Commercials we HATE!!!!

I’ve been seeing this commercial for “Guinness Black Lager” on ESPN of late. The hyper-passé “setting” is presumably a loft apartment somewhere in Jew York Sh-tty. The ad involves a reptilian “cool guy” with slicked-back hair perusing some high-class bash stocked with “chic” party-goers. In fact, this sizzling revelry is so “Marx Nouveau” that interracial couples litter this lavish meat market of rainbow concord.

First, a blond woman is seen laughing while in conference with a well-dressed black suitor at the exact moment the creepy Hispanic-looking “narrator” passionately exclaims how “there’s just something about black!”...
Another example where the marketers don't seem to be aware of who their primary customers are. White men are, by far, the biggest consumers of Guinness beer, and it's already a very dark beer to begin with, as all stouts are. There's no reason (but to pander to the Black supremacist mentality of CultMarx USSA) to have a "black" stout with an ad like the one above.

Occasionally, I would enjoy a regular Guinness, but will no more. For me, it will now forever be on the trash heap alongside all insurance companies (except Farmer's Insurance), Old Spice, Fiat, Corporate Lite/Light Beers, Absolute Vodka, Subways, Burger King, McDonald's, KFC, Samsung Galaxy, Snicker's candy bars (see the ad with Joe Pesci and the black dude trying to pick up the two White girls at a party.)

Anyway, there are plenty of local award-winning microbrews that carry a similar stout around these parts for me to choose from...all CultMarx-free.
Anyway, there are plenty of local award-winning microbrews that carry a similar stout around these parts for me to choose from...all CultMarx-free.
That's basically where I'm at these days with my beer purchasing. I've got Brooklyn Brewery, Sixpoint, Blue Point and Captain Lawrence near by and usually available at any bar with a "respectable" draught list. Also, my local grocery guy (family owned Polish place) has over 1,500+ varieties of beer so I'm always trying different American micro-brews. There are some great breweries these days and the slightly higher price is well worth it in my opinion.

Support local! Boycott corporate, cult-marx, mega-brewery conglomerates!
Another example where the marketers don't seem to be aware of who their primary customers are. White men are, by far, the biggest consumers of Guinness beer, and it's already a very dark beer to begin with, as all stouts are. There's no reason (but to pander to the Black supremacist mentality of CultMarx USSA) to have a "black" stout with an ad like the one above.

Highlander -

The vast majority of the "target audience" of such ****e (i.e. "white males") will simply lap up these thinly-veiled insults and eagerly purchase the product.

Such anti-White ads remind me of something I witnessed during my university days when I lived in an on-campus residential college.

I was leisurely ambling down a corridor on the way back to my own room after talking football (who would have imagined...:icon_wink:) with a couple of blokes when my quiescence was disturbed by a barrage of noise emanating from a fellow's room. The door was open so I could unmistakably hear that this stupid prick ("Anglo Australian", 21 years old) was listening to Body Count, the so-called metal band comprised entirely of talentless Negroes (are there any other kind...?), "fronted" by the repulsive Ice-T (whose real given name is the less-than-"ghetto tough" Tracey :heh:).

Ice-T can't sing for ****, so the entire band is a complete farce. Now, why would a white Australian bloke listen to such garbage, particularly when the "lyrical content" of the said garbage is openly denigrating his own race? In this instance, he was happily listening - and singing along - to a "song" charmingly entitled "KKK Bitch". The predictable subject matter, of course, is a typically puerile black power fantasy about shagging a heap of white KKK women who are just wet for Negroes.

I paused to observe this half-wit, who was so engrossed in the "song" that he failed to notice me. He just kept banging his head and singing (off key), enthusiastically emphasising the most insulting line referring to White men as sexual wimps whose "dicks too little and dey just can't ****".

Naturally, I felt like kicking him to death. As a poor substitute, however, I had to settle for waiting until he became aware of my presence, sneering, shaking my head and stalking off after loudly uttering the phrase "what a ****stick".

Mind You, there's one bright spot in all of this, namely: most White males are so hopelessly thick, fickle and amenable to propaganda that their booze-drenched "minds" can potentially very quickly be swayed to the pro-White cause if the means of mass dissemination become available. Paradoxically, their very stupidity can be just as great an asset as it has hitherto been a liability...

Such an adorable commercial

I saw this commercial a few weeks ago, and wanted to post it right away, but upon closer examination, I strongly believe that woman is not white, and definitely mixed, and most likely a very light-skinned negress.

Overall, there's been some great examples shown here lately, keep up the good work!
First, a blond woman is seen laughing while in conference with a well-dressed black suitor at the exact moment the creepy Hispanic-looking “narrator” passionately exclaims how “there’s just something about black!” [uttered with an extra accumulation of “bug” in his soulless black eyes]…
Jack "Richard Harrow" Huston (the disfigured guy in Boardwalk Empire) is everything but Hispanic. AFAIK he's a pure Englishman. His look is pretty common in the British isles (specially in Wales and Ireland)


But you're right this ad is complete garbage (I love a good Guinness though).
Jack "Richard Harrow" Huston (the disfigured guy in Boardwalk Empire) is everything but Hispanic. AFAIK he's a pure Englishman. His look is pretty common in the British isles (specially in Wales and Ireland)

Many thanks for the information, mein Schweizer bruder. In the commercial (filmed in a dark setting), he resembles a light-skinned Mexican and I was not aware he was an famous actor. My mistake!
Many thanks for the information, mein Schweizer bruder. In the commercial (filmed in a dark setting), he resembles a light-skinned Mexican and I was not aware he was an famous actor. My mistake!
No problem. It's true he could look a bit "racially suspicious" in this setting.

Another thing I find interesting about this ad is the fact they didn't even have the courage to use a real black woman, but a light-skinned mulatto, to represent their product. I think it's pretty informative about the average "attractiveness" of African women. I'm always glad to see that most of the non-white models or people of extra-European origin considered as beautiful almost always show European or Caucasoid features (they have either European admixture or look like it).

(BTW I'm a "frère suisse" : I'm from the french speaking part of Switzerland and sadly one of the city most populated by non-Whites...)
Mind You, there's one bright spot in all of this, namely: most White males are so hopelessly thick, fickle and amenable to propaganda that their booze-drenched "minds" can potentially very quickly be swayed to the pro-White cause if the means of mass dissemination become available. Paradoxically, their very stupidity can be just as great an asset as it has hitherto been a liability...

Well stated. The clearest and most available example of this are the beta men that one encounters regularly in corporate settings. They enter into these strange sado-masochistic relations with their dominant peers in which they are openly insulted and demeaned at regular intervals but still carry on with the proverbial sh*t-eating smile as if "jocular" banter like this is all part of the fun of coming to work everyday. And they are steadfastly obedient to their Alphas. Because when all is said and done, their Alpha is their meal ticket. These anti-white commercials are just this phenomena acted out on a societal scale. The man with a scowl doesn't get the promotion, doesn't have a lot of friends and doesn't get the girl (or a girl. Because the Alpha's girl is already taken). So you better smile with that sh*t you're eatin'.
@Thrasho I suggest you all to get rid of Guinness beer and switch to Red Wine of Burgundy ;) , take a sip while looking at this commercial "parionsweb":

Rebajlo said:
Ice-T can't sing for ****, so the entire band is a complete farce. Now, why would a white Australian bloke listen to such garbage, particularly when the "lyrical content" of the said garbage is openly denigrating his own race? In this instance, he was happily listening - and singing along - to a "song" charmingly entitled "KKK Bitch". The predictable subject matter, of course, is a typically puerile black power fantasy about shagging a heap of white KKK women who are just wet for Negroes.

I paused to observe this half-wit, who was so engrossed in the "song" that he failed to notice me. He just kept banging his head and singing (off key), enthusiastically emphasising the most insulting line referring to White men as sexual wimps whose "dicks too little and dey just can't ****".

Naturally, I felt like kicking him to death. As a poor substitute, however, I had to settle for waiting until he became aware of my presence, sneering, shaking my head and stalking off after loudly uttering the phrase "what a ****stick".

Haha, I found this line to be extremely comical, as I too have often daydreamed of myself “teaching wiggers a lesson” whenever they’re in my presence. As the contagion disseminates, my rage for these misguided whites is ever-waxing.

Bk21 said:
@Thrasho I suggest you all to get rid of Guinness beer and switch to Red Wine of Burgundy ;), take a sip while looking at this commercial "parionsweb":

No need to “switch,” as I’ve never drank alcohol a day in my life (26 years), and never will. I’m not keen on supporting Anti-White Corporations (redundant, I know), ingesting a bitter beverage that tastes terrible, or harming my internal organs with mind-altering poisons. The only palatable beer commercials I’ve seen over the past few years are produced by “Coors Banquet Beer”…


Coors has produced several commercials with a similar template. That is, a handsome, burly, blue-collar, “set in his ways,” rural-living white man with an all-white cast of friends and his loyal dog by his side. Although I dislike the product…even I can raise a glass to a commercial like that!


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I paused to observe this half-wit, who was so engrossed in the "song" that he failed to notice me. He just kept banging his head and singing (off key), enthusiastically emphasising the most insulting line referring to White men as sexual wimps whose "dicks too little and dey just can't ****".

[h=3]Historical perceptions[/h]According to Kenneth Dover's landmark study "Greek Homosexuality", Greek art had extreme interest in the genitals, but was not obsessed with size. The weekly Q&A column "The Straight Dope" deduces, based on pornographic Greek art work and Dover's aforementioned study, that in ancient Greece an uncircumcised and small penis was culturally seen as desirable in a man, whereas a bigger or circumcised penis was viewed as comical or grotesque, usually being found on "fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians
I saw a pleasant commercial for “Dick’s Sporting Goods” recently. The ad begins with an all-American family opening gifts on Christmas morning. This socially-taboo “nuclear family” contains a mother, father, and two blond-haired sons...


The older son receives a baseball glove for Christmas, which immediately draws the curiosity of his younger brother. The older son and his father immediately head to backyard to try out the glove and are seen tossing a baseball as the younger brother watches from afar…


Some months later, (presumably the first spring following Christmas) during baseball season, the older brother is seen eating sunflower seeds while playing shortstop (the new glove worn upon his left hand) during a little league game while his younger brother again “imitates” his idol’s actions from the stands. The opposing team hits a homerun, and the older brother’s team loses the game. On the car ride home from the loss, the younger brother “feels the pain” of his older brother’s loss alongside him (the glove seated between them)…


In the next scene, the younger brother is shown playing alone with his older brother’s glove, seemingly while the older brother isn’t home. He even sleeps with it by his side.

Some years pass, but the sacred “Christmas Glove” remains a staple of the older brother’s baseball career as he now plays for his high school baseball team. Again, the younger brother watches with family pride from the stands, smiling with elation as his older brother makes a diving play at shortstop, winning the game for his team…


Another Christmas comes and again the family is gathered and exchanging gifts. The younger brother, now approximately 5-6 years older than he was during the opening scene, is holding newly-received video games with look of dissatisfaction colored upon his face. Suddenly, his older brother kneels down and hands him the much-cherished baseball glove, wrapped in a red bow. Like in the opening scene (from 5-6 years prior?), the two brothers immediately head to the back yard (mother and father watching from the window) in order to “try out” the old glove, which has essentially been “born again” in the hands of the younger brother and his budding baseball career. During the now-archetypal closing scene in which the corporate logo is displayed, the forbidden words “Merry Christmas” are written beneath...



Throughout the many pages of this impressive thread, many of us have summoned innumerable specimens of cultural Marxism, acute anti-white bigotry, repulsive female supremacy, the laughable concept of physical and/or mental superiority of non-whites, strong anti-family dogmas, zealous materialism, and an overall essence of unadulterated degeneracy routinely featured in modern corporate advertising. Well, I found this commercial to be the utter antithesis of those habitually rotten-to-the-core advertisements we’ve grown so accustomed to analyzing and consequently disparaging. Commercials such as this one remind us that not everything in Mass Entertainment is flawed, perverted, and broken.

In addition to my career, I’ve started a small farm business, which my wife basically runs while I’m at work. Should this business ever grow to the level in which advertising were necessary (which isn’t likely, but I can dream!), I’d love to produce commercials in a similar vein to this one.


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phenomenal post, Thrashen. :thumbsup:

thanks for the positive message, sir. we share too few of these.
Historical perceptions

According to Kenneth Dover's landmark study "Greek Homosexuality", Greek art had extreme interest in the genitals, but was not obsessed with size. The weekly Q&A column "The Straight Dope" deduces, based on pornographic Greek art work and Dover's aforementioned study, that in ancient Greece an uncircumcised and small penis was culturally seen as desirable in a man, whereas a bigger or circumcised penis was viewed as comical or grotesque, usually being found on "fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians

Right, er, well, that's good to know...

But, um, anyway, I'm hung like a cart horse so none of this pertains to me... :thumb: :icon_wink:

Haha, I found this line to be extremely comical, as I too have often daydreamed of myself “teaching wiggers a lesson” whenever they’re in my presence. As the contagion disseminates, my rage for these misguided whites is ever-waxing.

Thrashen -

I've always found the natural impulse to reflexively unload a thunderous, teeth-scattering right hander into the mealy yaps of wiggers, socialists, bludgers, do-gooders, poofters and other such useless by-products of the human race extraordinarily difficult to control - and that's before we even mention Negroes, sand Negroes, abos, curries, chinks, coconuts and the entire gamut of other "coloured" (I prefer the term "stained") "people".

I guess that my constant, simmering "anger" is a consequence of thousands upon thousands of repressed punches, kicks, head-butts, eye rakes and spine-busting whacks with baseball bats and lead pipes (Australian firearms laws are awfully prohibitive, You see...).

Surprisingly enough, I made the above diagnosis without the aid of a psychiatrist, psychologist, hypnotherapist, naturopath, counsellor or priest...

Mind You, I was rather prone to engaging in barroom and parking lot "conflict resolution" during my younger years but that generally involved dismantling the garden-variety yobs and tight-t-shirted poseurs sporting grotesquely overdeveloped trapezius muscles commonly encountered in the vicinity of "entertainment venues" in Australia, England, Wales, and Poland.

But at least I can rest assured that some of those arseholes were wiggers, the majority were bludgers and I daresay that if they were bothered to vote, virtually all voted for for a leftist "labour" option (or thought they were while submitting their crudely numbered donkey votes...).

Returning to the subject, below is an advertisement for Boddingtons dating from 1996. Despite the fact that the girl (Melanie Sykes) is "mixed race" (hang on, the correct term is "mongrel", isn't it...?) the overall theme is familiar enough:


The cream of Manchester, eh?
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I posted the most irritating commercial ever (parionsweb) -
Here's an opposite one of Opel Corsa "Deutsch qualitat" as it is sold here in France; where the good quality is.. take a look:


[The girl at the end: Je vais le prendre: I'll take him/or it. double understanding]
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I’ve been seeing a misandry-infected commercial for “Subway Steak Melts” recently. Like several other installments featuring a similar premise, this ad stars “Todd,” the ever-credulous, ultra-average, nedry, effeminate, small-framed, 30-something white dupe with the naivety-sodden mind of a child…

CAPTION: White Wuss De Jour, Todd

That said, Todd’s gargantuan bifocals, insecure grin and beady eyes do remind me of a movie star and international sex symbol from the 1980’s…


CAPTION: Lamda Lamda Lamba Louis

You see, uncool white losers of Todd’s lowly ilk are so captivated by “beautiful” women that they’ll literally engage in any amount of buffoonery to make them happy…including being robbed of their recently-purchased lunch items. Thus, with the most minuscule amount of innocent “flirting,” these two manipulative “career women” manage to strip Todd of his corporate sub, then send him on his hungry way with little more than a disingenuous compliment (“You’re so cute!”) for comfort...

CAPTION: Todd’s Lunch Stolen by “Harpies Aus Hell”…Again

Naturally, the producers of this kaleidoscope-of-unfunnyness decided to modify the audio to utilize that inane “little kid voice” sound effect. In my mind's eye, I evision the reliably dim-witted, docile white masses howling at the moon with Jew-concocted mirth. After all, it was deemed “funny enough” to be glowing back at them from inside their Mass-Existance it must be good!



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I’ve been seeing this commercial for “AT&T 4G Network” recently and found the premise to fit closely with the Caste System’s nauseating deification of young black athletes.

The ad begins with some white nerd filming a high school football practice from the sideline. A black runningback is seen flying around the end while a white defender sheds a blocker and attempts to make the tackle. After absorbing a hard hit, the black “superhuman” suddenly pirouettes through the air, flying over the white defender, landing on his feet and continuing the run as the white “scrub” lay helpless and in awe…


The moment that this “Super-Afro” completes the remarkable broken tackle, the white nerd filming screams out “Hello!” and then presumably sends the footage to various friends at school. Coincidentally enough, this cameraman has chosen friends that would fit seamlessly into today’s delightful brand of “Marx-Modern” TV commercials.

Assorted multiracial jock-sniffers…


An impressionable white girl and her younger brother...


Asian/Mexican waiters at dusk...


Other cast members include: Darren Woodson, an Indian cab driver, an obese white man at an airport, Casteon Coach Bob Stoops, and the Pièce de Résistance, three white mud-wrestlers on the bleachers (desperate for the Negro’s affection), who’ve fashioned a sign that reads “Hello!”…


DWF Interpretation: “AT&T can deliver to me faster and more efficient Negro-veneration, and thus, they are my company of choice for cell phone service!”

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Here is an Alka Selzer commercial from 1969 that is interesting because it shows how different the US was back then. This is set in a prison and all the prisoners are white and mostly over 30. I don't think they put all white people in it to not offend black people and show them in a good light. They did it probably because people just expected to see white people on tv and in the movies.

I saw this Christmas-themed (sorry,where are my manners, I meant: “holiday-themed”) commercial for “PetCo” a few weeks back but never posted my disgust. The ad features a 30-something white woman obsessing over a small dog that is dressed in a crimson sweater, fake reindeer antlers, and is being trotted around like the woman’s child. This woman adores her furry, non-human “child” so much that the feeble-minded imbecile has purchased a mountain of presents for the pooch to open on Christmas morning…

CAPTION: All-American Hebrew Finger Puppet

If spending hundreds of dollars on a dog so that it may better celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ isn’t disconcerting enough, this miserable wretch talks to the creature as if it was a “baby,” and refers to herself and her husband as the dog’s mother and father when she utters: “Someone has a great mom and dad!”

CAPTION: What? No Car Seat for Mommy’s Baby?

Of course, the Kosher authors of this cinematic hilarity couldn’t have their viewers endure 30 whole seconds without humiliating a white man, could they? Fear not, for the pooch's “daddy” is accidentally left at PetCo while “mommy” and “baby” drive away. Oops!

CAPTION: Immaterial White Man Forgotten At Store

[Cue millions of hollow-heads laughting hysterically in unison]

Also, notice that the “voiceover guy” didn’t say “Help you find the perfect gifts this Christmas,” but rather, “Help you find the perfect gifts this Holiday Season.” I find that it’s the little Zio-Judeo-***-Fem-CultMarx subtleties that I enjoy deriding most of all…


White women squandering their material instincts on animals is a bile-spewing trend that is nauseating and cancinogenic enough…but as a true animal lover (unlike those phony Enviro-Fascists who live in concrete colons and have never been outside to observe nature’s beauty), I find this filth to be extra-offensive.
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I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet (I didn't look through the whole thread) but I absolutely despise this Bod Body Spray commercial
I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet (I didn't look through the whole thread) but I absolutely despise this Bod Body Spray commercial
I am sure I am not in the minority here when I say that is totally revolting.
If the white women wants to sink herself to the frivolty of becoming a mud shark let them do it. Just stay away from me and my ' true ' European bretheren.
I am sure I am not in the minority here when I say that is totally revolting.
If the white women wants to sink herself to the frivolty of becoming a mud shark let them do it. Just stay away from me and my ' true ' European bretheren.

That ones wrong on so many levels. It's even something that should get the feminist harpies upset as it shows some skank bitch slutting herself out when she should be doing her job in a professional manner. But I understand the message from the advertiser, it's meant to be a big kick in the nuts to conventional morality. I expect in a few years that commercial will change the chararcters so that it's a black women she will coming onto or it will be a white guy in her place. If you think this is bad, just wait. It's going to get much worse.
I saw this “All State” commercial a few months back but never found it until a few days ago. The ad features a white man and woman, presumably married or dating, eating at a restaurant while she fecetiously berates him. The white man is an emaciated, Omega-male nerd type, but for once, the woman is also average looking at best, a noticeable change from the “hot chick gets the best of a slow-witted white poindexter” archetype…


The “punch line,” of course, is when the omnipresent “deep-throated black narrator” jumps to the woman’s defense as the white man attempts to defend his “ludicrous” contention that “men are superior drivers” when the Negro talks through the woman's mouth (an exhibition the Black-Fem Alliance), screaming out: “Silence!” Of course, the white geek instantly obeys her/their command, quickly snapping shut his gob and meeking dipping his head.
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