sound like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?

And how do you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who is likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

TRUMP: The big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don't win anymore. We lose to China, we lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody. Frankly what I say and oftentimes it's fun, it’s kidding, we have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly, Megyn if you don't like it, I'm sorry. I've been very nice to you although I could probably not be based on the way you have treated me, but I wouldn't do that. But you know what? We, we need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around. That I can tell you right now.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Trump continued his often-times amusing bluster, well illustrated in the post above, but on foreign policy he's a disaster. In fact all of them were; Rand Paul was the only one who showed a slight bit of sanity albeit not much.

They all went on about how the U.S. is "blessed by God," is "a miracle," in other words it's still somehow the "exceptional nation" which has God's blessing to rule the world. The supposed gutting of the military was another constant theme, even though Washington year in and year out spends as much on the military as the rest of the world combined.

All of these candidates would be even more rabidly militant in bombing countries as president than W. Bush and Obama have been (again, only Rand Paul would be somewhat of an improvement). They practically fell over each other in declaring who would go to war against Iran first. But not a word about the over one million dead civilians killed in Washington's wars of aggression since 2001, wars which are never won and go on forever, including the war against civil liberties at home. Nor any concern about the 6,000 or so dead U.S. soldiers and the many tens of thousands of seriously injured ones.

Trump wants to "beat" Russia, China, Japan, Mexico and Iran. As much as I like his style, he came across as a know-nothing on a lot of issues, preferring to rhetorically pound his chest to cover his lack of substance.