Commercials we HATE!!!!

Here is a commercial that debuted recently for “Starbust” candy. The premise is quite similar to those “Rapping Hyundai Wigger” commercials is posted above. You know the drill…a generic-looking yuppie weakling attempting to rise above his lame, straight-laced, uncool lot in life and, despite his melanin-limitations, develop into something that he could never hope to be: a cool, dangerous, tough, tattooed, hell-raising black street thug…

CAPTION: Wigger-Scooter
Here is a commercial that debuted recently for “Starbustâ€￾ candy. The premise is quite similar to those “Rapping Hyundai Wiggerâ€￾ commercials is posted above. You know the drill…a generic-looking yuppie weakling attempting to rise above his lame, straight-laced, uncool lot in life and, despite his melanin-limitations, develop into something that he could never hope to be: a cool, dangerous, tough, tattooed, hell-raising black street thug…[video=youtube;bkoUNaBS2wg][/video]CAPTION: Wigger-Scooter we all should aspire to be weak minded, illiterate, functionally retarded, criminally driven hoodlums.
Has anyone else has the misfortune of seeing those alarmingly-obtuse commercials for “Sun Drop,†which is apparently a new brand of soda?

The first ad features a throaty, black male “narrator†imploring the audience to: “Grab an ice cold ‘Sun Drop,’ and show us how you drop it!†Upon his command, a young white hooker pops the soda’s tab, savors but the slightest sip of a “Sun Drop,†furls her sweaty brow, then spontaneously gyrates (in an overtly-sexual manner) on the city sidewalk while a song by rapper “Snoop Dogg†plays in the background.

It wasn’t enough that this little white kreatur obeyed the black narrator's commands while mimicking a sexual act in a public place and enjoying a mind-numbing rap song…no, she must perform all of these acts for the entertainment of leering street Negroes.

Here is the video:

Here are some pertinent “Freeze Frames†featuring young black males contrasted with the “Sun Drop Slutâ€â€¦



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Has anyone else has the misfortune of seeing those alarmingly-obtuse commercials for “Sun Drop,” which is apparently a new brand of soda?

The first ad features a throaty, black male “narrator” imploring the audience to: “Grab an ice cold ‘Sun Drop,’ and show us how you drop it!” Upon his command, a young white hooker pops the soda’s tab, savors but the slightest sip of a “Sun Drop,” furls her sweaty brow, then spontaneously gyrates (in an overtly-sexual manner) on the city sidewalk while a song by rapper “Snoop Dogg” plays in the background.

It wasn’t enough that this little white kreatur obeyed the black narrator's commands while mimicking a sexual act in a public place and enjoying a mind-numbing rap song…no, she must perform all of these acts for the entertainment of leering street Negroes.

Here is the video:

Here are some pertinent “Freeze Frames” featuring young black males contrasted with the “Sun Drop Slut”…

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Thrashen, Sun Drop is an old product of COKE, popular here in the south for over 40 years. I grew up drinking it for as long as I can remember. Ya'll probably have soft drinks up there that we don't have here in the south. Matter of fact, I was drinking a Sun Drop as I was posting this.

Sun Drop is best compared to Mountain Dew! Do you have MD in PA?. MD is a little sweeter than Sun Drop.

To answer your question; surprisingly I have not seen this commercial.
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Sports Illustrated is using the following picture to sell their latest swimsuit issue.

I must be over 50,000 years old because wouldn't it take that many years to evolve a race of men that are eager to see their women in breeding situations with the men of other races? Well I was alive when it wasn't a marketing strategy. So unless human evolution has changed........

Bar Rafaeli is an Israeli model, so I have no problem with this black man - Jewish woman pairing. In fact, we could certainly use more of this. However the uninformed will see the intended message, not that it's been working out that well despite the best efforts of the multiculturalists.
Carolina Speed said:
Thrashen, Sun Drop is an old product of COKE, popular here in the south for over 40 years. I grew up drinking it for as long as I can remember. Ya'll probably have soft drinks up there that we don't have here in the south. Matter of fact, I was drinking a Sun Drop as I was posting this.

Trickle that Marxist-Approved Beverage into the nearest toilet, my friend! Haha.

The dastardly sequel (to this white “female” making an absolute fool of herself) is the new-and-improved “Sun Drop” commercial featured below, which features a hideous-looking young white “male” (with gargantuan nasal equipment, a red Jew-Fro, and wearing some super-gay headband) wriggling his chubby rump like some sort of in-heat Negress, “dirty dancing” in a sweaty, Harlem nightclub…

CAPTION: Sexual Soda Swilling

Once again, some inane rap song is beckoned after “Jew Fro” tastes the magical, thirst-satiating, lemon-lime elixir, causing “his” once-white body (forged through thousands of years of ancestral-suffrage in Europe) to prance about in a manner befitting a much lesser species. The lyrics of said rap “song” seem to be something like: “Dance! Too much booty in da pants!” These enchanting, profound, soul-cultivated ponderings are repeated over and over while Transgender-Fairy gyrates at various venues.

Here is an image from the official website…

CAPTION: Ass-Shaking Soda Whores

Oh yes, I can only fathom the shrieks of euphoric laughter, thundering from the beer-flooded, Dorito-orange throats of the light-skinned “target audience” after viewing such hilarious filmography. After all, only modern whites (the most racially-apathetic human beings in world history) would find this series of “Sun Drop” commercials to be the least bit witty, or clever, or comical, or entertaining, or even palatable. Thanks to their herd-mentality, their treachery, their senselessness, their self-centeredness, their feminine-male / masculine-female complex, coupled with their generational exposure to the noxious haze of a Jewdificated Soul, “our people” have truly descended into darkness…a blotted-out realm upon which the “Sun” has surely “Dropped.”
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Sports Illustrated is using the following picture to sell their latest swimsuit issue.

I must be over 50,000 years old because wouldn't it take that many years to evolve a race of men that are eager to see their women in breeding situations with the men of other races? Well I was alive when it wasn't a marketing strategy. So unless human evolution has changed........


I prefer the photos she took with Rafael Nadal. She is topless but is wrapped up in his arms ;)
Trickle that Marxist-Approved Beverage into the nearest toilet, my friend! Haha.

The dastardly sequel (to this white “female” making an absolute fool of herself) is the new-and-improved “Sun Drop” commercial featured below, which features a hideous-looking young white “male” (with gargantuan nasal equipment, a red Jew-Fro, and wearing some super-gay headband) wriggling his chubby rump like some sort of in-heat Negress, “dirty dancing” in a sweaty, Harlem nightclub…

CAPTION: Sexual Soda Swilling

Once again, some inane rap song is beckoned after “Jew Fro” tastes the magical, thirst-satiating, lemon-lime elixir, causing “his” once-white body (forged through thousands of years of ancestral-suffrage in Europe) to prance about in a manner befitting a much lesser species. The lyrics of said rap “song” seem to be something like: “Dance! Too much booty in da pants!” These enchanting, profound, soul-cultivated ponderings are repeated over and over while Transgender-Fairy gyrates at various venues.

Here is an image from the official website…

View attachment 206
CAPTION: Ass-Shaking Soda Whores

Oh yes, I can only fathom the shrieks of euphoric laughter, thundering from the beer-flooded, Dorito-orange throats of the light-skinned “target audience” after viewing such hilarious filmography. After all, only modern whites (the most racially-apathetic human beings in world history) would find this series of “Sun Drop” commercials to be the least bit witty, or clever, or comical, or entertaining, or even palatable. Thanks to their herd-mentality, their treachery, their senselessness, their self-centeredness, their feminine-male / masculine-female complex, coupled with their generational exposure to the noxious haze of a Jewdificated Soul, “our people” have truly descended into darkness…a blotted-out realm upon which the “Sun” has surely “Dropped.”

What you see in that commercial is what you end up looking like if you consume too many Sun Drop's. (Talking about that young man with that less than svelte body embarrassing himself)

Yes thrashen you're correct, I should quit drinking Sun Drop. It's probably one of the worst drinks anyone can consume. Fortunately, I still work out harder than most 20 year olds at 45. So, all the sugar it contains hasn't quite got to me yet, but truthfully, I could and need to drop 10-15lbs. and it would be easier if I didn't drink them.

When I first started drinking them at around 5-6 years of age, 40 years ago, they weren't quite as bad for you as they contained actual lemon pulp and less sugar, but like all good things, the makers quit using real lemon, changed the ingredients and now it is not as good as it once was, just like most things in our once great land!

You along with that commercial have given me inspiration to try and quit, so I will try, but no promises.
I just saw this commercial on ESPN yesterday during the draft analysis.

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A bit of a departure from what has already been posted in this thread...

I drive alot, so I spend more time with radio than I do with tv. I flip around between morning comedy shows, sports, music, and news-talk formats. One constant is the public (dis)service announcements produced by the Ad Council. They are all cultural, political poison!

Dorky young people's voices support government programs and compulsory draft-registration. Celebrities' voices celebrate neighborhood wrecking legislation (Fair Housing Act) and give snitch 1-800 number hotlines to call HUD if one would like to complain of suspected "housing discrimination."

Some of these Ad Council sponsored ads are so factually-weak and downright silly, you just know they could be brought to you by The Onion.
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There is a new commercial for “Xfinity” (Comcast) service that features a white family seated in a living room. The father, an archetypal middle-aged omega-wimp clad in traditional yuppie garb, is attempting to get the attention of his wife, daughter, son, and even the family dog. Despite his pleads for attention, all of them, even Fido, cruelly ignore “pops” while enjoying various Xfinity services (TV / phone / internet, I believe). Unsurprisingly, instead of becoming incised by this utter lack of respect shown by his “family,” dear daddy meekly whimpers like a little girl as the commercial concludes. Comcast is unquestionably a malevolent anti-white corporation, as they’ve now produced dozens of these types of commercials, particularly so over the past five years. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the video online as of yet. I’ll keep looking for the misandry-ridden video, but if anyone can find it, that’d be great.

Also, I was wondering if someone could help me with another ad. There is a loathsome commercial that I’ve only seen one or two times over the past few months. The ad opens with two white women on an airplane wearing business power-suits. The two are discussing the importance of “being prepared for anything,” or something like that. One woman embraces the idea of “being prepared” while the other scoffs at the notion. The next scene depicts a mangled airplane fuselage and debris surrounded by passengers wearing tattered clothing (suggesting that the plane had crashed along the beach of some deserted tropical island). The two women are nervously seated on the beach, when they are approached by a young, shirtless, muscular black male. He asks the women something like: “Please won’t you ladies help me collect water? But I have to warn you…we will get wet.” Both women are smitten with this brawny black man, and the “more prepared” woman agrees to help him gather water. Then, in a sexually-suggestive voice, she says: “Ooh, we will get wet!” The muscular black helps her to her feet, and the two are seen frolicking in the ocean together, presumably “flirting” while collecting ocean water. I can’t remember what this commercial is even advertising as I’ve only seen it once or twice. I think it might be for some sort of female leg razor, which is why the one woman was “prepared” to display her bare legs (while gathering water with blackie), even in extreme situations, while the other woman was not. Ironically, when I actually do want to see a particular TV commercial played again, it’s taken out of circulation. If anyone remembers the brand I’ll try to find the ultra-perturbing video to add to this thread. Thanks.
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Thrashen, Xfinity (as does Old Spice) also uses that s0d0m1te Neal Patrick Harris as their pitch "man"....


...and Comcast used dykazoid Jane Lynch to peddle their TalmudVision smut...

Has anyone seen the totally inexplicable commercial now running regularly on ESPN, where some little black kid informs the audience that "some teams won't shake hands" with his team of "African Americans?" Even for television, this is an outrageous distortion of reality. When was the last time any Little Leaguer would have refused to shake a black hand?

As Thrashen noted earlier, it is often impossible to remember (or sometimes discover while watching) what product is being advertised in these propaganda pieces. Which proves, of course, that they aren't trying to sell any products. They are, however, interested in selling something. We all know, by this point, what they're trying to sell.
Back in the early years of the media's endless infatuation with all things Tiger, there was a commercial (I'm pretty sure it was Nike) narrated by Woods in which he intoned (while the appropriate tear-inducing music played in the background) about the golf courses that barred him from playing as a youngster because he was black. It was, like just about everything else from the Tiger Narrative promoted by the corporate media, a lie, as Woods himself acknowledged after it had stopped airing. Truth is an afterthought when it comes to the all-important and incessant messages and morality plays of commercials, TV shows and movies.
i was torn as to where to post this, as it would fit equally well amidst the anti-White male propaganda discussed in the Ubiquitous Man Hating thread. alas, it lands here ... fit only for those with strong stomachs and rightful outrage. and to make the following movie preview even worse, it is set in the proud land of medieval Scotland.

wherefore art thou, William Wallace?

i present to you Disney/Pixar's latest cultural marxist feature film, the animated "Brave."


Here is a commercial for “Excedrin†headache medicine I began seeing a few months back. An average-looking, skinny white husband (is there any other type?) is attempting to “power wash†the deck in the presence of his lovely wife, presumably in preparation for an upcoming party. He begins the commercial with a confident demeanor, arrogantly flipping his safety goggles as if to say: “I’m gunna show this machine who’s boss!†But alas, this masculine sensation couldn’t last long, could it? Suddenly, the clumsy weakling is overpowered by the pressure washer, which squirts high-velocity jets of water all over the wife’s picnic table, ruining her party spread. Hubby’s mechanical ineptitude immediately fosters a “headache†for Wifey, who rolls her eyes. Boy, can white men do anything right?

It’s pretty tame compared to some, but the message is nearly as effective…


As a teenager, I spent hundreds of hours washing tractor trailer trucks with an industrial strength power washer (probably the strongest on the market). You’d have to be an incredibly weak p-ssy to lose control of the hose and nozzle. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of fluid mechanics could explain why the “mishap†in this commercial is physically impossible.
A terrible ad here, all around.


And why do they talk like they can't even read?

Because these "swag-machines" are dull ROBOTS, like most blactors. Why else do you think they "had" to add the blonde on the right? Someone said that the girl on the left is a light-skin, which is possible, but with the short duration of the "ending scene".. they'll both pass as White.
A terrible ad here, all around.


Because these "swag-machines" are dull ROBOTS, like most blactors. Why else do you think they "had" to add the blonde on the right? Someone said that the girl on the left is a light-skin, which is possible, but with the short duration of the "ending scene".. they'll both pass as White.

Great find, Deadlift. I’d never seen that vulgar commercial on TV. You’re right; it basically contains every loathsome quality capable of being squeezed into a 30-second advertisement. Two shirtless, muscular black professional athletes (Devin and Jason McCourty) posing like tough guys, “plowing through†two buffoonish white football players with ease, flex their muscles, and catching two scantily-clad white prostitutes in their arms. “Palmer’s†just etched their name within the “anti-white corporation†rolodex.

Here are some diversified images from their homepage…



I also looked through the list of charities to which they donate. The description of one, called the “New York Young People’s Chorus,†caught my eye… performances on three continents and five Choir Olympic gold medals to their credit, the Young People's Chorus of New York City (YPC), is recognized as one of today's finest and most influential youth choruses. YPC was founded in 1988 by its Artistic Director Francisco J. Núñez with a commitment to diversity and musical excellence, and today, more than 1,100 children of many ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds participate annually through the chorus' core after-school program and its Satellite program in New York City schools. In residence at the 92nd Street Y and Frederick P. Rose Hall, home of Jazz at Lincoln Center, 60th and Broadway, YPC has been recognized as "a national model of artistic excellence and diversity" by the Presidential Committee on the Arts and Humanities.
Did anybody see the Subway commercial for their Italian sub that has a black guy and a white guy. The black guy is transported to Italy and then has women saying hi to him. The white guy is on the back of a scooter that the black guy is driving and thinks the woman said hi to him and the black guy says they never say hi to you.

I can't find the video yet.
Did anybody see the Subway commercial for their Italian sub that has a black guy and a white guy. The black guy is transported to Italy and then has women saying hi to him. The white guy is on the back of a scooter that the black guy is driving and thinks the woman said hi to him and the black guy says they never say hi to you.

I can't find the video yet.

Yeah, they've been frequently showing that disgusting "ad"..
Flat out, this commercial has made me cringe every time I've seen it on TV. I know people love their pets, but this comes off real bad/strange -- beastiality?

The fact that this white-male dork is fawning like this over a male cat "who's the most handsome prince" is even stranger.

I see more and more commercials that feature openly homosexual White males, along with lots of emasculated, effeminate types. I don't know if this reflects the undeniable emasculation of large numbers of White men in general by the Cultural Marxist dictatorship, or it's just more social engineering being relentlessly poured on to make them that way. Probably a mixture of both.

I don't watch "reality" TV, which seems to be all over the idiot tube in one form or another, including on the one thousand identical basic cable networks, but apparently there's also a bunch of Jersey Shore type "guido" Whites to go along with the effeminate contingent, who are bulked up physically and talk tough, but who preen over their bodies and hair as much as their female counterparts and who are empty between the ears. The entire U.S. "culture" is disgusting to the extreme, and that's without even mentioning how so many White females have been turned into toxic man-hating cretins lacking any femininity whatsoever.
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