Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I dont see options for medal tomorrow in 4x100 for FRANCE.
in Daegu they had a lot of luck, because USA,GB and Trinidad were out by collision.
France was 5th really that day and tomorrow i see same really.
I've been following Christophe Lemaitre's career for over three years now. What a talent. I was bummed by his poor Olympic performance. But, he'll be back. I look forward to seeing him run at the 2013 World Championships next year.
I was really angry when I saw the 200m final race, I knew that he will not beat Bolt or even Blake but the bronze medale was possible for him.
At the moment, France is rank only 7[SUP]th[/SUP] nation with 30 medals. In 2008, they won 41 medals far behind the US or China but for a nation of 60 million people it's not bad.
I'm sure about one thing, Lemaitre will never cheat or take some illicit drugs, Christophe is a simple dude, shy and really humble. He don't like very much the camera or the interview.
He began to run only at 15 years so he can improve. He said in interview that he is nothing if you compare to others sprinters like Bolt or Black.

In a French newspaper he said that, when he was in Middle School and High School he didn't have any friend. He was bulled by others student because he was always alone and too shy for speak to the others people. During the sport time in school, he was always the last guy chosed by the people.

If you watch this interview of Christophe Lemaitre you will see that this guy is nice.

[video=youtube;GhkzJMzwcCE] APhrjOvEjNr0iLu8tuew[/video]
The humble CL is as pure as the driven snow amongst a slew of PED loaded, overhyped, overpaid, egomaniacal cheats. For this, he is a true sports role model. :yo:
constructive criticism

Constructive criticism and "bashing" are two different things. The people here who say he should've hit weight room say it because they want him to improve. They are not "bashing" him.

I think people like RC were too influenced by that book and movie, "The Secret." He confuses truth with bashing and throws a hissy fit with all his "shame on you" crying.

1- USA sub 37s
2- JAMAICA sub 37s
3- TRINIDAD & TOBAGO sub 38s
Germany ran a 38.0X 2 weeks ago. Their times as a team are all over the place which could be sign of a clean team as guys fatigue easier than robotic roided up runners. As for France they look like they don't have the wheels to compete for bronze less a foul up from one of the 3 listed here or the Germans. Both Vicaut and Lemaitre haven't been as good as last season.
Constructive criticism and "bashing" are two different things. The people here who say he should've hit weight room say it because they want him to improve. They are not "bashing" him.

I think people like RC were too influenced by that book and movie, "The Secret." He confuses truth with bashing and throws a hissy fit with all his "shame on you" crying.

What a hypocrisy!

Constructive criticisms?

"Christophe is not motivated",
"Christophe does not train seriously"
"Pierre Carraz is old, it is a grandfather"
"Pierre Carraz is an incompetent" etc., etc.

It is not constructive criticisms, it is a lack of respect for Christophe and it is offensive for Pierre Carraz.
You do not know Pierre Carraz, you do not know how Christophe trains, you know NOTHING but you criticize.

What a hypocrisy!

Constructive criticisms?

"Christophe is not motivated",
"Christophe does not train seriously"
"Pierre Carraz is old, it is a grandfather"
"Pierre Carraz is an incompetent" etc., etc.

It is not constructive criticisms, it is a lack of respect for Christophe and it is offensive for Pierre Carraz.
You do not know Pierre Carraz, you do not know how Christophe trains, you know NOTHING but you criticize.


come on, it's almost insulting
i do not know pierre carraz but everything i see and everything i know leads me to think that christophe lemaitre and his coach currently overlook weight training
i knew that in france there was a negative attitude towards weighlifting, and don't think i am anti-french for saying that, because vazel said exactly the same:
Q2 – In France weight training is often not maximal, yet one of the best experts (Cometti) is a big influence. Could you share how the culture of France and athletics is helpful and harmful for strength development?
PJ Vazel: It is a difficult question as I have never felt there was such thing as a “French schoolâ€￾ for sprinting, unlike Pole Vault or Triple Jump. In France, strength training has always been seen as suspicion. Traditionally, its practice has been associated with drug use and has been opposed to “technical trainingâ€￾ (analytical training) which would belong to higher coaching competence.

then i don't train with christophe so i don't know what he's doing, but every info i can get shows that he still overlooks weight lifting:!?p=253508&viewfull=1#post253508 (this was from just before the olympics less than a month ago)

and here are quotes of pierre carraz regarding weightlifting:!?p=247657&viewfull=1#post247657

i don't like to talk out of nothing, whithout proof of source, so when i say that lemaitre and his coach overlook weight training it's because i have good reasons to think so

i hope that next year he will do what he has to do to make the improvements that we all hoped he would do this year, he can challenge the european records very soon
come on, it's almost insulting
i do not know pierre carraz but everything i see and everything i know leads me to think that christophe lemaitre and his coach currently overlook weight training
i knew that in france there was a negative attitude towards weighlifting, and don't think i am anti-french for saying that, because vazel said exactly the same:

then i don't train with christophe so i don't know what he's doing, but every info i can get shows that he still overlooks weight lifting:!?p=253508&viewfull=1#post253508 (this was from just before the olympics less than a month ago)

and here are quotes of pierre carraz regarding weightlifting:!?p=247657&viewfull=1#post247657

i don't like to talk out of nothing, whithout proof of source, so when i say that lemaitre and his coach overlook weight training it's because i have good reasons to think so

i hope that next year he will do what he has to do to make the improvements that we all hoped he would do this year, he can challenge the european records very soon

You are right Fedreic, but we are just 'stupid' according to RCSMAN.

Weight training for Lemaitre is basic fundamentals. All world class Athletes should be, and I am almost positive about this, able to squat, deadlift double their body weight and Bench press their bodyweight plus 50 -100 pounds. This is basic functional Athletic strength. LEmaitre cannot do this at all. His weight room numbers have been posted on here, and watching some of his training videos, he is very weak. He needs a full winter season of just lifting, no running, then train that new strength and power to be faster. Basic Fundamentals!

Lemaitre does not need to squat 500 pounds etc...but building basic strength - as I stated is fundamentals - will make him much faster at the start (1st 30 meters, help reach his top speed faster and maintain it) and a strong shoulder/torso will help stabilize his speed efficiently on the bend in the 200. This is common athletic training sense. Carraz knows what to do, but he cannot motivate Christophe to do it.

Carraz even stated they are fearful to send Chrisopeh to the USA to train fearing they will break him down due to the hard training. That is so ridiculous.

Except for Bolt, Leamitre has the most natural speed out there, but Bolt is very strong. Even skinny Warren Weir, I can assure you, can lift good weight for his size. I see these types in the gym everyday. A high school kid that works out at my gym and plays on the football and basketball team, squatted 365 for 3 reps, and he weighs a measly 155 pounds at 5'9"..weight training for only a year. He has great leaping ability and is the fastest guy on the team.

Thats all Christophe has to do, build basic Athletic Strength, and the rest will be history.
Constructive criticism and "bashing" are two different things. The people here who say he should've hit weight room say it because they want him to improve. They are not "bashing" him.

I think people like RC were too influenced by that book and movie, "The Secret." He confuses truth with bashing and throws a hissy fit with all his "shame on you" crying.

Thank You Thank You...I dont think RCSMAN knows how much we love Christophe and know that he has so much more in him. He can be a real legend.
i'm very proud of lemaitre
you have to realise that in france, amongst christophe's generation whites are no longer a majority probably (no racial stats in france)
we have a huge black population, both of west african descent, and of caribbean descent (there are french islands there like guadeloupe or martinique)

the jewish man in charge of french athletics, bernard amsallem, does everything you could expect from him: he pushes athletics in the urban areas, where the population is majority black (see the project "urban athlé") and he only thinks about detecting the sprinting talents in those urban areas or in the caribeans (the project "plan caraibes": )

yet, lemaitre is our fastest sprinter ever, and he's from a small city in the south-east of france

lemaitre is the number 1 on 100m, and on 200m, where the number 2 is also white (quénéhervé)
that's, from our point of view, a huge accomplishment, and it proves that whites can run too

taking this as an example, it also shows that there is no reason why USA's best sprinter of all times shouldn't be white
there is a bigger black population in france than in the USA (in percentage) and we also have blacks who are descendants of slaves (there are more blacks of caribean descent in paris than in the french islands in the caribean)
we also have what you call a "caste system" in sports
i'm very proud of lemaitre
you have to realise that in france, amongst christophe's generation whites are no longer a majority probably (no racial stats in france)
we have a huge black population, both of west african descent, and of caribbean descent (there are french islands there like guadeloupe or martinique)

the jewish man in charge of french athletics, bernard amsallem, does everything you could expect from him: he pushes athletics in the urban areas, where the population is majority black (see the project "urban athlé") and he only thinks about detecting the sprinting talents in those urban areas or in the caribeans (the project "plan caraibes": )

yet, lemaitre is our fastest sprinter ever, and he's from a small city in the south-east of france

lemaitre is the number 1 on 100m, and on 200m, where the number 2 is also white (quénéhervé)
that's, from our point of view, a huge accomplishment, and it proves that whites can run too

taking this as an example, it also shows that there is no reason why USA's best sprinter of all times shouldn't be white
there is a bigger black population in france than in the USA (in percentage) and we also have blacks who are descendants of slaves (there are more blacks of caribean descent in paris than in the french islands in the caribean)
we also have what you call a "caste system" in sports

"the jewish man in charge of french athletics..."

You make dirty your country with comments like that!

He is Jewish and WHAT ? Why to specify it, why it disturbs you?

The racist, anti-semitic comments must not be authorized on this forum.

It is not the first time on this forum!
Where is the moderator ?
shut up ya absolute tool rc ....

do ya know where you are ,
or are you a very persistant troll.

previously been sick of the ebonics and
pro-black views that see in some of ur posts .
it is definitly enough for me to dislike ya .
Where is the moderator ?

he's just in your back about to delete your account.

Good for CL performance. As I said, sometimes one's need to get down, in order to change the way they act, and finaly out pass their own limits to become a champion.

Let's hope He'll do the same and ask himself, why he didn't progress this year.
he's just in your back about to delete your account.

Good for CL performance. As I said, sometimes one's need to get down, in order to change the way they act, and finaly out pass their own limits to become a champion.

Let's hope He'll do the same and ask himself, why he didn't progress this year.

certains français ici me font honte entre leurs propos raciste et maintenant antisémite et ceux qui les défendent comme toi sont pas mieux !

vous salissez la france !
certains français ici me font honte entre leurs propos raciste et maintenant antisémite et ceux qui les défendent comme toi sont pas mieux !

vous salissez la france !

The moderator has to act!

if it is a forum with fans which appreciates Christophe Lemaitre for good reasons, in this case the moderator have to deleted the account of those making the apology of the Nazism either those making anti-semitic allusions or racist, if it is a neo Nazi forum in this case the moderator can delete my account because I cannot speak with people like that!
Christophe is a white sprinter, it is good for the athletics because he demonstrates that a white sprinter can be successful, thanks to him, barriers fall, white children are going to want to do sprint, but some here use Christophe to make the apology of the Nazism!
It's not my values nor those of Christophe, the moderator has to choose as the future of this forum!
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The moderator has to act!

if it is a forum with fans which appreciates Christophe Lemaitre for good reasons, in this case the moderator have to deleted the account of those making the apology of the Nazism either those making anti-semitic allusions or racist, if it is a neo Nazi forum in this case the moderator can delete my account because I cannot speak with people like that!
Christophe is a white sprinter, it is good for the athletics because he demonstrates that a white sprinter can be successful, grace to him, barriers fall, white children are going to want to do sprint, but some here use Christophe to make the apology of the Nazism!
They are not my values nor those of Christophe, the moderator has to choose as the future of this forum!

i like to tell everybody's ethnicity, i tell it for everybody, jew, black, arab, ect
this doesn't make me a nazi, there was no antisemitism in what i said
to each his own: you are very patriotic, i am not, you are very sensitive about jews, i am not (but i'm not an antisemite who blames it all on the jews, i am not a nazi either)
let's all support lemaitre and not talk about politics here
my account won't be deleted because of this remark, you can be pretty sure about it

nazism didn't invent antisemitism, it can be traced back to ancient rome

there are people with very different opinions here, especially in this section
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i like to tell everybody's ethnicity, i tell it for everybody, jew, black, arab, ect
this doesn't make me a nazi, there was no antisemitism in what i said
to each his own: you are very patriotic, i am not, you are very sensitive about jews, i am not (but i'm not an antisemite who blames it all on the jews, i am not a nazi either)
let's all support lemaitre and not talk about politics here
my account won't be deleted because of this remark, you can be pretty sure about it

nazism didn't invent antisemitism, it can be traced back to ancient rome

"i like to tell everybody's ethnicity, i tell it for everybody, jew, black, arab, ect"

OHHH REALLY ? :help:

Stop with your lies and your hypocrisy!


And I am not sensitive about the Jews or the other one, but I am sensitive to the stupid racist and the anti-Semite of the forum!
I am not very patriotic, I do not know why you say that, I do not know where you could see of the patriotism in my comments, I never make the apology of France on this forum!

I speak only about Christophe !

But the patriotism is not a bad thing for me, it is the nationalism which is stupid!
"i like to tell everybody's ethnicity, i tell it for everybody, jew, black, arab, ect"

OHHH REALLY ? :help:

Stop with your lies and your hypocrisy!


And I am not sensitive about the Jews or the other one, but I am sensitive to the stupid racist and the anti-Semite of the forum!
I am not very patriotic, I do not know why you say that, I do not know where you could see of the patriotism in my comments, I never make the apology of France on this forum!

I speak only about Christophe !

But the patriotism is not a bad thing for me, it is the nationalism which is stupid!

This is about Lemaitre and destroying stereotypes that Non Blacks cannot compete with Blacks in certain events requiring speed and leaping abilities. I judge people on a individual basis, and believe to be fair with everyone. I just dont like you calling everyone stupid when we can clearly see what is holding back Lemaitre. You never answered on why you believe he does not need strength training to be successful, when to the contrary, he does!
The moderator has to act!

if it is a forum with fans which appreciates Christophe Lemaitre for good reasons, in this case the moderator have to deleted the account of those making the apology of the Nazism either those making anti-semitic allusions or racist, if it is a neo Nazi forum in this case the moderator can delete my account because I cannot speak with people like that!
Christophe is a white sprinter, it is good for the athletics because he demonstrates that a white sprinter can be successful, thanks to him, barriers fall, white children are going to want to do sprint, but some here use Christophe to make the apology of the Nazism!
It's not my values nor those of Christophe, the moderator has to choose as the future of this forum!

I don't run this site but act as a moderator. In my opinion I think you are being too sensitive. There is no difference between someone not liking jews and not liking Catholics or blacks, or arabs or any other group. It is their personal opinion.

There was no direct insults of jewish people or remarks that would violate the forum rules.

I find the oversensitive complaint of "anti-semitism" to be a violation of a persons right to speak freely. As a European you should be very sensitive to this complaint as, in Europe, they throw people in jail and fine them for expressing their free speech rights. I find that very objectionable.

And I must be honest. I feel that because of the great power that jews exert over public policy in both Europe and the US, and because both those places have serious problems, that jews must bear a great amount of responsibility for those problems. I think they should be heavily criticized for many of the decisions they make and I support those that make those criticisms.

I hope you don't leave this forum for this reason but if you do I think it will be more likely that you are the intolerant one not us.

And please don't use the word "Nazi" in this respect. No one spoke of Naziism in this discussion. It is misleading and has nothing to do with this discussion.
"i like to tell everybody's ethnicity, i tell it for everybody, jew, black, arab, ect"

OHHH REALLY ? :help:

Stop with your lies and your hypocrisy!


I'm with you on the fact that promoting white sprinters and achievements shouldn't be done at the expense of other races, it isn't and shouldn't be about superiority and inferiority but about pride in one's race, heritage and culture.

However I don't believe what he said was racist, Catholicism and Judaism are religions, Jewish is a distinct race of the Semitic family. You cannot complain that someone mentioned someone being a Jew when every post is littered with references to black and white. You cannot pick and choose which races are acceptable to mention, that defeats the whole point of trying to be objective and having a reasoned debate on the issues of race and sports.

As for bandying around words like Nazi, it is unnecessary and unhelpful and the reason why such discussions on race and sport are seen as improper and inappropriate in polite society and have to be carried out in virtual anonymity online.
The Mr. Olympia contest tried to go drug free one year, the core of body building hated the results, and hence body building will forever remain a fringe sport dedicated to its core group. This happens in sports even NASCAR if you call it a sport it is always walking a fine line between its core and widening its appeal and now track is building its tree house and hanging up a sign that says "No outsiders." Bolt and the other juice heads are killing it off, but that is their prerogative if they want to narrow the appeal in track to its core supporters they have that choice. The NFL is the epitomy of a narrow caste having wide appeal, but even they try and make it seem like these participants are little different from you and I except for the usual blather about effort and dedication. Track ain't the NFL and if I hazard a guess the NFL has peaked itself.
One of the keys to running fast is having the ability to relax. For what ever reason, Christophe has looked very tense and nervous this year. He needs to know that if you run tight, you will run slow. Relaxation is the key to speed and speed endurance.
Well I don't feel that Christophe is more nervous than past year. Why do you say that? He just needs to concentrate before a race and this is his way to do it. This is his inherent character and it won't change in the future.

His performance in these OG is not good, but it's not so bad if we take all parameters into account and the fact that he had very bad luck with this semi-final (more difficult than others) and finally this horrible lane in final. I heard that the lane was chosen randomly between lanes 2, 3, 8 and 9. Really, he could not be less lucky. We have to be more indulgent towards Christophe. He will achieve great things in the future for sure.
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