David Haye: The Great Black Hype

I can hardly wait until July 2.
The fight is gonna happen now!Haye's white women has dumped him just as the ink was drying on the contract.
The gold digger hung around untilDavid gothis big payday coming. Now Haye is gonnabe part of another 50/50 split!
I can't wait to see Wlad get past Haye, that may then silence much of the ridicule on him. I can't wait to see the look of dismay on Haye supporters, that will make them crawl under a rock, and shut it.
unfortunately i don't think it will silence any of the haters. After Wlad destroys him he will get exposed by guys that aren't as good and the same "he hasn't fought anybody" will be said again. He isn't the first hyped up boxer Wlad has fought, but he has been the most annoying. I remember Sam Peter supposedly being the "next big thing" and was "going to bring life to the heavyweight division". Most of the supporters are just going to cling on to the next hyped up black boxer and the cycle will repeat until he retires or skills diminish because of age. Haye is supposedly entertaining because of the way he acts out of the ring with the t shirts, calling out etc. If people want to see that then they should go watch WWF.
Gayvid will get stunned by jabs with that marshmallow chin of his!
Well done! They could have added him doing that little "now" and the nod in with his butt buddy Harrison, running away from Valuev all night, getting knocked on his ass by Barrett, rabbit punching Ruiz...
Here is my take on the fight. It's all been fabricated by the PTB. Haye moves up to heavyweight, beats a few bums and then goes for the one title that the Klitschko's don't hold. He loses to Valuev yet gets the W because the tribesmen wanted him to be champ. Then he gets a fight with Klitschko. Nonsense!

I understand that the PTB want to make the heavyweight division "interesting" with a negro champ but if my favorite athlete Wladimir gets screwed by a fix I'll never watch boxing again.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Yep, they're trying to turn boxing into wrasslin "sports entertainment" complete with pre-determined outcomes and clowns screaming and pounding on their chest.

I work out with the exact same sledge hammer Haye is holding in that video, except I think mine is a heavier version.

Edited by: werewolf
werewolf said:
Yep, they're trying to turn boxing into wrasslin "sports entertainment" complete with pre-determined outcomes and clowns screaming and pounding on their chest.

I work out with the exact same sledge hammer Haye is holding in that video, except I think mine is a heavier version.

Werewolf, good point! To me, at least up to this point, it's like someone is writing a book. The PTB needed to make sure that the Valuev-Haye fight was at least close so that they could give the win to Haye.

Plus now there is all this talk about Steward being two-faced. I know Haye is full of s-it and makes a lot up but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. Negroes can never be trusted. Even the friendliest, supposed "nice guys" will turn their back on whitey in a second.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
Funny funny video. The beginning was perfect. Puts things in perspective, a perspective that a lot of people have lost. I don't know why so many people are playing along with this Haye farce. Partly because Haye looks the part I suppose. When he loses people will be saying we knew it all along.

Can't wait for Saturday. Wish I could just fast forward to it right now.
Obviously this fight is huge around the world and from a caste perspective. If Wlad can decisively beat or KO Haye, it will be another nail in the caste system coffin the world over, especially here in USA. The other nails recently have been Dirk, World Cup Champs, San Fran Giants, SB Champs and others. But Wlad KOing Haye will be big in the world boxing eyes no matter what they say afterward.

I hope Wlad uses the formula that has worked for the last 5 or so years. Do not mess with success. Seeing Haye draped over the ropes is all that matters ala Chambers. I will be working the night of the fight and will be monitoring this site on a minute to minute basis. I hope some one can give round by round updates. Thanks.
That video rocks. Haye cannot take a punch. Especially to his forehead. I can't wait to see Wlad dropping bombs from above and then when Haye trys to duck, take his head off with the uppercut!
whiteathlete33 said:
Here is my take on the fight. It's all been fabricated by the PTB. Haye moves up to heavyweight, beats a few bums and then goes for the one title that the Klitschko's don't hold. He loses to Valuev yet gets the W because the tribesmen wanted him to be champ. Then he gets a fight with Klitschko. Nonsense!

I understand that the PTB want to make the heavyweight division "interesting" with a negro champ but if my favorite athlete Wladimir gets screwed by a fix I'll never watch boxing again.
There a power that even the PTB give's way too, and thats money! Money is the most powerful natural force in the universe and the Klitschko's mean big money.

In America the PTB could make money by building a "Great White Hope", and after they madea fewbucks they would rip him down and then start building another one. It was a "Win, Win" for all the anti-white goons. Get a "Dig" in on whitey and take their money too!
But IMO, that wont work in Europe, because boxing is new there and fans could be turnedawayeasily.
So for the short run, they must give them some quality. So I don't think a fix is in.

The one thing I've seen in the PTB is that their impatient and restless.
They can't wait long to get whitey. So I don't think they would have waited ten years to stick it to the Klitschkos if they had any control over them.

I was watching Wladimir and Haye's open workout and Davidlooked really scared to me..
Edited by: lost
Hilarious video, Parody! Thanks for posting it. I'd like to know who made that subpar 2001 music.
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Here is my take on the fight.  It's all been fabricated by the PTB.  Haye moves up to heavyweight, beats a few bums and then goes for the one title that the Klitschko's don't hold.  He loses to Valuev yet gets the W because the tribesmen wanted him to be champ.  Then he gets a fight with Klitschko.  Nonsense!I understand that the PTB want to make the heavyweight division "interesting" with a negro champ but if my favorite athlete Wladimir gets screwed by a fix I'll never watch boxing again.
There a power that even the PTB give's way too, and thats money! Money is the most powerful natural force in the universe and the Klitschko's mean big money.
<div> </div>
<div>In America the PTB could make money by building a "Great White Hope", and after they made a few bucks they would rip him down and then start building another one. It was a "Win, Win" for all the anti-white goons. Get a "Dig" in on whitey and take their money too!</div>
<div>But IMO, that wont work in Europe, because boxing is new there and fans could be turned away easily.</div>
<div>So for the short run, they must give them some quality. So I don't think a fix is in.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The one thing I've seen in the PTB is that their impatient and restless.</div>
<div>They can't wait long to get whitey. So I don't think they would have waited ten years to stick it to the Klitschkos if they had any control over them.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I was watching Wladimir and Haye's open workout and David looked really scared to me.. </div>
<div> </div>

So you've finally figured out that "they" would have fixed the Klitschkos to lose years ago if it were possible? Did you think the Klitschkos would take a dive if promoters and/or TV people told them to?
sport historian said:
So you've finally figured out that "they" would have fixed the Klitschkos to lose years ago if it were possible? Did you think the Klitschkos would take a dive if promoters and/or TV people told them to?

Of course they did not think that, and of course the Klitschkos would not.

When you post in the boxing section, "sport historian", please be more respectful and refrain from sarcastically attacking our regular boxing posters like lost and whiteathelete33. If you really are a supporter of white athletes yourself, you should be able to recognize and appreciate their support for these boxers.
Parody said:
sport historian said:
So you've finally figured out that "they" would have fixed the Klitschkos to lose years ago if it were possible? Did you think the Klitschkos would take a dive if promoters and/or TV people told them to?

Of course they did not think that, and of course the Klitschkos would not.

When you post in the boxing section, "sport historian", please be more respectful and refrain from sarcastically attacking our regular boxing posters like lost and whiteathelete33. If you really are a supporter of white athletes yourself, you should be able to recognize and appreciate their support for these boxers.
You are a piece of work. Here you are lecturing an esteemed poster like Sports Historian about being disrespectful when you are the one in the past been disrepectful towards other CF members. Frankly, you make blanket, unproven statements towards members questioning their support of White fighters. Who are you? another Karnac the Magnificent? Don't think so.

I believe you need to remember that CF and specifically CF boxing forum is Don's creation and not yours. In your last post you appear to be the "kettle calling the coffee black!" Look within before casting stones.Edited by: Westside
I understand that the Boxing forum tends to get a little more contentious than other forums here at times, but let's stick to the topic at hand and refrain fromcritiques of veteran posters, which is not productive. If you disagree with someone's opinion, refrain from making it personal. I'm not calling anyone out, just saying we have a big-time boxing match this weekend, let's focus on that and celebratethe upcoming win by Wlady.
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