Commercials we HATE!!!!

I've never seen that Chevy commercial. The people making that really were hitting all the buttons, pick-ups, Space shuttle, puppy, I guess that ad agency really wanted to sell some product instead of push an agenda.

It probably never gets showed though, there were no explosions, no near naked women, no laughs at the expense of some white guy, how can you be expected to sit through something like that, my sensibilities weren't shocked nor did my pulse rate increase. I didn't see any minorities either. I wouldn't even bother twittering about that commercial.
Pick-up truck commercials seem to be the last bastion where White men are still mostly portrayed with dignity. The incessant research of the marketing and advertising industry must show that this targeted group has been more resistant to the system's propaganda touting emasculation and deracination than others.

Commercials for expensive jewelry, especially diamond rings, also often show White men in a favorable light, but it's in the traditional manner -- sentimental scenes still promoting Marriage 1.0 while of course ignoring today's feminazi-crafted Marriage 2.0 version that totally screws over husbands if they divorce, and women now initiate 80% of 2.0's no-fault divorce proceedings -- of the man on bended knee asking his beloved to marry him so that they can live happily after. Now, the man being on his knees is symbolic of how often wives lord it over their husbands, who are often well-trained submissive puppy dogs. The diamond industry is one that is getting hurt as more and more America men say "nein" to marriage.
Good post, Don. So many TV commercials are bad (in different ways) that I just hit mute and turn my attention elsewhere. Dixie Destroyer and I noticed a ton of cultmarx influence commercials yesterday when watching the New England game.
i absolutely ABHOR all those Progressive insurance commercials with the creepy chick Flo and the requisite White male douchebag(s) ... there are literally dozens of the anti-White male spots to choose from. all are as bad or worse than this one:


also, each and every single home security commercial that airs these days (be it Brinks Home Security, ADT, or any of the other companies) follows the same anti-White male template, creating the image of the "evil White male" breaking into a home. we know that White men breaking into a house is the most common form of burglary ... :icon_rolleyes: there are numerous versions (clones?) of the below commercial to be seen on the idiot box.

I hate all Geico commercials because I am just sick of constantly hearing them. If they stopped their mailings, the postal service would have to lay off 10,000 more mailmen.
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Pick-up truck commercials seem to be the last bastion where White men are still mostly portrayed with dignity. The incessant research of the marketing and advertising industry must show that this targeted group has been more resistant to the system's propaganda touting emasculation and deracination than others.

Commercials for expensive jewelry, especially diamond rings, also often show White men in a favorable light, but it's in the traditional manner....

Don, I was going to note the same exact thing right after Thrashen posted this, but didn't have time to reply. I've also noticed that truck and jewelry commercials seem to portray white males in a positive light. I would say some expensive car commercials do the same thing, but not as consistently as the truck ads -- perhaps because women have a say in what car their man buys, but not as much with trucks?

It seems like whites males are less likely to be humiliated with more expensive products; more likely to be goofed on for less expensive products like pizzas, beers, chips and all the other stuff DWF's love to inhale like pigs.
Even in Italy. What the hell is going on? This is truly sick.

I think this sort of propaganda is way more dangerous in Europe than it is in America. At least here in the US we get to counter all the media propaganda by getting to interact with ,and observe blacks in their natural state. The effects of the propaganda are negated by our own real life examples. Unfortunately there aren't that many blacks in Europe [yet] (can't believe I just said that), so the only perceptions the people there have about blacks are the overly glamorized and fake media portrayals.
Even in Italy. What the hell is going on? This is truly sick.

It's top down Cultural Marxist poison all over the Western world. The Benetton Group is an Italian based fashion company. You may remember their "United Colors of Benetton" ads from fifteen or so years ago that were more blatantly pro-miscegenation than anything that had come before. They appeared all over Europe and the U.S. for quite a while.
As was Don said, pick-up truck commercials seem to be the last bastion where White men are still mostly portrayed with dignity. I believe that in addition to trucks, some expensive car/SUV commercials are also really good. Here's, perhaps, my favorite. Back around 2004, or so, this 63 second Hummer ad used to run quite frequently during college football games on ABC. A young white boy being intelligent, confident, inventive and impressing his girl along the way.

This “Safe Auto Insurance” commercial has a fairly standard neo-premise. A skinny, effeminate, awesomely-average white wimp is repeatedly kicked in the testicles by a brunette woman, then a negro male, then a blonde woman, then a little girl, then nearly a black woman, then a white male. His crime? Purchasing the incorrect auto insurance. Instead of pummeling his spineless attackers, he winces in pain and fails to retaliate, because, well, he's a p-ssy.


Surprisingly, the women and the Negro in this commercial are realistically portrayed (violent, hateful, racist towards whites, ruthless towards white men, bullies, and cowardly), however.
This “Safe Auto Insurance” commercial has a fairly standard neo-premise. A skinny, effeminate, awesomely-average white wimp is repeatedly kicked in the testicles by a brunette woman, then a negro male, then a blonde woman, then a little girl, then nearly a black woman, then a white male. His crime? Purchasing the incorrect auto insurance. Instead of pummeling his spineless attackers, he winces in pain and fails to retaliate, because, well, he's a p-ssy.


Surprisingly, the women and the Negro in this commercial are realistically portrayed (violent, hateful, racist towards whites, ruthless towards white men, bullies, and cowardly), however.

This is one of the most despicable ones I've ever seen, truly infuriating, nothing but raw violent hatred toward White men.
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This is one of the most despicable ones I've ever seen, truly infuriating, nothing but raw violent hatred toward White men.

At this point, the “infuriation” has faded and has given way to digital trepanation.

Unless I’m mistaken, I believe this white-testicle-smashing lewdness was first aired during last year’s Packers-Steelers Superbowl. Perhaps I’m merely recalling some other violent video collation of ferocious beatings (administered by women, non-whites, and little kids) towards a nerdy white weakling “male” who doesn’t dare fight back. Nevertheless, the commercial I posted still seems to air nearly every time I watch TV...

CAPTION: White Male Repeatedly Kicked in the Balls

I wonder what kind of person would find this senseless cruelty towards white men to be comical, particularly given the intentionally-selected race, gender, and age of the attackers? Could you imagine the “national reaction” to an analogous commercial featuring an innocent “empowered women” getting her breasts randomly battered by various assailants? Said commercial would be immediately removed from circulation, the producers of the commercial would be immediately fired, made into chauvinist-pariahs, forced to apologize at gunpoint, then never seen again.

Thankfully, white male genitals are the least respected, and least protected, organ on planet earth. They exist only for the joy of watching them annihilated in “funny ways,” to be cauterized via vasectomy, and to be psychologically detached.

I’d love to see one of these “ball kickers” attempt such a bold act against a white man like me (6’-4”, 240 lbs) instead of the pencil-necked white fairy from this commercial…they’d awake with massive head trauma, toothless, in a nearby hospital.
The two new insurance commericals from geico and nationwide

The geico commercial bring back the annoying screaming pig this time on a zip line. Enough said.

And the nationwide one with the upside down and the driver and his agent talking and the agent at the end says something like, "at least i saved your coffee, its actually a pretty good day when you think about it" The driver agrees. That comment just irks me. Like I would give a **** if my drink was salvaged after I had a rollover accident
I'm not sure if this would qualify as a commercial to be hated, as no white males are castigated, but I'm sure that some here will object to the "Baddest Man on the Planet":icon_rolleyes: having his own island...... anyway, this is a Brazilian public service commercial encouraging Brazilian "youts" to learn English.


Riiiiight. Because we all know groidians are such financial wizards. :dodgy:
I’m sure you’ve all seen the Hyundai car commercial(s) from the videos below. Like many mainstream commercials which degrade white males, the inglorious narrative here is quite simple. That is, uncool white dorks are shopping for Christmas presents whilst making every attempt to “be hip†through the act of “rapping†about the various positive amenities featured on their new Hyundai car. But, given their pale complexion, their rapping skills are inherently pitiful and the groups’ “Hyundai Song†is nothing but another failed attempt to become something greater (i.e., a black man) than they could ever hope to be in their own skin. They are all generic-looking, wearing plain, generic wigger clothes, and the negro-style hat worn by the driver even reads the generic name: “DJ Dave.â€

CAPTION: Hyundai Wiggers #1

CAPTION: Hyundai Wiggers #2

I wonder how many automobiles were legitimately sold as a result of this corporate foolishness? What sort of despondent, stupid, pea-brained white dullard would find such an advertisement amusing, let alone make a $20,000+ investment after viewing something so racially degrading? Even within the (open) borders of “Idiot Nation,†such a thing would not occur. Thus, Hyundai is wasting millions of dollars simply to degrade whites…this behavior is the new archetype for corporate America.

Compare that inane filth with this lovely Chevrolet commercial...


This Chevy commercial portrays so many positive ideals. A young boy who idolized his father, playing with real toys instead of digital junk, pretending to help a “stranded†woman (likely his sister’s Barbie doll), and then running to greet his strong, burly, handsome father when he arrives home, presumably from a day of working with his Chevy pickup. The blonde boy and his hard-working father reminds me of my own life…although my dad would never have wasted money on a new truck meant for farm work (as they only get scratched and dented). I kept this in mind when I bought my 20+ year old truck for around $800, haha.

The Hyudai Wigger is funny. He was previously known for his "Whole Foods Parking Lot" rap on Youtube. It's tongue-in-cheek humor which shows that a White guy can rap the same as a black guy, except it's a joke. It makes real rappers look as stupid as they sound.
The Hyudai Wigger is funny. He was previously known for his "Whole Foods Parking Lot" rap on Youtube. It's tongue-in-cheek humor which shows that a White guy can rap the same as a black guy, except it's a joke. It makes real rappers look as stupid as they sound.

I respectfully disagree. I believe the overall intent, as I described previously, was to illustrate the skin-deep “lameness” of this wigger and his pampered, yuppie “crew.”

The premise of nearly every rap (so called) “song” is to boast with concern to one’s material items, one’s former and/or current criminal behavior, one’s personal decadence, one’s toughness, one’s personal success, and one’s ability to procure sexual relations with “hot” women.

These white wimps were rapping about heated mirrors, window defrosters, interior leg room, heated seats, shopping for Christmas gifts, and getting good gas mileage. When comparing, think about who the “funny part” was really meant to degrade.
I respectfully disagree. I believe the overall intent, as I described previously, was to illustrate the skin-deep “lameness†of this wigger and his pampered, yuppie “crew.â€

The premise of nearly every rap (so called) “song†is to boast with concern to one’s material items, one’s former and/or current criminal behavior, one’s personal decadence, one’s toughness, one’s personal success, and one’s ability to procure sexual relations with “hot†women.

These white wimps were rapping about heated mirrors, window defrosters, interior leg room, heated seats, shopping for Christmas gifts, and getting good gas mileage. When comparing, think about who the “funny part†was really meant to degrade.

I believe the Hyundai commercial is definitely a parody. As I mentioned, the same "artist" had a youtube hit where he was rapping about shopping at Whole Foods. However, it is possible that the viewers don't see it as a parody, in which case it is an offensive portrayal of White males. A real Wigger is the cultural equivalent of a DWF.
Of all the crappy Super Bowl commericals, the one I disliked the most was the one starring actor John Stamos. I think it was for some kind of yogurt. Anyhow, in it Stamos kept teasing a typical young model by putting a spoon of yogurt up to her mouth, then taking it away before she could eat.

I'm sure you can figure out that Stamos, like all white males, got his comeuppance over this kind of behavior. You know, the kind of comeuppance that no female, ever, has received on television or in the movies. What makes this commercial so disturbing is that Stamos is the star, and the hot young girl is a nobody. And yet, the celebrity male must be "beaten" and made to look foolish by the unknown female.

This is such a tried and true media trope by now- no white male shall ever come out ahead of any female, in any situation.
Of all the crappy Super Bowl commericals, the one I disliked the most was the one starring actor John Stamos. I think it was for some kind of yogurt. Anyhow, in it Stamos kept teasing a typical young model by putting a spoon of yogurt up to her mouth, then taking it away before she could eat.

I'm sure you can figure out that Stamos, like all white males, got his comeuppance over this kind of behavior. You know, the kind of comeuppance that no female, ever, has received on television or in the movies. What makes this commercial so disturbing is that Stamos is the star, and the hot young girl is a nobody. And yet, the celebrity male must be "beaten" and made to look foolish by the unknown female.

This is such a tried and true media trope by now- no white male shall ever come out ahead of any female, in any situation.

The yogurt brand in the commercial is “Oikos,†a Greek company. Stamos is of Greek ancestry, which is likely the reason he was cast.

Brutish, violent, ill-mannered, and masculine females are habitually coupled with timid, weak, non-confrontational, dim-witted, feminine white males. This emasculating gimmick has been “Yarmulke-Approved†for 15+ years now…


CAPTION: Stamos Pummeled by Scrawny Harpy in Fem-Dom Commercial

I suppose the “joke†behind this ad is that the yogurt is so exceptional that people would rather hurt each other that be deprived of it’s goodness. Thankfully, this absurdity was one of the worst examples. Usually, these types of “white male death scene†commercials air every few minutes on normal TV, let alone during the Corporate Football Championship. In my humble opinion, we got off rather easy, for once.
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