Commercials we HATE!!!!

Thrashen, I had no idea how many TalmudVision shows feature southern "buffoonery" as a foil. Imagine the (contrived) uproar if they lampooned the "chosen" or coloreds as such. Typical cultmarx hypocrisy.

I've known a few "redneck" (oy vey) types in my time (been called that myself), but none as over the top as these "reality" TV "stars". I call BS on the whole deal.

BTW, I had the stars & bars on my bedroom wall as a kid too. ;-)
Thrashen, good find on the site that provides info and background on the production of advertisements.
I feel the same when viewing most every preview for an upcoming network TV show or new movie. I always marvel at the thought of some socially-insalubrious human-pod actually exposing themselves (and family?) to the noxious vapors of “Marxistainment.†Of course, shows like “The New Normal†are probably the most radical examples at the moment…merely trailblazing the path for shows featuring live, nude, torture-pornographic death scenes. Or perhaps it’ll be ignored, cancelled, and forgotten?

Speaking of abysmal TV, I’ve been seeing loads of commercials for entire shows based around degrading the lives of rural, southern whites. Most of these shows even have racial slurs such as: “redneck†or “hillbilly†built in the show’s name. I’ve never seen any of these shows, and I’m not from the southern U.S., but I find the commercials for these shows to be highly offensive towards whites. Off the top of my head, here are some of the “Rednexploitation†shows currently on TV…

My Big Redneck Wedding (CMT)

Rocket City Rednecks (National Geographic)

Redneck Island (CMT)

My Big Redneck Vacation (CMT)

Hillbilly Handfishin (Animal Planet)

Bayou Billionaires (CMT)

Moonshiners (Discovery Channel)

Swamp People (History Channel)

Gator Boys (Animal Planet)

Duck Dynasty (A&E)

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TLC)

In seeing the ceaselessly-aired commercials for these racially-demeaning shows, it seems as though all of them have a similar stratagem…that is, to amuse city-dwelling whites (and minorities) with the buffoonish, childish, unworldly, coarse idiosyncrasies of these white, lower middle class “court jesters.â€

Being from a delightfully-rural area myself (my closest neighbor lived 3/4 mile away), I always relished in shattering the Jew-contrived, TV Typecast of the now-omnipresent: “ignorant hick from the middle of nowhere.†Perhaps northern whites from rural areas are different from ones in the south (which seem to be the “stars†of these inane shows), but I strongly doubt that.

Where I grew up in PA, it was standard to sport a confederate flag t-shirt, a poster in one’s bedroom, on one’s automobile, on one’s flagpole outside, etc. I never understood why, since we were hundreds of miles from the nearest confederate state. Perhaps it represented their dedication to “rebelling†against Neo-Amerika? I was never into the rebel flag…but only because I was more of a “Swastika†or “SS†kind of guy back then, haha.

These shows are a mixed bag of results. "Redneck" culture is quite real (and quite close by as I type this), but these shows obviously play things up for television. Reality TV isn't real at all. On the one hand they show a slice of our culture that is usually portrayed by people who have never been around it ("y'all" is always plural, never singular); on the other hand there is a lot of mockery involved. The interesting thing is that these shows seem to be popular in the South, and many of them are on CMT. Southerners are not against laughing at themselves, but it's a lot better when the mockery comes from one of us (like a Jeff Foxworthy or Ron White). A lot of us aren't that far removed from what is portrayed. I'm a professional with an advanced degree, and barely even an accent, but I'm sitting less than two miles from where my granddad's stills were located.
Gator Boys (Animal Planet)


Gator Boys only takes place in the South (Florida) because that is where 'gators live. It is otherwise not very Southern, culturally or politically.

It is actually a good, informative show. There are no negative stereotypes of whites. In fact, white men demonstrate proper stewardship of nature not by supporting the Democrat Party or crying for federal tax dollars, but by safely rescuing alligators who threaten people and/or pets. These guys are courageous and knowledgeable. Let me emphasize again that these Gator Boys are skilled and courageous white men. They are not quite as camera savvy as the late Steve Irwin, but they are worthwhile naturalists in the Steve Irwin tradition.
I'd not use Old Spice to bathe my dog or as much as clean the toilet bowl. :thumbdown:
I don't know of a site or organization that actually tracks and rates these things, but Old Spice has to take the awards for both offensiveness and consistency. Can they even make an ad that isn't anti-white??? In this case there is an actual boardroom where the often-imagined conversations take place. Imagine a CM version of Mad Men (not that MM isn't CM in its own right), with Donald Drapewitz at the helm. That actually must happen for these ads to happen. I wouldn't use Old Spice if their product actually did the things the ads say it does.
The problem I have with the Old Spice commercials is why would an advertiser think that making fun of it's target audience would convince them to buy the product? Is there a product aimed at women that disparages them in the same manner? One for blacks that insults them and makes them look foolish? Why is this? Besides incredibly insulting it just seems bad for business.

I considered for a minute that perhaps the company thinks the primary buyers of Old Spice products for men is women--wives and girlfriends. So the anti-white male slant was some kind of appeal to what is believed to be the White make 'hate' that White women are supposed to harbor due to relentless brainwashing of the past couple of generations.

However I don't think that applies as it would with most household products. In my case my wife buys almost everything for the house but I still purchase my own deodorant, razors, shaving cream, etc. And anyway these commercials are run during sporting events so it would still be the male market they were aimed at.

I'm left with only two assumptions. The Old Spice Company thinks that the self denigration that is part and parcel of the whole cultmarx agenda has been wholly successful and the way to appeal to White men is to make fun of them as is done in movies and other media. In other words it works for TV, movie, books, so why not advertising. And also the people who staff the ad agencies of amerika are from the f@g/fem/joo axis of evil and that is how they see the world as interpreted from their cultmarx teachings and beliefs.

There is also another explanation, probably the correct one, but it's premise is so foreign to me I find it hard to understand. The other day I was at someone's house and they were watching "My Name is Earl" (I think that is the name of the show I have only seen it a few times) this show if you are not familiar with it is probably the apogee of anti-White male TV. As I understand it Earl and his brother are trailer trash white men who go through a series of events illustrating why they are so pathetic.

This particular episode was based around Earls relationship with a blond women in the trailer park. she is actually quite attractive, unlike real trailer park trash, but that's hollywierd for you. Apparently Earl was married to this women and when she delivered their first baby--surprise! it was a black kid whelped up from some coupling with the chief darky of the series, a black guy who is portrayed as the smartest guy around (although perennially unemployed.).

True to the grisly portrayal supported by Hollywierd, Earl went ahead and raised this mulatto spawn as his own (knowing this all the time). The whole thing is wretch inducing---being cuckolded like that, is to man, like being raped is to a woman. Apart from any racialist views the whole idea should be deeply disturbing to a man. At least it is to me.

I was told however that this is one of the things that was funny about the show. Why I asked? What humor was there in that situation. Is rape funny? Is child molestation funny? What am I too laugh at?

Then I was told that the point was that bad things happen to bad people and a list of "bad" things that happen to Earl was brought up. Okay, I said, what "bad" things happened to the woman in question? Well she ended up in a relationship with the negro, I consider that a bad thing but the series doesn't. What about the negro? He cheated with a neighbors wife. Nope nothing bad happened to him.

So I'm guessing the "humor" in the Old Spice commercials is based on the same thing. Insulting White guys is just funny. Not in the classic sense of there being any of the classic elements of what is considered comedy, it is just funny because the people who control the levers of society have deemed it a humorous thing and you are to laugh reflexively. Just like you are expected to cheer things like gay couples as if they are cheer worthy, like you are to support all faucets of the new order despite them having none of the things about them that are worthy of support.

Just as we here do not understand the reason why anyone would find these commercials that we post here effective as advertising, so do the people who make them don't understand why we don't "get" them. It's obvious there is a disconnect between the "brain-washed" and the non indoctrinated. There is really no way for the two groups to relate to each other. With complete differences in perception on so many fundamental levels I cannot see anyway of there ever being any kind of peace between us.
Jaxvid said:
There is also another explanation, probably the correct one, but it's premise is so foreign to me I find it hard to understand. The other day I was at someone's house and they were watching "My Name is Earl" (I think that is the name of the show I have only seen it a few times) this show if you are not familiar with it is probably the apogee of anti-White male TV. As I understand it Earl and his brother are trailer trash white men who go through a series of events illustrating why they are so pathetic.

This particular episode was based around Earls relationship with a blond women in the trailer park. she is actually quite attractive, unlike real trailer park trash, but that's hollywierd for you. Apparently Earl was married to this women and when she delivered their first baby--surprise! it was a black kid whelped up from some coupling with the chief darky of the series, a black guy who is portrayed as the smartest guy around (although perennially unemployed.).

True to the grisly portrayal supported by Hollywierd, Earl went ahead and raised this mulatto spawn as his own (knowing this all the time). The whole thing is wretch inducing---being cuckolded like that, is to man, like being raped is to a woman. Apart from any racialist views the whole idea should be deeply disturbing to a man.
At least it is to me.

I was told however that this is one of the things that was funny about the show. Why I asked? What humor was there in that situation. Is rape funny? Is child molestation funny? What am I too laugh at?

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your sagely, matter-of-fact commentary in this thread and so many others. Thank you.

I might have seen a few minutes of a single episode of “My Name is Earl,” and as you noted, it reeked with all the pungency of a Jewish armpit after a raucous session of dancing atop a mountain of stolen shekels. In the episode I saw, the obese male character was attempting to marry a Mexican woman so that she could become an American citizen. Sheer hilarity. The unfunny, emaciated, fish-faced “white” whore in the show is Jamie Pressley, who was formerly married to a light-skinned Ruby-Noggin named Simran Singh…


CAPTION: Simran Singh

Someone told me that the charming “premise” of the show involved “Earl” being cuckholded and raising the hell-spawn Niglet that his light-featured white wife conceived with some Nerdy Negro (oxymoronic, I know)...


CAPTION: “Comedy” Ejaculated From Tiny Yiddish Penis

The “hysterical moment” captured in the photo above reminds me the wretch-inducing, criminally anti-white cartoon, “King of the Hill,” in which the character “Dale” (orange hat in photo below) unknowingly raises a son who was clearly fathered by the featherhead in the group photo. Said featherhead is, quite naturally, portrayed as big, strong, muscular, athletic, intelligent, handsome, mystical, and very manly. A papable contrast to Dale, who is a woefully-stupid, cigarette-puffing DWF Omega-Male type. The ongoing “joke” of the show is that Dale hasn't fornicated with his wife in years, but Mr. Featherhead is constantly sneaking in and out of windows to satiate her sexual needs...


CAPTION: This Show Blows

Of course, there was an entire feature film based on the “white wife giving birth to black baby while white husband staunchly believes the baby is his” motif. Yes, I’m referring to the Jim Carey Blaxploitation film: “Me, Myself, & Irene,” a movie I criticized heavily in the “Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda” thread…

The standard masturbation fantasy for Israeli “men” (or whatever you’d prefer to label those ghouls) was again utilized in this scene from that appalling toilet-grime “film”...


CAPTION: Bitch Births Black Bastard Baby

That's right, and she's cheated on him with a black midget. Hollywood types love to ponder their “target audience.” Well, I’d surely enjoy “targeting” their Yarmulke-sporting heads.
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I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your sagely, matter-of-fact commentary in this thread and so many others. Thank you.

I appreciate the positive feedback especially from a poster like yourself who provides such good commentary himself. It's nice to know there are others out there that recognize the same insanity I do. I wonder what is the number of people out there that despise the new ways of cultural marxism and decide to ignore it or sublimate it? I'm thinking it's a lot but then I see so many people that do not recognize it or seem to enjoy it.

You mentioned "King of the Hill". That was a popular program for a while. It was created by a supposed "conservative" and was aimed at that type of audience. Some of the rest of the program was okay as Hank Hill was portrayed as a decent man who, despite being ridiculed, was in the end considered right in his moral convictions.

That the cuckolding of a White man by a non-White man is considered a high point of comedy and is used so many times in so many programs is very telling. It really is one of the worst things that can happen to a man. When racialists try to make the point that modern culture is biased against White people the fact that this horrible experience is so frequently used as a tool of derision makes that claim ring true.

Show me one example of a non-white man having his wife knocked up by a White man and then raising the kid as his own. Just one example? If it's funny for White men then why isn't it funny for non-white men. Answer? It's not funny. It's cruel, mean and ugly. It's just a tool of the f@g/fem/joo indoctrinators to poison more young White minds.

They say payback is a bitch. There is a whole ocean of payback being rung up by those people. I look forward to the reckoning.
A couple of years ago while on vacation in another country, I saw a commercial by Huggies Diapers with the same plot. A husband and wife in the delivery room, and the wife gives birth to a black baby. Of course everybody was laughing in the delivery room, except the husband. I have tried to find this on youtube, but it is not available.
I don't know if someone posted this commercial or not. Here is one from Livelink.

I don't know if someone posted this commercial or not. Here is one from Livelink.


Yes we already discussed this one. It's pretty bad. But so unrealistic, and are there any White women looking for black guys online at high priced web dating sites? A White women can lure a black guy for free at free sites or at bars, even at Check cashing stores or welfare offices and typically at prisons. So unless this site is trying to lure the 6 or 7 black guys that have money, know how to use a computer, and can't find a White woman any other way, then the ad is pointless.
Our society is ruined (by design) with no hope of wholesale repair (in this age). I totally believe there will be no recovery (morally, financially or r@cially). We're past the point of return. We can only educate those with the mental & "testicular" wherewithal to awaken from their cultmarx induced slumber.
Yes we already discussed this one. It's pretty bad. But so unrealistic, and are there any White women looking for black guys online at high priced web dating sites? A White women can lure a black guy for free at free sites or at bars, even at Check cashing stores or welfare offices and typically at prisons. So unless this site is trying to lure the 6 or 7 black guys that have money, know how to use a computer, and can't find a White woman any other way, then the ad is pointless.

I thought it looked familiar. There are so many now. There are some good comments on the youtube site.
Jaxvid said:
I appreciate the positive feedback especially from a poster like yourself who provides such good commentary himself. It's nice to know there are others out there that recognize the same insanity I do. I wonder what is the number of people out there that despise the new ways of cultural marxism and decide to ignore it or sublimate it? I'm thinking it's a lot but then I see so many people that do not recognize it or seem to enjoy it.

Growing up, my dad raised dozens of free-range chickens and we sold their eggs (something I now do on my own property as a hobby) as a way to make some extra income and to learn about animals and agriculture. Once, we had a brown leghorn hen that went missing. We assumed she was a victim of predation, and after an exhaustive search, we couldn’t find her anywhere. Nearly a week later, I accidentally found her, locked in our shed, stuck between two pieces of wood. Despite not eating or drinking for 7 days, being emaciated and barely conscious, she was still alive. Elated to have found her, I immediately began giving her food and water. For the next month, I fed her with an eye-dropper several times per day, helped her regain her ability to walk by manually moving her lifeless legs, making sure she was warm, etc. There were so many times when I knew for certain that she wouldn’t recover and I thought about euthanizing her…but in the end I thought it was better to try. After painstaking measures, she made a full recovery, living for many years, and that made me very happy.

The situation we now face is indeed quite bleak, but I’m dimly consoled by the fact that I’m not alone in my endeavors. Every minute of every day, I attempt to stitch shut the damaging wounds cut by YouKnowWho and transform white people, my people, into something pro-white. Most of them are hopeless human-pods, but I enjoy the challenge. Perhaps helping an animal back to health is a poor analogy…since animals haven’t been willfully stripped of their dignity, survival instincts, or their innate yearning to propagate and fight for their own species.

Jaxvid said:
That the cuckolding of a White man by a non-White man is considered a high point of comedy and is used so many times in so many programs is very telling. It really is one of the worst things that can happen to a man. When racialists try to make the point that modern culture is biased against White people the fact that this horrible experience is so frequently used as a tool of derision makes that claim ring true.

Show me one example of a non-white man having his wife knocked up by a White man and then raising the kid as his own. Just one example? If it's funny for White men then why isn't it funny for non-white men. Answer? It's not funny. It's cruel, mean and ugly. It's just a tool of the f@g/fem/joo indoctrinators to poison more young White minds.

They say payback is a bitch. There is a whole ocean of payback being rung up by those people. I look forward to the reckoning.

The only instance of this that comes to mind is during the ultra-abysmal 2004 film: “Alfie.” The film stars Jude Law, who portrays some sort of soulless, ultra-immoral, home-wrecking, constantly-fornicating “playboy” limousine driver living in Jew York Sh-tty. This atrocious film was once on TV, and in the 10 minutes or so I watched, Law’s character (Alfie) seduces a black woman (the girlfriend of Alfie’s Negro best friend, “Marlon”). After passionately screwing this Negress on a pool table, Alfie finds out some weeks later that he has impregnated her…




Ripe with guilt, Alfie and the impregnated black woman decide to abort the child. While at the abortion clinic, Alfie narrates the story, uttering something like: “We both knew that if the baby was born with any white-boy features, it would mean the end of Lonette and Marlon.”

What an alarming contrast when a black male is (almost) cuckholded in a movie, huh? The white male and non-white female who created the mongrel zygote experience extreme feelings of guilt and regret, and the baby is promptly aborted and forgotten so that proper respect can be shown to black manhood. If the roles were reversed, the bastard would not only come screaming into the world (in one of the demented, bile-ejecting “birth scenes” above), but it lives as the white man’s own child. There is not regret, nor empathy for this white man. No…only the malicious sting of high-decibel mocking. [Cue the lily-white laugh track, swig the final atoms of popcorn, exit to your left]

Come to think of it…I much prefer the company of chickens over most modern “white” “people.”
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Show me one example of a non-white man having his wife knocked up by a White man and then raising the kid as his own. Just one example? If it's funny for White men then why isn't it funny for non-white men. Answer? It's not funny. It's cruel, mean and ugly. It's just a tool of the f@g/fem/joo indoctrinators to poison more young White minds.

Okay, I actually thought of one: in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, the black revolutionary (played by the guy from Mod Squad) has two children with his white wife (played by Eve Plumb/Jan from Brady Bunch). The kids are very obviously all white, the joke being that he is preaching all this Black Power stuff, while his wife is obviously cheating on him with a white guy. And that is the ONLY example I can think of.
Okay, I actually thought of one: in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, the black revolutionary (played by the guy from Mod Squad) has two children with his white wife (played by Eve Plumb/Jan from Brady Bunch). The kids are very obviously all white, the joke being that he is preaching all this Black Power stuff, while his wife is obviously cheating on him with a white guy. And that is the ONLY example I can think of.

Never seen that one so I looked it up. I guess the characters you mentioned were bit players, both roles were described as cameo's so any attempt to mine that aspect must have been limited. Was it obvious or just implied that the father was white? It seems to me from reading about it that the humor was more that a black man mating with a White women will have such White looking kids that preaching "black power" to them is ridiculous. I don't know if it was actually meant to mean she cheated, just that he ended up with very White looking kids. Not having seen the movie I can't say.

Even though he was a freak and it's not a surprise to anyone it's obvious that Micheal Jackson's kids are all White. I'm not sure what went on there. I don't want to bother to research it but I think he hired a surrogate to have his kids and the insinuation was that they were "his" kids but that clearly that didn't happen. It was funny to read some comments below the pictures and some people were saying that they looked white because he had lightened himself up, how sad that people can be so clueless about genetics.

Never seen that one so I looked it up. I guess the characters you mentioned were bit players, both roles were described as cameo's so any attempt to mine that aspect must have been limited. Was it obvious or just implied that the father was white? It seems to me from reading about it that the humor was more that a black man mating with a White women will have such White looking kids that preaching "black power" to them is ridiculous. I don't know if it was actually meant to mean she cheated, just that he ended up with very White looking kids. Not having seen the movie I can't say.

Even though he was a freak and it's not a surprise to anyone it's obvious that Micheal Jackson's kids are all White. I'm not sure what went on there. I don't want to bother to research it but I think he hired a surrogate to have his kids and the insinuation was that they were "his" kids but that clearly that didn't happen. It was funny to read some comments below the pictures and some people were saying that they looked white because he had lightened himself up, how sad that people can be so clueless about genetics.


It's definitely a joke on how the Black Power guy is raising "his" blond-haired, blue-eyed kids to be black revolutionaries, with the main character looking on in disbelief. The kids are stereotypical Aryans, so if it was just meant that he had "weak genes", they did go pretty far to show it. There's no allusion to whether the father is somebody else, just that the kids are obviously white. The movie is a parody of "black exploitation" films of the 60s and 70s, and I think they were taking a shot at the Black Panther types (which the black production team could get away with). Closest thing I could find.

I'm with you, I don't think for a second that those are Michael Jackson's biological offspring. Not a single ******* feature amongst them.
I first saw this commercial for “DirecTV” a few months ago, and it was aired recently and stirred my memory…


Here we have a filthy-rich, cool, flashy, ultra-self-absorbed, shirtless black “heavyweight boxing champion” (a truly laughable fantasy in this day and age) espousing his own accomplishments.

This Alpha-Turd has a beachside mansion…


He has the requisite “black posse” leaching off of his success…


He also has a black trainer, a light-skinned black girlfriend, and (presumably) his own repugnant little Negro spawn…


In a Jewdificated twist-o-fate, the mega-braggart boxing champion who refers to himself as “Da Troof!” happens to have an elderly white butler. Like most white males on the Hebrew-Vision, this poor old chap exists only as a punch-line, a disposable flesh-prop born into the premeditated role of being utilized to induce projectile-vomit-laughter from the dead-inside cretins that masquerade as “white human beings.”

Anyway, he is smashed in the groin by a random, unsolicited punch from “Da Troof’s” little black larvae son…

I have been seriously following the NFL this year after getting into it towards the end of last season and enjoyed the Superbowl immensely. After having watched the majority games through streams in the UK, the adverts absolutely disgust me, the whole commercial break structure I do not like at all, but that's besides the point. Every single commercial, without fail is an attack in some form against white males. Its sad to see this from England and see all the average American eating it all up, I know things are not great here too, but it makes me think America is lost
I first saw this commercial for “DirecTV†a few months ago, and it was aired recently and stirred my memory…


Here we have a filthy-rich, cool, flashy, ultra-self-absorbed, shirtless black “heavyweight boxing champion†(a truly laughable fantasy in this day and age) espousing his own accomplishments.

This Alpha-Turd has a beachside mansion…

View attachment 475

He has the requisite “black posse†leaching off of his success…

View attachment 476

He also has a black trainer, a light-skinned black girlfriend, and (presumably) his own repugnant little Negro spawn…

View attachment 477

In a Jewdificated twist-o-fate, the mega-braggart boxing champion who refers to himself as “Da Troof!†happens to have an elderly white butler. Like most white males on the Hebrew-Vision, this poor old chap exists only as a punch-line, a disposable flesh-prop born into the premeditated role of being utilized to induce projectile-vomit-laughter from the dead-inside cretins that masquerade as “white human beings.â€

Anyway, he is smashed in the groin by a random, unsolicited punch from “Da Troof’s†little black larvae son…

View attachment 478

What an amazing fantasy land they created in this one. Does that guy look even remotely plausible as an elite athlete?
I’ve been hunting for the 30-second version of this “Burger King” commercial for the “Chibatta Club Sandwich” for some time, as I believe it first debuted during the 2010 Packers-Steelers Suberbowl game.

In the version that played endlessly on the TelAvivsion, a 30-something blonde paramedic is singing some inane limerick about this fascinating new breakfast sandwich alongside her partner, a tall, extra-dark Negro. You see, despite being at the scene of a serious injury, this diverse EMT crew is “taking it easy” after stopping at their neighborhood Burger King…



The sadistic female human-parasites sings: “So yummy! So tasty! So totally great!” To which her wide-nostril-sporting partner rhymes: “Dis emergency muss wait!”

[Darkie slams shut the door of the ambulance to reveal a wimpy white Omega-Male in a neck brace, back board, and arm sling. What a feeble mess he is, right?]


This pathetic, injured white fool, contrasted against this healthy black bastard, looks on in agony as he meekly utters: “FYI, this really hurts…”


To which the female paramedic quips: “Awkward!”

I’ve never found the full version that played on T.V., but here is the condensed version, which is slightly different…

I’ve been hunting for the 30-second version of this “Burger King†commercial for the “Chibatta Club Sandwich†for some time, as I believe it first debuted during the 2010 Packers-Steelers Suberbowl game.

In the version that played endlessly on the TelAvivsion, a 30-something blonde paramedic is singing some inane limerick about this fascinating new breakfast sandwich alongside her partner, a tall, extra-dark Negro. You see, despite being at the scene of a serious injury, this diverse EMT crew is “taking it easy†after stopping at their neighborhood Burger King…

View attachment 480

View attachment 481

The sadistic female human-parasites sings: “So yummy! So tasty! So totally great!†To which her wide-nostril-sporting partner rhymes: “Dis emergency muss wait!â€

[Darkie slams shut the door of the ambulance to reveal a wimpy white Omega-Male in a neck brace, back board, and arm sling. What a feeble mess he is, right?]

View attachment 482

This pathetic, injured white fool, contrasted against this healthy black bastard, looks on in agony as he meekly utters: “FYI, this really hurts…â€

View attachment 483

To which the female paramedic quips: “Awkward!â€

I’ve never found the full version that played on T.V., but here is the condensed version, which is slightly different…


Your ability to break down these commercials is just fantastic; one of the first things I look for when I come to this site. This one is really interesting to me. The longer version is typical CM propaganda, blond female, black male, white male eunuch. But the condensed version conveys almost the exact opposite message. In the condensed version it was like the black guy was about to jump down turn around and pick a bale of cotton. Meanwhile, the entire thing is just awful in so many ways that don't even touch on the racial messaging. Did somebody actually get paid to produce this?
American Freedom News