Your ability to break down these commercials is just fantastic; one of the first things I look for when I come to this site. This one is really interesting to me. The longer version is typical CM propaganda, blond female, black male, white male eunuch. But the condensed version conveys almost the exact opposite message. In the condensed version it was like the black guy was about to jump down turn around and pick a bale of cotton. Meanwhile, the entire thing is just awful in so many ways that don't even touch on the racial messaging. Did somebody actually get paid to produce this?
Yes, Thrashen's thrashing of Telaviv-avision, and his scathing commentary could be the basis for a website all it's own. In an attempt to match the multi-media offerings of our resident Cultymarx critic here is one of my own.
I figured any commercial with Brian Urlacher is one I wouldn't like. Urlacher, a mudsharker in the mold of Dirk Nowitski is a distasteful personality to me. However I understand he is beloved by the DWF's. I thought at first glance his commercial for Infinity was clever in that it ended with him smashing the "football" pixies of Infinity's competition into a blackboard, something that was enjoyable to see as that is a commercial we have crapped upon here already.
However upon further review a cultmarx slight of hand snuck in. Blonde wifey with ultra dark negro spouse. Of course that is just conjecture, it may just be a gathering of multicultural diversity loving barbequers as all barbeque's in amerika are nowadays so maybe they are just neighbors but as with all advertising the message is in the unspoken.
Just friends???

Yesterday during the snoozefest that passes for professional football between the Cleveland Browns and the Baltimore Blacks I caught this gem from NFL ticket. The commercial didn't make much sense to me, a guy was on a plane talking to some people who had his tickets to the Packers game--while they were at the game. How they managed to hear each other was not exactly clear but I think the idea was to follow the three iron clad rules of 21st century advertising.
1) make the White guy look as stupid as possible while for some crazy reason aiming the advertising at the White guy.
2) make the non-White (preferably black) people look as good as possible and show them in position of authority OR situations that put them over and above the White guy.
3) throw in a White woman (preferably blonde) and a black man (dark as possible) and make overt or subtle insinuations of sexual attraction between them.