Commercials we HATE!!!!

This mega-Marxist “Toyota” commercial has been airing plenty of late. It’s one of those now-passé ads in which quick shots of dozens of people and places are shown in a short period of time. Out of curiosity, I counted just how many whites and non-whites were clearly shown during the ad, with the final tally being exactly 17 non-whites and exactly 17 whites (a coincidence, of course)…


But wait, the somewhat benign act of grossly over-representing non-whites isn’t nearly “Yiddish enough” for the Mass Man's sensebilities, now is it? No, a microcosmic commercial embodying this “All-American Melting Pot” (of Boiling Hot Feces) must also actively depict interracial relationships…

CAPTION: Toyota Chaffers Mini-Mud Wrestler

If the notion of a white parent driving their adorable blond daughter to the school dance while her swarthy date grins and stares at her with hormonal eyes isn't disturbing enough, we’re also treated to interracial friendships…

CAPTION: Bolshevik Bitch Befriends Blacks

A white nerd seated between two effeminate Jewish homosexuals (sorry for the triple redundancy)…

CAPTION: Toyota Twinks

And, as Don constantly reminds us, a bevy of Asian females…

CAPTION: Asian Woman Seconds Prior to Car Accident

Most Americans, at least the one’s I interact with (excluding family and friends), wouldn’t even notice the oh-so obvious items I’ve mentioned above. They were born inside the dragon’s mouth…fire and napalm has spewed forth every single day of their lives and they have grown to adore self-denigration in all it's forms. All they know is the ritualistic burning of white flesh and society.
This is a very interesting thread. It's a constant reminder of the propaganda that is being forced down our throats. It's unacceptable and hopefully some of these big companies realize they are insulting their largest, wealthiest audience,white people! Then again they probably won't.
The subject matter of this thread can open more eyes than anything else; including local crime. Television commercials are already mostly hated, and the leftist poison is a lot easier to point out than anything having to do with whether or not some white defensive tackle got a fair chance or not. I've never had anyone even try to argue that commercial aren't biased against white males. The rarest moment of my life was when my ex-wife exclaimed "Oh, my God, you're right!" when viewing the umpteenth vile commercial. I wish I had video of that.
The subject matter of this thread can open more eyes than anything else; including local crime. Television commercials are already mostly hated, and the leftist poison is a lot easier to point out than anything having to do with whether or not some white defensive tackle got a fair chance or not. I've never had anyone even try to argue that commercial aren't biased against white males. The rarest moment of my life was when my ex-wife exclaimed "Oh, my God, you're right!" when viewing the umpteenth vile commercial. I wish I had video of that.

Absolutely Awake in America, this is what I point out any time someone tries to disagree with me on the bias against white males. The same thing happens with me, they all say, "you're right!

Good Post!
I'm sure the upcoming "Suputrid Bowl" will have an onslaught of candidates for addition to this thread. :heh: :icon_rolleyes:
When I watched the Toyota commercial, I was waiting for the car to fall apart. Remember, when the nip enginneers refuse to listen to white americans, these things happen.
When I watched the Toyota commercial, I was waiting for the car to fall apart. Remember, when the nip enginneers refuse to listen to white americans, these things happen.

As per the Toyota commercial: Why shouldn't they include people of all races? They're trying to sell cars. Now I never did get why a black man is always shown on TV with a blonde women. Idk, I see commercials that include every race and I think they're just trying to sell a product, then I see car insurance commercials and I know something else is up.
I have no idea why anyone would buy a Prius and sit in a plastic deathtrap when they can buy an Audi and drive a car made of metal.
As per the Toyota commercial: Why shouldn't they include people of all races? They're trying to sell cars. Now I never did get why a black man is always shown on TV with a blonde women. Idk, I see commercials that include every race and I think they're just trying to sell a product, then I see car insurance commercials and I know something else is up.

I went to the trouble of counting exactly 17 whites and exactly 17 non-whites in that commercial. Your logic would suggest that “Toyota, Inc.â€￾ actually believes that non-whites comprise 50% of their anticipated “new car buyersâ€￾ in the American market. Even Corporate-CultMarx delusions of grandeur aren’t that obtuse or callow.

As for your remark admitting that you “never did get whyâ€￾ white females are displayed, ad infinitum, in the arms of non-white males, well, I trust that was written in jest...because the answer saturates every single facet of American politics, education, religion, culture, and society.
As per the Toyota commercial: Why shouldn't they include people of all races? They're trying to sell cars. Now I never did get why a black man is always shown on TV with a blonde women. Idk, I see commercials that include every race and I think they're just trying to sell a product, then I see car insurance commercials and I know something else is up.

And yet when the script calls for an idiot, nerd, weakling, criminal or some other negative character, 99% of the time that role is played by a White man. Why the disparity? Why don't "people of all races" comprise 50% of those portrayals? Could it be that there is an agenda involved that includes more than just selling consumer items?
I’ve been seeing the commercial below for “Stride Gum” plenty of late. It seems that the human-termites who produce TV commercials found another in the endless supply of white male actors who meet the following criteria: ugly, girlish, emaciated, weak, dim-witted, light hair, light eyes, and light skin…


Right, well, now that we’ve found an appropriate human-prop for our anti-white burlesque show, how shall we demean him this time under the guise of peddling our product? Perhaps this chap could be physically assaulted or out-witted by a woman or minority? Maybe he could sustain an injury due exclusively to his own ignorance? Or, possibly, he could be disrespected and verbally abused by his own wife and children? Na, that hackneyed stuff has all been done before. I know! We could position him in the dressing room of a clothing store, contrasted against a cool, smug, casual, confident Negro store clerk…


Yes, and he’ll be trying on a pair of tiny short-shorts that make him resemble a homosexual…


After donning said shorts, he’ll momentarily “feel his nerve” (perhaps temporarily channeling one of the dead white warrior forbearers?) for wearing something so effeminate and gay. Then, he'll image himself as wigger snowboarder, Shaun White, in various situations in which he’d wear the shorts (always contrasted against the sassy, stylish Negro)...


Thankfully, chewing a piece of “Stride Gum” brings the dweeb to his senses, and he decides to buy the short-shorts. Of course, the Negro clerk looks on with jovial condescension as the white homo prances away in his new shorts as the narrarator exclaims: “Stride-on, pale-legged short-shorts guy!”


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I saw this commercial for “Miller Lite” recently and never got around to posting until now. The ad embraces their non-white consumer base to such a repugnant degree that the entire 30-second commercial is devoid of even a single white character. Well, that is, unless you consider the blonde-haired white woman and the Latino-looking white man blurrily seated in the background. The “main characters” are comprised of five extra-ugly non-white males in their mid to late 20’s, with skin tones painted with every turd-tinted shade of the Marxist Rainbow.

There’s a fully-blooded “Sambo Type”…

A “Medium Rare Negro Type”…

A “Mulatto Type,” complete with requisite soulless coal-black bug eyes…

An Arab-esque “Mystery Meat Type”…

And in the delightful Kodak Moment below, Miller’s devotion to white genocide is as palpable as the foul aroma emitted from a Jewish armpit after an evening of dancing atop a mountain of stolen Shekels…

The most comical aspect of this commercial isn’t the fact that the professional buffoons in the advertising department of “Miller, Inc.” created this Negro-laden ad for the purpose of increasing profits, but the fact that these “five brown butt buddies” have been dolled up in suits, ties, and other yuppie gear and are being passed off as “young professionals.”


Strong, Independent, Commanding, Alpha Wife Busts and Admonishes Wimpy, Whining, Lying, Mangina, Omega White Husband Stealing Supplies from their Daughter
I saw this commercial for “Miller Liteâ€￾ recently and never got around to posting until now. The ad embraces their non-white consumer base to such a repugnant degree that the entire 30-second commercial is devoid of even a single white character. Well, that is, unless you consider the blonde-haired white woman and the Latino-looking white man blurrily seated in the background. The “main charactersâ€￾ are comprised of five extra-ugly non-white males in their mid to late 20’s, with skin tones painted with every turd-tinted shade of the Marxist Rainbow.

Any time there's a "buddies" type of commercial, there's very rarely a group of just Whites (unless they're portraying complete idiots or "gay" types). There must be "diversity," usually a black, but also an Asian or occasionally an hispanic. But buddy commercials featuring blacks are often black only, no diversity needed even though blacks are but 1/8 of the population.

Same with the Cultural Marxist sports networks. It's not unusual to see a blacks only crew on the NFL Network or on BSPN when it comes to football and basketball. Again, no diversity needed when it comes to this apparently most remarkably accomplished and capable racial minority. I guess there's not a single Asian competent to analyze sports, but an unending source of semi-illiterate, thick-tongued blacks to do the job, much like the Caste System "miraculously" keeps finding them to promote on the field of play.
At the gym today I was doing some cardio and watching the 10 or so big screens across the front of the room. Nearly each one featured a magical negro helping out some poor pitiful white person. There was the insurance commercial where clueless white people were being lectured about how to prepare for the future by an ebony member of that group of people who prepare for virtually nothing.

Another had a reassuring black man helping a careless attractive white female friend out despite the clumsiness of her doofus white male companion, because as we all know black men live to assist good looking white females in a platonic manner. And then there was the ubiquitous black nuclear family, a typical Leave-it-to-Beaver setting, father, mother, two kids, you know, the typical family of a race of people that have a 70% bastard rate.

Elsewhere there was a nearly all black basketball game, a game show hosted by a black emcee with one of the feuding families all black. The news anchor on another show was black. Nearly everyone in the gym I was in was white. How far does this go? Will every public figure soon be black. All the politicians, all the tv/movie/sports figures? Do white people meekly die off and surrender culture and country?

You can read about culture clashes throughout history and the one thing that stands out is that they are all CLASHES. One group fights against another for dominance. I have never read of a time in history where one group so willingly surrendered. Is there another example that anyone can think of?
At the gym today I was doing some cardio and watching the 10 or so big screens across the front of the room. Nearly each one featured a magical negro helping out some poor pitiful white person. There was the insurance commercial where clueless white people were being lectured about how to prepare for the future by an ebony member of that group of people who prepare for virtually nothing.

Another had a reassuring black man helping a careless attractive white female friend out despite the clumsiness of her doofus white male companion, because as we all know black men live to assist good looking white females in a platonic manner. And then there was the ubiquitous black nuclear family, a typical Leave-it-to-Beaver setting, father, mother, two kids, you know, the typical family of a race of people that have a 70% bastard rate.

Elsewhere there was a nearly all black basketball game, a game show hosted by a black emcee with one of the feuding families all black. The news anchor on another show was black. Nearly everyone in the gym I was in was white. How far does this go? Will every public figure soon be black. All the politicians, all the tv/movie/sports figures? Do white people meekly die off and surrender culture and country?

You can read about culture clashes throughout history and the one thing that stands out is that they are all CLASHES. One group fights against another for dominance. I have never read of a time in history where one group so willingly surrendered. Is there another example that anyone can think of?

That endless cultmarx (fantasyland) propaganda is one of the key reasons we flushed the TalmudVision & it's limitless supply of raw sewage.
Great post jaxvid, we are definitely creating history here in the U.S.S.A. Everything you said is sad but true.

Thrashen and Don. I certainly agree with the double standards of the "buddy" beer commercials. I'd certainly like to see more groups of all White friends hanging out, like that Coors Original commercial. However, seeing an all black "buddy" one doesn't bother me that much. After all this scenario is more realistic than 3 black guys and 1 token, doofy White guy "chillin" at the bar. The way I see it is that the Miller Corporation won't be getting any of my money (same for McDonalds, Subway and other Corporate crap) so they might as well advertise to blacks and other low class minorities.

Anyway, here's a commercial that makes me want to strangle the creator.

Feel free to go onto the youtube pages and blast these horrible commercials. Maybe they take into account negative comments....
Great posts, as always, Jax, Highlander, and Freethinker!

I hadn’t seen the “FedEx†commercial that Highlander posted, which was another truly ghastly FemDom epitome. I did see the “Volkeswagen†ad Freethinker posted featuring the white father who throws baseball like a girl. I’d love to throw an 87 MPH fastball (my personal best velocity) into the corn-yellow teeth of the Jewish director.

This thread has become one of the better ones I can recall at Caste Football. Perhaps the overwhelming response to this topic has been so strong and enduring because there’s a fresh supply of Mainstream Marxist Malevolence to analyze and critique that is being aired on a daily/weekly basis. Commercials are easy targets because they are short and simple scripts written by major corporations, with many of them attempting to be “shocking†or “memorable,†a blueprint which usually includes humiliating, belittling, emasculating, or physically assaulting a white man.

Thanks to all for sharing.
Has anybody seen the General Insurance commercial where there are 2 couples,one with a black man and a white women. The white guy ends up with a lampshade on his head. I can't find it on youtube though.
i have seen that despicable VW Passat commercial air during every single basketball game i've watched in the past week and a half. i actually came online tonight to post it in this thread ...


the DWF comments on jewtube are not surprisingly gleeful with how "funny" it is. but, somewhat surprisingly, there are several comments that bash the ad quite well.

i want to bash in the faces of everyone associated in the ad's creation.

additionally, how does this work to sell cars? who would be coerced to purchase the VW auto after watching this pile of steaming crap? damn.
additionally, how does this work to sell cars? who would be coerced to purchase the VW auto after watching this pile of steaming crap? damn.

I frequently ask myself that question when I see any of these commercials. I just assume that I am so out of tune with the brainwashing that there is no way I can figure it out. For this VW commercial I am assuming they want to appeal to women--who are supposed to get some kind of sick thrill from seeing their menfolk embarrassed.

Also I assume that the commercials are made by the ***/fem/jew axis of evil and those people are so stuck in their cocoons that this kind of stuff appeals to everyone they know, so naturally they think it works in fly over land.

I also understand that they like shocking and insulting people (the accepted ones) because that is the kind of advertising that sticks in peoples mind. I fully expect in a few years that products will be advertised by showing people getting ice picks stuck in their eyes and then being disemboweled.
Just when you start getting cynical you come across a wholesome ad like this:

i have seen that despicable VW Passat commercial air during every single basketball game i've watched in the past week and a half. i actually came online tonight to post it in this thread ...


the DWF comments on jewtube are not surprisingly gleeful with how "funny" it is. but, somewhat surprisingly, there are several comments that bash the ad quite well.

i want to bash in the faces of everyone associated in the ad's creation.

additionally, how does this work to sell cars? who would be coerced to purchase the VW auto after watching this pile of steaming crap? damn.

I was just about to post this as well and saw that it was already here. Ridicilous ad. Pisses me off so much, and yeah I don't understand how it helps to sell cars, maybe if they were playing pitch and catch like regular fathers and sons. Some guy that throws worse than a girl then the slogan "the power of German engineering".
I’ve recently been seeing a commercial for the “Tread Climber,” another in the rolodex of ultra-expensive exercise equipment peddled by “Bowflex, Inc” to desperate, overweight Americans. This commercial is quite lengthy for TV, about two minutes in total, featuring several different “success stories” in which a hand-picked few that actually lost a significant amount of weight are exhibited.

In showing these success stories (which could be completely fake), the TreadClimber-enriched life of a blonde-haired white woman from Idaho named “Jennifer” is showcased. Quite naturally, in her “fat picture,” she is shown holding an extra-dark newborn and talks openly during her “testimonial” about: “being a single mom.” Boy, that’s surprising, given the circumstances, isn’t it?


CAPTION: Bloated Bestiality Bowflex Bitch Bundles Black Beach Brat

Later in the ad, the criminally-ugly, toucan-nosed “Muddy Jennifer” is shown frolicking and playing with a kinky-haired mulatto toddler, presumably at the home of her parents (because she's such a loser and can't support herself). Her Negro sperm donor is nowhere to be found, doubtlessly either incarcerated, homeless, dealing drugs while on Welfare and other assitance, living at the YMCA or Section 8 Housing, checked into a methadone clinic, shooting dice in an alley with black cretins, or disseminating his cancerous seed to another white prostitute from the MTV Generation…


CAPTION: Amerikan Family Nouveau

Ah, but Jennifer’s sad, pathetic, predictable little existance isn’t the only “undesirable” imagery featured in this commercial. Nein, for the next Trotsky-ian Troglodyte Twit up to bat is “Danielle,” a 40-something white woman from California…


CAPTION: Danielle

Yes, I’ll admit that she has some darker features (and probably dyes her hair a lighter color), but generally speaking, JoeSixPack watching TV would think of her as white. Danielle's “spouse,” a dark-skinned Mexican midget, is shown as the happy couple romp around the yard with a golden retriever…


CAPTION: Bowflex Fiesta

What is the point of utilizing these hand-picked testimonials featuring such obtuse interracial filth? Why would Bowflex cater to the “Mudshark crowd” when not a single one of them could possibly afford their product? Why not depict an overweight white woman with a white husband and cute children who found salvation in the Tread Climber? Or a young, handsome white athlete who tore his ACL and gained weight as a result? Or an aging white grandfather with waning testosterone that wants to play with his grandkids?

Of course, these questions are rhetorical, as the answer is oh-so clear…the vast majority of American corporations believe that if any white person is “racist” enough (perhaps only ½ of 1% of the white population) to be offended by such a blatant portrayal of interracial relationships, then they wouldn’t want them as customers anyway. Racial provocateurs aren’t a part of the Coporate-Marxist blueprint.



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