Hall of Famer
This detestable “Nike” commercial, part of the “Find Your Greatness” series, has received plenty of air time during the Zio-Kosher-Marx Olympic Games. It features an obese white youngster (supposedly a 12-year old Ohio boy named Nathan Sorrell, complete with requisite fair hair and light eyes) attempting to jog along a desolate roadway at dusk. The boy is soaked to the skin with yellow sweat, is gasping for air, has a large stomach, a pudgy face, and a chest that bounces with the heavy drub of each agonizing step. His jog is little more than a painful, lumbering walk, which seems to further intensify the level of doleful child exploitation…
CAPTION: F-ck Nike, With a Capital “F”
Usually, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for the actors portraying the white characters that are willfully-humiliated in commercials…well, this unlucky kid (who Nike apparently burrowed their Marxist talons into) is certainly an exception. I couldn’t imagine how embarrassed this poor kid was when he finally saw his overweight figure flopping to and fro on a TV commercial that just happened to air in the U.S. and Europe, during one of the most televised spectacles on the planet. How do his family, friends, and classmates feel about this? How malicious and money-hungry are his parents? Does he regret partaking in the ad? A little more information about this poor kid…
I could almost anticipate Nike’s advertising department attempting to justify this ad by saying: “We created this commercial in order to inspire heavyset people to lose weight, get in shape, and achieve greatness! We want them to experience ‘greatness’ inside their own skin!” The truth is, no heavyset minority boy, nor a heavyset young girl (of any race), would have been selected for such a shame-inducing role. No, when the task at hand includes personal degradation, emasculation, humiliation, castration, or exploitation, only white men and boys need apply…
CAPTION: Rotund Runner
Oh, how I would covet five minutes alone with the wigger/Jewish braintrust who conceived such dastardly corporate excrement...

CAPTION: F-ck Nike, With a Capital “F”
Usually, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for the actors portraying the white characters that are willfully-humiliated in commercials…well, this unlucky kid (who Nike apparently burrowed their Marxist talons into) is certainly an exception. I couldn’t imagine how embarrassed this poor kid was when he finally saw his overweight figure flopping to and fro on a TV commercial that just happened to air in the U.S. and Europe, during one of the most televised spectacles on the planet. How do his family, friends, and classmates feel about this? How malicious and money-hungry are his parents? Does he regret partaking in the ad? A little more information about this poor kid…
He's 5-foot-3 inches tall and weighs 200 pounds. He threw up while making the ad. Filming started an hour after he ate lunch. "I got sick in a ditch," he told the Record Herald. Nike has further plans for Sorrell. He and his mom, Monica, are now trying to lose weight. If they make it, Nike will return to shoot another spot.
I could almost anticipate Nike’s advertising department attempting to justify this ad by saying: “We created this commercial in order to inspire heavyset people to lose weight, get in shape, and achieve greatness! We want them to experience ‘greatness’ inside their own skin!” The truth is, no heavyset minority boy, nor a heavyset young girl (of any race), would have been selected for such a shame-inducing role. No, when the task at hand includes personal degradation, emasculation, humiliation, castration, or exploitation, only white men and boys need apply…
CAPTION: Rotund Runner
Oh, how I would covet five minutes alone with the wigger/Jewish braintrust who conceived such dastardly corporate excrement...
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