Commercials we HATE!!!!

I’ve recently been seeing a commercial for the “Tread Climber,” another in the rolodex of ultra-expensive exercise equipment peddled by “Bowflex, Inc” to desperate, overweight Americans. This commercial is quite lengthy for TV, about two minutes in total, featuring several different “success stories” in which a hand-picked few that actually lost a significant amount of weight are exhibited.

In showing these success stories (which could be completely fake), the TreadClimber-enriched life of a blonde-haired white woman from Idaho named “Jennifer” is showcased. Quite naturally, in her “fat picture,” she is shown holding an extra-dark newborn and talks openly during her “testimonial” about: “being a single mom.” Boy, that’s surprising, given the circumstances, isn’t it?


CAPTION: Bloated Bestiality Bowflex Bitch Bundles Black Beach Brat

Later in the ad, the criminally-ugly, toucan-nosed “Muddy Jennifer” is shown frolicking and playing with a kinky-haired mulatto toddler, presumably at the home of her parents (because she's such a loser and can't support herself). Her Negro sperm donor is nowhere to be found, doubtlessly either incarcerated, homeless, dealing drugs while on Welfare and other assitance, living at the YMCA or Section 8 Housing, checked into a methadone clinic, shooting dice in an alley with black cretins, or disseminating his cancerous seed to another white prostitute from the MTV Generation…


CAPTION: Amerikan Family Nouveau

Ah, but Jennifer’s sad, pathetic, predictable little existance isn’t the only “undesirable” imagery featured in this commercial. Nein, for the next Trotsky-ian Troglodyte Twit up to bat is “Danielle,” a 40-something white woman from California…


CAPTION: Danielle

Yes, I’ll admit that she has some darker features (and probably dyes her hair a lighter color), but generally speaking, JoeSixPack watching TV would think of her as white. Danielle's “spouse,” a dark-skinned Mexican midget, is shown as the happy couple romp around the yard with a golden retriever…


CAPTION: Bowflex Fiesta

What is the point of utilizing these hand-picked testimonials featuring such obtuse interracial filth? Why would Bowflex cater to the “Mudshark crowd” when not a single one of them could possibly afford their product? Why not depict an overweight white woman with a white husband and cute children who found salvation in the Tread Climber? Or a young, handsome white athlete who tore his ACL and gained weight as a result? Or an aging white grandfather with waning testosterone that wants to play with his grandkids?

Of course, these questions are rhetorical, as the answer is oh-so clear…the vast majority of American corporations believe that if any white person is “racist” enough (perhaps only ½ of 1% of the white population) to be offended by such a blatant portrayal of interracial relationships, then they wouldn’t want them as customers anyway. Racial provocateurs aren’t a part of the Coporate-Marxist blueprint.


Disgusting commercial. Everyone has different views on interracial relationships, and as Ive posted about myself personally I am a white male who has dated/slept with many Middle Eastern women. I don't consider that bad though, because I feel some races mix better than others, and I find it acceptable because whites and Middle Easterners are fully Caucasian. That's good enough for me, and in fact my position is more accurately defined as pro-Caucasian than anything else.

White & Middle Eastern is a Nice Mix in my opinion
White & Asian/Hispanic is not my preference, but I can at least tolerate it on some level.

White & Black is just ugly, repulsive and I find these couples ugly and hard to look at. The worst possible mix. Asian & Black is also repulsive. Hispanic & Black is also repulsive. In my opinion.

Of course, thats just my own personal opinion and I don't ask that anyone necessarily agrees with that, that's just my own opinion though.

Where I'm going with this discussion though is concerning a mis-portrayal of the realities of interracial relationships. These commercials always seem to show white women with black, or dark skinned men.

Of course, in my everyday life I do see some white females with black men. But I also see a number of white men with Asian females, or white men with black females, yet none of these instances are ever really brought up in commercials. Which is simply a misrepresentation of reality. So I think there is a bias in that respect and it shows that commercials aren't really anti-white. They're more accurately anti-white man.

The entire goal of these commercials is to emasculate white men and reinforce guilt in white men. This is true even concerning representations of interracial relationships, by blatantly exaggerating one side of the spectrum (white female/black male), while ignoring the other (white male/ non white female).

Not only does the media push interracial relationships, they push a certain type of relationship specifically (light female/dark male), even when reality and demographic trends are far from that.
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as I just clicked on this thread this commercial came on, it may have been posted but did not find it in the search.

that's a disproportionate amount of White football players considering the racial make up of the NFL that are just bouncing off of these two "superhuman" negros, and bam at the end two White women fall in their arms. Every black mans dream, "use this product for your ashy skin and you can defeat any White player and hook up with their girlfriends too."
what about this commercial for KFC where a white girl says "gameday bucket go boom" and makes some kind of black/gangster hand gesture.

what about this commercial for KFC where a white girl says "gameday bucket go boom" and makes some kind of black/gangster hand gesture.

Dem white people shore do love that fried chicken!! And also dem non-white homies dat comes to da house fo da big game.

I can't imagine this hasn't been posted already but...
White, leather-helmet-clad, old time football player returning kick off turns into black super athlete en route. Campaign entitled "NFL Evolution". Shouldn't it be called "Racial Devolution"?

It's an amazingly bold ad if you think about it. "Whites you are turning black and that is evolution."
what about this commercial for KFC where a white girl says "gameday bucket go boom" and makes some kind of black/gangster hand gesture.

Nice post, man, I also saw that commercial, noticed “Miss Wigger Woman” and immediately thought something similar.

I saw this commercial for “Sensa” (which is some sort of weight-loss food additive) last week but didn’t have time to post a “review” until now. The premise involves a “hidden camera” at a restaurant in which Sensa is being “secretly” utilized for the flavor-enhancing betterment of each dish served to a random assortment of their clientele. The point of this edible experiment, of course, is to suggest to the consumers in TV Land that when Sensa is added to various foods, one doesn’t even realize its inclusion. Seems pretty harmless, right? Niemals!

First, a 30-something white couple is shown…


Then a middle-aged white man, presumably with his spouse on the other side of the booth, is portrayed…


Then a jovial old couple…


Then, in order to “save the best for last” (the Judeo-Marxist “piece de resistance,” if you will), an extra-dark Negro is shown. This jewelry-sporting, inner-tube-lipped, chasm-nostriled, Ebonics-mumbling black fellow is shimmering with a particular superfluity of ugliness, casually seated with his “hot” white prostitute girlfriend as he is informed that Sensa was, unbeknownst to him, sprinkled onto his entrée...


Ahh, but this interracial “odd couple” could be “just friends,” couldn’t they? No, in the next scene, the Professional Marxist producers erase all doubt, as the future single mother (of some hideous hell-spawn) and Welfare recipient is shown with her hands grasping his blazer…



Many of these ads we dissect and criticize here are drenched with this sort of delicate subtlety. The majority wouldn’t even notice the interracial couple…and those precious few that did notice probably wouldn’t concern themselves enough to be angered or disgruntled…and how many of the infinitesimal few individuals who are infuriated by such anti-white filth would actually express their dissatisfaction?

Over the past 100 years, “white” and Jewish Cultural Marxists have coaxed a small flicker into a rampant, globe-engulfing inferno, with charred embers of a broken white race left cold and socially-bereft of all that was once good in them.


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that sensa commercial is repulsive. :dizzy:
Usually, “Stalin Bowl Sunday†is a prime opportunity for CultMarx advertisers to shine with impunity while poisoning viewers with their fetish for denigrating, humiliating, and inflicting random acts of violence against straight, white males, in addition to presenting females, non-whites and even children and animals in positions of supremacy over the former. This year’s blueprint was similar, but I noticed a conspicuous decline in sheer violence against whites, as well as a small regression in the use of sexual depravity. Nevertheless, there remained a plethora of appalling advertisements that were viewed by countless adults, teenagers, and children.

The first ad I noticed was this commercial for “Kia,†in which a weak, unsightly, effeminate white nerd is seen lovingly stroking a new Kia car in some “futuristic†showroom…


Soon, this gay boy’s mechanical infatuation turns to pure lust as he looks upon one of the supposed-to-be-sexy “Fem Bots†working as eye-candy in the showroom….


His androgynous love interest towers over him as he “kicks the tire†with his foot, to which she immediately reacts by administering an atomic wedgie, gouging his eyes, kicking him into the air, then smashing him with her fist, which sends our little nerdy anti-hero flying some 50 feet into a buffet table…



Thanks to this fine commercial, I now realize that women are sexy, beautiful, testicle-bashing kill machines.


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This ad for “Go Daddy” was the most “controversial” of all the Superbowl commercials, but not because the obese, insecure, meek, shockingly-ugly white dweeb with the kinky Jewish Afro was exploited and publically humiliated. No, many Americans were simply offended by this ad because seeing a super-zoomed-in shot of a supermodel “making out” with someone so “repulsive” and “undeserving” was even shocking to their overloaded senses...


CAPTION: Schöne und das Biest

As usual, the childless, arrogant, spoiled, flat-chested corporate brat, Danica Patrick (who recently dumped her nobody husband of 7 years, trading him in for a celebrity model), provides the narration for this contrived-solely-to-be-shocking filth…



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This ad for “Go Daddy” was the most “controversial” of all the Superbowl commercials, but not because the obese, insecure, meek, shockingly-ugly white dweeb with the kinky Jewish Afro was exploited and publically humiliated. No, many Americans were simply offended by this ad because seeing a super-zoomed-in shot of a supermodel “making out” with someone so “repulsive” and “undeserving” was even shocking to their overloaded senses...

CAPTION: Schöne und das Biest

As usual, the childless, arrogant, spoiled, flat-chested corporate brat, Danica Patrick (who recently dumped her nobody husband of 7 years, trading him in for a celebrity model), provides the narration for this contrived-solely-to-be-shocking filth…

The two commercials you mentioned were also the ones that caught my eye. The one where the fembot physically destroys the white guy was the one that got the biggest laugh from the crowd of DWF's that I was watching the game with. I thought to myself I wonder if it would be just as humerous if a woman was bashed like that and if not, why not?

The supermodel / nerd commercial was disturbing to me both for the mismatch in looks between the two (and if that is something that makes people uncomfortable--and it does--then why is a White woman / black man not seen the same way, it's the same thing??) and also the nerd looked like a young kid so it seemed inappropriate to me in for that reason as well. But that is the next barrier to be taken down so I guess we need to get used to it.
As usual, the childless, arrogant, spoiled, flat-chested corporate brat, Danica Patrick (who recently dumped her nobody husband of 7 years, trading him in for a celebrity model), provides the narration for this contrived-solely-to-be-shocking filth…

Thrashen, several years ago I was surfing a DWF message board. And, as is usual, the gay sheep we know as DWF's will occasionally stop adoring black males and go off topic during the long off season -- many times to start lusting after famous white woman.

Anyhow, one DWF is posting how he'd love to meet Danica... because of how beautiful and sexy she is... Great body, awesome smile...blah, blah, blah.

At that point, a very repugnant looking (based on his avatar portrait) message board poster -- Jewish guy from So.Cal -- steps in and says the following: "I'm in advertising. I've seen Danica shooting a commercial with a bathing suit on. I swear she looks like a 14 year old boy in real life. I don't think you be so crazy about her if saw what she really looks like without makeup and airbrushing".

Also, the "Supermodel" making out with that nerd is Bar Refaeli, an Israeli model. I'm mildly surprised the Jewish elite would allow a such a prominent women from Israel to humiliate herself like that in front of millions has been reported that many Jews dislike her because she's dated several non-Jewish men, i.e Leonardo DiCaprio. That might be why she was targeted for this particular ad? Why she accepted it, is another mystery?
I've seen Danica shooting a commercial with a bathing suit on. I swear she looks like a 14 year old boy in real life. I don't think you be so crazy about her if saw what she really looks like without makeup and airbrushing".

Also, the "Supermodel" making out with that nerd is Bar Refaeli, an Israeli model. I'm mildly surprised the Jewish elite would allow a such a prominent women from Israel to humiliate herself like that in front of millions has been reported that many Jews dislike her because she's dated several non-Jewish men, i.e Leonardo DiCaprio. That might be why she was targeted for this particular ad? Why she accepted it, is another mystery?

I have never found Danica Patrick attractive, and if she weren't a woman, she'd at best be considered an average race car driver. But she helps promote part of the feminist/CM agenda, so she's been coddled and given loads of undeserving press and publicity, while much better and accomplished male drivers that she competes against have been all but ignored in the process.

Her dumping of the husband is typical hypergamy in action. Now that she's rich and famous and the "alpha" in the relationship, she had to go and find someone better, a typical behavior by today's Western woman.

As for Rafaeli, I've never found her attractive either. Nice physique, yes, but a very average face. I see much better looking women at the local coffee shop or mall than this "supermodel". As to why she did that disgusting commercial, the answer has to be money. She was probably compensated in the 7-figures for it.

And finally, I know this is the "Commercials we Hate" thread, but this was hands-down the best commercial from SB Sunday:

Jaxvid said:
The two commercials you mentioned were also the ones that caught my eye. The one where the fembot physically destroys the white guy was the one that got the biggest laugh from the crowd of DWF's that I was watching the game with. I thought to myself I wonder if it would be just as humorous if a woman was bashed like that and if not, why not?

The supermodel / nerd commercial was disturbing to me both for the mismatch in looks between the two (and if that is something that makes people uncomfortable--and it does--then why is a White woman / black man not seen the same way, it's the same thing??) and also the nerd looked like a young kid so it seemed inappropriate to me in for that reason as well. But that is the next barrier to be taken down so I guess we need to get used to it.

As always, your talent for seeing the direct inverse of the situation makes for highly incisive commentary. If the script for that Kia commercial had involved a woman being so arbitrarily throttled by some handsome, burly “Male Bot,” the ad would have never been Yarmulke-approved for the Talmud-a-vision. And, if by some chance it had aired, the “public outrage” from the Marxist Rabble would be a bottomless tidal wave of wrath against Kia. As for you point about “Walter the GoDaddy Nerd,” I also noticed how young he looked…maybe 20-22 years old?

Truthteller said:
Thrashen, several years ago I was surfing a DWF message board. And, as is usual, the gay sheep we know as DWF's will occasionally stop adoring black males and go off topic during the long off season -- many times to start lusting after famous white woman.

Anyhow, one DWF is posting how he'd love to meet Danica... because of how beautiful and sexy she is... Great body, awesome smile...blah, blah, blah.

Agreed. I heard once on ESPN that Patrick is 5’ tall and weighs around 100 lbs, which prompted fellow drivers to complain that Danica has a speed advantage due to her weight. I guess her face looks alright sometimes, but her body features zero womanly curves (which is very important to me) and, of course, she seems like a World Champion Harpy.

I saw this ad for “Century 21 Real Estate” during the Superbowl as well. The script follows a fairly standard archetype…that is, an unsightly, obese, slovenly, gluttonous DWF Omega Male husband accidentally chokes on a food item at the top of the “DWF Tailgating Food Pyramid” (the mystical hotdog)…


Naturally, his money-captivated wife (sorry for the redundancy) doesn’t much care, since she’s just won a large sum of money on some scratch-off lottery ticket. As the doleful white lard-o gags upon the hotdog residing in his beer-stained esophagus, the wife immediately pursues an avenue to spend her newfound lottery winnings (real estate).

Oops, are you still slowly suffocating to death, dear? Thankfully, a young, attractive, female Century 21 real estate agent is present to dislodge the oxygen-blocking obstruction and help this 40-something white couple spend their prize money…


Boy, that sexy, intellectually-gifted career woman sure was calm whilst casually saving this man’s wretched life (while simultaneously selling real estate). Is there anything woman can’t do better than “us” straight, white men? I think not!

[Sarcasm Off]

Of course, in real life, any woman, of any age, would be shrieking and sobbing hysterically (for a white man to come remedy the tragedy) when faced with the most trivial of adversities, let alone someone choking in their presence.



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Thrashen - This is the type of thing you see on tv? I don't know how you stand it. I see only very few tidbits here and there, like a dental or opticians office. Couldn't watch that type of thing on a daily basis.

Tom Iron...
No doubt is was a a team of superwomen like the Century 21 lady who got the power back on at the superbowl.

Or at least it will be when someone uses the incident to make a clever commercial.
Ads in Today’s “Patriarchyâ€￾: Men Are Buffoons, Women Are Brilliant...

I appreciate the link but this:

"If I sound offended at the portrayal of males in the media, let me correct that notion: I am not. They’re generally accurate, these commercials. Men, when left to their own devices, are morons. But if they’re lucky enough to have a woman around, there’s hope. That’s the general reality, and these commercials recognize it."

Just another mangina who has gotten slapped by reality, still the guys a pussy.
I appreciate the link but this:

"If I sound offended at the portrayal of males in the media, let me correct that notion: I am not. They’re generally accurate, these commercials. Men, when left to their own devices, are morons. But if they’re lucky enough to have a woman around, there’s hope. That’s the general reality, and these commercials recognize it."

Just another mangina who has gotten slapped by reality, still the guys a pussy.

Correct you are good sir. I should've added the article certainly is'nt worthy of the "Spearhead", but it's shows that some (quasi) "mainstream" commentators (albeit a pantywafer in this case) are highlighting (at least) some of the villification of men (in ads, hellivision shows, etc.).
This ad for “Go Daddyâ€￾ was the most “controversialâ€￾ of all the Superbowl commercials, but not because the obese, insecure, meek, shockingly-ugly white dweeb with the kinky Jewish Afro was exploited and publically humiliated. No, many Americans were simply offended by this ad because seeing a super-zoomed-in shot of a supermodel “making outâ€￾ with someone so “repulsiveâ€￾ and “undeservingâ€￾ was even shocking to their overloaded senses...


CAPTION: Schöne und das Biest

My initial reaction to this one was "guy from the high school computer lab (do they still have those?) shelled out some bucks for a call girl". He looks like he's about 17 or 18. He looks like a younger version of many of the people who design and build power plants, computer operating systems, bridges, and stealth bombers. Basically, the kind of people who keep the DWFs' favorite demographic from literally starving/freezing to death. She looks like a very expensive call girl with a terrible nose job. I think they had to use almost as much makeup on him as they did on her.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how any of this is supposed to make me want to use any service provided by the advertiser.
Tom Iron said:
Thrashen - This is the type of thing you see on tv? I don't know how you stand it. I see only very few tidbits here and there, like a dental or opticians office. Couldn't watch that type of thing on a daily basis.

Haha, no, Tom, this is the “type of thing” that 109 Million viewers saw on TV. The sad fact is that due to my work schedule, I only watch TV for maybe 2-2.5 hours a day…so God only knows what sort of Marxist Soul Contaminations I’ve been missing out on.

Speaking of spiritual contagion, I’ve been seeing this absurd commercial for “Oscar Mayer Bacon” of late. The ad features a group of 10-12 year old white kids (with one token Negro “chum” thrown in for good measure) casually playing video games on the couch. This diverse group of buddies is soon greeted by the one boy’s “lame” white father…


CAPTION: Patriarch 2.0 – Platinum Marxism Edition

Daddy is desperate to relate to these youngsters that he greets them by saying: “Yo homies!” Due to his age, noticeably uncool mannerisms, and his poor delivery of a proper Ebonics greeting, the boys roll collective eyes.

Then “dad” makes a simple inquiry to the prepubescent gaggle-o-gamers: “So what’s da 4-1-1?” Oh, boy, now this old white fool is using that old saying…dad’s ghetto slang is so 1980’s!

Papa, suddenly sensing their collective reluctance to accept him due to his inherent “whiteness” (a skin disease which begets inherent “uncoolness”), brushes them off by saying: “Na, bro, I’m cool, I’m just chill-maxin!” Tsk, tsk. Doesn’t this anti-hip white buffoon know the difference between “chillin,” “relaxin,” and “chilaxin?”

Finally, the court-jester-flesh-prop playing the role of “Father Dearest” decides to bring out the “big guns,” closing his voguish remarks by uttering: “Holler!...Holla!” Boy, is this honkey behind the times, or what? That’s like saying “N-gger!” instead of “Nigga!” Dear God, how could one cracker be so culturally obtuse?


Naturally, when the average member of the Mass-Goyim-Man witnesses this comedic virtuosity, eardrum-detonating yelps of merriment will most certainly ensue, causing Oscar-Mayer bacon to fly into shopping carts by the bushel, and the little nebbish, phallically-challenged “Son of Isra-hell” who produced this unfunny, witless, unoriginal, anti-white, Negro-venerating absurdity will laugh his gargantuan Shylock nasal equipment all the way down to the local bank (which is owned by his lonesman father).


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Speaking of spiritual contagion, I’ve been seeing this absurd commercial for “Oscar Mayer Baconâ€￾ of late. The ad features a group of 10-12 year old white kids (with one token Negro “chumâ€￾ thrown in for good measure) casually playing video games on the couch. This diverse group of buddies is soon greeted by the one boy’s “lameâ€￾ white father…

I think this was a Super Bowl commercial or else I saw it somewhere else but the one thing that stood out to me was "what's with the attempt at street jive with a bunch of nerdy video game kids?" I can understand the "father not hip" meme as it is played relentlessly over and over, but are those kids supposed to understand any ghetto talk anyway? I have raised kids like that and have had a house full of video game playing young boys and those kids are anything but ghetto.

Sure they get a dose of it in their internet surfing and some movies but that father would be better served trying to get in with his kids by learning the names and powers and weapons of the chararcters in the video game--something that's really important to those kids. It's not like they are out on the street dealing crack. As I watched this commercial I realized that whoever made it was completely out of touch with White suburban life, most likely a big city fem-***-jew that gets their cultural cues from reading hip hop magazines.

But they are selling produce to suburban White women who are more un-cool then the dad is portrayed and are enticed in this commercial by the main themes that women are supposed to be attracted to--debasement of their spouses and worship of their kids. When you think how twisted is the mind of modern women that this is the method that is thought to be most successful in selling them stuff, you don't have to wonder why society sucks so badly.
The commercial depicts the father kissing the kid's ass. The only way that a father would be in that position is if he was actually a weak, sh*tty father and husband and therefore deserved the scorn of his useless kid. Though certainly all the decks are stacked against a father (particularly a white father) in this day and age. I'd enjoy the commercial more if it flash forwarded to the kid alone, as a young adult, staring at an empty bottle of anti-depressants with a gun in his mouth. Then it would at least have a "moral", however, unpleasant. As it is, the kid is venerated as some all-knowing disrespectful little sh*t.
The commercial depicts the father kissing the kid's ass. The only way that a father would be in that position is if he was actually a weak, sh*tty father and husband and therefore deserved the scorn of his useless kid. Though certainly all the decks are stacked against a father (particularly a white father) in this day and age. I'd enjoy the commercial more if it flash forwarded to the kid alone, as a young adult, staring at an empty bottle of anti-depressants with a gun in his mouth. Then it would at least have a "moral", however, unpleasant. As it is, the kid is venerated as some all-knowing disrespectful little sh*t.

Dude that's hilarious. You should write commercials. If they wanted to sell stuff to men that would be the way. It would convince me to buy the product.
American Freedom News