Commercials we HATE!!!!

Your ability to break down these commercials is just fantastic; one of the first things I look for when I come to this site. This one is really interesting to me. The longer version is typical CM propaganda, blond female, black male, white male eunuch. But the condensed version conveys almost the exact opposite message. In the condensed version it was like the black guy was about to jump down turn around and pick a bale of cotton. Meanwhile, the entire thing is just awful in so many ways that don't even touch on the racial messaging. Did somebody actually get paid to produce this?

Yes, Thrashen's thrashing of Telaviv-avision, and his scathing commentary could be the basis for a website all it's own. In an attempt to match the multi-media offerings of our resident Cultymarx critic here is one of my own.

I figured any commercial with Brian Urlacher is one I wouldn't like. Urlacher, a mudsharker in the mold of Dirk Nowitski is a distasteful personality to me. However I understand he is beloved by the DWF's. I thought at first glance his commercial for Infinity was clever in that it ended with him smashing the "football" pixies of Infinity's competition into a blackboard, something that was enjoyable to see as that is a commercial we have crapped upon here already.


However upon further review a cultmarx slight of hand snuck in. Blonde wifey with ultra dark negro spouse. Of course that is just conjecture, it may just be a gathering of multicultural diversity loving barbequers as all barbeque's in amerika are nowadays so maybe they are just neighbors but as with all advertising the message is in the unspoken.

Just friends???


Yesterday during the snoozefest that passes for professional football between the Cleveland Browns and the Baltimore Blacks I caught this gem from NFL ticket. The commercial didn't make much sense to me, a guy was on a plane talking to some people who had his tickets to the Packers game--while they were at the game. How they managed to hear each other was not exactly clear but I think the idea was to follow the three iron clad rules of 21st century advertising.

1) make the White guy look as stupid as possible while for some crazy reason aiming the advertising at the White guy.

2) make the non-White (preferably black) people look as good as possible and show them in position of authority OR situations that put them over and above the White guy.

3) throw in a White woman (preferably blonde) and a black man (dark as possible) and make overt or subtle insinuations of sexual attraction between them.



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Yes, Thrashen's thrashing of Telaviv-avision, and his scathing commentary could be the basis for a website all it's own. In an attempt to match the multi-media offerings of our resident Cultymarx critic here is one of my own.

I figured any commercial with Brian Urlacher is one I wouldn't like. Urlacher, a mudsharker in the mold of Dirk Nowitski is a distasteful personality to me. However I understand he is beloved by the DWF's. I thought at first glance his commercial for Infinity was clever in that it ended with him smashing the "football" pixies of Infinity's competition into a blackboard, something that was enjoyable to see as that is a commercial we have crapped upon here already.


However upon further review a cultmarx slight of hand snuck in. Blonde wifey with ultra dark negro spouse. Of course that is just conjecture, it may just be a gathering of multicultural diversity loving barbequers as all barbeque's in amerika are nowadays so maybe they are just neighbors but as with all advertising the message is in the unspoken.

Just friends???


Yesterday during the snoozefest that passes for professional football between the Cleveland Browns and the Baltimore Blacks I caught this gem from NFL ticket. The commercial didn't make much sense to me, a guy was on a plane talking to some people who had his tickets to the Packers game--while they were at the game. How they managed to hear each other was not exactly clear but I think the idea was to follow the three iron clad rules of 21st century advertising.

1) make the White guy look as stupid as possible while for some crazy reason aiming the advertising at the White guy.

2) make the non-White (preferably black) people look as good as possible and show them in position of authority OR situations that put them over and above the White guy.

3) throw in a White woman (preferably blonde) and a black man (dark as possible) and make overt or subtle insinuations of sexual attraction between them.

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I think you are dead on with the Urlacher one. Notice the second shot of the blond, where she reappears from below the screen. Just what was she doing down there? She is on her knees in front of him, and both are smiling. That shot is no accident.
Many thanks for the kind words and great work on the Greg Jennings commercial for “NFL Ticket Exchange,” Jax. I’ve seen that commercial as well. The most bile-expelling portion of that bizarre ad had to be when the 50-something white jock-huffer on the airplane whispers: “I wish Greg Jennings was on my lap” in a dissatisfied tone.

Due to my (sometimes unfortunate) photographic memory for the cancerous sections of tissue inhabiting a society that I so loathe, I can recall dozens more repulsive, explicitly anti-white commercials that have never been mentioned in this thread. One that hasn’t been mentioned is a series of “Snickers” ads featuring “Mr. T” from several years ago.

In the charming piece of nationally-aired corporate footage below, a young man is seen “power walking” in a residential setting. Here, the good folks over at Snickers, Inc. decided to open this family-friendly advertisement by emphasizing the womanly oscillations of this fellow’s rear end…


Well, actually, you see, he isn’t just any “man”…he’s a scrawny, effeminate, blonde-haired, light-eyed, chalky-skinned white man. And if his physiological features aren’t “lame” enough, this weak little gay-boy is wearing a pair of tiny gym shorts, a mesh jersey, and a wrist-pedometer typically used by elderly women…


How could such a delicate, girlish imp be permitted to exist? Shall the inborn sins of the meek remain forever unpunished? This power-walking hermaphrodite must be taught a lesson in masculinity! Fear not, for there is a testosterone-sodden hero amongst us, with a candy product in tow which will heal that which is amiss…


As any casual observer could decipher, our champion (ultra-aggressive, cannon-toting, car-jumping, house-demolishing hero that he is) is of darker hue than his frightened, power-walking prey. The great teacher of manliness barks instructions to his white pupil: “Speed walkin!? I pity you, fool! You a disgrace to da man race! It’s time to run like a real man!”

[The gruff-talking Negro begins pelting the white fairy with a Gatling gun full of Snickers. The black buck then shrieks: “GET SOME NUTS!”]



Say, come to think of it, the pleasant image of the blonde speed-walker squarely within the cross-hairs of large gun looks kind of familiar, doesn’t it? Ah, yes, that’s because it was re-packaged into the subsequent Snickers commercial about a wimpy white soccer player who faked an injury…

This commercial for “NFL Live” has been airing on ESPN recently. The ad features the analysts from the show (Herm Edwards, Mark Schlereth, and Trey Wingo) teaching some sort of “class” about football to assorted DWF’s (swathed in NFL garb whilst scribbling notes) in a tropical location…

CAPTION: Herm with Wigger Worm, Schlereth

The three Casteon Morlocks field a question posed by a DWF about “intimidation of quarterbacks.” In keeping with the newfangled customs, traditions, and racial regulations set forth for nearly every commercial distributed by the “United States of Western Israel Talmudvision, Inc.,” the awesomely-average DWF who posed the question has light hair, light eyes, extra-white skin, is balding, unattractive, short, unkempt, small-bodied, effeminate, and has muscles currently in a state of acute atrophy…

CAPTION: White Wimp Plays Respiring “Prop”

To better answer this inquiry, Giants DE, Justin Tuck, is summoned by Wingo. Oh, and what a lovely contrast this scowling, sassy, muscular black buck provides! He's about 1’ taller and far more muscular, with a deep voice and an attitude-laden glare…

CAPTION: Tuck & DWF Faceoff

This frail white cuckhold of a “man” couldn’t get off so easy, could he? Certainly not, as Tuck suddenly snarls in his face, which thoroughly intimidates him, because, well, he’s a white p-ssy and Tuck is a black superhuman…

CAPTION: Gutless Gay Goy Gets Grandstanded

CAPTION: Frightened & Forlorn DWF

After witnessing Tuck’s successful intimidation of the white homosexual, a robust rush of blood likely surged into the arteries of Mark Schlereth’s penis, producing his first erection since his secret lover and personal hero, Bob Sanders, retired...


CAPTION: Mark Awaiting Interracial Fellatio

The video…
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How come Justin Tuck gets all these commercials? You would think there are more white guys in the NFL who could do commercials. Oh, they can't show a tough white guy, I forgot.

I am sick of Strahan in commercials, too.
This commercial for “NFL Liveâ€￾ has been airing on ESPN recently. The ad features the analysts from the show (Herm Edwards, Mark Schlereth, and Trey Wingo) teaching some sort of “classâ€￾ about football to assorted DWF’s (swathed in NFL garb whilst scribbling notes) in a tropical location…


CAPTION: Mark Awaiting Interracial Fellatio

This photo and caption was too much!!! I couldn't stop laughing. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Thrashen, I saw that atrocious, anti-White, jude pushed commercial at the gym last night (on the treadmill). I instantly thought of putting here in this thread. As usual, your analysis of this insidious cultmarx propaganda is spot on. :thumbup:
Sorry if this has already been mentioned here but has anyone heard the radio commercial for SK energy drink with moron 50 cent? Well anyway, in it a white guy says something like "Drink SK so you aren't a dorky white guy", or something to that effect. I heard it a few days ago again and to my surprise he no longer says "dorky white guy" but "dorky guy." We whites are so privileged.
The only instance of this that comes to mind is during the ultra-abysmal 2004 film: “Alfie.” The film stars Jude Law, who portrays some sort of soulless, ultra-immoral, home-wrecking, constantly-fornicating “playboy” limousine driver living in Jew York Sh-tty. This atrocious film was once on TV, and in the 10 minutes or so I watched, Law’s character (Alfie) seduces a black woman (the girlfriend of Alfie’s Negro best friend, “Marlon”). After passionately screwing this Negress on a pool table, Alfie finds out some weeks later that he has impregnated her…




Ripe with guilt, Alfie and the impregnated black woman decide to abort the child. While at the abortion clinic, Alfie narrates the story, uttering something like: “We both knew that if the baby was born with any white-boy features, it would mean the end of Lonette and Marlon.”

What an alarming contrast when a black male is (almost) cuckholded in a movie, huh? The white male and non-white female who created the mongrel zygote experience extreme feelings of guilt and regret, and the baby is promptly aborted and forgotten so that proper respect can be shown to black manhood. If the roles were reversed, the bastard would not only come screaming into the world (in one of the demented, bile-ejecting “birth scenes” above), but it lives as the white man’s own child. There is not regret, nor empathy for this white man. No…only the malicious sting of high-decibel mocking. [Cue the lily-white laugh track, swig the final atoms of popcorn, exit to your left]

Come to think of it…I much prefer the company of chickens over most modern “white” “people.”

I appreciate your posts in this thread, and this comment is not meant as an attack at all. Your posts are well thought out, comical, and truthful.

But what you are saying here is incorrect. Had you continued watching the movie, you would know that the black woman ends up keeping Alfie's baby, and she has it. She didn't go through with the abortion. Later on in the movie, Alfie goes upstate to visit the black couple, and they have a half white baby, obviously his baby. Which the black man raises as his own child, even though clearly the father was white.

Generally, I do agree with your analysis in contrasting the two situations though.
I appreciate your posts in this thread, and this comment is not meant as an attack at all. Your posts are well thought out, comical, and truthful.

But what you are saying here is incorrect. Had you continued watching the movie, you would know that the black woman ends up keeping Alfie's baby, and she has it. She didn't go through with the abortion. Later on in the movie, Alfie goes upstate to visit the black couple, and they have a half white baby, obviously his baby. Which the black man raises as his own child, even though clearly the father was white.

Generally, I do agree with your analysis in contrasting the two situations though.

Many thanks for the information. I suppose one Negro was cuckholded in a semi-mainstream film. I stand corrected. It figures that a womanizing “playboyâ€￾ (of exclusively-Arabic women) like you would have seen that inane, atrocious, boring, mind-melting “filmâ€￾ in its entirety. Welcome back!
Many thanks for the information.

No problem at all :)

Although technically, you were incorrect, on a more aggregate level, your comparison was completely appropriate in contrasting the two opposite situations. The media theme of cheating wife and raising an offspring that belongs to a different race is portrayed quite differently depending on the races involved, and your overall contrast is fully on point.

So, I am in large agreement with your main point.

As I said, I enjoy your posts and they are always on point, as well as hilarious, lol. So, my post was not meant as an attack, rather, just a small technicality about the film.

It figures that a womanizing “playboy” (of exclusively-Arabic women) like you would have seen that inane, atrocious, boring, mind-melting “film” in its entirety.

Haha, well we're not all perfect are we? No one is perfect, that includes me and you and everyone else.

My lifestyle might not be to your liking, however it works for me and my beliefs. Not everyone has the same views on exactly every single issue, even on a site like this. Just because someone is a playboy, doesn't mean that they're not a racially aware playboy who is conservative in other areas of their life. I fully support Caucasian people, rights, and interests as you should have known from reading my posts on this site and others. I think my support of Caucasians should be crystal clear.

Whether someone is a womanizer or not, shouldn't matter quite frankly.

Many successful, racially-conscious white men are womanizers and have been throughout history.

Welcome back!

Thanks. Well Ive been posting mainly in the boxing forum. But from time to time of course I read other forums as well. Your posts in this thread are always precise, on point, and absolutely hilarious.
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This commercial for “Babies R Us” has been airing non-stop of late. The ad features quite possibly the ugliest “fashion model” in world history (an alarming feat, given the gaunt, dog-faced prepubescent hermaphrodites they choose to parade down catwalks), Heidi Klum. Klum, the gutter-filth, Eurotrash prostitute who gave birth to one white daughter from a previous marriage before defiling the womb she doesn’t deserve to possess by spawning three ******* brats with her monstrously ugly, freak-show (former) husband, “Seal.”

Anyway, the skeletal, wrinkled, giraffe-necked, Michael Jackson-nosed (fake, that is), plastic-breasted, makeup-troweling, ugly outside, rotten inside “Cultural Marxist Queen of Hell” portrays an all too familiar character in this ad (a caregiver of non-white children)…

CAPTION: Naww! Isn’t That Cute!

CAPTION: Me Rikey Heidi Rong Time!

CAPTION: Heidi’s Biological Dream Child

CAPTION: Flash Satanic Corporate Grin, End Scene


In case anyone is interested in how the “real” Heidi looks as she awakes each morning (rancid breath steaming behind a twisted smile of rusted nails), the pitter-patter of little black feet drubbing against the hardwood floors of her mansion...well, take a look at “her” sans makeup…



I’ve personally seen several hundred thousand woman better looking than this Black-Breeding, Bony Bolshevik Bitch.
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The programming becomes obvious at the end of the commercial. They are no longer trying to be coy about the agenda. BTW, I saw this on ESPN this morning.

This garbage is currently airing in Australia:

Markist's in the media!??!

I would like to know(from the OP) who are Markist's in the media? Also, queston to the Admin....Are you allowed to post on this site if you are not a conservative? just a question.
I’ve been seeing far too much of this commercial for “State Farm Insurance” of late. Sure, it isn’t as ghastly as most of the ads featured in this thread, but as always, the translucent “white male inferiority” inference festers in this script, too. The premise embraces a rather conformist subject matter, complete with an aptitude-sodden, ultra-prepared, responsible Negro coupled with a dullard “white everyman” and his frail, nerdy white son. You see, this awesomely-average, obtuse white loser crashed into the poor Negro’s automobile during a road trip, presumably marring a highly-anticipated vacation. The viewer (or should I say, the “potential customer”) comes upon this unfortunate accident whilst already in progress…

CAPTION: White Loser Wrecks into Negro-Mobile

But alas, this All-Amerikan Marxist Concerto isn’t complete without a white “career woman,” who upon hearing of the Negro’s misfortune at the hands of this irresponsible white lummox, spontaneously materializes faster than Captain Jean Luc Picard in a Star Trek transporter platform…

CAPTION: State Farm Adores All Africans

“You’re covered Kevin!” She assures her brainy black client as they share in a watermelon grin of rusting nails, almost mocking the white clown in his pathetic state of uninsured misery…

CAPTION: A Budding Romance?

At this juncture, a deep inquiry undoubtedly springs forth from the ever-decomposing mind of the American Viewer: “Duh, gee, I sure do hope that reckless white boy has proper insurance, like the handsome black guy did!” Sadly, it was not to be, as this negligent white dupe secured the services of an inferior insurance company instead of State Farm. Hilarity ensues, as the white guy and his son (complete with coke-bottle glasses and dripping with frailty) aren’t able to get in touch with their insurance company, instead somehow summoning the white man’s mother…

CAPTION: Father with Geeky, Effeminate Son

CAPTION: White Guy is a “Mamma’s Boy”


As always, 5 seconds of research reveals that the Jew-sual Suspects had a hand in producing this commercial...

Creative Directors: Danielle Thornton and Emily Sander
It's not only blond women that find the black male irresistibly attractive, but so do homosexual/effeminate white males. They all wish for a black man sitting in their lap.

I’ve been seeing this grotesque commercial for “” every once in a while. The ad stars a bearded, Rabbi-doppelganger “brain surgeon” and a sassy, righteous, know-it-all “Nurse Negress” in the midst of a surgery featuring a “goy-boy” who is conveniently under the knife…


The heavily-sedated, white male patient lies there crippled upon the operating table, his cranium carved away like drywall by some petite circular saw, exposing his parietal lobe, which the good “Doctor Heeb” cruelly rasps and manipulates with metal instruments...


The deaf, mute, unbelievably thin (even for a commercial), awesomely-average, easily-abused white “reanimated corpse” is used as a typing-zombie for the “Doc,” who has him chattering the keys of a computer perched atop his lap. The doctor then says to the Negress: “I guess you’re the brains of the operation!” before the harbinger of anguish “slaps high five” with his saliva-gurgling white torture victim…


[Cue corporate logo, end scene]



Would a non-white man or a woman of any race ever be portrayed in such a grisly fashion? Would their brain be exposed for the gratification of two sadistic white “medical professionals?” Would their dignity be expunged as they’re used and exploited in such a vulnerable state? Nein, nimmer.

Less than 30 seconds of searching and I discovered that an absolutely hideous-looking Jewish bigot named “Harold Einstein” directed this commercial. The little human nutsack (who, ironically, doesn’t actually have one between his legs, adjacent to his vagina) literally begs for a white fist to shatter his equine teeth…


I've got some unfortunate news for this Yid...Jews cannot sedate all the whites they hate.
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Such an adorable commercial
Great work Thrashen on the commercial. It just says it all. And then the picture of that sicko to top it off.

Makes me want to throw a fastball right into those horse teeth too.
I’ve been seeing this commercial for “Guinness Black Lager” on ESPN of late. The hyper-passé “setting” is presumably a loft apartment somewhere in Jew York Sh-tty. The ad involves a reptilian “cool guy” with slicked-back hair perusing some high-class bash stocked with “chic” party-goers. In fact, this sizzling revelry is so “Marx Nouveau” that interracial couples litter this lavish meat market of rainbow concord.

First, a blond woman is seen laughing while in conference with a well-dressed black suitor at the exact moment the creepy Hispanic-looking “narrator” passionately exclaims how “there’s just something about black!” [uttered with an extra accumulation of “bug” in his soulless black eyes]…

CAPTION: Sambo Hits on Becky

Ah, but the subsequent milliseconds reveal yet another Anglo-Saxon prostitute afoot. Only this deranged degenerate dunce of a “woman” covets males of the yellow variety. The dog-meat-imbibing Mongoloid saunters confidently to claim his prize…

CAPTION: Mr. Chang Stalks “Sum Yung Ho”

In the next frame, the two walk off together, united as the “mystical” Yin-Yang…

CAPTION: whore-iental

At the very end of the commercial (around the 26-second mark), a portion of a song can be heard as the corporate logo is displayed. The lyrics are “once you go black, you never go back.” Delightfully subtle!

The models for this commercial were cast by a company called “M. Goldwyn Industries,” a Jewish-owned modeling agency based out of NY, NY. [Yawns] Same Yids, different day…

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