Commercials we HATE!!!!

it doesn’t get more direct than this:

die, White man, and let your line be wiped from the Earth by the black hordes that (((we’ve))) brought to your midst.

it doesn’t get more direct than this:

die, White man, and let your line be wiped from the Earth by the black hordes that (((we’ve))) brought to your midst.

Can you just imagine the uproar if this commercial was aimed at an older married black couple? The company would be
burned to the ground and the owners probably killed or put in jail. Gotta love this Anti White Prison Planet we live on.
Here is one typical of americas trash culture- you got the pagan/negro rhythmic beats, a narcissistic people, and of course a white woman being proposed to by a black man. Wouldn’t expect anything less from google
Here is one typical of americas trash culture- you got the pagan/negro rhythmic beats, a narcissistic people, and of course a white woman being proposed to by a black man. Wouldn’t expect anything less from google

I just lost another minute of my life by clicking on that stupid anti white add. Google has become what they said they never would!
I’m sure I don’t need to explain why we HATE this commercial. The “He gets us” commercials have to be the most insidious out there but this one takes the cake. White people on their knees for abortion supporting purple hair feminists, homosexuals, as well as every minority under the sun all the while blaspheming Christ as someone who would tolerate the abominations we see today. The same man who vowed to bring a sword not peace, who assaulted pharisees and money lenders, who threatened to drown any man who harms children most certainly does not love our trash culture and the vile behavior it promotes.
I’m sure I don’t need to explain why we HATE this commercial. The “He gets us” commercials have to be the most insidious out there but this one takes the cake. White people on their knees for abortion supporting purple hair feminists, homosexuals, as well as every minority under the sun all the while blaspheming Christ as someone who would tolerate the abominations we see today. The same man who vowed to bring a sword not peace, who assaulted pharisees and money lenders, who threatened to drown any man who harms children most certainly does not love our trash culture and the vile behavior it promotes.

Right jphoss. Jesus would associate with these people, but he would NOT CONDONE their sin. In John 8:11. He did not condemn the adulteress He forgave her, but he did say to her, "go and sin NO MORE." They conveniently leave that part out!
I’m sure I don’t need to explain why we HATE this commercial. The “He gets us” commercials have to be the most insidious out there but this one takes the cake. White people on their knees for abortion supporting purple hair feminists, homosexuals, as well as every minority under the sun all the while blaspheming Christ as someone who would tolerate the abominations we see today. The same man who vowed to bring a sword not peace, who assaulted pharisees and money lenders, who threatened to drown any man who harms children most certainly does not love our trash culture and the vile behavior it promotes.

The “he gets us” commercials are creepy and weird. What’s the point, and who’s putting up the $millions to air them?
I’m sure I don’t need to explain why we HATE this commercial. The “He gets us” commercials have to be the most insidious out there but this one takes the cake. White people on their knees for abortion supporting purple hair feminists, homosexuals, as well as every minority under the sun all the while blaspheming Christ as someone who would tolerate the abominations we see today. The same man who vowed to bring a sword not peace, who assaulted pharisees and money lenders, who threatened to drown any man who harms children most certainly does not love our trash culture and the vile behavior it promotes.

The “he gets us” commercials are creepy and weird. What’s the point, and who’s putting up the $millions to air them?
Much more can be read here about David Green and his philanthropy in the article I pulled that from. He seems like a very good and moral man. I think his commercials portraying Jesus as a hippy, cuck are just an unfortunate strain of evangelical Christianity these days.

PS - doing the research to find all of this, it’s apparent that leftists and their media mouthpieces hate these commercials. For different reasons than us of course. They see them as “sanitizing a far-right message”. Our enemies are deranged and have been warped to hate all goodness in this world.
Hobby lobby is a glorified five and dime store. How the eff is he worth almost 15 billion?
I went in one a few months ago for the first time as I have several hobbies and wanted to see what it offered. Mostly crap was my assessment, at least as far as appealing to what I regard as popular hobbies.

Trivia note: If you're a fan of Kingpin and remember the bowling alley scene where Randy Quaid and Woody Harrelson pretend to be drunk but Quaid fails miserably, that was filmed in a 48 lane bowling alley north of Pittsburgh called McKnight Lanes that eventually became a Bed Bath & Beyond and then a few years ago the Hobby Lobby I visited. It's a large space but "glorified five and dime store" is a good description.
95% of commercials are visual poison that offends me on some level. So most are not worth posting unless they “rise to the occasion”. I’d say this one qualifies. Posted without comment:
95% of commercials are visual poison that offends me on some level. So most are not worth posting unless they “rise to the occasion”. I’d say this one qualifies. Posted without comment:

Filth, thanks for posting. Just when you think these companies couldn’t sink any lower