Commercials we HATE!!!!

Flat out, this commercial has made me cringe every time I've seen it on TV. I know people love their pets, but this comes off real bad/strange -- beastiality?

The fact that this white-male dork is fawning like this over a male cat "who's the most handsome prince" is even stranger.


What in the world??! :shocked: That's wrong on multiple levels...making the dude out like some weak, limp-wrist AND some weirdo freak sizing up a cat. :suspicious:
Don Wassall said:
I don't watch "reality" TV, which seems to be all over the idiot tube in one form or another, including on the one thousand identical basic cable networks, but apparently there's also a bunch of Jersey Shore type "guido" Whites to go along with the effeminate contingent, who are bulked up physically and talk tough, but who preen over their bodies and hair as much as their female counterparts and who are empty between the ears. The entire U.S. "culture" is disgusting to the extreme, and that's without even mentioning how so many White females have been turned into toxic man-hating cretins lacking any femininity whatsoever.

Perhaps the most laughable aspect of the “Jew Jersey Guido Persona” isn’t their comically-contradictory muscular/feminine façade, but rather, their countless wigger idiosyncrasies.

Their preferred garb mirrors that of black gang members, complete with requisite diamond earrings, expensive necklaces, jewel-encrusted watches, baggy pants, parachute-sized t-shirts, and flat-brimmed hats with matching shoes (of which there are hundreds of pairs and color combinations, mind you). Their linguistic articulations are ridden with black slang terminology (Perpetually referring to one another as: “Homie,” “dog,” “playa,” “son,” “balla,” “bro,” “ma-dude,” etc), and they are incapable of uttering anything but hollow pomposity (sound familiar?). Their fornication patterns (that is, the customary One Night Stand) also mimic those of lesser races. Their musical palate, you ask? Negro rap, silly techno beats, and other tunes that may inspire the soulless imps to engage in live public sexual intercourse (sorry, I mean “dancing”) at nightclubs. Their hairstyles are also that of their Afro-African icons (fades or buzz-cuts with stupid designs shaved into their scalps).

Here are “guys”…


CAPTION: Diamond-Glazed ***


CAPTION: I-Talian I-Diot


CAPTION: Follicular Gayness


CAPTION: Pint-Sized Muscle-Diva

But these aren’t wiggers, nor light-skinned Negroes, nor imitation Negroes…no, they are Negroes. And those are just the “males” of this joyless, banal, vain, material-based sub-culture…
Perhaps the most laughable aspect of the “Jew Jersey Guido Persona†isn’t their comically-contradictory muscular/feminine façade, but rather, their countless wigger idiosyncrasies.

Their preferred garb mirrors that of black gang members, complete with requisite diamond earrings, expensive necklaces, jewel-encrusted watches, baggy pants, parachute-sized t-shirts, and flat-brimmed hats with matching shoes (of which there are hundreds of pairs and color combinations, mind you). Their linguistic articulations are ridden with black slang terminology (Perpetually referring to one another as: “Homie,†“dog,†“playa,†“son,†“balla,†“bro,†“ma-dude,†etc), and they are incapable of uttering anything but hollow pomposity (sound familiar?). Their fornication patterns (that is, the customary One Night Stand) also mimic those of lesser races. Their musical palate, you ask? Negro rap, silly techno beats, and other tunes that may inspire the soulless imps to engage in live public sexual intercourse (sorry, I mean “dancingâ€) at nightclubs. Their hairstyles are also that of their Afro-African icons (fades or buzz-cuts with stupid designs shaved into their scalps).

Here are “guysâ€â€¦


CAPTION: Diamond-Glazed ***


CAPTION: I-Talian I-Diot


CAPTION: Follicular Gayness


CAPTION: Pint-Sized Muscle-Diva

But these aren’t wiggers, nor light-skinned Negroes, nor imitation Negroes…no, they are Negroes. And those are just the “males†of this joyless, banal, vain, material-based sub-culture…

They have all their crosses, but they don't even remotely try to follow Christianity just like all these athletes who cross themselves and then bang a different woman every week.
I don't watch "reality" TV, which seems to be all over the idiot tube in one form or another, including on the one thousand identical basic cable networks, but apparently there's also a bunch of Jersey Shore type "guido" Whites to go along with the effeminate contingent, who are bulked up physically and talk tough, but who preen over their bodies and hair as much as their female counterparts and who are empty between the ears. The entire U.S. "culture" is disgusting to the extreme,
I couldn't agree more. I can imagine a person that has been in a coma over the past 30-40 years waking up to this "reality" program while lying in their hospital bed. They'd probably think we finally "made contact" with some extraterrestrial species and that there's now a TV program about them, in their own natural habitat. I'm sure he'd be very fascinated about the whole thing until he realized that it's actually contemporary "White" human beings in their own natural habitat. He'd probably wish he had never woken up.
and that's without even mentioning how so many White females have been turned into toxic man-hating cretins lacking any femininity whatsoever.
Just today while driving home during rush hour traffic from a far away client site, some "female" in front of me was checking herself out in her rear view mirror and allowed a huge gap come between her car and the stream of cars moving ahead of her. I, being in a company car, didn't want to make a scene, but when the person behind me honked their horn she immediately stuck her hand out of the window and flipped me off (thinking I was the one that honked at her.) How dare someone honk their horn at a "Princess"! "Princesses" can do no wrong!
I was watching ESPN recently and Isaiah Thomas was being discussed by an all-Negro crew of NBA anal-ists. For some reason, Thomas’ unsightly frog-face caused a synapse in my brain to fire a long-forgotten imagine into my mind's eye.

Does anyone remember the commercial for "Tostitos Scoops" from the image below? It debuted in 2002, when I was still in high school, and starred Isaiah Thomas, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Dominique Wilkins, and Bill "Wigger" Walton. Back then I was a mere “rookieâ€￾ with concern to an ultra-Judificated media’s anti-white racism, and I’ll never forget how “shockedâ€￾ I was to see a commercial so overtly racist against whites. Boy, was I in for a rude awaking over the next decade. I highlighted the pertinent slides...

Tostitos Commercial.jpg
Walton was 6'11" and one of the top shot blockers of his era in the pros. The idea that a 7 footer would have trouble dunking is absurd. Especially coming from the 5'11" Isiah Thomas a notoriously poor jumper. Of course truth and commonsense have no meaning in the modern world of advertising but still this one is a really bad one. Good catch as always Thrashen!!!
Walton was 6'11" and one of the top shot blockers of his era in the pros. The idea that a 7 footer would have trouble dunking is absurd. Especially coming from the 5'11" Isiah Thomas a notoriously poor jumper. Of course truth and commonsense have no meaning in the modern world of advertising but still this one is a really bad one. Good catch as always Thrashen!!!

Unfortunately, the video for this “Tostitos Scoops†commercial isn’t available online, which is why I was forced to post the still images, which aren’t nearly as effective. The first few times I saw this malevolent commercial (when I was in 10[SUP]th[/SUP] or 11[SUP]th[/SUP] grade) I erroneously thought that Dominique Wilkins was Barry Sanders. To use a line from the Tostitos commercial…“I thought it was a myth that black people all look the same.â€

Back then, I pondered what sort of hell-dwelling demon managed to possess a multi-millionaire basketball player like Bill Walton to disgrace himself, his athletic ability, and his race in such a shameful manner (and on national television, no less). Since then, I’ve come to realize that the “demon†was a Zio-Marx-Shylock advertising executive, carrying a briefcase full of cash, ready to further disseminate his ancient cancer.

Here is a magazine cover photo of Walton, displaying a fine vertical leap in which his head is nearly hitting the rim…

Bill Walton has always been an ultra-liberal hippie type, going back to his days at UCLA. He's from the era when there were a lot of flaky White athletes, and he was one of the flakiest.

Walton was always reliably pro-Caste while working as an announcer; one remark in particular I remember was him saying that Steve Nash couldn't jump over a piece of paper. It's not surprising in the least that he would play a buffoon in a commercial.
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when i got on the intra-webs today, this popped up as a top story on Yahoo's homepage ...


nope, there's no agenda in the media. no, sir. not at all. we're just imagining it.
I saw this “Allstate Insurance Commercial” recently. It follows a fairly standard blueprint….that is, intelligent, informed, educated non-whites (one black, one Hispanic) suggesting that their dullard white peers purchase a particular product (in this case, car insurance) or service. The “voiceover guy” is that old, deep-throated Negro who played Nelson Mandela “The Color of Freedom.” The requisite “punch line,” quite naturally, depicts a white male construction worker named “Randy” who is unable to properly run a jack-hammer. The sassy black construction worker then utters: “That is one dumb dude!”

[Queue Hysterical Goyim Laughter Here]

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Here's an idiotic commercial I came across, and I have no freaking clue what the message is here.

"Hey White middle class families, follow Hollyweird's lead and adopt your very own African kid!"


I find commercials such as this “Black Friday 2011” ad for Wal-Mart to be highly annoying, as they involve “normal” whites acting, talking, and behaving like blacks. Accordingly, I’ve noticed an increasing number of “normal” white men and women using black slang terms in their everyday lives, something they’ve certainly learned to imitate (like the dim-wit apes they are) from the “Jew-***-Fem-Negro Entertainment Alliance,” forever-cascading down from satellites hurdling through the earth’s exosphere…

CAPTION: Wal-Mart Woman Wig-Out
Seeing these sorry, atrocious excuses of "commercials" further reinforces my decision of deep sixing the TalmudVision a few years ago. Even the (rare) cultmarx free commercials are totally annoying.:dodgy:
I find commercials such as this “Black Friday 2011†ad for Wal-Mart to be highly annoying, as they involve “normal†whites acting, talking, and behaving like blacks. Accordingly, I’ve noticed an increasing number of “normal†white men and women using black slang terms in their everyday lives, something they’ve certainly learned to imitate (like the dim-wit apes they are) from the “Jew-***-Fem-Negro Entertainment Alliance,†forever-cascading down from satellites hurdling through the earth’s exosphere…

CAPTION: Wal-Mart Woman Wig-Out
I dont want to sound like some old geezer but in my opinion with the new age of cell phones I see people of all races acting like idiots in public not like 80 % of the black people out here. Sorry, I meant African American. Its just amazing noone ever calls me European American.
Here is one I’ve had the misfortune of seeing recently. Like almost every other commercial promoting insurance services over the past decade, this add for “Allstate” manages to compress several different layers of dysfunctional behavior into a single 30-second spot. Those layers are as follows…

1) A white husband is depicted holding and caring for an infant while “mommy” is goofing around and acting like a wigger.

2) The white wife is singing a karaoke song by black R&B group, “TLC.”

3) With every stroke of her acid tongue, the white wife is ridiculously arrogant towards her husband (abuse that he happily absorbs), suggesting female dominance within the relationship.

4) A black man suddenly materializes within the baby's playpen. Like all non-whites depicted on the Tel-Aviv-A-Vision, he’s tall, smart, informative, professional, well-spoken, and dressed in an expensive suit. Contrast his “alpha-male” character with that of the omega-male white house-husband, who is small, skinny, weak, poorly-dressed, and effeminate.

4) Upon hearing the black insurance agent speak, the white wife begins to gyrate her hips like a pole-dancing whore (in a sexually-suggestive manner in the direction of the Negro), even “fanning herself off.” To add a new level of obtuse depravity to the scenario, she does this while her husband and infant child are present and watching.

5) After acting like a pea-brained c-unt and making an utter fool of herself in front of her family, the white wife attempts to force an “apology” out of her husband.

CAPTION: (In)Articulate Allstate ********
I hate commercials full stop. As a matter of fact, I generally tape the rare programs I wish to watch in order to have the ability to fast-forward through all of that ****e.

These days, it pays to have a monster DVD collection like mine...
I'm beginning to think that the advertising industry has become aware of Caste Football and there's a big competition to land commercials on this thread. You get high fives, a nice bonus, and bragging rights at Saturday services.
a commercial i saw at halftime during the france-iceland soccer match:

More miscegenation nonsense from the ilk over at yahoo and the vermin that produced this atrocity. The casting directors take their orders from the producers - - no doubt of the tribal variety.
i've barely been online in the past month, but with the incessant multi-cult agenda being promoted by ALL avenues of the media, it should come as no surprise that upon my checking out the intra-webs today, i was once again exposed to the wondrous joys of inter-racial romance. as i posted above, and almost a month to the day from the last time i cruised past the Yahoo homepage, i "enjoyed" the following links to "news" stories ... nope, there's no agenda at all.


There's a new one out from the "Sprint - you went over your data limit series" where there is a black kid that graduates and he is talking with a British accent
This is one of the most anti-White male commercials in the long sordid history of White man bashing by the media. Here you have a fireman, one of the last of our societies heroes being absolutely embarrassed by a smarmy self involved woman who can't put her phone down and a disgusting black thief who has stolen--STOLEN another persons lunch.

All the right buttons are hit so as to paint as embarrassing picture of the White man as is possible. The wimpy reply in response to a low life negro (probably and AA hire) who has ripped off another persons food and the disapproval of the attractive white women (probably a lesbian) who did nothing to stop the crime and cannot be bothered to do anything in support of another person wronged. Yes these are the types of people that you want in the position of saving lives.

Question for Subway: are we supposed to see the black man in this commercial as too lazy to buy his own food or to criminally inclined as to want to steal it instead?? Guess what? I have plenty of other lunch options than Subway and I know other guys that have seen this commercial and feel the same way.

This video is linked from a youtube channel called "anti-white media" and it features all of the commercials we hate and more, maybe stop by and offer some support.

American Freedom News