Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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No surprise but always good when they're shown to be the murderous types they are. However, if there is no accountability, and by that I mean a heavy price paid by the guilty, then nothing will change. These millionaire vermin and parasites must meet with the justice commensurate with the damage they caused. Until then, not much can change and more clot shot roll outs with big brother right there to enforce it.
No surprise but always good when they're shown to be the murderous types they are. However, if there is no accountability, and by that I mean a heavy price paid by the guilty, then nothing will change. These millionaire vermin and parasites must meet with the justice commensurate with the damage they caused. Until then, not much can change and more clot shot roll outs with big brother right there to enforce it.
They can lie to the world but they will be judged for what they have done & continue to do to humanity. Maybe someday they will
wake up when it's too late and realise that the money and the power isn't worth your souls.
They don't even take this junk. First have you seen one of the "elite" drop? Second if the numbers about booster uptake are close to correct far fewer think the clot shot is worthwhile, and that includes many of the fanatics. It's great a good many people are putting the hard work in playing it straight in trying to expose this, it's honorable.

They don't even believe their own narrative, their own medicine make them take it.

It's on twitter but it might be true.
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The fact that the fake news media continues to ignore what's happening is compelling evidence that the "vaccines" are indeed deadly:

The state of Washington is meeting today to decide if they should arrest anyone that is not vaccinated with the covid 19 vaccines.

Asking for trouble, ain't they? I'd like to see how this ends for the sneaky snakes trying to enslave folks. I don't think it will end well. There are plenty of patriots outside of the craphole of Seattle that won't put up with this for a second.
^^^^Thoughts anyone? After all, she is the daughter of the most famous singer in history. This "should" wake up even the dumbest of normies, but then again...
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^^^^Thoughts anyone? After all, she is the daughter of the most famous singer in history. This "should" wake up even the dumbest of normies, but then again...
Lots of people young old boring an famous die all the time. To blame it on the vaccine is probably not the answer.

We unvexxed have an advantage, Karl is a highly opinionated super smarty and IMO not always correct but this piece encapsulates most of my thinking the last few years as they destroy our society, but it was ClownWorld anyway so whatever.
Celebrities dying at 54 are not necessarily newsworthy in terms of proof of covid vaccine being an issue. I think the covid vax is a bad idea but don’t think anyone should jump to conclusions on this one.

In reality it will be very hard to know, so the best thing you can do is avoid it and for sure avoid the boosters and above all keep it away from your kids.
Of course we can never prove it. But Cardiac Arrest at 54 to a non-obese person, coupled with all we know makes it pretty certain of what it was. She was pushing the vax hard and we can bet she had all her boosters up to date. Russian Roulette only goes so far.
May very well be the case but her mom is still kicking around in her late 70s and likely is as boosted as Lisa Marie was?

I hate the pushing of the vaccine and I didn’t let my kids get it. I got the j an j one for work purposes although I didn’t want to.

I’m just saying that while it’s reasonable that it could be the vax that did her in, may as well wait on the cause of death?
Along with Trudeau this godless c*nt was among the worst perpetrators of crimes against her citizens. Her authoritarian rule - shutting down New Zealand, forcing lockdowns, forcing the dangerous deadly shots on innocent people and demonizing those brave enough to stand against her insane power trip. She is stepping down - funny how the announcement comes during the current WEF meeting being held in Davos.
Along with Trudeau this godless c*nt was among the worst perpetrators of crimes against her citizens. Her authoritarian rule - shutting down New Zealand, forcing lockdowns, forcing the dangerous deadly shots on innocent people and demonizing those brave enough to stand against her insane power trip. She is stepping down - funny how the announcement comes during the current WEF meeting being held in Davos.
Glad to see her finally quit. By the way she is a HE. Countless pics and videos of the bulge in HEr pants.
Along with Trudeau this godless c*nt was among the worst perpetrators of crimes against her citizens. Her authoritarian rule - shutting down New Zealand, forcing lockdowns, forcing the dangerous deadly shots on innocent people and demonizing those brave enough to stand against her insane power trip. She is stepping down - funny how the announcement comes during the current WEF meeting being held in Davos.
What a hideous, disgusting, soulless cunt. She might have been the worst actor of the Covid scamdemic tyranny.
Along with Trudeau this godless c*nt was among the worst perpetrators of crimes against her citizens. Her authoritarian rule - shutting down New Zealand, forcing lockdowns, forcing the dangerous deadly shots on innocent people and demonizing those brave enough to stand against her insane power trip. She is stepping down - funny how the announcement comes during the current WEF meeting being held in Davos.
I hope she crawls under a bed and goes away permanently. She was a total, godless scumbucket forcing those tyrannical and draconian measures on people. Good riddance!!
Quit calling HE a she. Jacinda is a man.

Great example of what I posted just yesterday asking posters not to do, namely not to take threads off topic. If I can't count on my mod to follow the rule then no one else will either.

Would New Zealand's harsh Covid policies have been any different if Ardern is a tranny? Were they imposed in a vaccuum, dictator-style, or was it done in conjunction with New Zealand's ruling political party as well as that country's equivalents to Fauci and Birks?

Calling Ardern a man, or a cunt, is mindless name calling. New Zealand and Australia's Covid policies were very harsh, but only in degrees from what was imposed in Canada, France, Britain, the U.S., and virtually every other country. It was a coordinated worldwide psy-op that would have happened whether Ardern was PM or not.

It's much better to focus on the big picture. Ardern was groomed from a young age by the World Economic Forum, as was Macron, Trudeau and many other leading politicians. They are high up in the seats of power in all the Western countries. And BTW the WEF is meeting right now in Davos, Switzerland. Tucker Carlson did a masterful job of ridiculing them in his opening monologue tonight. Try to watch it if you haven't already.

WL, I know you believe trannies are very numerous among public figures. However, whether that is the case or not, from now on confine that topic to a specific thread in Happy Hour. This thread is about Covid, not about who's a tranny or not. I don't want it all over CF. That was done with the "Jewish or Not" topic, not one I'm fond of but at least it's being done via a specific thread.

1-Jacinda Ardern - WEF good one.jpg
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