David Haye: The Great Black Hype

Westside said:
The Brits are indeed prolific drinkers. They are the ones who spawned DWFs in America. Ricky Hatton, sank his career due to utter lack of discipline. The night he beat Kosta Zsyue(spelling?) was when he was at his peak. Shortly thereafter, he became a slave to the dark beer, and subsequently stumbled around his city chasing the "dark brown drink."
</div><div>Let's try and not attack white European brothers, i am sure there might be white brits on this site who might get offended with your posts
</div><div>Brits will root for their own regardless race, black Brits rooted for Joe Calzaghe vs Hopkins and Jones too, it is what it is.</div>
Let's try and not attack white European brothers, i am sure there might be white brits on this site who might get offended with your posts
</div><div>Brits will root for their own regardless race, black Brits rooted for Joe Calzaghe vs Hopkins and Jones too, it is what it is.</div>

Negro invaders and destroyers from the African jungle aren't "their own". Wladimir Klitschko is a man from their their own race. He is their own.

Edited by: werewolf
A lot of British boxing fans I have contact with on other sites are rooting for Wlad to win.

Most of Haye's UK supporters are the casual boxing fans who don't know much about the sport and believe everything he says. I went to his website a couple of years ago and found he has a lot of female and GAY supporters who were leaving messages there.

Haye has 100% of the negroes in the UK and virtually all the Pakistanis and Indians behind him.

Johnny Nelson the commentator on SKY SPORTS, who fought Corrie Sanders years ago, is a perfect example of a negro in the UK who supports Haye. On YouTube, several UK negroes have been posting videos about the fight, such as here.

Also, in the US and elsewhere 99% of negroes and Jews are hoping Haye will win. Many people hate the Klitschkos because they are White. It's Jewish Supremacist commentators and writers such as Max Kellerman, Eric Raskin, Teddy Atlas, Michael Rosenthal and others who are pushing the idea that Haye may be the "savior" of the heavyweight division - although most of them are smart enough to realize Haye will most likely lose.
"GAY supporters"

Yes, I've noticed that, but then he is a bisexual him/herself so it's only natural.
Deadlift said:
From the video.. when Wlad was weighing-in, I heard those weaklings shouting "roider, roider, roider."

That's ironic considering that their physiques are actually quite similar. Obviously Wlad is much bigger, and therefore has bigger muscles, but looking at the weigh-in pics, I noticed that their proportions are very similar.
white is right said:
These Brits are a curious lot. I recall similar enthusiasm when Bruno challenged Tyson and defended Tyson. I also remember Bruno being an immobile statue in the first fight and crossing himself a thousand times before he entered the ring in the rematch...
How many of these guys are suicide watch right now or going to have tear um up with Germans at a strip club or bordello. I truly think the geeky guy with glasses is on suicide watch...
Just watched that Great Black Hype video again. The Germans should have played it, or at least the opening, on the big screen in the stadium after the fight.
David Haye Jokes!

* Didn't realise that the symptoms of Hayefever were puffy eyes, broken toes and heavy disappointment...

* What's the difference between David Haye and my trousers?

My trousers have a belt.

* I think I should get half of David Haye's purse.

I watched the fight in 3D, which meant I got closer to Klitschko than he did.

* I was going to tell a decent joke, but I just can't seem to type properly since I broke my toe.

* Who would of thought Klitchtoe would be reason

* Nice to see David Haye use his "shock" tactic.

....by turning up!
I just found some more:

What's the difference between David Haye and a baked potato?

The baked potato gets better after being wrapped in tin foil...

David Haye's like a cheap hooker, he's very quick to go down on ya...
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Here is a comment from a drunk white fan on Youtube. He can't be serious.

David Haye was injured. Vlad committed all kids of illegal holds and
benefited from the home fixture. In a fair fight, Haybe almost
certainly would win.
white is right said:
These Brits are a curious lot. I recall similar enthusiasm when Bruno challenged Tyson...

werewolf said:
The UK is a degenerate cesspool that gets worse by the minute ever since they "won" WW2.

I'm sure that everyone here is aware that I'm not an "anti-American troll" but, as a preface to this post, allow me to reiterate that I don't hate Americans, et cetera...

When it comes to "degenerates" engaging in sports-Negro worship, I believe that the United States easily sits atop the great couch-shaped podium - after all, didn't the United States pioneer the entire quasi-religion of black athletic supremacy and successfully export it worldwide?

The United Kingdom (and England in particular) might be home to plenty of annoying "Drunk White Fans", but British sporting arenas are certainly devoid of these species of freak, which are apparently found all over America:


I certainly never witnessed this type of juvenile behaviour at the football in England, Scotland or Wales (I haven't attended a match in Ulster, but that's the last place one would expect to find an American-style slob festooned with paint and plastic skulls). Such a crass sack of sh*t would be kicked to death before he even got to the bloody train...

Many beer-gutted, "awright, innit" British plebeian poster boys for early-onset male pattern baldness might be dead keen on black "British" boxers, but I'm sure that if Your Jews unveil a "devastating new Mike Tyson", the American black-worshipping sports fans shall be far more excited to see a "real American" heavyweight back in the spotlight - cue chants of "USA! USA! USA!", pudgy and scrawny hands dipping into jumbo-sized bags of chips and fetid flatulence all round.

How about a quick peek at non-sporting Negro heroes? Hmmm, there's the scale-squashing, foundation-cracking, speculum-shattering Oprah Winfrey (complete with eternally flaccid accessory Steadman and closet lezzer, Gayle). Den dere's da rap kulcha and da r'n'b kulcha which unleashed such talented titans of intellect like 50 Cent and Usher on the rest of the Western world, along with caps turned every which way but forward, sagging pants several sizes too large and gold dollar-sign jewellery. No contest, really...

One other thing: David Cameron might be a right prat and about as useful as a lawnmower in a desert, but at least he isn't black, is he? That's right, the American President is a purple-lipped mulatto complete with a genuine off-the-tree "first lady". Now, there is absolutely no way that the British can possibly top that.

So, can we say that the American Negro-worship outweighsBritish Negro-worship?



Edited by: Rebajlo
Funny Stuff Rebajlo!!!
Great stuff Rebaljo! We Yanks have a finger pointed across the Pacific, but there are three fingers pointed right back at us.
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David Haye said some moths ago he'll not fight again unless it's with a Klitschko.

But he was lying again.

Today, he announced a July 14 fight with Dereck "Del Boy" Chisora.
American Freedom News