Commercials we HATE!!!!

The commercial depicts the father kissing the kid's ass. The only way that a father would be in that position is if he was actually a weak, sh*tty father and husband and therefore deserved the scorn of his useless kid. Though certainly all the decks are stacked against a father (particularly a white father) in this day and age. I'd enjoy the commercial more if it flash forwarded to the kid alone, as a young adult, staring at an empty bottle of anti-depressants with a gun in his mouth. Then it would at least have a "moral", however, unpleasant. As it is, the kid is venerated as some all-knowing disrespectful little sh*t.

I must have missed this commercial for “Doritos” during the Superbowl (which I watched only sparsely), but a particularly dull-witted fellow at my firm was talking about how “hilarious” it was and thus, I decided to seek it out. Like all Doritos ads over the past 5-10 years, a delicate concoction of far-fetched absurdity, Cultural Marxism, and predictable shock value (with the requisite violence and humiliation reserved for white males) inundate this commercial as well.

The premise involves a white father walking past his 6-7 year old daughter’s bedroom and she asks if he’ll “play dress-up.” Due to a pre-scheduled appointment with his DWF companions, he initially declines, but instantly reconsiders when the daughter flashes a bag a Doritos…


Enticed by the Salty Stalinist Snack, the hyper-effete “father” is soon caught cross-dressing (complete with a wedding dress, diamond-encrusted tiara, prostitute makeup, and transsexual-style feather boa) by his diverse rabble of slovenly pals, who are rightly traumatized…


*Notice the sexual manner in which he inserts the chip into his mouth


*Notice how the Negro is already wearing lipstick

Ahh, but with a scent of ripe Doritos in the air, and after noticing the “fun” this “ordinary man” was having whilst dressing in drag, the whole crew was soon inspired to don transvestite garb...


Then, of course, insolent, level-headed “wifey” interrupts this drag party and asks angrily: “Is that my wedding dress?!”


Anti-white, anti-male, homoerotic punch line delivered!


This commercial could have been a little worse, I suppose. At least the producers included a black and an Asian “cross-dresser” to be humiliated, which is a rarity.


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Thrashmaster, that ad is utterly vile. :icon_neutral: I've never found cross-dressing "humor" to be funny (Milton Berle, "Tootsie", "Bosom Buddies", etc.). Even as a kid, I saw such "humor" as weird and foolish. I think men ought not wear earrings (women's jewelry), long hair or pink (girls color)...much less pullin' some f@99oty drag queen bit. :suspicious::puke:
I saw this during the Super Bowl and said to the guy next to me. Where'd they get the clothes? He didn't understand what I was getting at and I said, here's a little girl playing in her room and 5 or 6 grown men show up and there is dresses and stuff to fit all of them. Seems a little weird to me.

Everyone else loved the commercial of course as befits the typical white DWF demographic but I remember when my little girl was play acting like that. She didn't want me to dress up like her but instead wanted me to be the "knight" or "king" at her tea party. You know, standard gender roles as one would expect of normal humans. This is another commercial that I can only assume is made by the jew/***/fem axis of evil that does not live in the real world or know what kids are actually like. Or perhaps they do and are just trying to re-engineer minds to think otherwise.
Anyone else notice the worst part of the "Leon Sandcastle" Super Bowl ad? I cannot figure out how Deion Sanders is getting these ads. He hasn't played in years, and hasn't been effective as a player since the late 90s. My kids have no idea who he is. Ahhh, but the middle aged DWFs sure know who he is.

White couple on the treadmill at 42 second mark.

Goofball white male: "Are you attracted to him?"

White female: "Obviously."

The CM purveyors are coming close to self-parody.
Anyone else notice the worst part of the "[COLOR=#009900 !important]Leon Sandcastle[/COLOR]" [COLOR=#009900 !important]Super Bowl ad[/COLOR]? I cannot figure out how Deion Sanders is getting these ads.

I don't know why Shaq gets all these commercials either. Why would he entice me to buy a buick?
This is another commercial that I can only assume is made by the jew/***/fem axis of evil that does not live in the real world or know what kids are actually like. Or perhaps they do and are just trying to re-engineer minds to think otherwise.

The Dorito director’s name is “Mark Freiburger”…


In German, his name literally means “Free Castle,” but I know of a city in Germany called “Freiburg,” which is most likely the origin of this little wretch. He doesn’t look like a Homo-Heeb to me, but he might as well be. My guess is that he’s just another German Marxist who doesn’t deserve the body, mind, and spirit bestowed upon him by thousands of years of his ancestors enduring hell on earth so that a cowardly, treacherous, perverted, weak-minded little gay-boy could inherit their essence and eminate disgrace. Of course, the same could be said for so many of the neo-sons of Ireland, Poland, Italy, Austria, England, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, Spain, Norway, Finland, Greece, France, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.
The Dorito director’s name is “Mark Freiburger”…

In German, his name literally means “Free Castle,” but I know of a city in Germany called “Freiburg,” which is most likely the origin of this little wretch. He doesn’t look like a Homo-Heeb to me, but he might as well be. My guess is that he’s just another German Marxist who doesn’t deserve the body, mind, and spirit bestowed upon him by thousands of years of his ancestors enduring hell on earth so that a cowardly, treacherous, perverted, weak-minded little gay-boy could inherit their essence and eminate disgrace. Of course, the same could be said for so many of the neo-sons of Ireland, Poland, Italy, Austria, England, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, Spain, Norway, Finland, Greece, France, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.

My curiosity was peaked by your post so I decided to dig into the background of this Freiburger guy. It appears he is as far from the jew/***/fem axis of evil as is possible in the film business. Unfortunately that's not a good thing. While I couldn't find out much about him personally he does appear to be a protege of another writer/director Gary Wheeler.

Incidentally this commercial was a contest winner chosen out of a bunch of many entrants by what I imagine was a test audience of the DWF demographic.

Anyway this Freiberg fella and his cohort Gary Wheeler are southern guys from North Carolina. Their specialty appears to be "family friendly" entertainment with a healthy dose of Christianity lite sprinkled in. In two movies they have collaborated on-The Trial and The List-the main theme was redemption and a vague spirituality which is about the only way modern Christianity can express itself on the big screen since REAL Christianity has so many unpleasant rules like don't be a ***, and don't be a race mixing sinner, etc. which don't go so well with the sheeple.

Both guys seem nice enough but they embody that "new" southern ethos which is to basically be a complete nancypants when it comes to anything about the Olde South. For example he mentioned that "To kill a Mockingbird" is his favorite movie ever and the greatest movie of all time. When I hear that kind of a comment come out of someone's mouth then I know what kind of southerner I am looking at.

Thus Freiburg and company is what passes for the opposite point of view from the jew/***/fem triumvirate that rules elsewhere in filmdom. If that isn't the most depressing thing possible, i.e. the stuff this guy puts out is as close as it gets to what we would like to see in that business. With friends like this......

Oh I almost forgot. His next project: Sole Purpose. Shoes for africans. How about them making shoes themselves...naw better to just give them to em.

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Jaxvid said:
Both guys seem nice enough but they embody that "new" southern ethos which is to basically be a complete nancypants when it comes to anything about the Olde South. For example he mentioned that "To kill a Mockingbird" is his favorite movie ever and the greatest movie of all time. When I hear that kind of a comment come out of someone's mouth then I know what kind of southerner I am looking at.

Oh I almost forgot. His next project: Sole Purpose. Shoes for africans. How about them making shoes themselves...naw better to just give them to em.

Very nice research. He seems like a fairly standard “Love thy Negro” Zionist-Christian (redundancy at its finest) type. This species is not limited to the Southern U.S. and we have plenty of these racially-comatose insects fluttering around Pennsylvania. Today’s “holy man” is little more than a professional ZioMarx orator…a PC politician…the CEO of a corporation attempting to peddle its product to the most people it can…another slimy, sycophantic tentacle of the Anti-White Monster that has burrowed to unfathomable depths and tainted every possible institution in the U.S.

Here is an ad for “Toyota Rav-4” that I noticed during the Superbowl. The premise is so unbelievably passé, with the customary dim-witted, rotund, hapless, JoeSixPack white father who “rubs” his Toyota and is greeted by an omnipotent, magical, wish-granting, “Sexy Rav-4 Genie”…


CAPTION: Wizardly White Wench

Naturally, “dad” wishes for various things, all of which end up back-firing and making him look like dunce in front of his family. His wife and kids have all of their outlandish “wishes” granted immediately, without issue. Daddy’s final wish is for the “hot” genie to make him thin. Again, father dearest is the ass of the genie’s sick game and is made to run alongside her Chihuahua as she barks commands (from atop a Rav-4, of course) through a megaphone…


CAPTION: DWF Humiliated by God-Like Female Genie


CAPTION: Toyota Deficates Upon White Males (Record Sales Are Recorded)

What a proper victim of Marxist Misandry. Portly. Stupid. Pathetic. Docile. White.


Thankfully, no car company will be getting my money anytime soon. I drive a super-reliable, 12-year old American compact that gets 38-40 MPH and has 215,000 miles. I’ve put a lot of work into this awesome, reliable little car and wouldn’t part with it no matter what happens. Just two weeks ago, I changed the timing belt (even though it was still OK), which literally took an entire day in my garage. My wife has a newer American car and I have an old truck, which I only use for hauling stuff and working on the weekend. Toyota, Inc. can shove their computer-chip-ridden, high-tech, plastic-coated Rav-4 (that gets terrible milage) packed with useless electronic gizmos and LED screens...because I'd rather walk than drive their gay little Marx-Mobile.


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Hey I like American cars but nothing wrong with the good Volvos from the 90's. Sure they can be a pain in the ass, your tools never match up and parts can be hard to get to and hard to get, but I enjoy working on mine.

Has anyone written to any of these companies to show that they are upset with these commercials. I know someone must have sent ESPN a bunch of emails after they made a black player look stupid when he was giving the actor from Rudy a ride to the "Heisman Mansion" and the guy is going on about how he is an inspiration and all that and the guy is just looking at him, finally someone else says "you do know that isn't the real Rudy right" and its obvious that the guy is an idiot. I only saw it run once and that is it. Someone must have complained and it was taken off the air.
Contrast the vile, white-abhorring, violent, buffoonish, misogynistic, PC commercials we routinely post in this thread to this utterly delightful, positive, uplifting, family-oriented commercial for “Kubota Tractors” below. A condensed, 30-second version of the ad began airing several months ago in my area (and I loved it), but I couldn’t find any trace of the video online until the other day.


Dear God, how many virtuous images can Kubota crowd into a single TV commercial?

1. A tall, strong, hard-working, handsome, blonde-haired husband is happy to share his nascent life with his genuinely beautiful (without the aid of makeup, sluttly garb, or cosmetic surgery) young white wife…


2. The husband and wife perform “gender traditional” tasks around the farm…



3. Dogs and other farm animals being treated properly…


4. The young white couple are expecting a child…


This ad is the exact inverse of modern Western advertising. It is not offensive, humiliating, degrading, hostile, or violent towards white men. It does not depict a Masculine Female / Feminine Male “Marxist Role Reversal.” It does not devalue or mock the concept of heterosexual union by depicting a loveless marriage in which husband and wife are selfish and trade insults. It does not feature Negro Ebonics, pop culture slang, or any other type of infuriating linguistic cacophony. It does not feature the “white career woman” character that cares nothing for bearing children and raising a white family. It does not feature some “zany,” outlandish, perverted, or childish premise.

I’d love to watch the Anti-White Professionals furl their faces in disgust whilst they are forced to watch this commercial on repeat, strapped to a chair, bolted to the floor, arms bound by the sleeves of a soiled straight jacket, eyes rendered unable to blink, cranium fixed to the screen and unable to move, intravenously fed, left alone in a windowless, doorless, utilitarian room for the remainder of their wretched lives.


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Three ads currently shown on Spanish language TV:

Ad for Toyota Camry. Setting is nice restaurant where male patrons wear suits and ties and language is exclusively Spanish (suggesting a Latin country and not the U.S.). An 'Anglo' is sitting with his Latin friends or perhaps his Latin wife and family. He takes note of a dapper Latino fellow (and future Republican voter) parking his Camry and entering the restaurant.

He carefully notes how the Latin orders once seated with his particular party, 'What can I get for you sir?' 'The men's bathroom please.' The Anglo really doesn't know what's being said so when it's his time to order he repeats in Spanish, 'A men's bathroom.' Adding, 'Two please,' while his companions shake their heads in exasperation.

Ad for Wendy's. Three work friends discuss the weighty matter of fast food. A tall, fair and blond Hispanic man (clearly a native Spanish speaker) is unhappily consuming a drab value meal. His friends, a brunette man and woman with medium dark skin, both short, testily explain Wendy's has better food for the same price.

The ad cuts to a visual of Wendy's food with voiceover explaining the wonder of it all.

Final scene shows both the tall blond and his darker male friend enjoying Wendy's food, the kicker being the blond is now wearing the same shirt his friend has on. The shorter man shakes his head in exasperation.

Wendy's has a similar, though fundamentally differerent, ad on English language TV. An attractive redhead explains the Wendy's advantage in a friendly manner to a diverse cast, without any hint of sarcasm, insult or exasperation.

Public Service Announcement for A Hispanic mother sees her son through the kitchen window. He's talking to other Hispanic youths. They may be up to something. Later she and her son go to the local market at night. As they leave the store there's a middle-aged white man watching them. What's he up to?

The final scene has her son asking to go to the store by himself. What's a single Hispanic mother to do? Fortunately has some answers.

Ad currently shown on English language TV:

Taco Bell. A woman with a Spanish surname and dyed blond hair is evaluating a new menu selection for the Bell. She keeps saying no. At one point she's shaking her head in exasperation at two fair, blond kitchen employees. She's a chef with a Spanish surname so she's clearly an expert. Finally she is pleased with the results. This ad, or a version of it, is not shown on Spanish language TV as far as I know.

Recently there has been shown a slightly different version of the Taco Bell ad without the the two blond kitchen employees. I miss the Taco Bell Chihuahua (a breed actually developed in the Philippines). Where did he go?

If these ads are any indication the Latin or Hispanic need to belittle 'Anglos' is so compelling it can serve as the basis for a successful ad campaign.
I’d like to extend a warm welcome back to veteran poster, Charlie! I thought I’d never read one of his always-articulate, unique, trademark “dark comedies” again. I hope that he’s been well and is here to stay after a long absence.

One of the less-popular aspects of Anti-White Marx-O-Zealotry is the portrayal of white women being “sexually attracted” to male animals (and no, I’m not referring to non-white males, but literal animals). I’ve noticed this phenomenally-inane premise in two recent “Geico Insurance” commercials, which I’ve outlined below…

1) The first commercial involves Geico’s criminally-annoying and permanently-unfunny “Maxwell the Talking Pig” character. The viewer joins this Geico advertisement whilst already in progress, as pig-boy and his white human female date are seated in his sky-blue convertible, which has conveniently “broken down” (the car seems to have overheated and is evaporating coolant) at some popular “makeout spot” overlooking a light-polluted metropolis seen festering in the distance. The oversexualized white prostitute finds this mechanical predicament as the perfect opportunity to “pass the time” with her handsome, rotund, pint-sized, pink-skinned quadruped “lover”…


CAPTION: Whore Lusts Boar – Geico’s Beastiality Campaign

Her unwashed vagina moistens in hope of inter-species penal penetration, her face becomes flushed, she bites her lips with forbidden desire, bashfully looks downward, and affectionately smiles in an attempt to entice the talking hog…but alas, her bo(a)rish date can’t take the hint, as “he” is far too busy playing on Geico’s mobile website, utilizing his gay little “smart phone” to call for “roadside assistance” instead of fixing the problem himself. How masculine!


2) The next beastiality-laden “Geico Insurance” ad that aired recently involved one of those yawn-inducing “Gecko” commercials. In this installment, the Gecko is serving as the “best man” at wedding of a human friend…


CAPTION: “Diversity Mafia” Uses Black Minister

As white, human bridesmaids saunter down the isle, one white skank sees the Gecko and is instantly attracted to “him,” lustfully twirling her hair with a sex-crazed look painted upon her baboonish face. The Gecko, presumably daydreaming about slithering his reptilian body into her eagerly awaiting uterus shortly after the wedding reception, utters: “Oh dear!” and then smiles menacingly…


CAPTION: White Woman Fantasizes About Sex With Gecko


CAPTION: Gecko Stading "Erect" in Sexual Anticipation


Essentially, the “Marxist Parable” being bestowed to the viewer in both of these nauseating, psycho-sexual, beastiality-sodden ads is actually somewhat of a clandestine message…that is, white men have become so sexually undesirable that the womenfolk of their own race prefer to date, lust after, and randomly copulate with male animals. Yes, white men of dating age are so unbelievable pathetic that not only can monstrously-ugly, semi-human minority men effortlessly “steal” their women, but male animals can easily do so as well. I don’t know about you guys…but I wholeheartedly agree with this message, and consequently, I’m switching my car and home insurance to Geico!

[Presses sarcasm switch to ‘off’ position]

With so many other anti-white, anti-male messages to be absorbed into the white essence via MSM-osmosis, this one may seem rather benign, but I feel it may be a “New Marxist Frontier”…an archetype that the unfunny, unoriginal, artless, uncreative, demented, perverted, sewer-dwelling, PC/Jew/***/Fem/Afro/Zio/Marx, hermaphroditic circus freaks (I know, I’m being far too kind) in Geico’s advertising department are certainly exploring.


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I’d like to extend a warm welcome back to veteran poster, Charlie! I thought I’d never read one of his always-articulate, unique, trademark “dark comedies†again. I hope that he’s been well and is here to stay after a long absence.

One of the less-popular aspects of Anti-White Marx-O-Zealotry is the portrayal of white women being “sexually attracted†to male animals (and no, I’m not referring to non-white males, but literal animals). I’ve noticed this phenomenally-inane premise in two recent “Geico Insurance†commercials, which I’ve outlined below…

1) The first commercial involves Geico’s criminally-annoying and permanently-unfunny “Maxwell the Talking Pig†character. The viewer joins this Geico advertisement whilst already in progress, as pig-boy and his white human female date are seated in his sky-blue convertible, which has conveniently “broken down†(the car seems to have overheated and is evaporating coolant) at some popular “makeout spot†overlooking a light-polluted metropolis seen festering in the distance. The oversexualized white prostitute finds this mechanical predicament as the perfect opportunity to “pass the time†with her handsome, rotund, pint-sized, pink-skinned quadruped “loverâ€â€¦


CAPTION: Whore Lusts Boar – Geico’s Beastiality Campaign

Her unwashed vagina moistens in hope of inter-species penal penetration, her face becomes flushed, she bites her lips with forbidden desire, bashfully looks downward, and affectionately smiles in an attempt to entice the talking hog…but alas, her bo(a)rish date can’t take the hint, as “he†is far too busy playing on Geico’s mobile website, utilizing his gay little “smart phone†to call for “roadside assistance†instead of fixing the problem himself. How masculine!


2) The next beastiality-laden “Geico Insurance†ad that aired recently involved one of those yawn-inducing “Gecko†commercials. In this installment, the Gecko is serving as the “best man†at wedding of a human friend…


CAPTION: “Diversity Mafia†Uses Black Minister

As white, human bridesmaids saunter down the isle, one white skank sees the Gecko and is instantly attracted to “him,†lustfully twirling her hair with a sex-crazed look painted upon her baboonish face. The Gecko, presumably daydreaming about slithering his reptilian body into her eagerly awaiting uterus shortly after the wedding reception, utters: “Oh dear!†and then smiles menacingly…


CAPTION: White Woman Fantasizes About Sex With Gecko


CAPTION: Gecko Stading "Erect" in Sexual Anticipation


Essentially, the “Marxist Parable†being bestowed to the viewer in both of these nauseating, psycho-sexual, beastiality-sodden ads is actually somewhat of a clandestine message…that is, white men have become so sexually undesirable that the womenfolk of their own race prefer to date, lust after, and randomly copulate with male animals. Yes, white men of dating age are so unbelievable pathetic that not only can monstrously-ugly, semi-human minority men effortlessly “steal†their women, but male animals can easily do so as well. I don’t know about you guys…but I wholeheartedly agree with this message, and consequently, I’m switching my car and home insurance to Geico!

[Presses sarcasm switch to ‘off’ position]

With so many other anti-white, anti-male messages to be absorbed into the white essence via MSM-osmosis, this one may seem rather benign, but I feel it may be a “New Marxist Frontierâ€â€¦an archetype that the unfunny, unoriginal, artless, uncreative, demented, perverted, sewer-dwelling, PC/Jew/***/Fem/Afro/Zio/Marx, hermaphroditic circus freaks (I know, I’m being far too kind) in Geico’s advertising department are certainly exploring.

THanks Thrashen. I find this geico commercial extremely disturbing and inappropriate and I couldn't quite put my finger on why, but that is a very good explanation.
One of the less-popular aspects of Anti-White Marx-O-Zealotry is the portrayal of white women being “sexually attracted†to male animals (and no, I’m not referring to non-white males, but literal animals). I’ve noticed this phenomenally-inane premise in two recent “Geico Insurance†commercials, which I’ve outlined below…

With so many other anti-white, anti-male messages to be absorbed into the white essence via MSM-osmosis, this one may seem rather benign, but I feel it may be a “New Marxist Frontierâ€â€¦an archetype that the unfunny, unoriginal, artless, uncreative, demented, perverted, sewer-dwelling, PC/Jew/***/Fem/Afro/Zio/Marx, hermaphroditic circus freaks (I know, I’m being far too kind) in Geico’s advertising department are certainly exploring.

Interesting. I was going to post this same line of thinking, using the example of those same two commercials. As usual the brilliant poster Thrashen does it again. (and better then I would have too!)

However to expand on the point it is my feeling that this is the next taboo to fall. A lot of people have been predicting what the next perversion that only a generation ago could get you arrested but is now extrolled by the culture, will be? Many have mentioned underage sex. I once thought that too but I think one of the 3 arms of the axis of evil: jew/fem/*** is so strongly against it--the fems obviously--that it would make a tough selling point to them. Sure they will go along with pushing sexuality ever younger but some of them tend to be mothers and a tiny bit of maternal instinct remains.

I think bestiality is next up on the menu for the cultural marxists. It ties in nicely with some of the other wacko ideas of modernity. Animal rights, vegetarianism, PETA, and infatuation with pets as some sort of surrogate companion for so many in this age of lost social cohesion.

These commercials are just the beginning of the pushing of the envelope. I notice that they are already working on the kids. Animals acting as humans is nothing new in cartoons and the envelope has been extended that the animals now interact with humans so the logical(?) next step is sleeping with them.

For example I have seen bits and pieces of the plainly disgusting Family Guy cartoon. In them the family dog, which talks and acts human except when they want to make some kind of joke about it being a dog, has a human girlfriend that he sleeps with. Um, excuse me amerika, this is a kids cartoon with a woman having sex with a dog! But no one cares of course, hey it's funny, dog-woman-sex, ha ha get it?? That's humor. Right?

You can see where this is going. First joking cartoons, then serious drama. Really this society is going to be so bizarre soon, actually it's so bizarre now, that it defies comment. What can you say about a society that amuses it's children with stories about animal sex? Or uses it to sell insurance to people?
I found later in my life that comedy is insidious in its use to make deplorable ideas seem normal or even exciting. Comedy is used as a tool to plant the seeds of new social movements and that perversions become mainstream after you can joke about the taboos, or make them feel normal.

Remember Jimmy Kimmel and his little spoof on White people not having to worry about "getting what they deserve?"

Here's the clip

Jaxvid said:
I think bestiality is next up on the menu for the cultural marxists. It ties in nicely with some of the other wacko ideas of modernity. Animal rights, vegetarianism, PETA, and infatuation with pets as some sort of surrogate companion for so many in this age of lost social cohesion.

These commercials are just the beginning of the pushing of the envelope. I notice that they are already working on the kids. Animals acting as humans is nothing new in cartoons and the envelope has been extended that the animals now interact with humans so the logical(?) next step is sleeping with them.

For example I have seen bits and pieces of the plainly disgusting Family Guy cartoon. In them the family dog, which talks and acts human except when they want to make some kind of joke about it being a dog, has a human girlfriend that he sleeps with. Um, excuse me amerika, this is a kids cartoon with a woman having sex with a dog! But no one cares of course, hey it's funny, dog-woman-sex, ha ha get it?? That's humor. Right?

You can see where this is going. First joking cartoons, then serious drama. Really this society is going to be so bizarre soon, actually it's so bizarre now, that it defies comment. What can you say about a society that amuses it's children with stories about animal sex? Or uses it to sell insurance to people?

Another great post, thanks for expounding upon my points regarding “beastiality.” Not to worry, though, white women randomly “lusting after” male animals hasn’t yet supplanted the exhibition of white women engaging in interracial sex/relationships with non-white humans (the most loathsome act of true beastiality in world history), as one can surmise from this “Walmart” ad that began airing recently…


Did Walmart intend to display these two bile-ejecting, genealogically-comatose twits as a “young couple?” I think so. Why would any two people that are “just friends” venture out to purchase a cell phone plan together? The boundless supply of intrinsic, anti-white malice contained within the corporate walls of “Walmart, Inc” (one of the precious few major corporations that is actually owned and operated exclusively by whites), is repulsive…


CAPTION: “Schwarz und Weiß” - Walmart’s Genocidal Tendencies


CAPTION: Marxist Mudshark Mimics MTV Malevolence

Before posting some of these commercials at CF, I’ll frequently “gauge” the reaction of my co-workers by playing the video for them at lunch on my laptop and asking them if they noticed anything infuriating, debauched, racist, misogynistic, or otherwise offensive. Predictably, they mostly just think these commercials are “hilarious,” or “entertaining,” or “clever.” They ask me why I hold such a fundamental revulsion for these ads, and I freeze-frame portions of the video, or focus on certain aspects of the dialog, or the carefully-chosen race and/or sex of particular characters and explain how I feel. They don’t understand my contentions in the least...and these are white men in their 40’s and 50’s (nearly twice my age), all with advanced degrees and licensures (some even hold PhD’s) in science and engineering. I’ll usually respond by saying something like: “What if it was your daughter dating that Negro? What if it was you that was being humiliated, physically abused, and outsmarted by women, non-whites, and even animals? What if it was your family gatherings that resembled the United Nations?” Such empathetic fantasies never seem to faze them. Does a “worker bee” or a “soldier ant” ever question or distrust their beloved queen?

VetForumWars said:
Remember Jimmy Kimmel and his little spoof on White people not having to worry about "getting what they deserve?"

Thanks for sharing. In the little I've seen, Kimmel is usually the least anti-white of the “late night” ****. About 3-4 years ago, I was watching Jay Leno’s “opening comedy bit.” He was talking about some ridiculous “news of the weird” in which someone was selling a McDonalds chicken nugget that resembled a penis on Ebay. Jay, the obese, butt-ugly, eunuch fairy that he is, said something like: “The Ebay seller listed the McNugget Penis as being 3 inches in length….well, folks, at least we know that this McNugget is truly 100% white meat!” [Cue to human laugh track]

I’d love to have a friendly encounter with Kimmel and Leno in a dark alley. Their chubby faces and flab-enveloped bodies would be so easy on the knuckles.


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1) The first commercial involves Geico’s criminally-annoying and permanently-unfunny “Maxwell the Talking Pig†character. The viewer joins this Geico advertisement whilst already in progress, as pig-boy and his white human female date are seated in his sky-blue convertible, which has conveniently “broken down†(the car seems to have overheated and is evaporating coolant) at some popular “makeout spot†overlooking a light-polluted metropolis seen festering in the distance. The oversexualized white prostitute finds this mechanical predicament as the perfect opportunity to “pass the time†with her handsome, rotund, pint-sized, pink-skinned quadruped “loverâ€â€¦


CAPTION: Whore Lusts Boar – Geico’s Beastiality Campaign

Her unwashed vagina moistens in hope of inter-species penal penetration, her face becomes flushed, she bites her lips with forbidden desire, bashfully looks downward, and affectionately smiles in an attempt to entice the talking hog…but alas, her bo(a)rish date can’t take the hint, as “he†is far too busy playing on Geico’s mobile website, utilizing his gay little “smart phone†to call for “roadside assistance†instead of fixing the problem himself. How masculine!

It's nice to know we are not the only ones who found this ad repulsive. A "conservative Christian" group, One Millions Moms, are speaking out against it as well.
"Irish need not apply" in the communist USSA has turned into "White Men need not apply."
I also saw that detestable “McDonalds” commercial (which featured four blacks, one Asian, one white mud-wrestling female, and zero white males) the other night, but didn’t have time to post. Very nice work in finding it so quickly, Bearclaw!


CAPTION: McMudshark

Don Wassall said:
"Irish need not apply" in the communist USSA has turned into "White Men need not apply."

The utter excommunication of white males in modern Americ-nt isn’t merely limited to products and programming intended for “adult” consumption. For instance, this past weekend, I noticed a TV channel called “KTV,” which stands for “Kids and Teens” and is obviously all-Christian programming. On KTV, a defunct children’s show from the early 1990’s called “Lamb Chop’s Play Along” (which debuted in 1992, and I watched religiously when I was 5-6 years old) was airing in syndication. The show stars Shari Lewis (born Sonia Hurwitz, a NYC Jewess), who is a ventriloquist, and several animal puppets for which she provides all the voices. I remembered the wholesome show quite fondly during its years on “PBS,” and thought that my precious-beyond-words daughters might like the show, also.

A few seconds into the rap-style “intro song,” I realized that the show, despite its 20+ year age and “Christian-oriented” subject matter, was rife with fetid odor of Cultural Marxism…


Like the McDonald’s commercial Bearclaw posted above, notice how all of the Shari’s “child playmates” are either black boys, black girls, Asian boys, or white girls. The episode I watched featured different “playmates,” replacing some of the blacks with a mulatto girl and some Indian boy named “Raji.” There were some white boys, but they were merely “human props” planted far in the background during various skits starring non-white boys and white girls interacting with Shari and the puppets…


CAPTION: Lenninist Lambchop

Naturally, this “Christian” show was produced primarily by Jews such as: Shari Lewis, Bernard Rothman, Harvey Levine, and the endless turd-bouquet of malevolent Yids controlling PBS at the time.

It’s always a strange feeling to view something that you enjoyed as a child through the eyes of young adult and recognize that your mind was being “toyed with” (like a new dreidel on Chanukah) from a very young age. Manger-to-mortuary, the bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits of whites are ever-malleable in the hands of the Judeo-Marxist blacksmith. We are the flesh-filters of Marxism, and every pore is intended to be choked with anti-white debris.


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The utter excommunication of white males in modern Americ-nt isn’t merely limited to products and programming intended for “adultâ€￾ consumption.

Yes, this is very noticable if one pays close attention to details.

AT & T has been running a series of supremely annoying commercials under the "More is Better" slogan. These feature a man in a suit, sitting down on the floor in what appears to be a classroom with some young children of elementary school age around him. He proceeds to ask a question, someone raises their hand and then answers him. I've seen about 4 or 5 of these each featuring a different group of kids, and I think in all of them (20 kids total), there may have been only 1 or 2 white kids (boys).

Here's one, featuring 2 white girls, a black kid, and some hispanic/asian mix kid:


Here's another, what appears to be 2 white girls again, a black kid, and I think some hispanic kid:

Another, again, 2 white girls, black kid, and some middle-eastern looking kid:

Same formula, 2 white girls, black kid, hispanic kid:

WTF? Who broke the formula, 2 white girls, black kid, and a WHITE kid, wow:

So whether it's white boys or white men, they simply need not apply in today's modern Amerika.

And a general note, play close attention to all commericals. You'll note that well over 90% of them always has a black person(s) in it, always without fail. Whether it's a house party, garden barbecue, a bar/restaurant setting, a beach cafe, etc, etc, it's always blacks happily hanging out with their white friends having a good time. If black families are in a commercial, they are portrayed as civil, friendly, polite, living peaceful middle-class lives in nice homes/neighborhoods, driving nice cars, and always on their best behavior.

This sort of fantasy continues to be on display more and more now, I can say with a great deal of certainty this wasn't the case as early as 5-10 years ago. The pace is accelerating, as whites continue get marginaized and showed aside at every turn.
After just twenty minutes of March Madness, Powerade took time out to remind white males that there are other, better athletes on the rise. Basketball fans, get ready to put up with this ad a few hundred times this weekend.


The theme of this commercial is "overcoming bias". We are shown:

- a boyish, dreadlocked, shirtless little negro who plays streetball with the adults
- a Samoan sumo defensive end who is not just fat, but strong and fast
- hockey's own Jackie Robinson impersonator
- a fair-skinned female wrestler

"It will be that much sweeter when we're properly introduced." Watch out, whitey!


The lone white player in Oakland that day DUN GOT SCHOOLED


Looks like #24 forgot to block.


Instead of hats, the fans throw hundred dolla bills!


Channeling her inner Brock Lesnar. It's real to her, dammit!

Four ways to shame white males in just thirty seconds - that's a tight editing job by Coca Cola's ad agency. The casting call must have been a laugh riot.
Foobar75 said:
AT & T has been running a series of supremely annoying commercials under the "More is Better" slogan. These feature a man in a suit, sitting down on the floor in what appears to be a classroom with some young children of elementary school age around him. He proceeds to ask a question, someone raises their hand and then answers him. I've seen about 4 or 5 of these each featuring a different group of kids, and I think in all of them (20 kids total), there may have been only 1 or 2 white kids (boys).

Very nice research, FB75. Since we all seem to be to simultaneously experiencing the same corporate-swathed existence with concern to media, I too have seen those always-daft “AT&T - Kids Say the Darndest Things” ads many times. Like seemingly all things on TV that are presented as “candid,” those inverse-o-funny commercials are in fact carefully scripted…especially so, as you astutely noted, in the category of the cast’s ethnicity.

Foobar75 said:
And a general note, play close attention to all commericals. You'll note that well over 90% of them always has a black person(s) in it, always without fail. Whether it's a house party, garden barbecue, a bar/restaurant setting, a beach cafe, etc, etc, it's always blacks happily hanging out with their white friends having a good time. If black families are in a commercial, they are portrayed as civil, friendly, polite, living peaceful middle-class lives in nice homes/neighborhoods, driving nice cars, and always on their best behavior.

Ever letter of every word is irrefutably factual. To illustrate your point, this commercial for “Buffalo Wild Wings,” a DWF inebriation-factory sports restaurant, began airing recently in preparation for “March Madness.” As is eternally the case here in the Great Jewish Colony, blacks have been audaciously rammed into every conceivable frame. They’re not only depicted as marvelous basketball players on the court, but also engaging in acts of tremendous, almost orgasmic jollity alongside white jock-huffers as a result of watching NCAA basketball. In the soulless, jet-black, serpent-like eyes of those who dwell within the Ivory Tower, foully perched atop Western Jerusalem, whites and non-whites can now be used in a completely interchangeable manner…

Blacks can be a love interest for white men…

A friendly chum for whites to share their appetizers…

A best buddy for white guys to “touch wings with” (who the hell does that?) before consumption...

A non-threatening pal for whites to guzzle beer and “watch the big game” alongside…

But perhaps their finest role (the omnipresent Marxist Piece de Resistance), a sexual partner for white women to lust after…


The reality, of course, is that the All-American Negro can barely afford to support its myriad of doleful “crutches” (drugs, booze, fines as a result of criminal behavoir, diamonds, gang life, jewelry, illegitimate children, rap albums, color-coordinated neon clown suits, flat-brimmed hats, expensive cars, rims, strippers, etc), let alone to waste their government-administered “allowance” on overpriced food and $8 beers at some yuppie restaurant. Also, instead of palling around with white DWFs in the restaurant, they are more likely to be lurking outside the establishment for potential robbery and/or rape. If blacks were to actually patronize Buffalo Wild Wings (or any public eating establishment), they would more than likely do so exclusively with other blacks and would consequently annoy everyone inside with their innate immaturity, their boisterous antics, and their extra-special brand of buffoonish behavior.


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