I’ve recently been seeing a commercial for the “Tread Climber,” another in the rolodex of ultra-expensive exercise equipment peddled by “Bowflex, Inc” to desperate, overweight Americans. This commercial is quite lengthy for TV, about two minutes in total, featuring several different “success stories” in which a hand-picked few that actually lost a significant amount of weight are exhibited.
In showing these success stories (which could be completely fake), the TreadClimber-enriched life of a blonde-haired white woman from Idaho named “Jennifer” is showcased. Quite naturally, in her “fat picture,” she is shown holding an extra-dark newborn and talks openly during her “testimonial” about: “being a single mom.” Boy, that’s surprising, given the circumstances, isn’t it?
CAPTION: Bloated Bestiality Bowflex Bitch Bundles Black Beach Brat
Later in the ad, the criminally-ugly, toucan-nosed “Muddy Jennifer” is shown frolicking and playing with a kinky-haired mulatto toddler, presumably at the home of her parents (because she's such a loser and can't support herself). Her Negro sperm donor is nowhere to be found, doubtlessly either incarcerated, homeless, dealing drugs while on Welfare and other assitance, living at the YMCA or Section 8 Housing, checked into a methadone clinic, shooting dice in an alley with black cretins, or disseminating his cancerous seed to another white prostitute from the MTV Generation…
CAPTION: Amerikan Family Nouveau
Ah, but Jennifer’s sad, pathetic, predictable little existance isn’t the only “undesirable” imagery featured in this commercial. Nein, for the next Trotsky-ian Troglodyte Twit up to bat is “Danielle,” a 40-something white woman from California…
CAPTION: Danielle
Yes, I’ll admit that she has some darker features (and probably dyes her hair a lighter color), but generally speaking, JoeSixPack watching TV would think of her as white. Danielle's “spouse,” a dark-skinned Mexican midget, is shown as the happy couple romp around the yard with a golden retriever…
CAPTION: Bowflex Fiesta
What is the point of utilizing these hand-picked testimonials featuring such obtuse interracial filth? Why would Bowflex cater to the “Mudshark crowd” when not a single one of them could possibly afford their product? Why not depict an overweight white woman with a white husband and cute children who found salvation in the Tread Climber? Or a young, handsome white athlete who tore his ACL and gained weight as a result? Or an aging white grandfather with waning testosterone that wants to play with his grandkids?
Of course, these questions are rhetorical, as the answer is oh-so clear…the vast majority of American corporations believe that if any white person is “racist” enough (perhaps only ½ of 1% of the white population) to be offended by such a blatant portrayal of interracial relationships, then they wouldn’t want them as customers anyway. Racial provocateurs aren’t a part of the Coporate-Marxist blueprint.
Disgusting commercial. Everyone has different views on interracial relationships, and as Ive posted about myself personally I am a white male who has dated/slept with many Middle Eastern women. I don't consider that bad though, because I feel some races mix better than others, and I find it acceptable because whites and Middle Easterners are fully Caucasian. That's good enough for me, and in fact my position is more accurately defined as pro-Caucasian than anything else.
White & Middle Eastern is a Nice Mix in my opinion
White & Asian/Hispanic is not my preference, but I can at least tolerate it on some level.
White & Black is just ugly, repulsive and I find these couples ugly and hard to look at. The worst possible mix. Asian & Black is also repulsive. Hispanic & Black is also repulsive. In my opinion.
Of course, thats just my own personal opinion and I don't ask that anyone necessarily agrees with that, that's just my own opinion though.
Where I'm going with this discussion though is concerning a mis-portrayal of the realities of interracial relationships. These commercials always seem to show white women with black, or dark skinned men.
Of course, in my everyday life I do see some white females with black men. But I also see a number of white men with Asian females, or white men with black females, yet none of these instances are ever really brought up in commercials. Which is simply a misrepresentation of reality. So I think there is a bias in that respect and it shows that commercials aren't really anti-white. They're more accurately anti-white man.
The entire goal of these commercials is to emasculate white men and reinforce guilt in white men. This is true even concerning representations of interracial relationships, by blatantly exaggerating one side of the spectrum (white female/black male), while ignoring the other (white male/ non white female).
Not only does the media push interracial relationships, they push a certain type of relationship specifically (light female/dark male), even when reality and demographic trends are far from that.
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