Commercials we HATE!!!!

This is one of the most anti-White male commercials in the long sordid history of White man bashing by the media. Here you have a fireman, one of the last of our societies heroes being absolutely embarrassed by a smarmy self involved woman who can't put her phone down and a disgusting black thief who has stolen--STOLEN another persons lunch.

All the right buttons are hit so as to paint as embarrassing picture of the White man as is possible. The wimpy reply in response to a low life negro (probably and AA hire) who has ripped off another persons food and the disapproval of the attractive white women (probably a lesbian) who did nothing to stop the crime and cannot be bothered to do anything in support of another person wronged. Yes these are the types of people that you want in the position of saving lives.

Question for Subway: are we supposed to see the black man in this commercial as too lazy to buy his own food or to criminally inclined as to want to steal it instead?? Guess what? I have plenty of other lunch options than Subway and I know other guys that have seen this commercial and feel the same way.

This video is linked from a youtube channel called "anti-white media" and it features all of the commercials we hate and more, maybe stop by and offer some support.


As soon as I saw this commercial (first aired about 2 weeks ago), I was going to post it, thanks for beating me to it. I believe the negro who has stolen this White man's sandwhich is the captain or some sort of a superior, the woman barely acknowledges him, and he is essentially the lowest on the totem pole and is portrayed as an utter fool.

I agree, it beats all those insurance, car, and many of the other anti-White garbage we see regularly; it's one of the worst. I do visit Subway from time to time, and I have officially eaten my last meal there. I will never again set foot into that place.
Where I live Asians (Indians) run all the Subways. The last two times I went to one, with a Subway gift card that I can only use there, the machine that scans the cards wasn't working. This happened a month apart at the same place. This is the way things are in India - nothing ever gets fixed and they lie through their teeth to the customer.

I've also noticed lots of black NFL players in Subway commercials including that loudmouth Michael Strahan. Once I use my gift card - if I ever find a Subway that will accept it! - I won't be back.
Gimme a break! That gal (nor any other) has NO business in a firehouse...less fetchin' food for the firemen, etc. Firefighting is a MAN'S job. As for the groidian, no doubt he (too) would be an AA hire...given a free pass to fill a cultmarx black quarterback. Total hogwash! :mad2:

As for Subway, the rubynoggins own them down here as well. For starters the dotz should never been/be allowed on western soil (U.S., Canada, Europe, etc.). Their place is in that nasty, overpopulated cesspool of India. Secondly, for the ones here...they need to assimilate and learn proper English or haul their sorry hides back to the land of bovine worship! :censored:
Gimme a break! That gal (nor any other) has NO business in a firehouse...less fetchin' food for the firemen, etc. Firefighting is a MAN'S job. As for the groidian, no doubt he (too) would be an AA hire...given a free pass to fill a cultmarx black quarterback. Total hogwash! :mad2:

As for Subway, the rubynoggins own them down here as well. For starters the dotz should never been/be allowed on western soil (U.S., Canada, Europe, etc.). Their place is in that nasty, overpopulated cesspool of India. Secondly, for the ones here...they need to assimilate and learn proper English or haul their sorry hides back to the land of bovine worship! :censored:

Amen brother!!! Everytime I see someone with a dot on their forhead or a towel over their head I think to myself "what the hell are they doing in my country?" They have no call to be here. You have to be one sick mofo to think that this Western created society should make room for those people. All the work my ancestors did to build this civilization out of wilderness and these freeloaders are coming here and enjoying the fruits of their (and my) labors. We could send eveyone of them home and it would only make this a better place to live.
I find it funny that Subway refers to their business as a " restaurant " in their commercials. When was the last time some waitress or waiter took my order there? And does anyone want to slap the crap out of that " white guy " :icon_wink: Jarred and his annoying voice?
And does anyone want to slap the crap out of that " white guy " :icon_wink: Jarred and his annoying voice?

Jared Fogle

Thanks to a strict diet of health-conscious Subway sandwiches, Jared Fogle may be less than 50% his former size, but he is still 100% Jewish and delighted to be associated with the first North American kosher Subway

See footnote 7 at his Wikipedia page -

I heard he put a lot of the weight back on. Come to think of it I haven't seen him in any of their commercials lately.
Amen brother!!! Everytime I see someone with a dot on their forhead or a towel over their head I think to myself "what the hell are they doing in my country?" They have no call to be here. You have to be one sick mofo to think that this Western created society should make room for those people. All the work my ancestors did to build this civilization out of wilderness and these freeloaders are coming here and enjoying the fruits of their (and my) labors. We could send eveyone of them home and it would only make this a better place to live.

There has been an open sewage pipe from the turd world into the US since 1965. Unchecked amount of Somalian goat herders, Mexican vermin of all sorts, muslims from the Middle East, untermenschen from India/Pakistan, it's a never-ending list. And I can guarantee you, the reason we keep hearing about the re-appearance of long-eradicated diseases, bed bugs, and other maladies is precisely because of this garbage coming in and bringing their families and relatives with them, year after year.

Many parts of the US are already replicas of the third world, and the rest is heading there fast.
I recently saw the “condensed for TV” version of this commercial for “Quicken Loans.” It depicts a white man proposing to his girlfriend in a fancy restaurant setting. The woman responds to his proposal by half-smiling, giggling, and then casually enlightening the poor, lovesick fool that she will not only be denying his marriage proposal, but that she’s also been “seeing his best friend!”

The so-called “best friend” happily pokes his unsightly mug into the screen (of course, he is a non-white man) simply smiles at the grief-stricken white man. Naturally, instead of reacting in an angry and/or violent manner at her audacious, almost zealous infidelity, the white man merely absorbs their abuse and some lame allusion to the “product” is presented…

[video=youtube;ootKM988Gkk] [/video]

Make sure to notice the intentional contrast between the two male characters. The “loser” has ultra-pale skin, light brown hair and light blue eyes, an unmistakable white man. The “winner” has medium-tanned skin, jet-black bug eyes, long black hair, and sunken-in eye sockets (very common amongst Punjabi sewer filth)…

CAPTION: White Loser Gets Cheated On

CAPTION: Punjab & Stolen White Girlfriend

Whatever that brown mongrel is supposed to be, the subtle, visual insinuation to the viewer is that this white couple was destroyed by the woman’s lust for a non-white partner. I doubt that future installments will remain so tantalizingly-close to achieving their transparent ambitions. It doesn’t even matter anymore.
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I recently saw the “condensed for TVâ€￾ version of this commercial for “Quicken Loans.â€￾ It depicts a white man proposing to his girlfriend in a fancy restaurant setting. The woman responds to his proposal by half-smiling, giggling, and then casually enlightening the poor, lovesick fool that she will not only be denying his marriage proposal, but that she’s also been “seeing his best friend!â€￾

I'm not sure when, how, or why, these types of gut wrenching emotional kicks-in-the-groin became a) funny, and b) appealing enough to sell a product. It always seemed to me that the idea behind a commercial was to get the viewer to identify with the characters in order to create an identification with the product. At least that's what they taught me in PSYCH/Advertising 101 back in the day.

Even if you assume that the identification will be with the woman-who has cruelly and disgustingly embarrassed and dumped her loser boyfriend; or with the "best friend" who has underhandedly stolen his buddies girlfriend and delighted in embarrassing him about it, no one in the commercial is even remotely worthy of self identification unless you are expecting the identification-ees to be cruel, heartless, no-conscious, sh!theads. Which I guess is what Quicken loans expects, and unfortunately looking at the world around me, I guess they are right.

I can gauge how out of tough with the new morality of the world I am by watching commercials like this (and especially that Subway commercial I mentioned above which still raises my blood pressure every time I see it) and also watching the people around me and seeing them laugh and laugh, oh it is just so funny to see someone stomped on like that!!! Isn't it?

I expect in the near future a White guy will be shown walking along the street and a black kid will jump out and use a large machete to hack out his internal organs, and the viewers will laugh and laugh, it will just be so funny to watch a White guy die like that won't it?

Heck I may have a future in advertising. Now that I've cracked the code, I should try to profit off of it!!
I've seen a new commercial or atleast I think it's new, I'm really cutting back on T.V., but I was watching the movie "TAKEN" the other night and saw this commercial where the supposed cool black guy is talking to an attractive white lady on a street curb about the subject of the commercial and seconds later a goofy looking white guy walks up and she leaves with him.

Maybe "Thrashen" or someone else on CF knows what the commercial is, I'm trying to forget about it, but maybe they can post it.

If I happen to see it again, I will try to give more details, but it's typical, but atleast the goofy white clown leaves with the white attractive lady.

Not sure that's a positive though?
I've seen a new commercial or atleast I think it's new, I'm really cutting back on T.V., but I was watching the movie "TAKEN" the other night and saw this commercial where the supposed cool black guy is talking to an attractive white lady on a street curb about the subject of the commercial and seconds later a goofy looking white guy walks up and she leaves with him.

Maybe "Thrashen" or someone else on CF knows what the commercial is, I'm trying to forget about it, but maybe they can post it.

If I happen to see it again, I will try to give more details, but it's typical, but atleast the goofy white clown leaves with the white attractive lady.

Not sure that's a positive though?

I saw that. They make the black guy out to be cool, smart and sophisticated, while the white guy is kind of geeky.
I've seen a new commercial or atleast I think it's new, I'm really cutting back on T.V., but I was watching the movie "TAKEN" the other night and saw this commercial where the supposed cool black guy is talking to an attractive white lady on a street curb about the subject of the commercial and seconds later a goofy looking white guy walks up and she leaves with him.

Maybe "Thrashen" or someone else on CF knows what the commercial is, I'm trying to forget about it, but maybe they can post it.

If I happen to see it again, I will try to give more details, but it's typical, but atleast the goofy white clown leaves with the white attractive lady.

Not sure that's a positive though?

Yeah I saw that one too. The lady says she met a "french" artist or photographer or something on line so the guy walks up and says "bon joir" mispronouncing it. The idea is that the woman is being stupid and not looking into stuff so she is stuck with a dumb loser White guy instead of that winner of a negro she was talking with. It is unique in that a woman is portrayed as dumb, but the White guy is still portrayed as a loser. Really ground breaking stuff.
Jaxvid said:
I'm not sure when, how, or why, these types of gut wrenching emotional kicks-in-the-groin became a) funny, and b) appealing enough to sell a product. It always seemed to me that the idea behind a commercial was to get the viewer to identify with the characters in order to create an identification with the product. At least that's what they taught me in PSYCH/Advertising 101 back in the day.

Whenever a commercial fails to feature some inane, “attention-grabbingâ€￾ scene depicting “comedic violenceâ€￾ against a white male, said commercial will usually contain said white male being outsmarted, outwitted, emasculated, humiliated, mocked, depicted as an absolute boob, or emotionally-damaged in some other ruthless fashion. Who could forget that disturbing series of “Burger Kingâ€￾ commercials from 2010 featuring a white man dressed as an “adult babyâ€￾ who was “born yesterday ... but even he knows the quarter pound BK double cheeseburger for a buck is a very special deal.â€￾…



My ears can only speculate the cresting, high-decibel shrieks of corporate-sponsored laughter extricated around the Anglosphere as a result of this disgraceful, repugnant exhibition in the hellish depths of loathsomeness that high-profile corporations will sink to in order to prove their dedication to the cause. “Laugh harder, you little pink piggies!â€￾ squawks the Shylock Jew whilst his self-abhorring white “ad executiveâ€￾ cretins, seated at his right hand, nod their skulls in approval with an evil twinkle implanted upon their eyes.

Jaxvid said:
Even if you assume that the identification will be with the woman-who has cruelly and disgustingly embarrassed and dumped her loser boyfriend; or with the "best friend" who has underhandedly stolen his buddies girlfriend and delighted in embarrassing him about it, no one in the commercial is even remotely worthy of self identification unless you are expecting the identification-ees to be cruel, heartless, no-conscious, sh!theads. Which I guess is what Quicken loans expects, and unfortunately looking at the world around me, I guess they are right.

It should be noted that the “TV versionâ€￾ of that Quicken Loans commercial from my post above did not include the beginning dialog in which the white man says: “This has been the best two weeks of my life.â€￾ That line was penned in order to indicate to the viewer that their relationship is in its infancy, and that his marriage proposal is hollow, wildly-premature, and even “funnyâ€￾…because what man would propose to a woman after two weeks of dating? When that particular line is edited out, like it was in the 30-second commercial that plays on TV, the situation appears far more emasculating and embarrassing for the white “loserâ€￾ with the cheating girlfriend.

Jaxvid said:
I can gauge how out of touch with the new morality of the world I am by watching commercials like this (and especially that Subway commercial I mentioned above which still raises my blood pressure every time I see it) and also watching the people around me and seeing them laugh and laugh, oh it is just so funny to see someone stomped on like that!!! Isn't it?

I expect in the near future a White guy will be shown walking along the street and a black kid will jump out and use a large machete to hack out his internal organs, and the viewers will laugh and laugh, it will just be so funny to watch a White guy die like that won't it?

Heck I may have a future in advertising. Now that I've cracked the code, I should try to profit off of it!!

For those precious few white men with a brain inside their cranial cavities, the future of commercials, and television in general, is rather bleak. Perhaps they’ll consider airing live, fully nude, torture-porn death scenes? Or white babies set ablaze, then tossed from the highest of cliffs into pits of barbed wire? Or white males sodomized by Samaria swords then burned at the stake by a feral horde of brown savages? Or why not white women spreading their legs, squatting down, and then birthing the darkest of mulatto hell-spawn? Sure, it may sound perverse for 2012, but with enough salivating at the chime of the bells, whites would eventually accept this malevolence as “entertainment.â€￾ Yes, I could see the DWFs discussing such programming at the proverbial “water coolerâ€￾ each morning.
Yeah I saw that one too. The lady says she met a "french" artist or photographer or something on line so the guy walks up and says "bon joir" mispronouncing it. The idea is that the woman is being stupid and not looking into stuff so she is stuck with a dumb loser White guy instead of that winner of a negro she was talking with. It is unique in that a woman is portrayed as dumb, but the White guy is still portrayed as a loser. Really ground breaking stuff.

It's a Snake(State) Farm Insurance commercial, maybe someone can find it to post!
Thrashen (and others), thanks for expressing yours opinions in a similar vein to mine. It's somewhat heartening to know there are like minds out there, though too few and far between.

Big props to Thrashen who is is able to conjure up the adjectives and pejoratives in a much stronger manner then myself, along with accompanying pics and video. I make it a point to never miss a Thrashen post when I see them pop up. :thumbsup:

I know there are many more like minded lurkers who should join in on the discussion. The more bandwidth we claim, the greater our combined strength.
I agree, Thrashen and many others have done a great job in this thread. Perhaps, I should've started a new thread for this link because it's so good and I fear it will eventually get lost with more posts. But here's a very good (no great) website/blog that is very much dedicated to this specific topic. Blogger does an awesome job breaking down an offensive Chevy ad (5/27/12):

Visit Anti-White Media for an interesting experience:
I've never been to a Sonic and never will be after watching these two idiots time and again. Browsing through YouTube, these two "buddies" have been together on TV for at least 4 1/2 years. I've never found any of them remotely funny or entertaining. Here's a random one:

For the past several years, seemingly every nationally televised sports event (and many other shows) has to include Progressive Insurance commercials with the very creepy "Flo" and a never-ending procession of emasculated White men. Many of the newer ones now feature a homosexual sidekick alongside Flo. I keep waiting for the day that Flo will be put in mothballs but I now realize she's here to stay, along with the deep-throated virtuous Negro who does the All State commercials.

I agree, Thrashen and many others have done a great job in this thread. Perhaps, I should've started a new thread for this link because it's so good and I fear it will eventually get lost with more posts. But here's a very good (no great) website/blog that is very much dedicated to this specific topic. Blogger does an awesome job breaking down an offensive Chevy ad (5/27/12):

Visit Anti-White Media for an interesting experience:

Right Truthteller, another commercial (Livelinks) watch at your own risk), I saw in addition to the State Farm commercial made me sick!

But what continues to be even sicker and disgusting are the white guys that continue to play the "FOOL" in these commercials.

There seems to be no pride left in most white men in this country. Even before I found CF, like most here, I saw this mostly in commercials, but when I would see sitcoms, like "Raymond", "King of Queens", etc. it's not subtle to me, it smacks in my face and again with the advice of CF I watch very little T.V.

This interracial coupling, gay, white fool playing agenda keeps getting force fed to us!
Thrashen (and others), thanks for expressing yours opinions in a similar vein to mine. It's somewhat heartening to know there are like minds out there, though too few and far between.

Big props to Thrashen who is is able to conjure up the adjectives and pejoratives in a much stronger manner then myself, along with accompanying pics and video. I make it a point to never miss a Thrashen post when I see them pop up. :thumbsup:

I know there are many more like minded lurkers who should join in on the discussion. The more bandwidth we claim, the greater our combined strength.

I agree, I too try to catch Thrashen's posts, very articulate, thanks Thrashen and to all on CF!
It's a Snake(State) Farm Insurance commercial, maybe someone can find it to post!

Carolina Speed, I think this is the commercial you are talking about:


I must say, this is a rather curious one. Attractive white female comes down from her apartment and starts chatting with a negro on the sidewalk. He's, of course, friendly, civil, well-behaved, articulate, and smart. And in a bit of a reversal, the woman is portrayed as somewhat dimwitted and clulesss, in a departure from the usual strong, capable, brilliant, empowered versions we see in every other commercial.

Then comes her blind date, the white guy, who's par for the course. He's a pathetic excuse for a man, a distant cousin of the hunchback of Notre Dame perhaps, with an utterly stupid look on his face. The only thing I can possibly gather from this is the "pitiful loser ending up with the unattainable beauty who's completely out of his league" theme we so often see in movies.
Y'all do a good job of calling out & analyzing these cultmarx laced ads. I'm glad I don't see most of them...of course that's 1 of the many reasons we 86'd the TalmudVision a few years ago. ;-)
Carolina Speed, I think this is the commercial you are talking about:


I must say, this is a rather curious one. Attractive white female comes down from her apartment and starts chatting with a negro on the sidewalk. He's, of course, friendly, civil, well-behaved, articulate, and smart. And in a bit of a reversal, the woman is portrayed as somewhat dimwitted and clulesss, in a departure from the usual strong, capable, brilliant, empowered versions we see in every other commercial.

Then comes her blind date, the white guy, who's par for the course. He's a pathetic excuse for a man, a distant cousin of the hunchback of Notre Dame perhaps, with an utterly stupid look on his face. The only thing I can possibly gather from this is the "pitiful loser ending up with the unattainable beauty who's completely out of his league" theme we so often see in movies.

Yes foobar75 that's it. Thank you. These commercials are almost becoming predictable. I guarantee most on CF could predict what was about to come following the conversation between the Obama look-alike and the dim-witted white lady!

As a matter of fact, we'll call this the Obama effect.

Obama, the supposed intelligent, articulate, negro savior of the U.S. and the world, duped not the rest of the blacks in the U.S., but the idiot white people of the U.S. that put him in office, mostly white men and white women.

Foobar75, this may explain why now even some white women portrayed in these commercials are as dim-witted as the white men.

The intelligent negro showing us the way, even as our national debt increases $3.9 billion/day, unemployment remains 2.5% higher, (somewhere between 8.2% and 14.2%), since Obama took office and 53% more people are on some type of well-fare since this magical negro took office.

Does anyone here see the correlation in these commercials and our great black president, meanwhile our country is down the toilet, but DWF's just can't see it.

I hate to say it, but maybe Obama is smarter than we give him credit for. He somehow managed to get the white vote that put him in office! Whether he serves a second term or not, he probably doesn't care. He'll get his president's pension and write his memoirs and give speeches to the tune of millions per year and the DWF's will eat it all up!
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Right Truthteller, another commercial (Livelinks) watch at your own risk), I saw in addition to the State Farm commercial made me sick!

But what continues to be even sicker and disgusting are the white guys that continue to play the "FOOL" in these commercials.

There seems to be no pride left in most white men in this country. Even before I found CF, like most here, I saw this mostly in commercials, but when I would see sitcoms, like "Raymond", "King of Queens", etc. it's not subtle to me, it smacks in my face and again with the advice of CF I watch very little T.V.

This interracial coupling, gay, white fool playing agenda keeps getting force fed to us!

Carolina, I absolutely agree. One of the WORST shows in TV history has to be Everybody Loves Ray Raymond. I tried to like the show (watched quite a few times), but outside of a few random episodes it was/is/will always be awful. These ads in this thread might be a 30 second kick in the a$$ to white males, but that show was (is still via reruns) 30 minutes of pure torture for white families.

Only viable explanation I've ever read as to why the Marxist's at CBS ran/pumped up Raymond for so many years, was to discourage marriage and promote homosexuality. Every episode is similar -- family members yelling and screaming at each other over the most inane things (can openers, erased video tapes, ect.). Just nothing but rancor -- husband towards wife; in-laws towards the wife. I've even seen scenes were Ray is physically assaulted by his wife (hair pulled, ears twisted) over the most trivial comments. Think CBS would've ever allow a male to abuse his wife in such a "comedic way"?

What sane kid would want to ever marry after watching that crap for years? You marry a pretty, young lady...then by age 30 you're nothing but a retarded slave dog and human punching bag for some tiny shrew for the rest of life?

CBS used to run a bunch of these types shows on Monday's during the early to mid-2000's. There was Still Standing, insanely fat WASP married to a slender, "sassy" wife (Jewish Jamie Gertz), who was nothing but a laughingstock/losers to everybody around him-- including his own kids. His hero's in life are the 1986 Chicago Bears, most notably Fridge Perry....There was an even worse show named "Yes Dear", which had two grade A white idiots dragged around by their private parts 24/7 by a pair of plain-looking wives. In most episodes they were portrayed as child-like dolts, who were nothing but modern court jesters put on this earth to be laughed at by their wives and kids.

As far as The King of Queens is concerned, the show came on around 1999. I always refused to watch it, because I thought it was as lame as Raymond and the other idiot husband shows CBS ran. But a few months ago I started watching some reruns and I actually like it a bit. Not a classic show, but it's okay compared to most these days...Sure Kevin James (an ex-college fullback) and his friends come off as overweight DWF's. But compared to Raymond, he's an absolute 'alpha male', who will stand up to his wife when she gets bossy...and he'll standup to his in-law Arthur. Overall, I'd say it's a modern day version of the Honeymooners -- fat, funny "everyman", who happens to have a crazy older man living in his basement and wrecking his life.
Carolina, I absolutely agree. One of the WORST shows in TV history has to be Everybody Loves Ray Raymond. I tried to like the show (watched quite a few times), but outside of a few random episodes it was/is/will always be awful. These ads in this thread might be a 30 second kick in the a$$ to white males, but that show was (is still via reruns) 30 minutes of pure torture for white families.

Only viable explanation I've ever read as to why the Marxist's at CBS ran/pumped up Raymond for so many years, was to discourage marriage and promote homosexuality. Every episode is similar -- family members yelling and screaming at each other over the most inane things (can openers, erased video tapes, ect.). Just nothing but rancor -- husband towards wife; in-laws towards the wife. I've even seen scenes were Ray is physically assaulted by his wife (hair pulled, ears twisted) over the most trivial comments. Think CBS would've ever allow a male to abuse his wife in such a "comedic way"?

What sane kid would want to ever marry after watching that crap for years? You marry a pretty, young lady...then by age 30 you're nothing but a retarded slave dog and human punching bag for some tiny shrew for the rest of life?

CBS used to run a bunch of these types shows on Monday's during the early to mid-2000's. There was Still Standing, insanely fat WASP married to a slender, "sassy" wife (Jewish Jamie Gertz), who was nothing but a laughingstock/losers to everybody around him-- including his own kids. His hero's in life are the 1986 Chicago Bears, most notably Fridge Perry....There was an even worse show named "Yes Dear", which had two grade A white idiots dragged around by their private parts 24/7 by a pair of plain-looking wives. In most episodes they were portrayed as child-like dolts, who were nothing but modern court jesters put on this earth to be laughed at by their wives and kids.

As far as The King of Queens is concerned, the show came on around 1999. I always refused to watch it, because I thought it was as lame as Raymond and the other idiot husband shows CBS ran. But a few months ago I started watching some reruns and I actually like it a bit. Not a classic show, but it's okay compared to most these days...Sure Kevin James (an ex-college fullback) and his friends come off as overweight DWF's. But compared to Raymond, he's an absolute 'alpha male', who will stand up to his wife when she gets bossy...and he'll standup to his in-law Arthur. Overall, I'd say it's a modern day version of the Honeymooners -- fat, funny "everyman", who happens to have a crazy older man living in his basement and wrecking his life.
I don't watch the show but Kevin James and Leigh Remini are both Jewish.
American Freedom News