David Haye: The Great Black Hype

ww said:
Hehe! That's why we call them Drunk white fans, WW!

When i see white people falling all over themselves cheering for a black invader from the African jungle, a destroyer of their race and civilization and nation, I think that the white race is so degenerate that it probably deserves to go extinct. And that goes X1000 for the Soetoro alias Obama-lovers. And by the way, where's its birth certificate, and how come it looks nothing at all like its alleged Luo tribe daddy from the Kenyan jungle?

Great post man! It makes me sick as well to see whites cheering for these racist athletes. Funny how whites are supposedly the most racist people on the planet yet they cheer for all black sporting teams, buy black music and all forms of entertainment and voted for a black president to get elected. Always going out of their way to help the "struggling" minorities while their own race gets blown away by the wind. This site gives us lot of hope because it lets us all know that their are still white people out there that are racially conscious.
ww said:
lost said:
iamasadlittleboy said:
Cheers. Yes I'm Mr Graveson, some of the other boxing articles I've done on there are pretty decent if you wanna check them out (hint hint lol). Annoyingly Haye's one of those fighters that has really annoyed me and sadly most Brits can't see through act.
And i will check them out!

Very good article, Mr Graveson - and the loud mouthed bisexual twat annoys me too. Write one on his phony fight with Valuev which he didn't really win. Check out my round by round. You have my permission to use it if you like.

Took a quick look at your archives. Got some nits to pick with you over the Joe Louis article, though. There's a lot more to tell about that hyped up negro "super-hero" than they tell you about, like his loaded gloves in Schmeling II for instance.
Just like in Louis/Schmeling fightshow much of our history has been lost because the wrong people control our media??
I know Schmelings camp didn't turn up (Jacobs et al) due to fearing for their life and the shot that ruined Schmeling is controversial (on the back) though never heard the loaded glove stuff.
iamasadlittleboy said:
I know Schmelings camp didn't turn up (Jacobs et al) due to fearing for their life ...

The "big bad Nazi'", Max Schmeling's, Jewish manager, Joe Jacobs, wanted to be there all right, but they wouldn't let him. Just a few days before the fight they banned him using the absurd pretext that they just found out he was involved with the liquor business. How was he involved with the liquor business? Well, he also managed heavyweight contender Two Ton Tony Galento, who, as everybody always knew, was also a bartender in Jersey City, NJ . For whatever reason Schmeling's regular corner man, Doc Casey, didn't show up either, so Schmeling found himself all alone in his locker before the fight. Those two would have spotted Louis' loaded gloves.

The way I've heard it is the orders to fix the fight came down right from the top, from Roosevelt (who Louis had visited in the White House a few weeks before the fight) through the Jewish governor of NY, Herbert Lehman. They said they won't be embarrassed by Germany again.
Edited by: ww

Max Schmeling's manager, Joe Jacobs, a great old time boxing character. He died of a heart attack in 1939 at the age of 41.

Edited by: ww
It's quite plausible that the gloves were loaded thing about all of the huge punchers like Foreman and Vitali, Cooney, Tyson etc and they never did what Louis did in this fight to anybody. Shoot Foreman and Vitali lifted foes off the canvas yet couldn't break ribs. I also wouldn't be surprised if Dempsey didn't have loaded gloves against Willard for the same reason. Edited by: white is right
iamasadlittleboy said:
I know Schmelings camp didn't turn up (Jacobs et al) due to fearing for their life and the shot that ruined Schmeling is controversial (on the back) though never heard the loaded glove stuff.
Again thats the trouble with haveing the wrong people controling our media, we have all heard the storysof how Jack Johnson said he had taken money to lose against
Jess Willard, and so many more nonwhites who lost to white men, but we never hear of whites takeing a dive against nonwhites...
lost, what about Jake LaMotta taking the dive against Billy Fox. Last time I checked Billy Fox was a Negro.
white is right said:
It's quite plausible that the gloves were loaded thing about all of the huge punchers like Foreman and Vitali, Cooney, Tyson etc and they never did what Louis did in this fight to anybody. Shoot Foreman and Vitali lifted foes off the canvas yet couldn't break ribs. I also wouldn't be surprised if Dempsey didn't have loaded gloves against Willard for the same reason.

Right! Louis never threw any punch with an effect remotely like that one, nor was Schmeling ever hurt by any punch remotely like that, nor, as you point out, do the biggest punchers in boxing do that sort of damage with their punches.

I heard this first hand, from some old time boxing trainers. Someohow the subject came up when I was doing my boxing thing and they were training me up in the Bronx, where I stayed only briefly before I switched to the boxing gym in midtown Manhattan. The guy who was telling me the loudest about how Schmeling got screwed was Jewish too. I remember him because he was a relative of the big Jew who fought Joe Louis. They told me that this was all well known amongst boxing business insiders back then.
"That was in the 50s, one of, if not the only time a fix was ever proven..."

They boxing mobsters don't leave paper trails. Besides, where's an honest investigation of boxing? The only time anyone ever even talks about cleaning up boxing it's just some bullsh*tting Mafia crook like John McCain, or when they brought up Don King on fraud charges back in the nineties the negroes on the jury just kept acquitting him.
"The guy who was telling me the loudest about how Schmeling got screwed
was Jewish too. I remember him because he was a relative of the big Jew
who fought Joe Louis..."


The big Jew (6'4", 255) who fought Joe Louis. Abe Simon actually fought Louis twice
ww said:
"The guy who was telling me the loudest about how Schmeling got screwed was Jewish too. I remember him because he was a relative of the big Jew who fought Joe Louis..."


The big Jew (6'4", 255) who fought Joe Louis. Abe Simon actually fought Louis twice
Its clear something was wrong with Schmeling that night did he even throw a punch?
lost said:
ww said:
"The guy who was telling me the loudest about how Schmeling got screwed was Jewish too.  I remember him because he was a relative of the big Jew who fought Joe Louis..."
The big Jew (6'4", 255) who fought Joe Louis.  Abe Simon actually fought Louis twice
Its clear something was wrong with Schmeling that night did he even throw a punch?

What was wrong with Schmeling that night was having a motivated and in top shape Joe Louis in the ring with him. Schmeling was a notorious slow starter and Louis jumped on him.
sport historian said:
lost said:
ww said:
"The guy who was telling me the loudest about how Schmeling got screwed was Jewish too. I remember him because he was a relative of the big Jew who fought Joe Louis..."
The big Jew (6'4", 255) who fought Joe Louis. Abe Simon actually fought Louis twice
Its clear something was wrong with Schmeling that night did he even throw a punch?

What was wrong with Schmeling that night was having a motivated and in top shape Joe Louis in the ring with him. Schmeling was a notorious slow starter and Louis jumped on him.
Don't believe that for one minute!Edited by: lost
Nobody can tell me that fight was on the level. the US. and the jews needed some propaganda.
to use against Germany.. and its crazy to think they let Louis fight Schmeling without an "Ace in the hole"..........
lost said:
Nobody can tell me that fight was on the level.  the US. and the jews needed some propaganda.
<div>to use against Germany..  and its crazy to think they let Louis fight Schmeling without an "Ace in the hole"..........</div>

And where is your proof?
sport historian said:
lost said:
Nobody can tell me that fight was on the level. the US. and the jews needed some propaganda.

to use against Germany.. and its crazy to think they let Louis fight Schmeling without an "Ace in the hole"..........

And where is your proof?

you mean did they put it on the front page of the New York Times???
lost said:
sport historian said:
lost said:
Nobody can tell me that fight was on the level.  the US. and the jews needed some propaganda.
<div>to use against Germany..  and its crazy to think they let Louis fight Schmeling without an "Ace in the hole"..........</div>
And where is your proof?

<div>you mean did they put it on the front page of the New York Times???</div>

Well, where is it?
Well, where is it?

What would you like, signed and notarized affidavits from FD Roosevelt and Governor Lehman? The boxing fixers don't leave paper trails, you know.

Check out the videos of these two fights on Youtube and notice the difference in the effect of Louis' punches in both. In the second fight every single punch was devastating. Punches hurt much more when you've inserted a horse shoe into your mitt.

This should be a separate thread.
Edited by: ww
sport historian said:
What was wrong with Schmeling that night was having a motivated and in top shape Joe Louis in the ring with him. Schmeling was a notorious slow starter and Louis jumped on him.

That's what people who are Joe Louis fans will tell us.

But I suspect there is more to it that that.
I've seen both fights, Schmeling in the first bout was all game, he fought toe-to-toe with Louis and outlasted him, destroying him the 12th round.

The 2nd bout is clearly a throw away, Schmeling was clearly bothered by the Nazi propaganda of Aryan supremacy, and did Louis, not to mention all of America (and the Jews) a favor. There's no way a great fighter like him would expose his temple so easily, unless he had some sort of guilty conscience.
ww said:
Well, where is it?
What would you like, signed and notarized affidavits from FD Roosevelt and Governor Lehman?  The boxing fixers don't leave paper trails, you know.  Check out the videos of these two fights on Youtube and notice the difference in the effect of Louis' punches in both.  In the second fight every single punch was devastating.  Punches hurt much more when you've inserted a horse shoe into your mitt.This should be a separate thread.

Schmeling's handlers examined Louis' gloves before the fight and vice versa.
Parody said:
sport historian said:
What was wrong with Schmeling that night was having a motivated and in top shape Joe Louis in the ring with him. Schmeling was a notorious slow starter and Louis jumped on him.

That's what people who are Joe Louis fans will tell us.

But I suspect there is more to it that that.

Well, what?
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