Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Right up there with re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Great expression and well used.

What exactly has conservativism conserved?

Old Bill Buckley standing athwart history yelling stop? And then history running him over like a freight train !!!
The take rate for the latest "booster" (7th, 8th, I don't even know because I've literally lost count) is about 10%. Except for a few bitter-enders, no one's buying anymore.

The globalists have stopped the "just one more booster" lie because even they can't keep it up anymore and are coming right out and saying they want people to get two boosters per year, every year, forever.

We said it was going to end up like this. Did we call it or what?

P.S. I've been reading through some of the posts on this thread from two years ago and so many of our predictions came true. We called it big time.
The take rate for the latest "booster" (7th, 8th, I don't even know because I've literally lost count) is about 10%. Except for a few bitter-enders, no one's buying anymore.

The globalists have stopped the "just one more booster" lie because even they can't keep it up anymore and are coming right out and saying they want people to get two boosters per year, every year, forever.

We said it was going to end up like this. Did we call it or what?

P.S. I've been reading through some of the posts on this thread from two years ago and so many of our predictions came true. We called it big time.
It doesn't matter if no one's buying it anymore. The kids are required to take it to enroll in school...for parents still stupid enough to enroll their kids in public (Government) schools. That's the point.
It doesn't matter if no one's buying it anymore. The kids are required to take it to enroll in school...for parents still stupid enough to enroll their kids in public (Government) schools. That's the point.
Not trying to downplay that part of it. I thank God that all my children are adults now.

Last fall, even in rabidly liberal Los Angeles, there were mass protests against vaccine mandates for school children. If this dangerous fake vaccine is added to the children's schedule, the end result will be millions of parents choosing private school or home school for their kids.
Voting to grant Pfizer and Moderna legal immunity? These people should be hanged. This is like foreign dignitaries at an embassy with diplomatic immunity. Why anyone trusted those companies to begin with, with their lurid histories, is a fantastic question mark. How many years did Pfizer want to hide their drug documents? That right there: people will take that given that statement? Not only shouldn't these criminals not get legal immunity, there should be a gallows waiting for them outside a federal penitentiary.
I’m a voluntaryist who believes in natural law, karma, and the golden rule. I explicitly advised my parents and my daughter against the emergency, experimental “vaccine” against the highly suspect 99.8% survivable common cold “virus.” Both my parents and my daughter still took it. My dad had a stroke and flat-lined, before recovering and now is 75% what he was.
My daughter had an ectopic pregnancy and had emergency surgery. I don’t know if any of it was causation. But, it’s extremely disheartening that I’m completely ignored despite the fact that i give a **** and spend more time seeking truth and not just watching Fox News.
What I don't like is the idea they're going to force everyone to get it. And after everyone gets it, there'll be constant upgrades/booster shots that everyone will also be forced to get. The vaccine is only the beginning.

The authoritarians keep moving the goal posts. Even the most ignorant normies believed that once they got a vaccine their life could go back to normal. But, our rulers are telling us even a vaccinated, asymptomatic person can still spread the virus. And, one vaccine isn’t enough, you will need continuing booster shots. This will never end unless everybody turns off the “news” and get on with your life.

There is no delta variant but just so you guys know they will push this until jan of 2022 or 2023. It's all in the documents. Expect variant after variant.

Haha, the classic "covid switch-er-roonie" where they promise you extra privileges (that you used to have) to get you vaxxed, then take them away again! Now that roster cuts are finished and the league has identified its 7% non-compliance, it's time to roll that back. The NHL did the same thing last year, promising mingling privileges to players on teams that exceeded 90% vaxx rates, then pulling that back. Surprise!

Apparently, hundreds of universities throughout the country have mandated the vaxx for all students and faculty this fall. Back to normal? No! Surprise, it's the old "covid switch-er-roonie" where you have to where masks outside again and have your $50k classes via zoom call in your locked dorm room. Dont worry, it's only two weeks to flatten the curve this time. Surprise!

Now they say something called the "Omicron" variant has emerged in Africa.

Sounds sinister enough to scare a lot of people.

A selection of quotes from previous posts on this thread, 1-2 years ago, and boy, did people call it. Tom Iron (where did he go?) wrote that almost two years ago, at the end of 2020 when the fake-vax was just starting to be rolled out, and he was spot on.

The "Omicron" variant was supposed to be the scariest and deadliest ever, and instead it turned out to be the mildest variant ever. Oops.

"Two weeks to slow the spread"
"Two shots and we can all go back to normal"
"Just get the booster and THEN we can all go back to normal"
"Just one more booster. I PROMISE this will be the last one"

Remember all those lies? (((They))) want us to forget. (((They))) said everyone who claimed this was going to be turned into a "forever crisis" was a "conspiracy theorist." Well, looks like the conspiracy theorists were RIGHT ALL ALONG.

P.S. Remember the "hug a Chinese" campaign from liberals at the very beginning of this crisis, when the 'Tards of Lib briefly pushed the "Trump's Covid restrictions are too extreme" narrative before switching to "Trump's Covid restrictions aren't extreme enough?"

"But we liberals have always supported strict Covid rules. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia."

(((They))) want us to forget, but WE REMEMBER.
A selection of quotes from previous posts on this thread, 1-2 years ago, and boy, did people call it. Tom Iron (where did he go?) wrote that almost two years ago, at the end of 2020 when the fake-vax was just starting to be rolled out, and he was spot on.

The "Omicron" variant was supposed to be the scariest and deadliest ever, and instead it turned out to be the mildest variant ever. Oops.

"Two weeks to slow the spread"
"Two shots and we can all go back to normal"
"Just get the booster and THEN we can all go back to normal"
"Just one more booster. I PROMISE this will be the last one"

Remember all those lies? (((They))) want us to forget. (((They))) said everyone who claimed this was going to be turned into a "forever crisis" was a "conspiracy theorist." Well, looks like the conspiracy theorists were RIGHT ALL ALONG.

P.S. Remember the "hug a Chinese" campaign from liberals at the very beginning of this crisis, when the 'Tards of Lib briefly pushed the "Trump's Covid restrictions are too extreme" narrative before switching to "Trump's Covid restrictions aren't extreme enough?"

"But we liberals have always supported strict Covid rules. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia."

(((They))) want us to forget, but WE REMEMBER.
Great post and your right. We need to never forget and remind anyone who will listen that we were right all along.
I’m a voluntaryist who believes in natural law, karma, and the golden rule. I explicitly advised my parents and my daughter against the emergency, experimental “vaccine” against the highly suspect 99.8% survivable common cold “virus.” Both my parents and my daughter still took it. My dad had a stroke and flat-lined, before recovering and now is 75% what he was.
My daughter had an ectopic pregnancy and had emergency surgery. I don’t know if any of it was causation. But, it’s extremely disheartening that I’m completely ignored despite the fact that i give a **** and spend more time seeking truth and not just watching Fox News.
I’m sorry that your family was harmed by these jabs.

I understand the frustration of warning loved ones about the risks and having it fall on deaf ears. Pretty much everyone in my immediate family and wife’s family took them. Some very eagerly and others reluctantly, but they all took it. So far no ill effects, as far as I know, but not a day passes that I don’t worry for them. It’s probably the thing that causes me the most anxiety in this world. That and seeing that they are going to try to push this on my daughter by the time she is school age….
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One little covid-related tidbit that I find myself fixating on is that the government sent $136 million last year to Merck to build a new factory for at-home testing kits in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The money is a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions that have been printed as part of the 'American Restoration Act' or whatever it's called. What I keyed in on was the three-year timetable to be fully operational; in the winter of 2024, the government will finally be ready to crank out at-home testing kits to its full capacity. Do you think this is going away? Scientists could find a legitimate cure for coronavirus cell binding, and "public health" would pivot to any random new crisis, by necessity.

What is equally daunting to me is concept of this government contract. Merck is a wealthy international cabal with over 60,000 employees, so I am sure they have built a factory or two before. The hitch with the government oversight is the mandatory diversity. Sure, you will need a few scientists to wear the lab coats, but as for the physical construction, supplies, zoning, oversight, and then the day-to-day operations like HR, staffing, compliance, maintenance, custodial work, and unskilled labor, you are going to have a lot of jobs from this sort of infrastructure.

The 9/11 incident was 21 years ago, and we still take off our shoes and belts to fly on a plane now (unless you pay extra money). I think at this point, you can't dismantle the TSA because of the sheer amount of makework diversity jobs - what would all those people do instead? I am certain that once the rhythm of the covid industry settles into a regularity, we will see new and exciting ways to bake in mandatory diversity as part of the whopping cost.

Sheboygan has about 100,000 people and is 83% white and 2% black (Hmong is actually the largest minority group), whereas Milwaukee is just an hour away, is six times as populous, and is 37% black. I know where Merck can look if they need to check some boxes!

Back to covid theater, here's a compendium of 150 studies all proving that masks don't work. I didn't really read any of them because I figured that out myself rather quickly two years ago. Hopefully, a few of these studies also use explicit language about masks being "stupid" and "useless," too.
The TSA, just like the NFL, is largely a giant affirmative action program for blacks who would otherwise be unemployable.
As is the us postal service, most jobs in public transportation, and government in general.

My advice. Check out “nomad capitalist” the book or the website.

You can “prep” all you like by stocking up on canned goods and ammo or you can work on true financial and personal freedom.

Some will say it’s not patriotic to leave the US to look for greener grass, but if you don’t at least consider what your options are then you aren’t doing yourself of your family any favors. For sure you can abandon high state tax for lower tax ones. I’ve done that and liked it, It’s a mild form of what the book describes.

For me what I found most interesting about it is the idea that Bogota or Medellin or Tbilisi are actually nicer and more livable cities than most of the ones in America and with better weather. Even Mexico City offers more than New York does now. Sounds ridiculous right? Perhaps because we have been conditioned since birth to pledge allegiance to a place that frankly isn’t very interested in our freedom or prosperity.

Even if you don’t take his advice I think it’s a worthy read if only to broaden the scope of thinking about what is possible and not be a slave to the American system of government that really serves most of our people very poorly.

Check it out and let me know what you think. He also has a great YouTube channel.
what should open the eyes of even the most blind believers of the plannedemic is the deplatforming of Dr. Peter McCullough. sadly, though, very few seem to even care.

for all those normies who insist on the value of appeals to authority, how do they not listen to this guy?! Dr. McCullough is, quite literally, amongst the the world’s leading experts on this whole thing. he has authored almost 700 articles published in scientific peer-reviewed journals. he’s one of the most respected cardiologists in the world. he has an encyclopedic memory of every paper he’s ever read.

he’s been right about everything throughout the “pandemic.”

and now he’s being silenced.

Read this, it's from an establishment source in Australia. Key paragraph:

So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are strange mechanical structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain and South Korea.

Nothing to see here. Keep listening to those who tell us to "trust the science":
Died Suddenly

This new documentary Died Suddenly is a must watch and share despite being quite disturbing. What has been done to people via these jabs is a crime against humanity.
It's getting ugly fast in Canada and many other places. It's coming to America. It's just not as easy with so many gun owners.
This is the line in the sand men! No one has a right to forcefully put any vaccine into you, your kids and to take your property and
put people into a mental institution for saying no. People must not be afraid to stand up to this Communist Takeover of the World.

Things aren’t looking too good in Canada right now.

Klaus chose Canada and Australia as his ‘test bed’ for initiatives he plans to eventually roll out to all Western countries worldwide.

American Freedom News