Donald Trump for President

Trump really knows how to get under the skin of liberals on certain issues, I'll say that for him.

I do applaud Donald Trump for refusing to acknowledge politically correct norms. It is refreshing to see a (White) man in power actually speak the truth for once, and be unapologetic about politically incorrect truths.

But overall, it's more of the same sh1t all over again. Same sh1t different day. He'll put Israel first on all the issues that matter and he is not some sort of pro-White hero. I can see him starting another war in the Middle East.

I largely agree with Don Wassall's comments that change must come from outside of the system and its candidates. If I was American, I'd vote for Wassall's candidate.

Unfortunately, I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the voting process and North American democracy in general.

I truly question whether it's even worth it to vote any more. The only real change will come about through a war or shifting racial demographics.
Trump kicks some major ass during his confrontation with Univision's Jorge Ramos...


I like the part where he mentions the plethora of Mexican street gangs infesting every city...then says "they will be gone (deported) so fast it'll make your head spin."

Trump's not perfect...but what white person of any significance (let alone a presidential candidate) is making these types of statements?

I can't believe the amount of hate against Trump on this site. It makes me sick! Like you mentioned, Thrashen, what other white person would say these type of things?. I think everyone here should vote for Ben Carson! Now that's the ticket. Shocked isn't the word!
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Yes, if only we'd run Phall's dream ticket -- perhaps found a supermodel to run instead of the "old maid" -- "young white males" all over the country would have spontaneously arisen and fervently engaged in petitioning to get the ticket on the ballot in all 50 states, passed out literature, and set up campaign rallies.

What a joke of a post. The main reason we've lost our country -- the main reason -- is because "young white males" and 99%+ of racially aware whites in this country won't lift a finger to do anything about it other than to type anonymously as keyboard commandos and philosophers.

Please show us your guy Don! "The savior of the world? After I see it I will keep shut! Show us!!!!! I know, I know! Trump does it for the money. Show me "your clown!
Please show us your guy Don! "The savior of the world? After I see it I will keep shut! Show us!!!!! I know, I know! Trump does it for the money. Show me "your clown!

What does that have to do with what I wrote in response to Phall?

I haven't "hated" on Trump, simply made some relevant posts, some pro-Trump some not.

There's no political litmus test on this site. If I don't share your opinion of Trump, too bad. Take your meds and settle down and stop harassing me through posts and pms.
NOBODY will ever be selected as POTUS of the USSA sans being compromised & a puppet for the Globalist Elite/PTB. Like the traitors on "Crapitol sHill", the (modern) POTUS is subject to the globalist "control grid". Any true patriot (of the America 1.0 mold) has NO chance in the controlled (2.0) system.

What does that have to do with what I wrote in response to Phall?

I haven't "hated" on Trump, simply made some relevant posts, some pro-Trump some not.

There's no political litmus test on this site. If I don't share your opinion of Trump, too bad. Take your meds and settle down and stop harassing me through posts and pms.

"Take my meds? You obviously have something personal against Trump! Which third party candidate has he personally destroyed? Please tell me! He is so good at "making sure
Which guy has no third party chance? The fact he is in this race hurts some people!
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Phall's post was in reference to the 2012 presidential election, not this one, and that's what I responded to. It had nothing to do with Trump and next year's election.
What does that have to do with what I wrote in response to Phall?

I haven't "hated" on Trump, simply made some relevant posts, some pro-Trump some not.

There's no political litmus test on this site. If I don't share your opinion of Trump, too bad. Take your meds and settle down and stop harassing me through posts and pms.

You clearly stated that Trump is here to " make sure no third party get;s anywhere?
Here is just one of Dons great posts!

Trump ran for president for a short time in 2012 (actually in 2011) and then dropped out. That "campaign" is already forgotten.

Does anyone recall Trump ever saying anything "right wing" in his life until his recent blast at Mexicans? Sorry but only the easily duped will be duped by Trump. The eternally yearned for "man on the white horse" he is not. Change, if it ever comes, will come from the bottom up (which requires lots of grassroots work rather than wishful thinking) not from the top down.
Here is just one of Dons great posts!

Trump ran for president for a short time in 2012 (actually in 2011) and then dropped out. That "campaign" is already forgotten.

Does anyone recall Trump ever saying anything "right wing" in his life until his recent blast at Mexicans? Sorry but only the easily duped will be duped by Trump. The eternally yearned for "man on the white horse" he is not. Change, if it ever comes, will come from the bottom up (which requires lots of grassroots work rather than wishful thinking) not from the top down.

If you don't like it, rebut it. You can use a search engine to find out what "rebut" means.
If you don't like it, rebut it. You can use a search engine to find out what "rebut" means.

Here is my point, Don! Saying Trump is in the campaign for no other reason than to make sure no third party has any chance is pure ignorance. While he may not be perfect, in fact he's far from it, I'd much prefer him to win over Hillary Clinton. Do we really need another four, or eight years of that?

Hopefully he does win but with my luck he will start dropping in the polls and drop out. Anyway, I will not post in this thread any longer.
Last nights debate was intriguing and entertaining. I had Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Fironia doing well. Out of all the candidates, these are the ones I believe can win in a general election. Each have the strong points and individual charisma.
Hey Ann Coulter should be made an honorary CF member. Last night she tweeted "How many f**king Jews are there?" in response to the Jew pandering by some of the Republican candidates. LOL
It never ceases to amaze me how the opponents of Anne Coulter and Donald Trump constantly mock their physical appearance, as if that has anything to do with anything.

Meanwhile, look how the media excoriates Trump if he makes comments about an opponent's appearance.

So, HE is not allowed to do it, according to the media, but whenever people discuss Trump, right away the liberals go into tired old tropes about his hair or voice, or, when discussing Anne Coulter, say misogynistic things like, "b*tch needs to get laid" or "she's on her period" or "fake bottle-blonde." Sarah Palin was similarly mocked for her appearance, with her detractors calling her stupid or ugly or aging. Meanwhile, any such comments about a female Democrat would be met with accusations of sexism.
Carly Fiorina is downright frightening. Trump was again 100% right when referring to her face. I watched most of the debate and she had a scowl on her mug for the majority of it. She also tried her hardest to show how "tough" she is in an obvious attempt prove she can "hang with the boys". She basically threaten war on Russia, Iran, China? and probably a few other countries I'm forgetting at the moment. She ranted about increasing the Amerikan military drastically, as if the world's largest by leaps and bounds is lacking in weapons of war. She also boasted about her "friend Bibi" whom she would probably offer to fellate on her first day in office. :israel: This massive loser, who was handed a billion dollar corporation and promptly ran it into the ground, isn't fit to manage a White Castle but is somehow fit to preside over this country? Of course not but in this bizarro world just being a "tough womyn" and out neo-coning a stage full of staunch neo-cons seems to do the trick. You go girl!

With ultimate cuckster Jeb's campaign garnering as much attention and excitement as a WNBA game, it seems the Corporate Jewsmedia are putting their kosher eggs in the Fiorina basket. While I still don't entirely trust Trump, the fact that The Power's That Be are doing all then can to attack him means he must really be a threat to The System. The Trump saga grows more exciting by the day.
Carly Fiorina is downright frightening. Trump was again 100% right when referring to her face. I watched most of the debate and she had a scowl on her mug for the majority of it. She also tried her hardest to show how "tough" she is in an obvious attempt prove she can "hang with the boys". She basically threaten war on Russia, Iran, China? and probably a few other countries I'm forgetting at the moment. She ranted about increasing the Amerikan military drastically, as if the world's largest by leaps and bounds is lacking in weapons of war. She also boasted about her "friend Bibi" whom she would probably offer to fellate on her first day in office. :israel: This massive loser, who was handed a billion dollar corporation and promptly ran it into the ground, isn't fit to manage a White Castle but is somehow fit to preside over this country? Of course not but in this bizarro world just being a "tough womyn" and out neo-coning a stage full of staunch neo-cons seems to do the trick. You go girl!

With ultimate cuckster Jeb's campaign garnering as much attention and excitement as a WNBA game, it seems the Corporate Jewsmedia are putting their kosher eggs in the Fiorina basket. While I still don't entirely trust Trump, the fact that The Power's That Be are doing all then can to attack him means he must really be a threat to The System. The Trump saga grows more exciting by the day.

What he said....

Fiorina is scary, scary face, scary ideas about waging wars against everyone, and she's such a complete phony RINO. Fortunately there is plenty of time for people to see through it. The actual election is over a year away, this is all dog and pony show to keep the masses occupied while the agenda rolls along.
The past couple of days the usual suspects have been in "pile on mode" in an effort to damage Trump for not answering some yahoo about the religion of obummer and militant muslims. Donald has tweeted counter responses. But looking forward to him in laying into jewmedia come Monday.

Hey, you want a good laugh, go to Youtube. Type in Jimmy Fallon as Trump. Select it. There you will see Fallon in a mirror reflection of the Donald mimicking Trump. Hysterical
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The past couple of days the usual suspects have been in "pile on mode" in an effort to damage Trump for not answering some yahoo about the religion of obummer and militant muslims. Donald has tweeted counter responses. But looking forward to him in laying into jewmedia come Monday.

Hey, you want a good laugh, go to Youtube. Type in Jimmy Fallon as Trump. Select it. There you will see Fallon in a mirror reflection of the Donald mimicking Trump. Hysterical

Trump has already responded, he is accusing Obama of waging a war on Christians. Trump is a master of conflict. He knows the apology is a sign of weakness and never issues one. Instead he doubles down or reframes the issue.
Carly Fiorina is downright frightening. Trump was again 100% right when referring to her face. I watched most of the debate and she had a scowl on her mug for the majority of it. She also tried her hardest to show how "tough" she is in an obvious attempt prove she can "hang with the boys". She basically threaten war on Russia, Iran, China? and probably a few other countries I'm forgetting at the moment. She ranted about increasing the Amerikan military drastically, as if the world's largest by leaps and bounds is lacking in weapons of war. She also boasted about her "friend Bibi" whom she would probably offer to fellate on her first day in office. :israel: This massive loser, who was handed a billion dollar corporation and promptly ran it into the ground, isn't fit to manage a White Castle but is somehow fit to preside over this country? Of course not but in this bizarro world just being a "tough womyn" and out neo-coning a stage full of staunch neo-cons seems to do the trick. You go girl!

With ultimate cuckster Jeb's campaign garnering as much attention and excitement as a WNBA game, it seems the Corporate Jewsmedia are putting their kosher eggs in the Fiorina basket. While I still don't entirely trust Trump, the fact that The Power's That Be are doing all then can to attack him means he must really be a threat to The System. The Trump saga grows more exciting by the day.

Very good summary. Women have NO business in any "authority" position over men...period. Especially never as POTUS (albeit a puppet for the PTB). Fiorina is a glorified AA hireling who was elevated "up the ladder" via black quarterbacks & for PC PR purposes.
It never ceases to amaze me how the opponents of Anne Coulter and Donald Trump constantly mock their physical appearance, as if that has anything to do with anything.

Meanwhile, look how the media excoriates Trump if he makes comments about an opponent's appearance.

So, HE is not allowed to do it, according to the media, but whenever people discuss Trump, right away the liberals go into tired old tropes about his hair or voice, or, when discussing Anne Coulter, say misogynistic things like, "b*tch needs to get laid" or "she's on her period" or "fake bottle-blonde." Sarah Palin was similarly mocked for her appearance, with her detractors calling her stupid or ugly or aging. Meanwhile, any such comments about a female Democrat would be met with accusations of sexism.

Giovani, there are plenty of small minded people who mock the physical appearance of other Whites. I guess those folks are lacking something or else they wouldn't stoop to such immature behavior. Having said that, I've not been a huge fan of Coulter or Trump (historically speaking) but I am glad they've said the things they have and have stuck to their guns when pressed on it. A growing number of Americans are tired of the same old BS and are ready for someone who at least thinks and speaks in the real world. Whether they act it out or not is an entirely different matter.
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I almost fell out of my chair while watching the debate last night. Donald Trump went to a place that I didn't think he would go. While on the topic of building a wall on the border, he mentioned Israel's wall.

This is something you can post on kosher conservative websites and probably not get banned that is helpful to our cause.


1) Except in the very odd/exceptional election year of 1964, the Dems haven’t cracked 50% of the whites in a Presidential election since 1932.

2) Once the ‘64 election was over, the Dems understood that they would never win another Presidential election again unless the Republicans REALLY screwed up...or unless they changed the electorate in a dramatic way.

3) The Dems, courtesy of Bobby Kennedy who wrote the law, and Teddy Kennedy who pushed it in the Senate, passed the 1965 Immigration Act. That law dramatically reduced immigration from our then-traditional large sources of immigrants - England, Ireland, Holland, Germany, etc. - and replaced them with vast numbers of Turd Worlders...whom everyone knows vote around 80% for Dems, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives, as new immigrants have traditionally done.

4) As a result of the ‘65 Act, and due to the Dem’s outright lying in ‘86 regarding an effective (or any) fence, there are now probably 30 - 40 million illegals in this nation. Note that the (probably low-ball) figure in 2005 was 11 million...we have 2-3 million come in every year, so simple math says that the number is actually somewhere between 31 and 41 million). If any substantial portion of these people ever become citizens, then the Dems will have accomplished a complete shift of the electorate, and will be virtually invincible on the national level. Every state will become like California, both politically and economically - which is to say, overwhelming Dem and broke. But at least if you don’t like California now, you can leave for a better place without much trouble - where are you going to go if EVERY state is like that?

5) Every Republican, and every Conservative voter MUST UNDERSTAND that if such a state of affairs comes to be, NO OTHER ISSUE WILL MATTER AT ALL, because we will ALWAYS AND FOREVER lose on those issues. Immigration is THE issue of this election, and this election is as critical as the 1860 election was - and for the same reason, because it will determine whether this nation continues on as it has existed in the past, or becomes a new and unrecognizable entity that simply occupies the same geographic territory.

Please wake up, and help others to do so by sending them this post (or recommending “Adios America†to them). It really is THAT important.
American Freedom News