Commercials we HATE!!!!

This detestable “Nike” commercial, part of the “Find Your Greatness” series, has received plenty of air time during the Zio-Kosher-Marx Olympic Games. It features an obese white youngster (supposedly a 12-year old Ohio boy named Nathan Sorrell, complete with requisite fair hair and light eyes) attempting to jog along a desolate roadway at dusk. The boy is soaked to the skin with yellow sweat, is gasping for air, has a large stomach, a pudgy face, and a chest that bounces with the heavy drub of each agonizing step. His jog is little more than a painful, lumbering walk, which seems to further intensify the level of doleful child exploitation…


CAPTION: F-ck Nike, With a Capital “F”

Usually, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for the actors portraying the white characters that are willfully-humiliated in commercials…well, this unlucky kid (who Nike apparently burrowed their Marxist talons into) is certainly an exception. I couldn’t imagine how embarrassed this poor kid was when he finally saw his overweight figure flopping to and fro on a TV commercial that just happened to air in the U.S. and Europe, during one of the most televised spectacles on the planet. How do his family, friends, and classmates feel about this? How malicious and money-hungry are his parents? Does he regret partaking in the ad? A little more information about this poor kid…

He's 5-foot-3 inches tall and weighs 200 pounds. He threw up while making the ad. Filming started an hour after he ate lunch. "I got sick in a ditch," he told the Record Herald. Nike has further plans for Sorrell. He and his mom, Monica, are now trying to lose weight. If they make it, Nike will return to shoot another spot.

I could almost anticipate Nike’s advertising department attempting to justify this ad by saying: “We created this commercial in order to inspire heavyset people to lose weight, get in shape, and achieve greatness! We want them to experience ‘greatness’ inside their own skin!” The truth is, no heavyset minority boy, nor a heavyset young girl (of any race), would have been selected for such a shame-inducing role. No, when the task at hand includes personal degradation, emasculation, humiliation, castration, or exploitation, only white men and boys need apply…

CAPTION: Rotund Runner

Oh, how I would covet five minutes alone with the wigger/Jewish braintrust who conceived such dastardly corporate excrement...
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It's par for the course/standard M.O. that das juden on Madiscum Avenue try to make White males appear as 1) fat, bumbling dolts, 2) skinny, pale, emasculated geeks and/or 3) evil, oppressive villains. :mad2:
It seems like all of these insurance companies, sans Farmers and, perhaps, Geico, are particularly egregious. This one from "American Family".

First a black boxer...oh, but, wait, here's a hockey goalie making a great save...must be a White male...but, no, the goalie unmasks, it's a "she", obviously empowered. Ahhh, here's the White male, haplessly trying to start a lawnmower..."what a loser". Oh, and there's another White male, nurturing a baby, oh and there's another empowered women in the office and then a woman, just married, running down the street husband in sight.

It's more subtle in it's intention, but there's an intention nonetheless:
From watching a bit of (boring) pre-season NFL action, the following is clear:

* During the regular season we will watch another fresh batch of new Progressive Insurance commercials, featuring "Flo" and an endless revolving door of emasculated and homosexual White "men." And undoubtedly All-State's virtuous deep-throated Negro will return for another new series of endlessly repeated advertisements.

* We will be treated to yet another year of pro-police state witch-hunting commercials during NFL games warning against drinking and driving. Because we all know the NFL's success has had nothing to do with encouraging excessive drinking, both at games and at DWF get-togethers.

* And we will get to watch, over and over and over and over again, a new ultra "White Knight" commercial featuring everyone from David Beckham and Eli Manning to the President and Vice President of the United States, urging men not to hit women. Because we know that in the feminazi U.S. of Gay, women are still weak and helpless creatures totally at the mercy of men, and that women never engage in violence toward men.
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* Because we know that in the feminazi U.S. of Gay, women are still weak and helpless creatures totally at the mercy of men, and that women never engage in violence toward men.

Don this cannot possibly be true. I have just watched a couple of movies and seen several TV shows and in each one the women depicted were far far superior physically to men that were often twice their size. This sends the message to me that women are generally superior fighters to men and that it should never be a problem to hit a woman because they are more then capable of taking care of themselves. I have it on good authority that there is absolutely no difference at all between the sexes. We are all equal in all respects!!!
From watching a bit of (boring) pre-season NFL action, the following is clear:

* During the regular season we will watch another fresh batch of new Progressive Insurance commercials, featuring "Flo" and an endless revolving door of emasculated and homosexual White "men." And undoubtedly All-State's virtuous deep-throated Negro will return for another new series of endlessly repeated advertisements.

* We will be treated to yet another year of pro-police state witch-hunting commercials during NFL games warning against drinking and driving. Because we all know the NFL's success has had nothing to do with encouraging excessive drinking, both at games and at DWF get-togethers.

* And we will get to watch, over and over and over and over again, a new ultra "White Knight" commercial featuring everyone from David Beckham and Eli Manning to the President and Vice President of the United States, urging men not to hit women. Because we know that in the feminazi U.S. of Gay, women are still weak and helpless creatures totally at the mercy of men, and that women never engage in violence toward men.

Don't forget about October, when it's going to be all pink, all the time. Pink shoes, pink socks, pink towels, pink ribbons on helmets and uniforms, pink, pink, and more pink, accompanied by nauseating PSAs and ceremonies during games, and all sorts other activities to promote breast cancer. Never mind that more men die from prostate cancer each year, as that little factoid is irrelevant to the matriarchy and the feminist establishment, and their anti-White, anti-male agenda.
This commercial for “Crayola” crayons features an obligatory sprinkling of Cultural Marxism in nearly every frame.

1) A white female student is shown sketching a crayon-smeared portrait of Rosa Parks, presumably to be celebrated as “inspirational.”

2) The “class” appears to have two black female students. These two girls are shown in 12 different frames.

3) The end of the commercial transparently advocates multiculturalism, with the final moments of narration featuring the phrase: “We’re Crayola, the box of crayons where reds, white, blues, and all colors are made in the USA!”


Rosa Parks Crayola.jpg
CAPTION: Cult-Marx Folk Heroine, Rosa Parks

How comforting to know that a product so inert as a child’s box of crayons could be utilized by our enemies as a vehicle to promote anti-white policy. This enemy of ours is psychotically-thorough, a cold-hearted, sleepless fiend that will stop at nothing to disseminate their terminal spirit infirmity.
It seems like all of these insurance companies, sans Farmers and, perhaps, Geico, are particularly egregious.

Think again.


Complete with middle aged white woman gazing with lust at the freak in the street.
A few months back, I saw a malodorous ad for a one of the many thousands of For-Homos-Only “smart phones.” I didn’t catch the name at the time, so I couldn’t find the video. Last night, a commercial for the “Samsung Galaxy S III” aired, and I made sure to remember the company and product.

Samsung paints the viewer the most hideous of pictures, utilizing all of the fecal-saturated tints that the Cultural Marxism pallet has to offer. The predictable bastards cast the darkest of Negroes as the “groom” on his wedding day, leaping with merriment alongside his blonde, Mud-Wrestling “bride.” For good measure, an Asian bridesmaid was included on the far right…


A pertinent screen-shot of the happy couple…

Mud Wrestler.jpg
CAPTION: Future Single Mother Weds Afro

Of course, it’s not even the reprehensible content of the commercial (it’s been done before, and the “shock value” has long since expired), nor the fact that it was specifically conceived in order to sell an expensive product to whites, nor the fact it was funded by, produced by, filmed by, cast by, and acted-out by whites…no, tis the utter lack of proper outrage (or any negative reaction whatsoever) from “Joe Six Pack,” and the languid docility with which each new anal prod is received by the MassExistanceWhiteMan.
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"no, tis the utter lack of proper outrage (or any negative reaction whatsoever) from “Joe Six Pack,â€￾ and the languid docility with which each new anal prod is received by the MassExistanceWhiteMan."

There is so much brainwashing going on now. I was talking to a white woman about Geneva and someone told me it was very multicultural and she said that is what she liked about it. She had just been there.

I know some very conservative Christians that are still what I would call very anti-racist because everyone is a child of God.

I've heard white friendly sites call Christianity the enemy of white people because Christianity is a universal religion. I had never thought of that, but it makes some sense. Heck, the Catholic Church is now friendly with Islam, when they were at war with them in the past. The Catholic Church won't allow divorce and remarriage but they respect a religion that allow multiple wives. This is crazy.

The Catholic Church promoted miscegenation in South America, didn't they?

Even Switzerland is going down the drain. They have 4 black guys on their national team and places like Geneva have many black people living there, not to mention other races.

Europe, most of those type of "Christians" embrace liberal, apostate theology. I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian (not a good one many times) & totally against cultural marxism (+ proud of my racial heritage).
Of course, it’s not even the reprehensible content of the commercial (it’s been done before, and the “shock valueâ€￾ has long since expired), nor the fact that it was specifically conceived in order to sell an expensive product to whites, nor the fact it was funded by, produced by, filmed by, cast by, and acted-out by whites…no, tis the utter lack of proper outrage (or any negative reaction whatsoever) from “Joe Six Pack,â€￾ and the languid docility with which each new anal prod is received by the MassExistanceWhiteMan.

I think the battle is over. They won. The choice is surrender or bitter useless opposition. There is no scenario that can be conceived that would restore the normal order. No leader, no politician, no revolution, no social upheaval, that would restore things to even a semblance of what many here would consider proper.

Those commercials are cheered by all but the few last hold outs, as many here are. The system works aggressively each day to codify their gains, partly through a legal system which they have twisted into a monster that protects and furthers their goals. But more so the battle has been lost in the hearts of our people. It cannot be restored. Not by any conceivable manner.

Our fellow citizens consider the multi-cult, pro homo, fierce feminist, welfare-workfare state, the natural and best way of life. Look around you. Unless you live amongst a splinter group of fierce individualists or radical racialists, nearly everyone of your neighbors, friends, co-workers, family members, embraces with undying affection, the very pillars of Cultural Marxism.

These commercials we post are not aberrations. They are the norm and only the very worst of the worst. But they are not just the problem, they are the mirror that society holds up to itself. This is the world now, look at it and either bow before it or rage against it in near isolation, and never if you are smart-- in public.
I think the battle is over. They won. The choice is surrender or bitter useless opposition. There is no scenario that can be conceived that would restore the normal order. No leader, no politician, no revolution, no social upheaval, that would restore things to even a semblance of what many here would consider proper.

Those commercials are cheered by all but the few last hold outs, as many here are. The system works aggressively each day to codify their gains, partly through a legal system which they have twisted into a monster that protects and furthers their goals. But more so the battle has been lost in the hearts of our people. It cannot be restored. Not by any conceivable manner.

Our fellow citizens consider the multi-cult, pro homo, fierce feminist, welfare-workfare state, the natural and best way of life. Look around you. Unless you live amongst a splinter group of fierce individualists or radical racialists, nearly everyone of your neighbors, friends, co-workers, family members, embraces with undying affection, the very pillars of Cultural Marxism.

These commercials we post are not aberrations. They are the norm and only the very worst of the worst. But they are not just the problem, they are the mirror that society holds up to itself. This is the world now, look at it and either bow before it or rage against it in near isolation, and never if you are smart-- in public.

Wow, I guess you're living up to your recent advice to bigunreal: "Never underestimate the power of negative thinking."

I think a lot of Americans don't "embrace with undying affection the very pillars of Cultural Marxism." There's a lot of apathy, and there's still a lot of resistance that's useless because it's led and formed by the "con"servative wolves in sheeps clothing that dominate the radio talk shows and the judaized churches and the Republican Party. Americans have been so thoroughly splintered and misled that most are incapable of putting two and two together anymore. That's how we've been conquered from within more than from most people gladly accepting the "new order."

But almost half of the country is dependent on government benefits of one kind or another. Throw in the millions of government employees and the always growing ranks of law enforcement and security combined with the predatory, parasitic ruling class and the growing non-White underclass, and it's true that there is no longer a "silent majority" left.

About the only certainty I see in coming years is an acceleration of the decline in the standard of living for most of the 99% who aren't already on the government dole in one way or another (and many more government employees will be laid off, and just about everyone's promised pensions in both the private and public sectors will be gone with the wind, and even many relying on government help will see that reduced or eliminated). People who have lost their way of life and their dignity have a lot less tolerance for the homosexual/feminist/anti-white sewage that fills the airwaves non-stop in an ever more extremist, over the top fashion. I don't think the war -- a war that most Americans still don't comprehend is even taking place because of being so misled -- is over yet, but I agree with you that "normalcy" as most knew it and took for granted, is gone for good.
Europe, most of those type of "Christians" embrace liberal, apostate theology. I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian (not a good one many times) & totally against cultural marxism (+ proud of my racial heritage).

Thanks DixieDestroyer! The Bible has never changed only people try to change it!
I think the battle is over. They won. The choice is surrender or bitter useless opposition. There is no scenario that can be conceived that would restore the normal order. No leader, no politician, no revolution, no social upheaval, that would restore things to even a semblance of what many here would consider proper.

Those commercials are cheered by all but the few last hold outs, as many here are. The system works aggressively each day to codify their gains, partly through a legal system which they have twisted into a monster that protects and furthers their goals. But more so the battle has been lost in the hearts of our people. It cannot be restored. Not by any conceivable manner.

Our fellow citizens consider the multi-cult, pro homo, fierce feminist, welfare-workfare state, the natural and best way of life. Look around you. Unless you live amongst a splinter group of fierce individualists or radical racialists, nearly everyone of your neighbors, friends, co-workers, family members, embraces with undying affection, the very pillars of Cultural Marxism.

These commercials we post are not aberrations. They are the norm and only the very worst of the worst. But they are not just the problem, they are the mirror that society holds up to itself. This is the world now, look at it and either bow before it or rage against it in near isolation, and never if you are smart-- in public.

There are far more people who think this stuff is merely stupid, but they don't see the evil significance of it. I think that describes most people I know. They see yet another mixed couple awkwardly inserted into an ad or show, and they think "geez, they're really beating us over the head with this" but then they move on without really thinking much about it. Others don't notice it until it's pointed out. My ex-wife tried to argue with me about how (white) men are portrayed as bumblers on television. In what can only be described as a miracle, she actually admitted that I was right, but it took a couple of months of her seeing it first. I'm hearing far more people than ever voice disgust with what the culture is putting out. It's subtle, but it's there. There's what you see on television, then there's the affirmative action moron you have to deal with at work every day.

A big reason we are going through this is that there was never a reckoning at the end of communism, like there was at the end of fascism. All of the idiocy of the Left, including their cultural and social agendas, were utterly discredited when the Berlin Wall fell, because it's all based on the same flawed assumptions that ruin their economic theory. The problem is that nobody had to pay a price for their Marxist stupidity. Some of them should have been laughed out of polite society, while others should have been taken to a basement and shot, just like the Tsar's family. So now we have the ultimate result: they actually managed to get a for real Red Diaper Baby into the White House.

The end game of all of this is already starting. It's very much like the collapse that happened in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Jew or not, she perfectly described what would happen. The productive (white in the real world, as in the book, incidentally) are being marginalized, and the whole thing is not working at all. Blaming Bush (who is just a surrogate for "whitey" in general) isn't really get the traction is used to. It's just a matter of how far it will all fall before there is upheaval, and whether it begins in Europe or the U.S. It will not be pretty.
In seeing the cornucopia of new, Jew-composed “Subway” commercials espousing the athletic prowess of Robert Griffin III, I’m reminded of one of their more explicit advertisements featuring Reggie Bush…in which he is contrasted (via “split screen” video) against the former tub-o-chunk, Jared Fogle. I began seeing this Negrophilic commercial back in 2010…

CAPTION: Wedgie Bust

From the very first pixel, the agenda is palpable as a “nerdy white guy” (actually a Jew) is seen slipping on a pair of bifocals while Bush is seen applying anti-glare eye black paint, presumably in preparation for an athletic competition…

CAPTION: Weakling White, Burly Black

Another marvelous disparity in manliness is depicted in this scene, as the testicle-deficient, domesticated “white wimp” power-walks like an elderly woman while the youthful “black superman” is seen sprinting on a football field. Make sure to notice the expressions on each of their faces…the “white nerd” is happy-go-lucky, while the “black stallion” is portrayed with a serious, warrior-like scowl…

CAPTION: P-ssy Power Walk

The next Marxist-approved “split screen” shows the awesomely-average, metrosexual “white house husband” performing his muscle-tearing womanly chores (lifting a laundry basket), while the muscular “super black buck” is seen lifting dumbbells while sweat glimmers upon his chiseled physique…

CAPTION: White Woman vs. Black Man

And now, for the “piece de resistance.” Hmm, I wonder which one of these fellows women would be more attracted to?

CAPTION: Jewish Jared & Ripped Reggie

But hey, at the end of the day, these two interracial butt-buddies (as “different” as their lives may outwardly appear) can still sit down and experience of joys of thrusting corporate nourishment down their respective esophagi together...

CAPTION: Black-N-Jew Chew

This vile commercial, like so many others, was written and directed by a (presumed) Jew named “Rudi Schwab.” I've known Germans with that last name, but it's a very popular Ashkenazic Jewish surname.
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Thhrashen I fully agree with you, but if you analize the video a bit, what the Jewish guy is doing is at least a bit useful, skimming the pool and doing a wash. Obviously, that's not the point of the commercial. The point is as you say, to make the White guy look bad. Just bringing it to your attention

Those strong man competitions are all loosely built around the concept of work. That's an area you will never see a black excell at.

Tom Iron...
Highlander mentioned a heinous-looking upcoming NBC show in another thread, and I’ve been seeing countless, mind-liquefying commercials for it of late. This Marxist Pornography masquerading as a “TV show” is called “The New Normal.” The derisory “premise,” as one can gather from this endlessly-aired commercial, involves two homosexual men, Bryan and David, living as a couple in Los Angeles (perhaps the acme of clichéd settings)…


CAPTION: Butt Buccaneers, Bryan & David

Unlike so many of their deviant homosexual colleagues only interested in attending “meat market” clubs to solicit a “one night stand,” these two sphincter-piercing degenerates are actually in a committed relationship…so much so, that they desire children together [commence projectile vomiting at the idea of these two d-ckless hermaphrodites defiling a white child’s soul]. Of course, a white goy prostitute from the Mid-West (is there any other kind?) named “Goldie” befriends the boys and agrees to become their gestational carrier, agreeing to be artificially inseminated…


CAPTION: The Planted Seed-O-Lucifer

Goldie’s grandmother, the one who gets called “a bigot” by Goldie’s snot-nosed daughter (see preview below), is also a character along with some sassy Negress…


CAPTION: Diverse Cast the Epitome of NBC, Inc.

What sort of target audience was this cinematic-grime intended to appeal to? Here's a gargantuan “shocker”...the concept for this marvelously-inane show was developed by a Jewish lesbian named Ali Adler...


CAPTION: Hideous Hebrew Harpy Hails from Hell

The 30-second TV preview...
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Thrashmaster, I'd seen a couple internet banner ads for that vile, putrid filth. I (righly) presumed das juden was the driving force (as usual) for this toxic bildge. No depravity rolled out by "Hellywood" surprises me anymore. It does further validate our decision to 86 the "in-bound sewage line" a few years ago.
Thrashmaster, I'd seen a couple internet banner ads for that vile, putrid filth. I (righly) presumed das juden was the driving force (as usual) for this toxic bildge. No depravity rolled out by "Hellywood" surprises me anymore. It does further validate our decision to 86 the "in-bound sewage line" a few years ago.

Garbage like this would not even get a pilot if we didn't live in a cartoon, but here it is. I'm thinking this will be a good litmus test on where the TV viewing sheeple stand today. This freak show should bomb and get cancelled within a month, because no decent, normal person would watch it. But then again, if it somehow makes it, then it could set the stage for even more homosexual propoganda in the coming months and years.

Other than sports and an occasional movie/documentary, I have also stopped watching TV all together.
Foobar75 said:
Garbage like this would not even get a pilot if we didn't live in a cartoon, but here it is. I'm thinking this will be a good litmus test on where the TV viewing sheeple stand today. This freak show should bomb and get cancelled within a month, because no decent, normal person would watch it. But then again, if it somehow makes it, then it could set the stage for even more homosexual propaganda in the coming months and years.

I feel the same when viewing most every preview for an upcoming network TV show or new movie. I always marvel at the thought of some socially-insalubrious human-pod actually exposing themselves (and family?) to the noxious vapors of “Marxistainment.” Of course, shows like “The New Normal” are probably the most radical examples at the moment…merely trailblazing the path for shows featuring live, nude, torture-pornographic death scenes. Or perhaps it’ll be ignored, cancelled, and forgotten?

Speaking of abysmal TV, I’ve been seeing loads of commercials for entire shows based around degrading the lives of rural, southern whites. Most of these shows even have racial slurs such as: “redneck” or “hillbilly” built in the show’s name. I’ve never seen any of these shows, and I’m not from the southern U.S., but I find the commercials for these shows to be highly offensive towards whites. Off the top of my head, here are some of the “Rednexploitation” shows currently on TV…

My Big Redneck Wedding (CMT)

Rocket City Rednecks (National Geographic)

Redneck Island (CMT)

My Big Redneck Vacation (CMT)

Hillbilly Handfishin (Animal Planet)

Bayou Billionaires (CMT)

Moonshiners (Discovery Channel)

Swamp People (History Channel)

Gator Boys (Animal Planet)

Duck Dynasty (A&E)

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TLC)

In seeing the ceaselessly-aired commercials for these racially-demeaning shows, it seems as though all of them have a similar stratagem…that is, to amuse city-dwelling whites (and minorities) with the buffoonish, childish, unworldly, coarse idiosyncrasies of these white, lower middle class “court jesters.”

Being from a delightfully-rural area myself (my closest neighbor lived 3/4 mile away), I always relished in shattering the Jew-contrived, TV Typecast of the now-omnipresent: “ignorant hick from the middle of nowhere.” Perhaps northern whites from rural areas are different from ones in the south (which seem to be the “stars” of these inane shows), but I strongly doubt that.

Where I grew up in PA, it was standard to sport a confederate flag t-shirt, a poster in one’s bedroom, on one’s automobile, on one’s flagpole outside, etc. I never understood why, since we were hundreds of miles from the nearest confederate state. Perhaps it represented their dedication to “rebelling” against Neo-Amerika? I was never into the rebel flag…but only because I was more of a “Swastika” or “SS” kind of guy back then, haha.
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Here's the latest ad in a seemingly never-ending line of anti-White commercials from deodorant / antiperspirant company, Old Spice. When I was younger, I used to buy their product because I liked the smell. I haven't bought anything by them in years and I doubt I ever will again. I would encourage you guys to boycott them, as well as the countless other anti-White companies consistently documented in this thread.


Just like their other ads with Terry Crews and the "handsome" blackman women wish their man was like, Old Spice features a blackman emasculating Whites. This one starts out harmless enough with NFL receiver Greg Jennings playing Frisbee with his dog, Roscoe (a black name?). Towards the end it is revealed that the dog is not real but an actor. A short, balding, sweaty, disheveled looking White man. The tree is also revealed to be another White wimp. If it isn't degrading enough that this is what passes for "work" for these men, Jennings pats the dog-man on the head. The image is crystal clear. Black man the master. White man the subservient pet.


Caption: Whitey's role in Amerika 2.0

Can one imagine the uproar if Wes Welker or Jordy Nelson were to pet a little blackman in a dog suit on the head? Or course, this fantasy commercial would never be contrived, filmed or aired on TV.

Caption: Whitey's role in Amerika 2.0

Yes, Freethinker, the “Burly Negro Emasculating White Joe-Six-Pack” meme has thoroughly infected “Old Spice, Inc.,” and their corporation has delved deeply into the very limits of spontaneous violence against white males and “acceptable” Negrophilia. Does such a limit exist? If so, the delightful commercial featured below, which I’ve only seen once on TV, skates tantalizingly close to the razor's edge.

The scrawny, effeminate, weak, defenseless, repugnant white p-ssy is disrobed against his will, scorched with flames, dressed in silly Egyptian costume, and then literally explodes (and presumably dies) as a result of a muscular, almost-naked black man’s supernatural powers...


Every top-drawer ZioMarx YidFag advertising executive knows that proper “racial contrasting” is a critical ingredient in swaying the lower-than-dirt, peon white masses into intense feelings of fright and subordination…

black vs white.jpg
CAPTION: Moments Prior to Death by Explosion

white explosion.jpg
CAPTION: Eunuch Explosion

In case anyone is interested in contacting the “people” responsible for the creation of this commercial, please contact “Weiden & Kennedy” at (503) 937-7000 or send an email to: Let them know how much you enjoyed it!

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American Freedom News