Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Now they will put codes into an international data base computer worldwide for anyone that has not taken the jabs.

Albert Bourla, the ceo of Pfizer, gets bombarded trying to leave the world economic Forum meeting on the street for several minutes straight with questions he refuses to answer by two Australian reporters! This is great. The only thing that would have been better would have been if he didn't have security at the moment. This displays exactly who these demons are:
It’s not too surprising he isn’t answering these questions. He has no reason to. He and his people got paid and he could care less about “rebel news”. Sad but true
I refused to get a single shot… wouldn’t go near it. At my place of employment, the unvaccinated (or those who refused to give their status) were made to wear a special indicator on their ID badge.

I proudly wore mine and at any time someone asked if I was going to get the vaccine, I would look them straight in the eye and respond with “Of course not, I think for a living.”

I was prepared to be fired and then the Supreme Court struck down the mandate.

Young people, especially men, are being killed by it. It is absolutely by design to weaken society’s ability to fight back against the globalists. 100% believe this.
Best response I have heard yet.......well done brother!!

These things happen.
I wanted to comment but one has to register of course. I don't want the spam involved. I'd like to monitor the comments and see if any contrarian opinions make it through. I doubt it.
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Does anyone know the actual stats on how many young athletes have died of cardiac issues in the last three years relative to the previous 3?

I admit I don’t know just curious. I’d assume the disparity is huge but don’t know for certain
Does anyone know the actual stats on how many young athletes have died of cardiac issues in the last three years relative to the previous 3?

I admit I don’t know just curious. I’d assume the disparity is huge but don’t know for certain
Are you talking about the U.S. only, the Western world, the entire world, the solar system? And what age range? Nothing like asking a question with no parameters and expecting posters to know the answer. Anyway,there's something that's been around now for a number of years called search engines. ;) Why not utilize one and let us know what you find.
Are you talking about the U.S. only, the Western world, the entire world, the solar system? And what age range? Nothing like asking a question with no parameters and expecting posters to know the answer. Anyway,there's something that's been around now for a number of years called search engines. ;) Why not utilize one and let us know what you find.
With football "scouting" and recruiting, we're not supposed to notice patterns or connect the dots when it comes to how many times star White players in the NFL just happen to have been walk-ons. Same with all the deaths of athletes and other young and middle-aged people suddenly dying, nothing to see here, move along:

With football "scouting" and recruiting, we're not supposed to notice patterns or connect the dots when it comes to how many times star White players in the NFL just happen to have been walk-ons. Same with all the deaths of athletes and other young and middle-aged people suddenly dying, nothing to see here, move along:

The truth is becoming evident to more and more people. It's certainly slower than I want, but it is happening. As the headline indicates from it is indeed criminality that is what we're talking about here. Murder for profit. It's nothing less. That poor HS football player was in the prime of life, full of life, living life...all to end by Big "Murdering Farm" Pharma.

Accounting will take place and it can't come soon enough.
At the moment that link doesn't even take you directly to the story. Anyway, it's a rather short story and just matter of fact. That's what we've come to as so many athletes and people have died like this so it's becoming just ho hum, and oh well and on to the next story. Disgusting what these murderous big Pharma companies have done along with the other corporations like ESPN that have the reporting.
Old news but I just want to put it on the record here.

Between her, that MIchigan governer, and some of those Greens in Europe all I can said is women Just no.

Yep and amen. They need to do what they were created for: a help to their husband and bear his children and raise them in the love of the Lord. These femi governors, leaders are nothing but trouble and shouldn't be there.
Hey now! If you're a young person 15 to 30, this CBS News Medical Contributor says if you don't want a heart attack ya better take those shots and wear your face diaper, even posting a ruptured heart emoji in her twatter post:
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